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My 4 year old son can't sit down ......I don't really believe in medicine any other options???
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757137 tn?1347196453
Have been busy for days so have not followed this thread. Learned of the above from my quests who were fresh out of England and much interested in ADHD. I should have gotten details from them. Alas, now they are gone.
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189897 tn?1441126518
      Try and find a short interactive book that he has to flip pages or move things on the page.  Once he gets involved in that it might be easier to move to another shorter book.   Books with color and big pictures will also help.  If he has any special interests that you can find a book on should also help.
      Perhaps try and take him shopping to pick out some books (probably want to make it a short trip for only books) that he would be interested in.
     Kids with ADHD can hyper focus on something if they are interested in it.  Of course we don't know if you son is just very active or has something like ADHD.   Actually, we really know very little about him.  Probably because everybody went off on the medication thing.  
     The first rule is to always figure out what is wrong before you start suggesting things to do.  
      So, one other thing you might look at is Sensory Processing Disorder which is not treated by medication (by the way).  Kids who have it can be very active and unlike ADHD kids are many times not able to hyper focus.
       You just might want to check out this link on SPD.  
And by the way, Specialmoms son has SPD and she has tons of info on it if you become interested.
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Thanks ill try again but he won't sit down let alone lay down
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189897 tn?1441126518
    I am going to include some pretty good links for helping a child get too sleep (and they have other good links on the side of the page).
    But, I do think that you should try the reading to him again.  It doesn't matter if he gets excited about it.  Kind of expected.  What matters is how is he doing 20 min. later?   I would try it for at least a week.  Don't fret about how excited he is getting.   If a week later, and after you have read to him for say 20 to 30 min., and he is still really excited after 30 min. of reading -  then, ya, time to try other ideas.
      The links are:
     Really hope these help!
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8 is his bedtime he won't fall asleep till ten I read to him but not at night it excites him to much and he does not get the tablet around bed time
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189897 tn?1441126518
     Getting enough sleep at this age is a huge deal in terms of behavior.  And actually falling asleep is the most important.  It doesn't help to take away his tablet if the stares at the ceiling for another hour.   Studies say that everybody should not be looking at electronics for 30 min. before going to bed.   Do you read to him after putting him to bed?  That is one of the best things that you can do.
     What  time do you normally try to put him down?  When does he usually get up?  I've got a few links of helping kids sleep.  I find and post those.
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He won't sleep....but now I bribe or tell him ill take away his tablet
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189897 tn?1441126518
    You are right.  He can't help it.   How would you feel if you got popped for things that  you could not control?
   By the way, at this age sleep is very important.  If he is not getting enough sleep, it will really mess him up during the day.
   I have included some links that hopefully you will find helpful.
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He has friends he can't sit down he does not listen.... he's my buddy but does not know how to quit I'm very aware of the symptoms I have adhd myself ......I just need advise on dealing with it poping don't help time out don't help I cut out alota sugar but kids will be kids you know I feel bad for poping him sometimes it feels as if he can't help it and I know the feeling!!
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5914096 tn?1399918987
I cannot find any articles suggesting that these drugs are actually banned in the UK.  However, there apparently was a push to ban it in 2008:


Whether these drugs are actually banned today in the UK is questionable.  I would think that a country banning Ritalin would have been all over the news.
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189897 tn?1441126518
   I am curious as well,  This was the only info I could find - which is pretty much like our own guidelines.  Do you have any newer info?
Updated Thu 25 Sep 2008, 9:24am AEST
Audio: UK doctors urged to limit child Ritalin prescriptions (AM)
Map: United Kingdom

The National Health Service in Britain has called for doctors to stop prescribing the controversial drug Ritalin for children under five years old.

New guidelines issued by the United Kingdom's two top health institutes state that drugs should be the last resort in treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

In children under five they say drugs should never be used.

The guidelines state that the drug Ritalin has no proven benefit in children under five but can in fact have dangerous side effects.

Instead, the official advice now states that in all cases of ADHD, doctors should offer parenting courses and education in the first instance.

Three per cent of school aged children in Britain are now diagnosed with ADHD.
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5914096 tn?1399918987
I wasn't aware of this.  What was their reason for banning these meds?
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757137 tn?1347196453
Note: England has banned the use of drugs such as Ritalin for children. Cheers!
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9780765 tn?1405910914
Have you tried taking out all dyes in foods? Cutting down the sugar levels? Or even going organic?  If you are truly worried that he has excessive energy that may require medications, but medications are no-good...... I would try these options before anything..... Taking my kids off dyes helped immensely!  But then to cut the sugars way down and to go organic has helped even more.  I have an 8 year old with high ADHD, high anxiety, and dyslexia and we are down to 5mg of meds a day!  And I have a 4 year old with OCD, sensory issues, and self abusive temper tantrums.  Changing the way we eat has helped both my kids out so much and myself!
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5914096 tn?1399918987
Treating a child with behavioral issues doesn't mean medication.  There are many other remedies that should be tried before medication should ever be considered.

In today's society, we look for the quick fix.  However, rarely does medication ever fix a problem such as behavioral issues.  Medication is a band aide approach and not a long term solution.  It is often easier to band aide a behavior problem with medication than solving the problem because to requires more work.
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9118730 tn?1401800652
I have the same concern. My child is now 5 and even her teachers has started complaining. I can however keep her a bit subdued at home by keeping her busy with different activities. I wish I can say the same at school. Like most here, I also am against medicating children for ADHD or ADD.
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9709782 tn?1405425445
I would completely agree here. I personally feel that most children should NOT be medicated for ADHD until all other avenues have been exhausted. There are exceptions under extreme cases. I fought with the school system for a few years myself, when they insisted that my son was ADHD and required medication. I never put him on any medication. He is 24 years old now, and only exhibits mild symptoms of ADD. He never was overly hyper, in my opinion, he was simply an active child that would get bored easily and entertain himself if he wasn't given something to occupy him. One teacher had great success keeping him focussed by allowing him to help other students. This kept him from finding his own ways to entertain himself, but only one teacher was willing to do this with him. Others wanted to medicate him to suppress his self-expression. Children naturally have A LOT more energy than adults. It is our job to channel that energy in productive, creative ways, not to suppress it. If your child is indeed ADHD or ADD, I believe he needs time to learn how to function with it, and grow before he is medicated into a dependancy. If later in life, he cannot control himself, and all attempts to focus him naturally have failed, then possibly medication is the answer. Just keep in mind, there are many side effects of medication, and addiction is highly possible. Of course, the decision is ultimately yours and your doctor's. I wish you the very best, it's not an easy battle!
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189897 tn?1441126518
    This might be helpful in telling you what is kind of typical 4 year old behavior and what is not.
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189897 tn?1441126518
   Most recent research is here if you are interested.
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189897 tn?1441126518
   Actually all research I have seen shows that kids with ADHD who were unmedicated have a much greater chance of self medication later in life.  I would be glad to provide the research to you if you are interested.  
    I certainly agree with the importance of routine.
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8976007 tn?1413330650
i would strongly suggest NOT medicating your child.  try to adjust his diet.  google hyperactive child and look at the results.
i assume he is not in school yet because he is 4, but want to forewarn you that when he does go to school they will pressure you into medicating him.  it is your right to REFUSE to do so.  some schools would medicate every child if they could.
you would not give your child meth would you??  of course not and that is why you should NOT give him adderall.  i do believe the research that points towards drug addictions later in life for kids who were medicated as children.
besides the diet i would structure his day.  routine is absolutely necessary for children as is boundaries and discipline.
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5914096 tn?1399918987
If he is breaking your rules, he must be disciplined for it per occurrence.  No child automatically has self-control.  All kids must learn how to control themselves.  Discipline teaches self control, not medication!
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189897 tn?1441126518
      Really, medicine for a 4 year old is not a normal option anyway.  Many 4 year olds are very active (so it may not be that abnormal).   Usually, what is recommended is to really have him doing something very active during the day and especially afternoon.  Fortunately, since it is summer, he can get outside and move.   Does he have any playmates that he can interact with in the afternoon.
    You also might try posting on the child behavior forum to see what other parents have done with very active 4 year olds.  http://www.medhelp.org/forums/Child-Behavior/show/64
      Now since you have posted to an ADHD forum, if you would like any information on what the symptoms are for ADHD (or Sensory Processing Disorder which also can make kids very active), please let me know.  Best wishes.
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