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32 weeks pregnant and this has got to be the end

I have been taking pain pills for about 5 years now. A 7.5 would get me high for about a year or 2 and then when I met my husband it got worse. He liked taking them on the weekends, just for fun just like I was doing. We had a great hook up so they were always available. We would take hydro or percocet 10's on the weekends and then none throughout the week. Of course it got worse and then we were on to taking them ALL the time. The money we spend on these things are ridiculous. I found out I was pregnant in June 2011. I stop taking them for a week because I was so high off the fact we were having a baby and didnt want to do anything to hurt it. We decided to get 4 perc 10's one night and then never take them again. He had 2 I had 2. Well that started the roller coaster back over. Since I have had a healthy pregnancy and the baby is growing exactly like he is suppose to (he is actually measuring a week bigger than he is suppose to be) it made me feel like it was OK and the baby wasn't being affected by all of this. I know I shouldnt be taking pain pills and  the only problem I have found is risking the baby being addicted and going thru withdrawal once it is born. I want to stop my last 8 weeks to ensure baby be born pain free. Today is my first day without a pill. My doctors have no clue I take these pills. I go to all my appts and everythings is always great. I have had a 4d ultrasound and he is the prettiest little boy EVER. His heart, kidneys, all his organs are perfect via ultrasound. I just know this has to be the end of it all. I can't take anymore. I have tried my whole pregnancy to quit and never made it past day 1. My husband and I have talked and we are doing this together. We know in order to have a healthy baby this can not go on! I have been taking up to 30mg of hydro's or percs a day. Whichever we had. I take 15 mg at a time mostly a dose in the morning and a dose at night. Some days 45mgs but that is only like once a week. I do chew the pills when I take them to get a faster high. This is the first time I have admitted this and I feel terrible just writing it. I feel like I can't get up in the mornings without a pill just to clean, cook, play with my daughter or even have a good day. I have went maybe 2 days without a pill through my whole pregnancy and I do have withdrawals but I dont think they are as bad as most go through. I think mine is more mental and that is where my problem is. The physical is not great tho, I dont want to do anything, even be nice! And of course I am the sweetest person EVER when im high. No one knows about this besides my husband. I just need to STOP and I am so scared of not getting high anymore!!!!! I dont need preaching on withdrawals and pre term labor, or that I need to talk to my doctor. I am no doing that. I have tried weening myself off by cutting down the mgs everyday and I always do good until I am about done and then I just give up and do 15mgs again. I have to quit cold turkey there is no other way, I just need support, someone that was in my shoes. I hate these things, they consume my life, I live around them and this has to be the end...it has to be!!!!!!
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Found im pregnant been using strong drugs but stopped takin them now on my own how long will pain last and can my unborn baby feel pain too. Please help
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Babyems ,tell your OB right away if you have been taking strongs drugs and went off them cold turkey it can put the baby in distress.I know it is scary but most doctors are very helpful.Good Luck ! Let us know what happens.
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Can you please contact me I really need someone to talk to amandapalacios28@gmail
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I sent you an email. Maybe we can help one another
Can you email me ***@**** ??? I'm due in 8 weeks and I'm 1-2 mg if suboxone but drs and fiancé doesn't know. Is 8 weeks enough time so baby doesn't have withdrawal?
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they only check the meconium if there is probable cause. they don't just do it to do it.
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hello and congrats , at how many weeks did u stop im 34 weeks and have been taking  (7) 5-325 Percocet's a day , my doctor wanted me to stop at 34 weeks , I have been prescribe them by my pain management before I got pregnant for medical condition , OB said he rather the baby withdrawal inside me than out so when I deliver when I leave he can leave the hospital with me , im only 12 hrs clean god its hard the mental is the hardest and the guilt , please tell me how u got threw , im scared cause im withdrawing with a extra person ..
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I have not been logged on to this website for over a year but I am the one who wrote this post.I have had a lot of messages asking questions/advice and I will be logging on now atleast 3 times a week to check my messages.  So when I wrote this post, truth be told I did screw up on my last 2 weeks before I had my son. I was a week late with my son so pre term did not happen to me. I was in labor for 40 hours but had him naturally.We had to stay in the hospital for 2 days after he was born because he had jaundice so they had to keep him under lights. He had ZERO withdrawals. I took 30mgs the Monday and Friday before I had him on Wednesday. I did get pain meds while in labor thru an iv. He was a ham, weighed 7lbs 15oz 21in. He is now 18 months old and seriously a JOY! He is above his average for all he does and did everything early. He talks, climbs, jumps, eats, plays all like a regular (more advanced in my opinion lol) like a regular boy.I always get compliments on his wonderful personality. So anyways. After I gave birth, I did not get tested. It sucked having that loom over my head on the day I gave birth because its suppose to be the happiest. He passed hearing and vision tests and mad an 8/9 on apgar test. We got sent home with a healthy baby boy and I thank God everyday for that. My husband and I started suboxone treatment Sept 3 2012. He has been off of suboxone and drug free for over 6 months, I have been off of subxone for....2 days. I took it slow and weaned myself off with the help of a doctor. Its been 14 months since ive touched apill and now that im off the suboxone....things are looking, normal again!!!!!
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Please please email me. Im 26 weeks. ***@****. im terrified and have no one 5o talk to....as my husband doesn't even know
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I am kind of in the same situation but not really.i am 37 weeks pregnant and 6 days i csn b giving birth any day now.ive been smoking meth for almost my entire pregnancy but off snd on.my ob doctor does know so im pretty sure that there gonna test me when i give birth.i had a friend who was way more hard core on meth during her pregnancy and she just gave birth and she got to take her baby home and she said that she was only sober for a week and a half...so im wondering if i stay clean frm now until im 40 weeks then will i be able to take my baby home.i live in hawaii
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How did everything turn out?
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How did everything turn out? praying for a healthy family and you guys are all okay!
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I was just wondering  I'm going thru what u did , did ur baby turn out okay? & did social services get involved?
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We are in the same boat my friend. I'm currently quitting methadone after trying my whole pregnancy and I won't tell my doctor cause I don't want my baby to token away from me and my family finding out. I understand you. I'm 3 days clean as of now and its hard but I want to give my baby a chance and theres nothing I can do about the things I've done. Have you had your baby yet? Can you tell me how this went for you. I'm looking for answers as well.
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lol i jus realized how old this thread was .. but it any event hope it helpfull advice ..  i for one was in terrible pain my last pregnancy , but my doc knew & my baby girl was healthly & now is 5 ,.. but since i was able to deal with the pain afta physical therpy b4 this pregnancy i told my soc as soon as i found out & suboxone was a great help , not only did i stop rite away . but havent thought about pills ,, but anywho to all ... if ur in this position the best thing to tell ur doc ,, by lying , ur also lyin to urself & baby .. wen expecting its no longer about u ,,  u have another lil person expectin u to make the rite choices,,,  sumthng to think about ., jus cause baby is born ok ,, doesnt mean drugs cant have a effect later on in life ,. take all this into thought..  im only sayin this cause i noticed  more then one person posting concerns about pills ( drugs) .
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hello ,, i am a mother of 3 & expecting a lil girl in less then 8wks ,. i was on pain pills with my last child thru the whole pregnancy because of chronic back pain due to slip disks ,,, & i was takin them at the begining of this pregnancy , but i was honest & they put me on suboxone which is a tablet that u only need 1 a day & it completely takes away withdrawls & cravings for opiates ,. trust me i didnt even think of pills as soon as i started the new med ,, plus u definiantly wana b honest with ur doc because social service gettin involved is a large risk if baby is addicted ,!  not tryin to preach but if u lie it will def look like ur not fit ,, so juds b honest & talk to ur doc , tell he/she bout ur prob & u want help ,, it will b best for u & baby !!  good luck & hope erythng goes well :-)
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would you be willing to talk to me? i used illegal oxycontin off and on throughout my pregnancy. i tapered off and have been clean since thanksgiving day, november 22nd, 2012. i am due february 17th, 2013. i live in california and assume that upon delivery they test the baby's poop? I am worried that upon delivery my baby will be born addicted and show signs of wd. could this be the case? is there anything i can do on my behalf to prevent wd? obviously, i'd appreciate any feedback. suggestions. whether professional or not. thank you kindly.
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I'm 30 weeks I was prescribed pain pills until I was about 5 1/2 months and last weeks I just quit taking them. I am so scared about the meconium test because when I didn't have mine from my doc. ( not my Ob) I would take other meds nothing big or alot but not what I was prescribed the doc knows about me taking what I was prescribed can they still call cps on for that. And and since I did quit at 30 weeks can my baby still go though withdraw at birth if born on my due date or 2 weeks before. I know the baby is ok cause it moves all of the time
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Hi hun. I know exactly how you feel. I'm 27 weeks and have been on oxycodone for about 5 yrs due to sciatica nerve damage and lower back pain. It's not meant to be my excuse, it is what it is. I've tried every month to stop taking these prescribed meds & my OB knows I take them, but the pain gets so bad, I end up with bad anxiety and can't eat or drink anything along with violently vomiting or dry heaving. So here I am taking my prescription of 90mg oxycodone per day. My ultrasounds look good to, but I am scared of problems that can't be seen in an ultrasound. To top it all off, I broke my tailbone 1 1/2 weeks ago so I'm in even more pain. I support you in every way together off the pills. But I understand how addiction works cuz I am an addict too. It's basically how I got pregnant. We were too high to worry or care about protection. Now
my daughter's father took of across the country cuz he thinks he can get away & not pay. I'm afraid I'm going to be a horrible addicted mother & CPS will take her. My mom says she will fight for her, but that means I'd have to move out (I live w/my widowed mom) & I don't have a ywhere to go.  I can say it and admit that it's hard for me to do as I say, but just concentrate on what you want most, your baby. Unfortunatly if you go cold turkey, that can be dangerous for the baby. They are fragile yet strong. If cold turkey hurts you, it hurts him too. Good luck sweetheart! I'm trying too to get clean. Hopefully I can do it too.
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My God, I was just where you are in May 2012...I had my first child, a daughter, May 2, 2011. Afterwards, I got addicted to Percocet. I found out I was pregnant with my son August 2012....I continued taking pills...once I built up a tolerance to those...I started snorting Opana 40s...
Well those became unavailable, and let me tell you something..those were the WORST WITHDRAWALS both mentally and physically I have ever experienced. When I found out I couldnt get those anymore, It was like a death in the family...
Eventually I found Roxi 30s. I snorted up to 3 of these everyday for the last 4 months of my pregnancy...And miraculously, my son Was not born addicted in anyway. DO NOT ask me how? I mean I snorted a Roxi 30 just hours before I went into labor (3 days past my due date)
CPS never got involved, my drs never questioned me, my son is a happy healthy 5 month old right now, and i STILL to this day can not figure out for the life of me WHY or HOW he was not born addicted. Dont get me wrong, I am so thankful, but i still wonder...
Sadly enough, my childrens father is gone in rehab for 6 months, so i have been left to care for our 2 small children by myself, so I am still addicted to these monsters....
With the crazy life i have right now, i cannot afford to have withdrawals right now....
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Hi, my name is Felicia and i've dealth with and been around drugs, pregnant users, convicts, fuctioning addicts. I've seen bad outcomes and people's kids get taken away and them go to prison and i've also been pissed off seeing a druggie get their kid back 6 times by using someone else's urine to pass drug tests.. I read all 130+ posts with anticipation and empathy, frustration and some judgement. But i am SOOOOO proud of you for being and getting sober. You didn't tell your doctor and you didn't get caught or get in trouble or anything. You weaned yourself and stayed sober!!! You are being such a great mom to your two kids and i am so so so proud of you and your husband!!! Congrats on your healthy little one.. I have a 4 and a half month old daughter (I didn't use ever during my pregnancy though) and it makes me happy as sheet to hear how awesome you and that precious baby boy are doing! Hope breastfeeding went well too, we breastfeed and it's hard but worth it. :)) STAY strong and keep up the good work. I hope you see this message and know that you are supported. And despite everyone telling you to tell your doctor, you did what you felt was right and no harm came of it... Everything couldn't have had a BETTER outcome for you and i hope you remain sober for those two babies. Congrats on your healthy son and your journey into sobriety again. <3
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Hi, my name is Felicia and i've dealth with and been around drugs, pregnant users, convicts, fuctioning addicts. I've seen bad outcomes and people's kids get taken away and them go to prison and i've also been pissed off seeing a druggie get their kid back 6 times by using someone else's urine to pass drug tests.. I read all 130+ posts with anticipation and empathy, frustration and some judgement. But i am SOOOOO proud of you for being and getting sober. You didn't tell your doctor and you didn't get caught or get in trouble or anything. You weaned yourself and stayed sober!!! You are being such a great mom to your two kids and i am so so so proud of you and your husband!!! Congrats on your healthy little one.. I have a 4 and a half month old daughter (I didn't use ever during my pregnancy though) and it makes me happy as sheet to hear how awesome you and that precious baby boy are doing! Hope breastfeeding went well too, we breastfeed and it's hard but worth it. :)) STAY strong and keep up the good work. I hope you see this message and know that you are supported. And despite everyone telling you to tell your doctor, you did what you felt was right and no harm came of it... Everything couldn't have had a BETTER outcome for you and i hope you remain sober for those two babies. Congrats on your healthy son and your journey into sobriety again. <3
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now in the past week i have learned more than most about certain things than most would ever during my stay in the hospitals i was informed by specialist that most of the time a mother who has used and gives birth to a baby the baby most of the time will not show any signs of withdrawl until about the fifth day after birth in fact its almost all the time so just cause these women on here are saying there baby was ok no withdrawls signs does not mean they didnt get them home and either the same day or two days later there baby was suffering and they didnt even know it weather it was crying or not eating well or something and maybe they did know it but because they made it home with there baby safe and sound theydidnt really care all that mattered was that they didnt get caught so either way its always best to tell them so that they can monitor your baby cause if you truly love your baby your gonna speak up and tell them so that you know for sure your baby is ok it dont matter if you stop 8 weeks before or not when you take them it passes to the baby and your baby 99 percent of the time with have some kind of withdrawl weather like i said at hospital or home it will happen and it may be small or huge either way you dont want your baby to suffer and dr will make it to where they know the baby will not suffer at all...i will keep everyone updated as much as i can.....
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ok so my sister inlaw went into pre term labor she also was taking hydro hers were whatever she could get her hands on this was a couple weeks ago she was 33 weeks and was 4 cent dilated having bad contractions they did the same with her as they did with me a few days ago her water finally broke she was 35 weeks 5 days and when she reached the hospital she was seven cent dilated she gave birth to her baby girl who was 4 pounds 12 ounces very tiny baby they had no concerns at first she was breathing fine and all but when i got up there to see the baby and i held her all she kept doing was a slow crying thing it was not hard for me to see it she was already withdrawling right after birth my sister inlaw then says to everyone in the room the nurses better get her paper work started to be released from there cause she wanted a smoke she didnt want to stay in there i begged her to stay with her baby she stayed the one night and signed out the next day but lied and said they told her to leave i dont see that happening not right after you deliver a baby so i knew she was lying right there now i went to my mother inlaws tonight and she was there with her boyfriend and i said why would you sign yourself out she says i didnt they told me to leave but they had to keep the baby an extra day i said for what she says and so did my mother inlaw cause the baby is not eating well she has had only 2 ounces of formula since she has been born she is just not eating properly or taking to the bottle i then looked at her and said did you tell them you were takn hydros and she says no cause i have not been she didnt want her mom to know i guess but i didnt care at this point i said to her you do know they will check that babys stool for drugs and will find it and cause you lied you could be in trouble right she goes nope i didnt take nothing i said cause so far your daughter has had 2 of the many signs of withdrawl and they will know and see it and figure it out and she just sat there for a min and then goes i didnt take nothing in my pregnancy i know she did cause i watched her do it a few times and her boyfriend was buying them for her off my brother inlaws tomorrow she is suppose to pick the baby up from the hospital i will keep u informed on what happens after this in case this helps anyone with this type of situation...
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to have the baby just yet she said if i can even make it to 35 weeks it would be awesome cause mothers whom is the best place to grow the baby there is nothing like it if not still ok baby looks great she also shared some important information with me that a baby born pre term is less likley to have withdrawl symptoms only because  there little bodies were still developing and there tiny so they wont feel as much as a normal newborn would she goes im not saying this is prob for the best cause like i said the mothers whom is the best home for your baby to fully develop to enter into this world but it does help that a baby is pre mature when it comes to withdrawl symptoms and i had a bit of relief cause i think thats what she knew i needed to hear at that time...and i did i really did it was like this doulbe wammy for me baby will be great all the way around...now i would like to take back my last post and this one is the one i would reccomend for all who are in this situation....it is very much the best thing you can do in this situation when asked are you taking any meds at home tell um yes i am they cant kill you and they didnt call cps on me in fact they really could have cared less as long as i was honest and opened with them and the fact that i tried wein myself off them turned into seriouse danger cause guess what your gonna have to tell them no matter what they will find it and if you hide it and lie and say oh no im not taking nothing your dam straight your in trouble cause then when your baby is born and starts to suffer cause you wanted to hide it there gonna be mad that you would put you newborn through it with no help...trust me i was just like the one who started this forum and in the end the women on here telling you to tell your dr are the ones who are giving you the best advice ever ever and i cant even Stess Enough With The EVER they know what there talking about trust me when part 2 of the other half sorry ran out of space.........i say it all you have to say is yes to the question of are you taking any meds at home and you tell them what it is and it will be asked when you are in labor if you can come to saying it before hand i would rec it only because i would not be in pre term labor as u are reading this now....i have a few more storys i will share under this one  that i feel need to be herd that have happened in the past three days and i will try to keep updates on how im doing and how the baby is doing...i wish everyone the best of luck on here cause if your onhere your looking for advice and i know how hard it is to want to know everything before hand so that your ready for the outcome of whats to happen next.....
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well i went into pre term labor and still am in pre term labor but i can tell you this much when i started bleeding i went to my dc from there my ob said get up to labor and delivery asap to have a stress test and ultra sound when i got there and of course i had to walk because i dont have a car and it takes about 45 min to walk but when i got there they strapped me to baby monitors and a nurse came in and said mam can you feel that and i said what she said your contracting badly i turned to the monitor and yes i was they were back to back and way over the 100 mark and lasted about 2 min each it was bad but i felt no pain at all it just felt like pressure like i had to pee really bad they then said ok we got to put you on magneseum and i know i spelled that wrong im sorry in case you dont know what magneseum is its a muscle relaxer that they put you on and its given through an iv but its suppose to stop contractions you have to be on it 24 hours and off it for 24 hours it made me feel like crap not even lying now one of my mid wife came in to talk to me two hours on the mag to tell me that i had to have 2 beta shots that would be giving to me in the butt every 12 hours hurt like hell if you dont know what that is its 2 shots that mature the babys lungs faster so that when the baby is born they will be able to breathe like a normal baby would they had no choice but to give them to me cause they really thought i was having my baby at 32 weeks now the second day in ladies to all that are like will they find out will they know guess what my dr came in and told everyone including my husband that they all had to step out of the room for a min she had to discuss something with me in private  so they left the room she then walked bedside to me with a peice of paper in her hand and said the reason i asked them to leave is because of this she showed me what was on the paper it was a drug screen results form that said i was positive for opiates she said hunny what did you take i said hydrocodone im perscribed this by my primary care for arthritis and my kidney pain she said ok how much do you take i said it depends on the day sometimes what im perscribed sometimes way more i said im perscribed 10 500 3  a day she said ok i said when i came in the other night for bleeding i told the nurse that night i was taking them at home and what i was taking and she said she was notwriting it down cause its as needed she goes ok so then another mid wife one of my fav of them all came in to talk to me and told me what would happen after i gave birth they were very happy that i told them but said that they really want me to deliver in a better hospital that could handle this situation properly i said thats dine and she told me that they would then give the baby morphine drops orally to wein the baby off if the baby comes out with symptoms i said ok she said now that we know and your in pain it would not be fair to you to not give it to you so when your pain gets bad let the nurse know and we will give you the hydrocodone i will order you some for up here i was astonished with this outcome i had just one of them that night  well after 3 days there in the hospital on bed rest i was then released the very same night again i filled the toilet with blood and was filling pads oh before i was released the first time i was a finger tip dilated by the way but i was filling pads with blood and having contractions again i could not feel them it was just tightening and pressure so i went back up they put me on baby monitor and i was again contracting really bad back on the mag i went only this time dr said you can only have this twice 12 hours into this and i was still contracting so he checked my cervix to find that i had dilated to a full cent he then was scared and had me trans but told me what could or could not happen they would either keep me for a while till i gave birth or they could just deliver me it all depended so i left for a bigger and better hosp...when i arrived an hour later i was seen asap and was told by specialist because i had the beta shots they were not concerned my baby weight was 4 pounds  7 ounces on ultra sound he said to me they were not gonna stop my labor but they were also not gonna induce it that they were gonna let mother nature run her course so that day my pain started again in my back mostly from being on bed rest but they gave me morphine pill to help cause they were aware of my use during pregnancy the following day they sent the nicu dr down to speak with me and ask me questions and said to ask her questions about the baby so i was then like this is great i wanted to know what i was looking at here so she came in asked me what i had been taking and for how long i told her she said ok if he has any signs we will give him oral drops of morphine to wein him off i said thats good cause i want him to be ok when he enters into this world and she goes believe me we would never let a newborn or and child suffer in pain she then told me to pat myself on the back she said you have done very well so far she said she is not worried about the baby that his weight was very good for 32 weeks she goes honey i dont know what ya did or how ya did it but pat yourself on the back for the weight on your baby that is awesome for only 32 weeks most are barley half that in their 32 week she says then that  having them beta shots has helped mature his lungs so if born now he will be able to breathe on his own so thats now of no concern she says but it dont mean its a good idea now
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They have probably made a note in your chart & will test you & baby @ the time of birth. If you both test clean, you should have no problems.
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I was just wandering what will happen if i have ffailed drugtests at my dr but i and my baby is cclean a free of withdraws at birth i stopped taking oxycodone an am clean but am still scared they will take my baby an i have a 4 year old should i be good if im clean now?
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