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Just need some support or education...

Well I have made it 10 full days.  I am still getting bouts of depression, no motivation or energy and of course cravings. The past three days, I have got like the jitters a few times throughout the day and just feel like I have electricity running through my body. Is this normal? Anyone that has been through opiate wd after many years of use but not a large dosage, can you give me some insight onto the healing process mentally and with the motivation/energy. I am eating vitamins, drinking protein shakes and walking a mile each day. I am really wondering if the jitter/electricity feeling is from to much vitamins or protein?
29 Responses
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617347 tn?1331293081
you could stop taking the vitamins for some days to see what happens, bucksfan... but you are still very early on your recovery so it could be still some physical symptom lingering in time.... i used for 15 years and it took me some time to feel great about motivation ( 2/3 months )... yeah, i had this pink cloud but it was very short lived and  i just kept thinking that it didn't matter how much time i would need.... i had the rest of my life... about the lack of energy.... i had some bouts of feeling suddenly physically drained and short breathed for a couple of months but this too past :) .... i kept taking vitamins and some aminos and doing exercise ( not as much as i could ) because my thought was that without them i would feel worse... i am talking about not feeling great but i didn't feel depressed or sad or totally drained for days, ok ? just not myself...
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271792 tn?1334979657
You need to go see your doctor and get a full check up complete with blood work. After 10 days you should start to feel better physically. What are describing could still be withdrawal but again, after 10 days I would not play with it. Mentally it is a life long battle, as you have been told, For that I suggest aftercare to get to the root of the problems.

Please stay in one post instead of doing several a day so we can follow your journey and also to give the new members coming in a chance to get advise, suggestions, etc. Every new post you make bumps a new persons down. So if you stay in one everyone can get the help they deserve. Know what I mean?

If you decide to go to the doctor, let us know how you make out.
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Thanks for the info...I been using for 6 or so years. It just seems like the same time every day I just get down & unmotivated. So weird about the jitters/electricity thing! I have no other sign of physical symptons. Since using is not an option I am just going to have to deal with it!
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Buck~  It will get better. I think you just want all this behind you so badly that you've lost patience!!   What you're feeling is normal for your clean time. However,if that depressed feeling hangs around after two weeks,get to the doctor. I think(and as IBK
said) it's a good idea to get a check up,especially after getting off pills.
Hang in there,kid!
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Thanks Vikki, I will its not really depression, I guess I worded it wrong. Its like ugh! not happy but not sad just maybe...bored w/ no enthusiasm. I honestly love my life so I think depression was the wrong word.
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I think it was, too. You seem fairly happy to me! Get those juices flowing...how much are you exercising?  Walking,running,swimming(I swim) etc...?  It makes a huge difference!
I know what you're talking about...exercise is the first step...just do it!!
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Well right now I have been jog/walk 1 mile a day. I am eating so much right now to. My body is so hungry it seems like.
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617347 tn?1331293081
it seems you are doing quite well, bucks... count your blessings here and keep walking :)
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I will Laurel, I am doing good except for the ups n downs throughout the day. I know this is the hardest battle but just some consistency would be nice. I am really thinking of you and the others that are clean who say it does change. If I was stuck like this forever then god that would be tough to stay off pills LOL. Anyways, I am another day clean and one day closer to my goal. I really think it may be the B6 that is giving me the electricity feeling. I mean I have no other physical symptons and I go through WD very fast. I mean usually 72 hours tops.
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Do you think that it is a good sign that I am having normal and good times during half the day and then the mental part of withdrawal for the other half? From some of the posts I read, a lot sounded like it was pretty much crappy all day and night mentally until at least day 14-30.
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1167108 tn?1328439313
I think it is a very good sign. The best sign I see is the one that shows an increase in your days of sobriety with each passing day.

Things will get better. Keep up the excelent work. Great job!!!
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Thanks Tab! Its another day down! Busy day today and FOOTBALL TOMORROW!
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617347 tn?1331293081
yeah, sure it is a good sign, bucks... those moments are not days, :) and they will keep coming for some time but likes waves and you will learn to ride them and you will realised as the weeks come that these waves come with less frecuency and intensity... little by little i think that every week there is an improvement.. keep walking  ( and riding waves :)
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As the others have said it might be a little early. Keep exerciseing.
No motivation lack of energy and a general blah feeling lasted with me for a while....30-60+ days...at least. The feeling good and realization that you are not needing to take pills to feel good dosen't just come back after a certian number of days....you know that...

The jitters and the electcic feeling might just be normalcy coming back into your body...LOL

You are doing well..Hang in there!...Really proud for you!
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Yea I am just riding the waves....I am fortunate because I love my life and really have no reason to have used a substance besides boredom, or the feeling it gave me. Today was great with only a crash/ugh feeling from 2-4. It seems like each day it gets better by just a tiny bit but I dont think it will take 60 days. I go through WD's fast and never used a "high" dosage so I am shooting for 30 days and then almost normalcy esp with all the vitamins and excersizing I am doing. I actually noticed that as long as I stay busy I am fine. Its sitting in my house when I get that ugh feeling then it lasts and if I can get rid of that I am good to go and not LOOKING BACK! The bad part is sitting home has been such a huge part of my life the past 5 years so your talking a whole diff lifestyle change that I am having to do.
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1167108 tn?1328439313
Lots of good items in your post. You have the total picture and alos the insight tio know that recovery is aroler coaster ride. You are right on the money in that staying busy is extremely important to a sucessful recovery effort.

You are getting there it just takes time. You don't know how inspiring it is for me to read this. I work with folks on line but am also working with a family member who needs help but refuses to admit that he has a problem. You give me hope that someday he will get there.

A change if you lifestyle is key to your recovery efforts. I keep trying to get my nephew to realize this but to no avail so far. I hold out hope that someday he will get to where you are at.

Please continue to post.
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Tab, your post gave me goose bumps, thank you so much for those kind words. What helped me the most was telling the person I cared for about the problem. I kept it a secret for so long and finally decided I need extra motivation to not put a pill in my mouth. So now everytime I get a craving, I think of her. I will say that I may not be able to attend AC as much as I should but I am doing Church and have gone to two meetings. I am aslo planning on using vacations & family as my AC. For 6 years I have held off on traveling or just spending time with family. Also, it helps that some of my closest friends have stopped or been clean for a while. We made a pact that we are going to make it the uncool thing to do is take pills and hopefully inspire others to stop as well.  Anyways, last night was great! Went out for the start of College Football & slept like a baby, 10 hours straight. I am one day away from my first goal of 14 days and just as someone as posted after speaking with a doctor, around day 14 there is a nice subtle decrease in the mental issues. It hit me night before last and yesterday was great except for a small ugh/crash feeling from 245-415. Thanks for all the support!
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Good morning everyone, another day down and I hit my goal of 14 days!!!!!!!!! FOOOTBALLL TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a busy day so i may not be able to check in until tomorrow but Bucksfan is doing well!
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1167108 tn?1328439313
You are going great. Keep it up and have a great weekend!
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Well Bucksfan has officially made it another day and now on Day 16! The only symptoms I now have are lack of interest in things at diff times during the day which creates of course a ugh feeling not happy or sad. Then the stomach issue is still there but barely and more than manageable. I have talked with a couple peep that got clean who said their doc told them around day 21 was big breakthrough for the mental and gaining interest in things. I am a fast detoxer and doing everything I should from lifestyle change, exercise & vitamins so hopefully that will be the case. Regardless, I am in this for the long haul so pack a lunch!
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1167108 tn?1328439313
Hey Bucksfan it is now Day 20. How are you doing? Have you picked up an interest level in those activities that once interested you?

Are you exercising yet? A good walk or run is good for the soul.

Keep posting and keep going in the right direction.
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Thanks for checking in Tab!! Yep still doing the exersizing & started back golfing...I ENJOYED IT! The best times are still being around other people, of course those who dont use! Mental waves are much less frequent and am actually seeing the light for the first time in 6 years. The cravings are far and few because I say using is not an option and I think about letting my mother down each time the craving comes and they disappear. I do have a nasty ear infection or ache, do you know of any home remedies? I managed to make it to the office today but dreading tonight as that is when it hurts the most. With that said, WE GOT FOOTBALL this weekend and tonight so I am sure I will have a great time! Oh yea, any advice on what is the right thing for a recovering addict to do with all the money they are now saving, since they are not buying the doc? I feel like I should buy something but I dont know what!
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617347 tn?1331293081
it is well kept on the bank account, bucks  :) but you could buy something to your mother .... About the ear infection, go to the doctor,,, it can get nasty and you could be in a lot of pain tomorrow and maybe it would need some antibiotics so you'd better go to the doctor if you want to enjoy that football of yours without any pain. Meanwhile, some heating pad can alleviate the pain. I would not trust any home remedy if it is an infected ear, the best thing is going to the doctor.
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Ughh....I hate going to the doc. I actually had a dream last night that my doc wanted to give me lortabs for the pain and I said no thank you but I will take some IB Profen....only pill dream I had so far. I thought there was something like hot salt water or something...Anyways, I have some amoxicillen from the last time I was sick, I believe that is antibiotic. It couldnt hurt to take that could it? It hadnt expired the last time I looked.
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