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About to give birth, taking street methadone...will my baby get taken away??

I used to be perscribed to Oxycontin and Roxycodone. When I was pregnant I heard methadone was safer and started to use that. My intentions were to slowly detox using the methadone. I had absolutely NO idea that methadone was harder to get off of! I've been trying and trying to get off this by weaning and I just can't take the withdrawals along w/ being 8 months preggo. It's too painful. I am down to 20mgs a day but, I'm scared once I deliver they will drug test and take not only the baby but, my 3 year old as well. Any one have any experience??????? I really really need to know. Please please reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
33 Responses
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I'm sad after reading these posts. Most of these women are only concered with having their child taken! Well what about when you get your baby home and they start going through severe methadone w/d's?! I'm sure you've all gone through them at one point in time,so I'm sure hoping you wouldn't let an innocent sweet child go through them! TELL YOUR DOCTOR. there are no if's,and's or buts about it. You can't let your baby go through this. You all have a better chance of keeping your child if you step up and be honest. They didn't ask to be an addict anymore than you did! Good luck to you all and I'll pray for you and all your beautiful babies!!
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1742220 tn?1331356727
alone honey, i am so sorry but I do not know the answers to your questions.  it is late for the forum, in los angeles it is 10 p.m. and it is very slow around here at this time.  i know there are people who can help you but they will prolly not be on line for another eight hours or so.  hang in there and someone can answer you soon.  you can also post this in a new question but hitting the green button under the Substance Abuse Community title.  That way you can get more responses and they will see that it's a new thread.  i'm glad you found this site.  people are very supportive here and i hope you get some help soon, honey.  take care.  :)
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I am 32weeks pregnant and to make a long story short I NEED HELP PLEASE I'M BEGGING I am on methadone and do not get a script for it so my midwife or my doctor do not know I'm using it at all and I need to know will the hospital drug test me no matter what I'm not sure if they do that now I live in bel air Maryland so if anyone knows someone or has been in this type of situation can please tell me somthing I'm so terrified that they are going to take my baby boy and possibly my two little girls also it is too late for me to tell my doctor because if I do that then they will definitely take my new baby and my girls I know all these posts were a couple years ago but if anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE HELP I'M TERRIFIED AND SO ALONE!!PLEASE PLEASE
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all you need to do is go to a methadone clinic and get it prescribed so that you are legally taking it , otherwise the hospital is required to contact cps all maryland hospitals drug test for everything when you go in to give birth and the baby will be going through withdrawel so you need to be able to explain to them why so that they can wean the baby down with morphine i am also 8 months pregnant and i go to the methadone clinic every morning at johns hopkins bay view in baltimore they have an entire unit ( CAP ) center for addiction and pregnancy where i get methadone , take 2 hr outpatient drug and parenting classes daily and get all prenatal care done there i drive all the way from the eastern shore every morning to go there it's a great program and i highly recommend it , but they do explain to us that cps will be involved no matter what they aren't going to take your baby as long as you have a safe home environment and a supportive family for the baby to come home too and you have all the things a baby needs i.e. bassinet , crib , clothes , bottles , diapers ect....but they are going to require you to either attend inpatient and out patient drug classes and will make you be supervised 24/7 by a family member while with the baby , so you won't be able to be alone with the baby for like 2 months or so and as long as you don't use drugs or do anything bad in that time period than everything will be okay and cps will back off
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Hi.......first of all relax stress is no good for you or your baby......normally they dont recamend coming off methadone wile pregnant  it ok your getting it leagly....just so the obgyn and the hospital knows b/4 you give birth they will know what to do....im personal friends with a neo/natal nurce that brings babys off methadone heroin oxy ext they will put the baby in icu and ween him/her off of the methadone it safe and wont hurt you or your baby Jenny is a very compashnet nurse they take great care to keep the baby as comfortable as possible she gave me the taper formula and I used it to get off methadone it worked well it is not safe to detox wile pregnant so dont take things into your own hands if you have more questions just message me good luck to you and your baby......Gnarly  
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Ian currently. On 37 mg of methodone
I go to a methodone clinic legally everyday and get my dose. I told My ob gyn and the methodone clinic from the beginning about the pregnancy and the methodone and my 37mg dose. And know Ian 4 months 3weeks preganet.    I want to taper myself off but I don't know if it safe??the methodone clinic said they don't rrecamenndd it. MARCEE 4 ur a nurse what do you think???? And another biigg question I have is what happens to the baby at the hospital after I deliver???? Will they keep the baby in the hospital for awhile in the NICU??? What happens to the baby or what do the do for the baby withdrawals???? Ian on a lower dose only 37mg. But Haas anybody gone thru this HAWAII? ???? PLEASE somedody help me with these questions??? Ian young and very scared for my baby.  Please iamm stressing I don't know what's gonna happen to my baby??? Please anybody have any input??
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Ian currently. On 37 mg of methodone
I go to a methodone clinic legally everyday and get my dose. I told My ob gyn and the methodone clinic from the beginning about the pregnancy and the methodone and my 37mg dose. And know Ian 4 months 3weeks preganet.    I want to taper myself off but I don't know if it safe??the methodone clinic said they don't rrecamenndd it. MARCEE 4 ur a nurse what do you think???? And another biigg question I have is what happens to the baby at the hospital after I deliver???? Will they keep the baby in the hospital for awhile in the NICU??? What happens to the baby or what do the do for the baby withdrawals???? Ian on a lower dose only 37mg. But Haas anybody gone thru this HAWAII? ???? PLEASE somedody help me with these questions??? Ian young and very scared for my baby.  Please iamm stressing I don't know what's gonna happen to my baby??? Please anybody have any input??
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HI .......I agree with the poster who suggested you get hooked up at a clinic then it no longer illegal thats where cps will come in as long as you have a script for it there is nothing any one can do without it your using illicitly
I strongly agree with telling the doctor this is critical they know I have a very close personal friend that is a neo/natal nurse and its her job to bring tha babys off safely if they know up front they can draw your blood see what serum level is in it and give the baby the right amount Jenny never judges anyone but having a heads up on whats going on makes her job a lot ezer
you may have to call several clinic to get one to take you but if you try im sure you will find one depending on where you live it about 60 to 100 bucks a week to be in the program  I wish you the best of luck with your baby .....God bless....Gnarly  
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not for sure but you can hope for the best and pray! i hope it goes well and you and the little one gets to come home. GOOD LUCK !!
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i am 8months preg. i take xanax and loratabs off and on not a whole lot just off and on thru the month ,if i stop now will it show in mine and babies system! please help!
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I m a former CPS worker, just resigned after 12 years of it.  I know how things work in Texas, and I am sure that if suspect any drug useage, they test the babies first stool.  It shows everything the mother has taken and passed on to the newborn.  I am sorry to inform you, but yes, CPS does get involved.  The social workers are informed if there is any suspicion, and then CPS is called.  Good Luck, and to everyone else that is pregnant out there, I hope this is a wake up call for you.  In Texas, we would remove the baby and any other children the mother has.  Its no Fun to be in that situation and it takes up to a yearto get them back, if you even ever do.  You are given a service plan and must complete it and must take random hair and urine tests at the spur of the moment!!!  Please feel free to PM me for help or answer questions.

Princess 2000
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333612 tn?1302883390
The original post is from March 2008-these people may not be around. You did the right thing by starting your own post
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i am 17 wks preg and on 30 mg of methadone want to taper any safer time to do so? how long does it stay in your system?
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449409 tn?1206920376
Be honest with your doctors and nurses. I know that's hard in the States sometimes because the US isn't really as sophisticated with its harm reduction strategies and this lack of knowledge leads to very judgmental policies and procedures, especially when it involves children.

I hope that everything works out for you. I really do. You should be able to keep your baby if proper harm reduction strategies are incorporated.

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My sister got all 4 of her kids taken away by doing the same ****.......I am very passionate about this topic because I has her kids...I wish I knew what to tell you.
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Wow I feel for you and your'e situation. I don't have any advice for this, but I just wanted to drop a line and say you two are in my prayers. I know wt as everyone here does and I myself cannot imagine a baby going through that hell on earth. They are so daggone innocent and have done nothing wrong at all, they don't even know what the wd pains are from. This actually breaks my heart to imagine it.
I would most definitely be 100 percent honest your'e Doctor about his I would think that the laws they are enforcing so much lately regarding Doctor/Patient confidentiality would come into play here so way. All the best to you and the children, Mike
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52704 tn?1387020797
i STRONGLY suggest that you contact 1234betterlife.  she has a wealth of knowledge and experience in this area.  just as important, she is very caring and more than willing to help.

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435658 tn?1257805781
Please listen to everyone. Don't do anything until you talk to your doctor..when I adopted my baby girl she was going though w/d, the only reason she was taken away from her birth mother was because the b.m. didnt want her and wasn't honest, she wanted to kill her baby. If you tell the truth they will not take your baby away, they will help you and your baby, the worst thing they will do to you is make you take classes, and maybe do a few home studies when you get home to make sure everything is ok.
Please tell your doctor right away, you don't want your baby to go though anything he/she dosn't have to.
Best of Luck to you and your baby!
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Talk to your doctor...for the sake of your baby.  Talk to Space Cadette too....she's not on here a ton, but I think she can help!
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340590 tn?1290952141
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i am 35 weeks preg rgt now.how many weeks are you?i tapered off vicodine at 8 mths.very hard because of your body being in pain still.its still hard you still have time too taper i think.i also have other children.i have scheduled csect at 39 weeks.i spoke with 1234 betterlife about it as well shes great you def should pm her.shes on pg24 of members.i now only take a peice of a pill when i really need it for migraines,but i try tylenol first.if you pm me ill tell you about herbal stuff i used while tapering that seemed to make it alittle easier.good luck
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424675 tn?1260541350
Please listen to these women who know about this.  If you dont you are going to risk loosing your baby and perhaps your other child.  I hope you know that none of these comments or mine is in any way judging you in a mean or harsh way.  We only care about you and your children and your relationship with them.  Please be honest with your doctors.  Because as these knowledgeable women have said; if your baby is born addicted without prior knowledge to your dr's, it really could go against you.  But if you are up front and honest and seek help, you wont be put under suspision or draw any negative attention to yourself.  I really hope the best for you and I am going to pray for you!  God bless you thru this time.  I hope you can get the courage to be honest so you can enjoy the wonderful blessing and gift of a new born baby!!  Bless you!
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414508 tn?1222627690
hi patty, i am also pregnant, only 10 wks, and tapering off vicodin. i agree with above, you are much better off being honest with your Dr. if he/she knows you are willing to get help, from what i have heard, they will work with you (most of them). i was told it is up to your Dr. if CPS gets a call or not. but if you are honest, and they do call at least your Dr can back up the fact you are being treated, and that the baby will be detoxed safe and sound. besides, you don;t need the extra stress right now of worrying about having your babies taken. i know how scary it is to come clean, but i really think you will feel alot better.  i know tapering to quick can be very dangerous, so i would take the advice given and maybe go to clinic so you can be monitored. i also know if you have to go to the hospital after you are more than 6 months along, depending on the state, they will do a drug test. hope this helps, believe me, i understand the fear and guilt associated with your (our) problem. pm me anytime if you need to talk :)
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382594 tn?1266610613
Does your doctor/obgyn know about your addiction? If so, they will test the baby. If the baby is born with signs of distress, more than likely he/she will be tested as well.
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422795 tn?1293301409
That would make sense to drug test the baby. I would just be up front and tell your doctor.
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