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1238606 tn?1304201621

Jail for prescriptiom fraud?

Hi, well I have read some older post concerning this but not sure how it ended up. I am a 34 year old wife and mother, I have a very active life with my children. About 2 years ago I was prescribed Lortab and Soma to help with my migraines. Well after a while I became addicted to it. Now I have never been on street drugs or ever drank so this addiction was new to me and I didn't confide in anyone due to my embarrassment bout it. Oh ( did I mention that my husband is an associate pastor of a local church) This went on for about a year. I liked the feeling of happiness, energy, and not feeling stressed out. Well after a while I had to take more and more. The most I have been on is about 10-12 Lortab 10/500 a day. Well I did something really stupid. After doctor rx wern't enough I called in my own rx. After a while I realized I had a problem and confided in my husband and I went to a medical detox center. Now I have been clean for 9 month now. Now my past has come back and I was confronted by some police.  I told them everything and was completly honest. They did have a warrent for my arrest and let me turn myself in the next day.  Now I am facing court and have no idea what to expect. The police did search my house for the meds but found none and I offered to do a drug test. I have no past record and I know what I did is a felony and wonder if it mandatory jail time. I know what I did was wrong and I am willing to pay the price.  I am scared of jail but gotta do what u gotta do. I am wondering if anyone else has been though this and what was the outcome?  any help would be appriciated.
43 Responses
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1238606 tn?1304201621
Well I had my court day today and I had a plea of complete 60 hrs of drug court and if I stay clean then all my charges will be dropped. I really have no clue what drug court is and I will find that out tomorrow. But I am clean so I don't feel I anything to worry about.  I am charged in another parish but hopefully will have the same outcome.  That court day is not until June.   so thanks for all the support, it helped me so much during this time...((((((((hugs to all of you)))))))))
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Kajama and Addicted 32

I am also a nurse - an RN.  When I was arrested 12 years ago for calling in prescriptions and could no longer get pills that way, I began taking them from the hospital I worked at.  With the amount I was taking it only took 2 weeks for me to get caught.  I lost my job and was turned in to the state board of nursing by the hospital, while at the same time dealing with the arrest.  It was definitely the low point of my life.  I hired a lawyer to represent my case with the nursing board.  Many people would have had their licenses suspended or revoked, but thanks to my lawyer I was able to get off with probation and a restricted license for 3 years.

It was a long and difficult time in my life - in the middle of everything I also went through a divorce and had to move - and finding someone to hire me was not easy!  But now, I'm glad it was a tough time - it was a challenge and I fought hard to beat it.  If it had been easy, I would not have stayed clean.  I also became very active in the 12 step community and developed a support system of wonderful people.

I knew I could not go back to work in a hospital or I would relapse.  I ended up going back to school and got a degree in nursing informatics.  For the past 7 years I have worked in the health insurance industry with computer software.  It is a much better and higher paying job than I would have ever had working in as a staff nurse.  Anyway, my point is that this can actually end up to be a good thing in your life - it may take you to places you never would have thought of before.  One day at a time you stay clean and do the right thing and suddenly you look back and are amazed at how far you've come.  Good luck!

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1238606 tn?1304201621
First of all you cant call in oxycontin. That is one of those you have to have a written prescription and you will get caught. I haven't haven't given my lienses yet but I am willing if the judge wants me too. I just know I can't be in that enviroment again. In my opion now, it was so not worth it. It is a felony and holds up to 5 years jail time. I have hurt so many people in my family.  think of your baby, you could be taken away from her. The risk outweigh the benifits. If I could go back i would go to a different doctor and tell them of your problem (be prepared if the won't take you as a paitent) that happened to me twice. But some doctors are willing to help. They would give you a certin amout to help you taper down and maybe some benzos to help with some of the withdrawal symptoms.  You need to decide that you want to get off of them first and foremost. the doctors out there will help you. There are medicines out there that will help you become clean. But PLEASE don't do what I did, It is not worth the heartache and pain
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I just took my last 2 5mgs of oxycontin and I'm struggeling.  I can pick up 4 more pills at Drs office.   My last script was suppossed to last me until this friday.  Im ready to call them in too right now.  I have been searching the internet to see if I could buy them.  I have not acted on it but these are my thoughts.  I have a 2 month year old baby to take care of and I'm struggeling I keep wondering if I should call a pain dr and ask him just for some vicodin to get me through.  Did you have to give up your license or do u just want too?
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1238606 tn?1304201621
Thanks for your input Jamcat, I have my 2nd court apparence tommorrow so I am hoping things will go for the better.


It took them over a year to catch me.  The pharmacy actually notified the doctor. My addiction kinda got out of hand and I made the mistake of calling in too many lortab for the amount of time to take. Example: 90 lortab to take every 6 hrs. Then 2 weeks later and called in the same amout. I should of called in 90 every 4hrs. I kept needing more and more.  I never did this while I worked for the doctor, I quit on my own and that is when I started doing it.  I have been a nurse for over 10 years and I know my weakness and can't go back to nursing. I will give up my licence either way so I just hope I can find another job. hope that answerd your question. Oh I was addicted before I quit nursing and my doctor prescribed them for me legally, If I would get a migraine at work, he would give me demerol and phenergan, tell me to lay down for about 30 min. then I would get back on the floor. The doctor is not pressing charges it is the pharmacy now.
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What I want to know is how do they catch you doing this??  I don't get it.  I can see if you forge a perscription but calling one in?  Kajama, I'm a LPN also and struggeling with addiction and I seriously have been thinking that maybe I just can't be a nurse anymore because of my problem.  Have you thought about this also?  I'm just curious what happened to you.
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I just read your post and was wondering how things turned out in court.  I went through the same situation 12 years ago (in Missouri) when I was caught phoning in Vicodin prescriptions for myself.  It was my first and only offense and I got 5 years probation with some community service hours.  Mine was labeled an SIS, which means it became a closed record after my probation was over and does not show up on most background checks now.  Good luck, the whole thing is a very humbling experience.  Like you, I was married with children and monthly trips to the probation office was not something I enjoyed, but the experience got me to admit I had a problem and enter into a recovery program.
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Hey!  I'm sure it will go well...You have a lot in your favor...A judge does not want to take a remorseful Mom away from her children.  Now with a bipolar diagnosis...it's understandable.  Many bipolars self medicate to feel better.  I believe that's what happened to you...
Let me know what happens...(I did get your PM)       :)
Have a blessed weekend~
Vicki  xo
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1238606 tn?1304201621
court next week , Please pray for me,  I am not going in expecting to get out scot free, cause I know I did wrong but my only concern is my family, my 3 beautiful children will not understand if I have to go to jail.  I just pray God will show His mercy on me.  I would like to do community service, where I can use my skills such as nursing and MMA background to help other people.  I just hope the judge will understand that my mind wasn't in the right place and that I did what I did out of despriration. Any way God is in control and He knows what is right for me so I will accept any punishment that is coming my way. He also knows what it best for my family. I don't see the big picture and God does so I guess we will wait and see
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1183559 tn?1267818315
my guess is if its the first time being in trouble, and have been thru treatment they might just give you a slap on the hand unless they want to make an example of you. I agree with everyone here, and talk to a public defender. I've been in plenty of trouble in my day, and maybe I've just been lucky. But the most i've ever had to do is 90 days for forgery. But yours sounds a bit more complicated. I'll be glad when your day comes and goes and you can say wow, I did all tthat worrying and here I am. I'll pray for ya honey.
Incidently that 90 days was in my 20's and now I'm 56. So I haven't been in trouble in a while. But, boy that addiction will have you doing things you woulden't normally do. Good luck sweetie. And, take those meds. Mental health issues are nothing to mes with. I take effexor and amibilify. I'd be a walking , talking PMS"ING madwoman if I didn't take my sanity meds.
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1254023 tn?1269263985
a woman i met an got to know real well had also done the same thing in new york, it was one of the biggest pill rings in new york for prescription fraud . Im just gonna tell you what she got for it. she was in prison fro 5 years and she had a year an a half parole, but she was in way over her head in this. they stole prescription pads and furged signatures  exc...
But reguardless good luck, and im so proud of you for getting yourself clean.
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I wouldn't worry about it, i think that by looking at what you've said, you're probably doing better now than you have in a long time. It's actually good to know so many people that actually do stay clean.

And you're into mma, thats cool as hell, thats my other drug, the one that doesn't cause any problems lol.  But just stay positive and everything will work out great especially since you're staying clean.  Today is my day 1 without any opiates so ya know how that is.  I have so many things i need to do and just washing the freakin dishes seems like hard work, its ridiculous.  But I'm glad to hear your story it gives me hope that one day I can say that I'm 9 months clean.
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1238606 tn?1304201621
I really appriciate that and thanks (((((((((hugs)))))))))))))
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Sweetie~    "Nosehair" said that about HIS sister...   No worries...  It's getting hard to keep up now !!

V.  xo
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1238606 tn?1304201621
I am actually glad we had this discussion, Believe me I will face this is the court and have to learn how to defend my self. this may come as a suprise but cerronn i do agree with you  like knowing what the worst is, if I think the worst is probation then I am in to a surprise but thinking I can go to jail well that is different, so yes thank you for that import. Funny thing is I am not scared of jail, I am a red hair blue eyes not even 5 feet tall and can talk to anyone. I tend to be more of a counsiler that anything. I can fight if i have too after 2 years of kickboxing and jujitsu and muay thai that I should be able to defend my self. I am small framed and not even 5 feet tall so mbest best would be just to stay away. just a a little humor there, Anway confinsing my husband of chilling out well that is another things.......................\
Vicci, same thing for me, I never sold they were for me only so hopefully probabion...I just hope I can find a job sooon.              TAKE CARE EVERYONE
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My sister did the same thing in Nj. She went to court with a public defender and got probation for 5 years,no jail time because she didnt sell. They were for her own consumption.
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Kajama-maybe sometimes i do state the worst case scenario sometimes but for good reason.  I hope you don't get in much trouble, pretty much i meant just don't get down on yourself IF you have to do some time.  I have done time myself, and just looking at it through my eyes I felt much better expecting to get sentenced than hoping i wouldn't.  I knew if i did than atleast i wouldn't be let down if the bad happened, and if the good happened then it would be that much better.  

Maybe since you've cleaned up and you're doing the right thing than you will be fine, I would defintely document everything you've done to show the judge/prosecuting atty because I'm sure it would help you out a lot.  It seems like you have been doing better on you're own effort so im sure it would be taken into consideration.  

The most important part is staying sober for us addicts because that takes the central point of our problems out of the way.  Its great that you are sober and looks like you're thinking about attending NA/AA.  Probably the only way to stay clean IMHO, the 12 step program, or atleast the most effective.  

If you do start going to NA/AA and you get a sponsor, I would definitely get one that has been clean for atleast 5 years though, kinda just a rule of thumb there.  So that could help out as well with being/staying sober. best of luck.
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199177 tn?1490498534
There is no reason to lock this thread. She I am sure took that good part what she needed and left the negativity where it belonged out the door .. No addicts are not victims but they are rarely the reasons why others cant get there drugs ...
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It's over...moving on now...time to play nice on the playground...group hug...

All the best to everyone!

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This is pretty funny. Thanks for the laugh you guys. You guys are great. As I always say diversity makes the world go around.
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1240909 tn?1313712225
Can threads get locked here?  This would be a good one to close imho lol.

No more negativity towards anyone!
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1238606 tn?1304201621
Chill out and relax didn't mean to start a war here. this world needs people like vicki to help with encourgement.so THANK YOU Believe me i already feel like the most stupid person in the world and no i do not feel like a victim, i did it to my self.  Also need people that will state the absolute worst thing that can happen to you (cerronne) :) and Ga guy and also Mike, you too are great and offer encourgement and advice.  This is the last time I will post concerning this, but will post letting people know how things turn out in court.  Everyone take care, I know I am gonna make the best out of life RIGHT now reguardless how things turn out later.
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1240909 tn?1313712225
I'm with you for a good chunk of all this.  Recovery isn't all puppies, kittens and glitter.  It's cleaning up after yourself as well.  You can't just ignore past actions like they never happened.  They won't magically disappear and the world won't automatically forgive you just because you've admitted you're an addict now.  But I gotta say, kajama's spot on with how she's dealing with this - I respect her 100%.  But I think Vicki does need to take a step back and take a look at things from a different perspective.

Cerrone - let's just try and move forward and look towards the future.  Let this rot into the depths of the archives lol.  I hate that this ever happened.  And getting well is the most important part of being here right now :).
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Yeah, the role of addict and victim plays all well together. I can't believe they are talking about what I said, still.  People do read into the things much more than needed some time.  I never blamed the girl, who i do not know, for anything. I just kinda stated the obvious.

And to vicki: My post upset you? Well I'm not Mr. Sympathy, I said nothing wrong or out of line whatsoever.  If everyone always got the same response, advice on here, than there would be no reason for this to even be here.  If you don't agree with someone's post, fine your choice but dont go on some crazy rant saying thats not how "we" want to be represented.  Everyone has their own story and their own thoughts/opinions, it's called diversity.  If you don't agree with a post, don't dwell on it.  It seems to me the only person being harsh are you two, harboring thoughts that I someonehow persecuted her or something.  I said we weren't attorneys, 6 to 5, and a case like this and 500,000 other ones is a problem, it does cause problems with chronic pain patients, its a reality.  while i have not said one bad thing about this woman, you have characterized me. I don't think every addict is the victim when it comes to the addicts crimes.  Just because you are an addict doesn't get you a free pass to say "my bad" or "its because im an addict" when most of the time it should simply just be I screwed up! But it's pretty obvious you didn't interpret my post very well at all so I'm not going to expect you to really relate to this one either.  Again, I have said not one thing about the either in a bad way, and just because i'm not as compassionate or sympathetic as you doesn't mean I'm being harsh, everyone is different which is one of the reasons this website does work so well because you have different advice, views, opinions, etc.
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