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I am a Police Officer

My story is this..got hurt chasing a drug addict..which in hindsight cracks me up. I needed two surgerys and became DEPENDENT on pain pills. I told my surguen I was addicted, I was in tears and he laughed at me. I asked him for xanax or anything because the anxiety was killing me, he said nope your not trading one addiction for another. He put me on a kick *** easy as pie taper program. I did the taper with zero problems and am 40 days clean.

I want to give back to the community that has helped me through a hard time in my life. This sounds stupid while I was tapering I was full of hate of myself. I would get scared and angry when I saw a commercial for the cleaner and intervention. I would read posts here that scared the **** out of me. In hindsight that was awesome. I now read and contribute...dont hate me, i am just doing whats best for me..but I read your storys and it makes me feel better I didnt let this happen to me and it inspires me to NEVER put myself in this predictiment again. I also at this second am watching intervention, and just finished watching the cleaner..same reason.

I am a cop..I know the laws and can help with any cop questions.

Let me answer the top two before you smart ***** ask them! lol

Cops love donuts..dont you! Okay seriously how the cop and donut thing came about..donut shops use to be open 24/7 and the  midnight guys would hang out there because donuts are full of carbs and along with the coffee would keep them awake and full of energy.

Cops are Pigs..my favorite..the truth behind it. Okay the first organized police dept was in new york, there batons were made of pig skin. when people were rioting or being bad..the cops would beat them with there batons..so when the cops were coming, people would scream here comes the pigs in reference to there about to get hit with the batons. So when someone calls me a pig..I laugh..your basically telling me im about to whoop your ***!

Seriously, I am a good honest and caring pig..i mean cop. I never arrested anyone,people arrest themselves. I never used excessive force..but once..I kept getting called to a guys house who beat his 6 yr old..I locked him up twice..I told him from now on..he hits her..i hit him. He hit her again..I threw him down the steps, and he resisted still and I hit him over and over again.I then told him the next time he hurts her I would kill him. He never hurt her again..If he does I will kill him.

I love to help people, my brain is wired that way. I will gladly give my life to protect someone. Im not racist..idiots come in all colors..I just happen to be a white cop in the black hood. I spend alot of time hanging on the corner talking to the corner boys. I  am trying to teach them young, but am losing the battle because there parents wont help. I have no fear of any man..other than myself and making poor choices, that will ruin my life.

You all are good people, dont hate yourself like I did..or maybe you should, maybe thats what really helped me..dont know.

I am ready to give back to this community, so ask away.
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LOL I let most people go anyway....
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I understand what you are saying, dont' think I don't get it, cause I do !!.......I guess in all facets of life, we have to learn to talk to people in a manner in which they understand, but must be very careful as a professional that we don't cross the line.  If you want to be a vigilante and and do that, fine.....

MovieNut.....i think it's noble of you to be willing to lay down your life for someone else, that's why I am not a police officer.  Now, certainly I would do the same for a child...or like to think I would.  Don't know until i get there, but like to think I would.

I can't imagine working in a profession of constant negativity where I am called out all day or night to address the "darkside" of life, and constantly having to watch my back.  I would think after any prolonged exposure to that would make me an a-hole, or cop and attitude......no pun intended....:-) and I understand how one can easily abuse their power.  One will always say that there is "no excuse" but, the fact is we are all human regardless.........

I also know how to get out a speeding ticket........should I give away my secret for 99% accuracy ......okay, I will.......

When you see the red & blue flashing lights behind you.....immediately look at your speedometer.  if you are say going 75, pull over and when you get that ......"do you know why I pulled you over" ugh......just give a puppy dog face and say "yes officer" and say you think you were speeding.  When he brings up the the speed always say you thought you were going at least 10 miles per hour faster than you know you were.....hehe.....they are usually taken a back a little and smile and appreciate your honesty.......It has worked for me........

The More You know........

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I have found that frequently an open and sincere threat does more to remedy a poor situation than all the "you shoulda done that instead....." talk that you can dish out.  people that require multiple calls to straighten out a problem with a 6 yr old are probably not prime communicators. Sometimes they only understand one approach.....................
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This girl is 6yrs old, she could be the doctor who finds the cure for cancer, she could be the president who gives the world peace. Or she might turn out to be a drug addict. I dont know. Right now she is clean and could be great for all of us. I am just a dumb cop and thats all I will ever be. I will do what ever it takes for ANY child to have the chance  to be great. If it cost me my life..its a small price to pay. I could get shot down in the streets like a dog from a crackhead...ive known quite a few officers who have. And will know more.

Our legal system is sooo screwed up, that criminals get away with a slap on the hand. And the new breed of cop..is out for paychecks. I renember when we compared arrest records, the new guys compare paychecks. I feel bad because this country is headed in the crapper.
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I disagree with the 6 yr. old situation.  If a cop gets to the point that he or she threatens to "kill" a subject, he needs a leave of absence.  The essence of a true officer is great restraint in upholding the law.  Don't me wrong......I have been around enough of them to know that the job is certainly not for everyone and requires a steel upper lip.  A job the easily and widely abused....

I have the utmost respect for what you do, and am not trying to diminish that. After all, you guys are only human, under paid, and widely disliked.  funny though, the first person the haters call when they need  help.......

Don't be rollin your eyes people.  I am on my high-horse ridin soap box today.....let me be.

Keep on keepin the peace!

God Bless,
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You answered most questions that one could ask - - the dope/addiction thing knows no educational,intellectual, financial, or family distinctions. It can get anyone.....on either side of our laws. And I was always told that PIG stood for Pride, Integrity, and Guts. The few "pigs" that spoil the apple barrel are the vast minority. But they give a black eye to the whole force. You may probably be more well versed than most cocerning this drug problem today. And you know how extensive it is........and you should also know that enforcement isnt even close to the answer to this one..only partial.....Dont have your answer to stopping the crack problem in any reasonable way - - years ago I would have mentioned "Darwinism. And survival of the fittest." - - but today I just see lives and families and communities destroyed and it makes me sick.    Congratsulations to one of our finest that is beating a very hard problem and doing the best job that he can for the community........   And Kudo's for the 6 yr olds dad - I am a 15 year Boy Scout Leader with two bio sons and many acquired sons........ Kids deserve childhoods with decent men around them........not WHATEVER male happens to cycle through for awhile.......Best of luck to you in your efforts and with your job.............eagle
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Hey, Movie......

Thank you for sharing your story........I don't really have any questions because you answered them all......lol.

As far as watching Intervention and shows like the Cleaner.  I can't watch them.  They just are not good for me.  They were when I was in early sobriety, but I find when I watch them I get a funky anxiety that almost feels like a trigger.  NOTHING does that to me, so I stay away.

Anyway thanks again for sharing your story, and your desire to give back to the med-help community is truly commendable. I am sure you are a fine officer of the law, and if you stick around this hood for while, I am sure you will be a great example for many,and you never know.......You might even learn more about yourself.  I know I did........

Congrats on your 40 days of sobriety !!

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