Common Questions About "Ovarian Cysts Treatment Webmd"

got results from ca125 blood test - was 22. does that mean i'm ok? only, i read that ca125 results are not a completely reliable test for ovarian cancer. should i now be asking for some other test to rule out ovarian cancer or should i be content with the results from this blood test? any use in asking for another ca125 bloodtest some time in the future (to compare it to this one)?

I had 5 lg ovarian cysts that my dr. (OBGYN fertility) wanted to surgically remove from my uterus. I had a friend tell me about CASTER OIL as a remedy for naturally removing the cysts by using "cold pressed caster oil compresses". I tried this and it worked !!!- it actually removed all 5 of my cysts!! Now my doctor is upset with me. Saying it's not safe. Really and surgery is?? People have use caster oil since Before Christ. Why is this not safe?

s been 4 months since i started my treatment, but the problem is that i have developed twice during this period ovarian cysts 3-5 cm, which cause me great pain. My doctor insists that visanne should prevent me from developing ovarian cysts, and every time this happens i have to take for 20 days secondary progesterone. So my question is should i look for somethng else? Maybe my thiroid or any other hormones that could cause ovarian cysts?

Hi , this is the ovarian cancer forum for women diagnosed or fighting ovarian cancer, Im afraid none of us on here can answer what type of treatment she will have as we are not medical professionals . If you have any questions relating to ovarian cysts there is a very good forum where you will find a lot of information and some very nice ladies with experience of cysts who will try to help you .

Ovarian cysts are mostly benign, but there are riskier in older women. From what I have been told, in the case of older women, they might remove the whole ovary to avoid regrowth of the cyst. If discovered to be cancerous, they will remove both oavaries and fallopian tubes. It also depends on what type of cyst you have. Were you told? Talk to your doctor about how he/she plans on approaching this. Good luck!

Cysts in or around the ovaries may be a sign of a number of things, including but not limited to PCOS. I also have cysts around my ovaries and was diagnosed with multicystic ovarian syndrome. My OBGYN is one of the top docs in Chicago and has practiced for 30+ years. So, basically, he's seen it all. Please note, multicystic ovarian syndrome is different than polycystic ovarian syndrome.

I was looking for an alternative method on internet and came a across a website called ****************.com that sold ovarian cysts kit and was wondering if anybody has tried it and what the outcome was.

Mostly they are symptomless But Ovarian cysts can, however, cause problems if they twist, bleed, or rupture. Most ovarian cysts will go away on their own. One of the most effective treatments for ovarian cysts is use of contraceptive pills or progesterone pills. It can also be treated surgically and this procedure is known as drilling. Other modes of treatment are laparoscopic surgery, laparotomy or surgery for complicated ovarian cysts.

Polycystis Ovarian Syndrome was named for the appearance of the ovaries (which often are bumpy looking with lots of cysts on them), but it is certainly not the only symptom. It is important to understand that just because a woman have ovarian cysts doesn't mean she has PCOS. Blood work can help to diagnose PCOS. The cysts that appear with PCOS are a result of egg follicles not fully maturing or being released.

The typical presentation of ovarian cysts associated with PCOS is a strand of pearls which cannot always be differentiated as separate cysts on ultrasound. These types of cysts do not require treatment. Girls / women with PCOS who are overweight can usually improve their insulin resistance as well as the other characteristics of PCOS by losing some weight. Best of luck in finding a doctor who can help her.

Hormonal treatment in the form of birth control pills is the preferred treatment for reducing ovarian cysts. The pills will show there effects within 2 to 3 months. Ovarian drilling is a surgical procedure that can be associated with complications like adhesions. Hope this helps. The answer is based on information provided. Exact advice is not possible without a proper examination and investigations. You are requested to consult your Doctor. Take care and keep us posted.

9cm cysts in my left could something so small cause so much pain? what are the treatment options? i made an appt. with my gynecologists but its in 3wks.i did have a tubaligation 3 yrs ago at the age of 27, does that have anything to do with it? im tired of taking pain killers for almost 15 days out of the month.its affecting my work.any suggestions?

I think I would call your Dr., and tell him or her the same thing you told us. Cysts can and do sometimes last a few months . Since you have the diagnosis, I'd ask what the suggested treatment plan is ..I have no idea what type of IUD you have, but one that I've seen advertised on TV clearly states that ovarian cysts are a side affect, that will disappear.. otherwise I'm sorry I can't be more helpful..

i am 15 and i have had two very large ovarian cysts and i had my right ovary taken out last august and now i found out that i have another ovarian cyst on my left ovary and i am very scared what are some ways to treat it besides surgery it is a large hemorrhagic ovarian cyst.

I am a 37 year old woman with no kids who has recently being diagnosed with ovarian cancer based on a CA - 125 result and a transvaginal ultrasound. I have a history of ovarian cysts on the left ovary and they have grown over a period of a year, but they grow and break down, but they don't disappear. I haven't had any abnormal menstrual periods, bleeding or bloating.

Does birth control help with the pain from ovarian cysts? Does using birth control help ressolve the existing cysts? How long does it take for birth control to show progress in pain and resolution of ovarian cysts? I started using the nuva ring almost two weeks ago. I thought the pain was gone (as it had disappeared for over a week) then all of a sudden this weekend the pain returned with the same intensity. Does this mean the cysts are growing? I am growing extremely frustrated with the pain.

I have researched about ovarian cysts and cancer trying to find out what are the best treatment options. Also, I had a second opinion and this doctor told me that with a laparoscopy it would be enough. At the same time, I am worried since I have no kids and if they remove everything I can't have any. So that's why I have joined this site and try to find some answers. Thanks for your help and I'll let you know what happens.

History of previous ovarian cysts Irregular menstrual cycles Increased upper body fat distribution Early menstruation (11 years or younger) Infertility Hypothyroidism or hormonal imbalance Tamoxifen (Soltamox) therapy for breast cancer

Hi, Most of the times, simple cyst of the ovary will resolve spontaneously or with the help of birth control pills. Some cysts may increase in size and a regular follow up is essential. Cysts that grow larger than 5 cm are best removed surgically. Discuss with your Doctor. The answer is based on information provided. Exact advice is not possible without a proper examination and investigations. You are requested to consult your Doctor. Take care and keep us posted.