199177 tn?1490498534

Any have more then 15 teeth pulled

Have anyone had more then 15 teeth removed all at once and if so how bad will this be .I have to them removed to put an implant in  to see if they can help fix my bite then to have my disks replaced in my jaw joints .I was doing fine until they called today and moved my appointment up to Monday now i am scared $hitliess.So 1 to 10 what am I looking at here ?
32 Responses
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Oh dear God! Sorry had to say that!! I have had 6 done. Are they putting you to sleep?
I was knocked out. I did have pain pills but had hubby give them out. You going to need them. Tons of salt water rinses. I also took advil to help when I could not stand it anymore. I was on Pain pills for 4 days. flushed the rest.

I am glad you are getting this done. Hopefully this will put a end to all the pain you have having. Are they going to do the disc at the same time?

Your a tuff cookie, 2 weeks down the road you will be glad you did it. I have 6 implants, some bone graphs. Just prepare. Have everything you need on hand.
Soft food.

Let me know how you are doing.

Love ya!!

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199177 tn?1490498534
No they cant repair that disks at the same time my bite is so off they have to get the implant in and see what that does to my bite .If it does not fix it they well have to saw the jaw place it correctly then repair the disks so lets hope the implant fixes my bite becuse I have seen the moving the jaw sugery and it looks REALLY badddddddd. YES I will be complelty knocked out .They have some work they  are going to have to cut into the gum so there was no way I could do that without being out .
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It was in 1960 that I had sixteen teeth removed. I couldn't afford false teeth at that time so for the next 15yers I went without them. I could eat an apple and chew through a steak after about five years. I was given penathol but it didn't take for some reason so they gave me gas which was very stupid. Whwen they asked me if I was okay I must have said yes because the next thing I knew I was walking down the middle of the road with cars whizzing by me. A cab driver yelled at me thinking I was drunk but when he saw the gauze in my mouth he pulled, put me in the cab and drove me home after seeing my address in my wallet. He never charged me for the ride. I spent the next week in absolute pain because I couldn't afford pain killers. The only yhing I could do was rinse my mouth constantly with warm water and drink warm soup. I was so sick of soup after that that I rarely ate any for a long time once I was able to eat normally. I suggest pain killers but be careful with them. Take only what you need to ease the pain.
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271792 tn?1334979657
You would have to shoot me!
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176495 tn?1301280412
I had all my top teeth pulled in one day in prep for dentures..was no picnic (thanks to nitrous) and I was not very comfortable after...but in a day or 2 I was OK..couldn't eat much and OD'd on soup, etc..took a few days..

pain meds helped but I tossed them out when I was done..Now I just hate dentures..

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199177 tn?1490498534
Thanks everyone ,
Really it just one painful step to fix the only pain issue I have left .I was sooo lucky to find this doctor I have been looking for one for the whole time I have been here . So as big of a baby as I am he does great work  in a great hospital .They will put a perment piece with time . I know its going to hurt they will be putting me all the way out .If I need something for a few days after I will. We have a protocol we use when needed .I am really glad i don't smoke anymore can you imagine how many dry sockets that would be .
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1345254 tn?1325918041
I went to dentist at 7am had all teeth on top pulled 9 on bottom pulled dentures slapped In on top, partial on bottom and was at work by 1 pm!! I couldn't talk and was all swollen but hey... I was there!! Good luck. I hope it works for u!!
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199177 tn?1490498534
thank you thats what I am hoping forLOL I hear the pain is less when you have the denture put in right away which is what they will put in a temp until  the perment one
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Dry sockets are the worst !!!  Very painful. Yes,it's good you don't smoke anymore.
No sucking at all for a while...you know,through a straw... ;)

Hope this goes well for you...UGH!!  One more thing,huh?  But,then that's it!!!


Icntkickit~ You went to work?  LOL   I'd have been home milkin' it for all it's worth!  I would have been sent home !!
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1213301 tn?1281738653
Good luck on Monday....I hope that it goes by quick and also your recovery!  
Stock up on lots of ice cream and popsicles!!!!  Great excuse to eat a whole bunch!!
Prayers for you on Monday!!!!
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199177 tn?1490498534
yeah it funny I have lost so much weight lately because I started working out again I have like 5 more pounds to go this will do it LOL
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176495 tn?1301280412
Good luck, Avisg....will be "pulling" for you...hope everything comes out alright ;-)

seriously...best of luck to you.

Jim who has his dentist listed as "torture chamber" on his phone
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495284 tn?1333894042
I will send you all the ice cream you want........I have connections!!!  LOL
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lol Torture Chamber lol!!!

Stop we going make more scared then she already is.
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176495 tn?1301280412
sorry...I do like this dentist but have been scared you know whatless of them since I was a youngster...

I'll take some ice cream too please..  Edy's Espresso Chip will do just fine, thank you

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199177 tn?1490498534
LOL laughter is the best medicine
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176495 tn?1301280412
Many years ago I had my wisdom teeth out..and I had all sorts of stitches in my mouth...and was under the influence of the meds they gave me and another substance made popular in the 60's...my roomate and I went to see Blazing Saddles...OMG I almost died.

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230262 tn?1316645934
wishing you the best avis! believe it or not Im jealous you are getting this done! (and you know i HATE going to dentist!!!) but I wish I could get knocked out and wake up with no teeth in my mouth! Im still waiting.......for mine to naturally finish rotting out of my head and drop into a cup here LOL.  sad but true. Cant get insurance, cant pass a credit check for a prepaid loan for it and omg they are getting worse rapidly. So count yourself lucky yu are able to get this done. It wont be a picnic, but you'll heal =)
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199177 tn?1490498534
I am lucky to have dent ins mine doesn't cover a whole lot but some and some is better nothing also all of the jaw work (which is the really expensive part) is covered under my normal ins .
I was hoping all of the implant would be covered because my teeth braking is from the jaw but it wont . I am sure our part for the dental part still run in the thousands . The pain has been pretty nasty since they did the impressions so I am at the point i am ready at least until the novocaine weres off Monday then i might not be soooooo ready .
I will tell you honestly what has helped me alot oddly enough more then advil ect ect has been the most effective as been orajel i think I am probably the only adult running around with multiple bottles of it in there purse with no theething kids:)
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Hey, I had a year and 8 months worth of repair on my jaw and some implants done in back.  It wasn't the most horrible thing ever, but I'm glad it's over!  It hurt after each surgery for about 3 days pretty bad and then got better.  The surgeries were 6 months apart to allow healing.  I had bone grafting too.  YUCK!

I'm sorry you have to go through it!  
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617347 tn?1331293081
Avis, all the luck and the best tomorrow !!!! :)
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I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Hang tight OK?
Let us know how you are when you can.

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199177 tn?1490498534
Thanks everyone I will let everyone know soon as I can
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They better not hurt you!!!  Frozen peas in a bag make nice little ice packs...
Stay comfortable... :)

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