306867 tn?1299249709

OK here's a good one !

Which presidential canidate do you think is more intelegent ?  Not talking personalities here, just intelegence.  If they were both sat down and made to take an IQ test who would score best ?

Same thing for Vice pres. canidate's ?

18 Responses
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577285 tn?1706032371
Serious stuff afoot ? Yesss...Indeed there is...and this time WMD's are a little more than a rumor.....

I'm not trying to scare anybody , I'm just pointing out that while most folks are watching that Idiot Rivera blow around in the winds of " IKE "and the news blah , blah , blah , blah's on for days reporting on a very serious hurricane , that the rest of the REAL news is being covered up. IKE is a serious Issue that has the potential to affect millions of Americans and I pray that everybody is spared from yet another hit on our beloved southern states and neighbors. Just don't tell me that there's no room to Inform the people that supposedly run this country of events that could very well start a world war!! Israel has had their finger on " The Samson Option " for years and we all know they will use it. Russia , Iran and Venezuela are the new " Axis of evil " and their daily aggression is going to the point of no return. The links posted above are just the events the powers that be think that we can handle , even though they are not widely reported.  Yes ... lovepat , the Man behind the curtain Indeed !!  Who's watching the watchers ?
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518798 tn?1295212279
Well you know where I stand on the issue.  I also agree on the fact that intelligence isn't the only thing you should consider.  I have some students with 4.0's and they can't change a light bulb.
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You are exactly right.There is serious stuff afoot- while we are being distracted by dog whistles. As I said on another thread- it is not just IQ and education- it is common- or maybe I should say "uncommon sense". We need to pay attention to the " man behind the curtain"...
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306455 tn?1288862071
Welcome to the Social side! And feel free to rant. lol   You can talk about almost anything over here and some of us love good political debates. So join in and speak your mind.....as long as your for OBAMA!!!!!!!   LOL

GO OBAMA!!!!!!
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577285 tn?1706032371
If I may , I would like to take a shot this discussion. First of all , I know a "Michigan" graduate English teacher that didn't know that you can see the " Milky Way ". One clear night I commented on the spectacular view of the M.W. and the giant spiraling arms.  His reply was , " But you can't see the M.W. , we live in it "!! This from a man who has mastered the English language to the extent that you can barely understand him!! Since a child he walked with his head higher than the rest of us dumb idiots and the arrogant ***** still does !! So many of the so called " Gifted Intellects " seem to have the common sense to match a moth flying into a campfire. I did not know that MedHelp had a social site where folks could chat about something more than the same ol' same ol' and I'm so pleased to find it!  Why  , you guy's are talking " Red " and " Blue " Politics and no one is spewing hate at each other !!!  LOL !! Maybe we should get some alcoholics and drug addicts that suffer from panic attacks and chronic pain to run this country !!  LOL !! I must add though ,  that while the media circus is entertaining the masses with " Lipstick " , "Old Grey White Guy's" , " Young Black People" , " Experience " and " Inexperience " that the world is sliding down the slippery slope of no return !!  WE HAVE A MASSIVE DEPLOYMENT UNDER WAY TO THE MEDITERRANEAN AND RED SEAS TO ENGAGE THE RUSSIANS AND IRANIANS.  RUSSIA IS THREATENING TO LAUNCH MISSILES AT OUR MISSILE SITES IN POLAND , CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE AS WELL AS THE CZECH REPUBLIC.  IRAN IS PREPARING FOR WAR , ISRAEL IS SCRAMBLING IN EMERGENCY MEETINGS , TWO RUSSIAN NUCLEAR STRATEGIC BOMBERS HAVE LANDED IN VENEZUELA.  NORTH KOREA HAS BUILT A 2ND LONG RANGE BALLISTIC MISSILE SITE , EARTH QUAKES ARE BEING REPORTED ALMOST DAILY , HURRICANES AND TYPHOONS ARE MORE POWERFUL THEN EVER AND STRIKING WORLDWIDE AND HOMELAND SECURITY HAS DECLARED AN EMERGENCY ALERT.   ----- I wrote this in upper case for effect !!
The world is going to #ell and all the media can talk about is LIPSTICK !! I had to find this info by digging deep into some unconventional news sources on the INTERNET! The Usual suspects like FOX , CNN , MSNBC , ABC and even BBC are not reporting anything mentioned above !! I'm very sorry if I ruined a light hearted discussion with my rantings ..... Now I feel like a jerk! LOL!! ..but I seen ya guys discussing Politics here and I thought I'd Throw in my 2 cents....errr , I mean $1.50...Guess I was tired of talking the same ol' same ol'.  Thanks , fer listening.
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It might be interesting to note that here in Canada and of course other countries, intelligence is not a prime requisite for the head of a political party. They must have the proper areas for the behind of scenes puppeteers to attach the strings for control. No head of Government unless a dictator who rules by might,is actually what he appears to be. There is a shadow government in thebackground that actually makes the decisions which they then impart to the head of state. He in turn parrots these decisions as if his own. Were he not willing to accept the will of the super political members of his party he would be on the outside looking in while they find someone who will comply.  Do not be fooled. What you see as head of a democratic country is an illusion. One that has been molded to what the electorate wants and who in the final analysis is nothing more than a puppet. If he was singer he would be doing nothing except lipsyncing.
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McCain graduated 894th out of 899 in his Naval academy class.
Obama was editor of the Harvard Law Review.
Yup. Hands down McSame.

Truth be told, our society does not really value intelligence or education.Hence the bumper sticker" My kid beat up your honor student". Another example the circus that the Republicans are creating to divert our attention from the real  issues.
Obama:Here is my detailed plan for supporting small business owners in this flagging economy...
McSame: LOOK! A pig with lipstick on!!!!
Palin: Waaaaaahhhhh !!!!!!!!
( They make us look
    the dirty crooks
    and then they steal our pocket books...)
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306867 tn?1299249709
I don't see any red lines ????????????   Quit  %^$$#&^% ing with me. lol
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Uh.......Mary?.......The spell check is in Med-help.......when you see a red line under the misspelled word.....right click on it and .....WaZoom !!!!

hahahhaha.........I love F-in with you.........

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306867 tn?1299249709
Nauty......LMAO   good thing I'm not running for president. My spelling ***** and I can't find the spell check on my new puter  :(
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Mary.....you misspelled Intelligent .......Lmao!!!   Sorry, but that is funny......;-))

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306867 tn?1299249709
I agree intelegence should not be the only consideration, but sure don't hurt. lol

My x-hubby was super intelegent, but couldn't empty the dishwasher. lol
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429432 tn?1343594190
BTW, vic...I think I married Larry the Cable Guy!!!....LOL....=)
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429432 tn?1343594190
I'm pretty sure I would qualify for Mensa...quit picking on us...yes, "smart" people have trouble understanding the world and we do make poor choices...doesn't mean I'm any better than anyone else OBVIOUSLY...book smart..yes...life smart...DUHHhhh...=P....my IQ is 140...but a lot of the time, I look like an idiot!!!! Because in a lot of areas , I am!!!
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Mc Cain .......Please.  that was a given Mary.......
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I am not sure that is a good qualification on it's own.

I had a Prof that was a card carrying member of Mensa. He was a nice guy, really smart, but could not teach well and could not communicate with us "stupid" people. I have also worked with many PhDs over the years, obviously smart people, but we would not let them do anything in the lab without direct supervision.

Of course Larry the cable guy may not be the best choice either.
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606696 tn?1268737468
Obama...MCain sounds just like G.W.B I can't take another 4 years of that...MCains voice makes me cringe!!
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612205 tn?1225594910
OBAMA hands down>>
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