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**** The Palin -- Biden uh? debate****

Okay, I am watching now......crawled out from under the covers.......and boy, I can't wait to see what you all have to say.........I can't really comment now, but ........Looking much forward to your comments...........

41 Responses
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really enjoy reading all of ur comments!Forgot she and Bush removed the polar bear from endangered species list...........both tried to get legislation passed that if they drilled for oil they could remove/kill polar bears and any wildlife in their way...and they failed.....USA Defenders of Wildlife really kicks some butt for trying to preserve our lands and wildlife.As a teen i helped raise two of my sisters children....the second conceived due to a rape.I love my niece and nephew now in their 30's.....but minus the family help we couldn'tve done it.....and it was a rough road!And is it the millenium?It'll be a cold day in H when someone tells me what books  i should NOT be reading....i have a list of the books she tried 2 have banned from town library and failed at ..i've read 3/4 's of em!Loved loved loved SNL skits and Tina Fey...maybe 2 nite another skit regarding the VP debate?i'll stay tuned!
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175734 tn?1225134440
Wow sailing....good comment....I agree 100%
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636538 tn?1223529336
Animal rights aside...rape kits aside.....pregnant daughters and birth control issues aside......and carting your down's syndrome child on parade aside....I think that Palin.....

Wait a minute!  How can you put things like this aside?  Anyone who has read Farley Mowats book "Never Cry Wolf," will shake their head over the wolf vs. Carribou thing.  

Anyone who has ever taken care of a rape victim, was one, or knows one, will shake their heads over even the possibility of furthering the victimization of that person with getting a bill....or bills...in the mail following an exam.  (Imagine Jane Doe, now home and into rape recovery, trying to put her life back together.  She goes to the mail and gets her first bill  "Rape Kit $XXX, rape exam $XXX, Box of kleenex $XX, etc.)  Then after the initial onslaught of that bill, weeks later she gets another...this one from the lab and the MD who "read the report" etc....disgusting!

As for teenage pregnancy...I have a 17 year old who, if she came to me and asked me to get her any form of birth control from condoms to pills I would see that they are provided, even with my Catholic background.  Unwanted parenting is causing a backlash in our culture that we can't even begin to quanitfy!

It is by a person's fundamental actions and comments that we emerge with an idea as to their character.   Palin's character is highly questionable to me.

And Ibizan:  thanks for my gold star....read your whole comment!

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306867 tn?1299249709
Burr..........LOL   Well give that dog a kiss for me anyway.  She really is so cute.
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577285 tn?1706032371
lol ...yezzzz I realized this after I posted ....... lol  (red face) .. well, I'm sure you get my point. There more than enough misinformation in this post without me having to add to it! .. Sorry !!  zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

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306867 tn?1299249709
Not to offend Burr.....but it was George Washington that cut down the cherry tree. lol  
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577285 tn?1706032371
ol' Honest Abe would be a nice pick indeed! ... and while I'm still dreaming..how 'bout Jefferson or Adams ? Of course, the partys the presidents served under back then are no where near the two party system that we have today that have been hijacked on the right, by far right neo-conservative whack jobs and the left by the extreme left whackos. --- They certainly could never stand up to the finger pointing talking points that everyone is running around spewing out!! lol! I can hear it now .. "He's no honest abe ! He lied about cutting down that cherry tree, just like he lies about cutting your taxes !!" lol !! .... Back to dreamzzzzzzzzzzzz...
    - Burr P.
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Yeah Ibizan!  You said it!  I can't stand Sarah Palin.  She parades her children around in order to make herself look like a normal person but no good mother would ever, ever not talk her children about birth control or drag down syndrome children around in all that noise and crazy lights.  When I heard about women having to pay for their own rape kits, I was floored.  That's making someone a victim TWICE.  

Palin belongs in Alaska, watching Russia from her house.  She does not belong in Washington just one person away from the Presidency.  I am embarrassed to have her represent our country.

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306455 tn?1288862071
I can't believe anyone that is an animal lover would back this woman. But I'm getting bored with the Palin thing.
What I think now is if McCain/Palin were to get elected (not likely), republicans will slowly have to go into hiding, because another 4 years on top of the past 8, people are gonna start freaking out and start takeing it out on those that caused the next great depression.
We're angry and we're not gonna take it any more.

Just my opinion
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306867 tn?1299249709
Sooo true.  Most people that have a 17 yr old pregnant daughter will not be able to afford a nanny. Most teenage pregnancies cause them to drop out of school.  Her daughter and family has been afforded many luxuries that most are not.  
It still really is where she stands on the issues that I can't agree with.
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I was reading about Palin for 2 years b4 she was nominated for VP.She instituted an aerial gunning of wolves for she believes that the wolves are decimating the elk caribou and moose population in Alaska for the natives.I think her real concern is losing big money to hunters who come there to hunt.A 2000 lb elderly moose will feed a pack of wolves for a week or 2...and 1 out of 3 wolf pups makes it in the wild.She also offerred and incentive to hunters to sever the foreleg of the wolf for $150.These wolves are shot in the back,left to die then they go pick them up later.She likes to shoot them as well.....what kind of woman is this?This is info is supported by USA Defenders of Wildlife of which i support.Since her tenure 800 wolves have died.B4 Sarah Palin came along nature kept itself in check!She vetoed spending $$ for rape kits in Wasilla 2005-2006 not wanting to burden the taxpayers with an extra 5-14 grand a year....if u got raped in Wasilla u paid for ur own exam!She denied doing this and blamed the police chief for making the decision on his own!such BS!It is a proven statistic that abstinence based only sex education programs do not work..had her poor daughter had some knowledge maybe her unwanted pg could have been avoided.And stop dragging that poor Trig all around the country soccer mom!Notice how that baby reacts to all the noise and lights pounding him on a stage?Not good for a Downs Syndrome child!I could go on and on about this inexperienced cornball with her lil folksy sayings and her winkings but she is not qualified to be a VP.....knows nothing about foreign affairs......even tho Russia is her neighbor!:)Biden has foreign experience we need....there is no messiah in this mess but mcCain and Palin would be another Bush repeat...they have supported him for 8 years despite their claims of not.....so much BS flying around........McCain and Palin are like a crochety old granpa who reminsices with his war stories and she is like a dutiful lil granddaughter who trots around by him not answering questions.....and by the way ya'll get xtra credit for reading this!!!!!:)oh and sh e keeps saying she is a middle class member....how many MC members have a net worth of over 1 million bucks?
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460185 tn?1326077772
I wouldn't mind seeing Abe Lincoln as the Presidential nominee.  He was the first Republican president in a time when the Republican party was just formed and he did a pretty good job.

In Canada, all the candidates look the same  = (

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577285 tn?1706032371
Amen, sis ...Could you imagine private industry having there top dogs and CEO's consistently failing, quarter after quarter, year after year, decade after decade and still having their jobs !!???  lol !! They would be thrown out after one year...these cradle to the grave lifelong failures entrench themselves in the house and senate for longer than most people live !! ..... feeding off American blood , sweat and tears and lining their pockets and the pockets of their special interests with stolen money from hard working folks ! lol  I will reign it in now before I start to offend ... lol ... back to the dream I was having of the people taking back this Great and Noble country that I love sooo ....
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611067 tn?1458591483
I agree.  Biden isn't a "change you can count on."  He's a part of the history that has us where we are now.  He's one of the Washington insiders.  I like him and how he handled the situation with his wife dying tragically and was there for his kids.  But, other than that, he's just like every other insider in Washington.  We need real change and I truly believe someone like Palin could be that change.  She even made sure the country knew last night she wasn't a Washignton insider.  That was hilarious!  Of course, McCain is an insider too. Obama is extremely inexperienced - even moreso than Palin.  I think a lot of conservatives wish Palin was the nominee for President.  
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577285 tn?1706032371
Biden looked tired and outclassed. Same ol' , same ol', talking point Joe.
Couldn't wait for him to stop blabbering about "Scrrrrraanton" and how much time he spends at "Home Depot" so that I could hear some good ol' mid western strait talk.. ......  SCRRRRRRAAAANTON !!.. What a clown !!  lol!!
The leftist media show's it's stripes yet again by proclaiming Blabbering Biden a winner after such an obvious trouncing. SARA Rocks and McClown should be grateful Indeed !! lol  Wish she was in the top spot. That's the REAL change this country needs! Get rid of the corrupt slime balls that have been slinking around Washin'Toon for the last 100 years and give It back to the People ! I know ... I'm a dreamer.   ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ !!

Hey Vic, nice looking dog !!  ... Yourn ?
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I am not sure I could either, but I am not sure an attorney could pass the professional engineers exam. I guess the point was lost.
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306867 tn?1299249709
Vic...........good point ....I don't think McCain or Palin could pass the Bar exam. lol   (sorry couldn't help myslef)   Hugs,  Mary
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I find it interesting that both Obama and Biden are attorneys.

BTW, what do you call 1000 attorneys at the bottom of the ocean?  A start!

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556087 tn?1226595414
joe biden has more time in the senate then mccain and palin put togeather she is still dodging questions still did an exceptionable job last night but i dont think shes ready joe behaved himself wich is suprising he tends to be really arrogant at times but joe also knows what this country needs
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615048 tn?1226186203
she is great ,did a good job last night!!!!!!!!!!
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306455 tn?1288862071
A little humor
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402205 tn?1230481005
Okay this is one issue I will say something about since I have a degree in a science field and worked for an environmental company. Global warming is not all man made. People may have accelerated it but we have had many different weather cycles throughout history and have only recorded weather in the last 150 years. We have had extreme cold and extreme hot and everything in between. We definitely haven't helped it but it started before us.
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306867 tn?1299249709
Nuredshuz.........I agree Palin is not a Washington insider, and she is a go getter. BUT.....the bottom line is where she stands on the issues.  I personally don't agree with where she stands on taxes, healthcare, global warming, war, abortion, or how she plans to turn this economy around.  Would she be a good administrator of a company ...yes ...probably, but to change the direction of this country.....nope.
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306455 tn?1288862071
I have to say, there were so many moments that my stomach cringed when Palin spoke. If this is the real Palin, she probably should go back to Alaska and enjoy her popularity with all the men. Wink, Wink.
If Palin was intimadated by Couric, she is certainly not ready for the big time. There would be a lot more intimadating advisaries she would have to deal with as VP or Pres, where her cutsie, Pom-Pom girl atitude just won't cut it.  I could have done better in the Couric interview than she did.
I think it's a bad sign that people set the bar so low for her. Shouldn't we be setting the bar way up there for the leaders of our country?
I think it's insanity that people are attracted to this woman for the VP/Pres position. This is not the position for Head of the Bake Sale, she's trying out for. Did you listen to her? Did you catch the answers she gave?  Or where you blinded by her cuteness?   I don't see Osama Ben Laden decideing not to kill us because Palin winked at him....actually, he might go for her first.
I'm afraid she might decorate the White House with Moose Heads and Teddy Bears.
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