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Codeine is going to kill me :[

I don't like putting attention to myself, but reading  a few topics on here made me feel that I could do it too. Let me explain my situation.

I currently work for an Apple shop, I sit down in a  Apple retail shop and teach people how to use Apple Mac computers. I've had problems with my spine from a young age, and it's only getting worse. Basically it's slightly curved, which is where my prescription to co-codamol 30/500's started. I'd been given these when I was very young, from my mother, which In my eyes was the most terrible parenting, but I guess it's actually just caring for me.

Since my first high from this drug, I started sneeking some from my mums draws, and I never stopped. I managed to convince my doctor that it was the only pain relief I've had thats killed all my back pains, which led to my prescription. I now keep getting called into my doctors because I keep asking for repeat prescriptions to soon. I know I take way to many, way to frequently.

It's really difficult for me to even talk about this, so I'm not going to go any further. I'm terribly nervous about trying to come off this drug. The last time I tried, I had the most horfific pains and bringdowns. I'd like to keep a diary of what happens to me each day on here.

I'd also love anyone here to help me, however you can. Plus, if anyone has any recommendations for things to ease it all?

Pete :/
Best Answer
1283286 tn?1312911966
I'm real happy for you Pete. You did it. Under some very tough circumstances I might add. I can only imagine how difficult this was having fullblown wd's and then having to maintain your presence teaching at work at the same time..Wow! Speaks volumes of you..

There's a few others in here right now that are struggling with the codeine and I can't help to feel will benefit from your story here.. To show them things aren't as hopeless as many do feel at times when they begin to feel the brunt of the wd's in that first week.

As you say : "Rock on! " :)
26 Responses
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Awesomeness Rock On DayToTry,

I have had such little pain today, I only took some decongestants this morning, and nothing else all day. Feels good.

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1148241 tn?1294052796
Congratulations on Day 10!  That's awesome.  I'm so proud of you.

Like you I don't think I'd have made it without this forum.  I'd have probably given in.  I'm relying on Ibuproen too now.  I think its the least damaging drug.  I hope anyway.  You have such a positive attitude and I think that's what helped you.  It's such a mental thing.

I don't blame my dr. though.  I'm a big girl and I was the one that kept asking for refills.  I just wanted the easy fix for everything.  It was my choice.  Just like now.  I haven't even been up that long and my wrists already hurt.  I know I could take Vicodin and that pain would go away, but I just don't want to be that person anymore.  I took Ibuprofen instead.

Yay for you!  Yay for me!

Day 23!
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DAY 10!

It's a success! I feel good, my partner has said several times, I have much more colour to me now. I have very infrequent back pain now, not even close to as bad as I had whilst on the codeine. I guess the drug was just making me suffer much worse that I should be, like my body was demanding I keep supplying.

I found the best solution to getting me through this was one, obviously this forum and help from the likes of lynne and Dave125 in particular, not forgetting the rest of you. Two, I found just only taking paracetamol and the odd ibuprofen, even if it felt like it was doing nothing to ease the pain, it got alot better by day 5.

I now almost feel like I did before I went on the damn stuff, and I have no forgiveness to my doctor for supplying me at all with this horrid stuff, without trying any alternatives. It's been at least 3 years since I started taking it, probably more, longer than I can remember, put it that way. I'll forever push myself away from it now, and just get fit and healthy the natural way.

Thank's for everything, everyone. I'll see how it goes from here on out, but no doubt I'll be back for something else soon :]

Rock On.

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Thanks all of you, If I didn't have a place to talk about it, and your support, it never would of happened.

I'll still keep posting how it goes.

Rock on ;)
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617347 tn?1331293081
Pgstyle... CONGRATS on your 8th day :) well done !!!!!
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1148241 tn?1294052796
You are awesome.  Look at your positive attitude now.  Remember at first when you thought it'd be awful?  Its just the opposite though isn't it.  Don't you just feel so proud of yourself for making it through this?  You should because 8 days is great.  It just keeps getting better.  Do you mark it on your calendar?  I like just like looking at it every day.  I am day 20 and loving it!  You're not far behind me.

Keep up the good work.
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Day 7:

This was the first day I've had sleep all night, and woke up feeling absolutely ok. I did my day at work, without any serious pain what so ever. Only taken a couple Paracetamol all day, and I feel fine.

Day 8 :

I'm on day 8 now and I again had a good nights sleep, and have woken up feeling like a normal person, no cravings, no pain, nothing. Got quite a packed day today, so I'll see weather it's just underlying.

Rock On :D
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I have mostly muscular pain in my back and across my shoulder blades. Well I think it's muscular, I do have several muscular knots, when I say several I mean loads.


Day 6!

Slowly getting there, I had nothing in the way of pain today that I can remember but I had another awful night sleep. Woke up at 12 with a headache that circled around my eye, then went to work, at 7am with 1 hour sleep. Anybody got any ideas to what I can get to help sleep and get my health back up to a great level, calcium, vitamins etc?

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1283286 tn?1312911966
You've fought your way thru the hardest part Pete..Things should slowly start improving now but yeah, the lack of energy really does pull a person down..It should be much improved by day 10 which you've set your eye's on..Setting increment goals does work......Hang in there..Good job..David
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1485890 tn?1287997662
What type of back pain? I have slight lordosis and only codeine used to help until I found these exercises:


btw: Lordosis is a curve of the lower spine, this stops my aches brilliantly no need for pain killers
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617347 tn?1331293081
yeah, the lack of motivation and energy are not easy.... i took Ltyrosine at first to help me with energy, it is an amino and non addictive, just in the mornings was enough, it can make you jittery otherwise.... take vitamins, B's and keep fighting, you will start feeling better soon hopefully :)
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Well I'm on day 5, and I've so far had terrible paranoia, several moments of feeling sick all of a sudden, loss of appetite, several headaches. Loss of energy has killed me, I hate having no energy to want to do anything.

I also somehow managed to crack one of my teeth in half, so I'm going to have a lovely dentist treatment at some point to heighten matters.

Today I'm feeling ok, not great but better I guess.

I'm marking day 10 as my goal at the minute, so I hope it'll all start to get better by then.
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Day 2:

I again had an ok sleep but nothing great. I managed to get into work and start my day pretty well. It wasn't until 4pm that it all started, I couldn't stop yawning and having crazy hot and immediately freezing cold flushes. By about 5pm I was almost certain I was going to be sick, so I sat on the stairs and just put my head in my hands for 30 minutes until it stopped. Got home and had a very hot bath, then straight to bed as the general pain wasn't going away.

Day 3: is upon me, luckily today is my day off. Haven't moved from the sofa, just taken paracetamol.

I wish This would be over much sooner :(  
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1283286 tn?1312911966
I feel for you badly Pete..Most find a way to be able to take time off or get their responsibilities delegated for a couple days while going thru the first few days at a minimum..This really is going to be a test of mind over matter.
Just hang in there. The weekend won't be here soon enough but set your eye's on that goal, and when that gets here, set your eye's on the next 3 days,,etc,etc...Try you best to hang in there....
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Day 1 :

I had a reasonable nights sleep. I drove to where I normally park for work, and started walking to work. About 3 minutes in I started getting slower and slower until I was walking so slow, old people started overtaking me on the pathway. It hit me all at once, I had really horrid pains all through my body, and my head felt really horrible and heavy, almost like its completetly swollen.

I made it eventually and started my day. A couple lessons in I started getting really cold and hot flushes, and at the end of these I was almost certain I was going to be sick. Luckily I didn't, as it would of been all over a customers mac.

I hunted around boots on my lunch break for natural calms but only came across a product called kalms, so I didnt want to buy the wrong product. My body was now in the mode where I just feel I needed to flush it out, as if I had loads of black gungy stuff in me, but is also very painful.

I'm now home and had a quick play on my guitar but found it really difficult to concentrate so I had a hot bath and sat in there for ages as I was getting kneck pains etc.

I've tucked myself into bed with my lovely warm partner, weather day 2 will be any better, I hope :(
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Welcome to the forum and you can do this. Trust me, if I can do this so can you I am clean 30 days today and feeling a whole lot better.

Don't think about how hard it will be to quit the drugs, just think how good your life was before, and most of us here on the forum struggle with chronic pain, but it IS doable without the drugs.

Keepin you in my prayers,

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Ok so my whole body is feeling really just yukky. I've conquered 3 of my 7 lessons today.

I'm kinda concerned about something though.

What if after say 2 weeks I am still feeling rubbish day by day, and it's actually just my genuine back pains? Not any kind of addiction?

Not that I expect this to only take 2 weeks.

I don't have any real craving for the drug, I just would like something to stop this horrid feeling my body is going through right now.
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Good luck for day 1, will be thinking about you. I always think to myself just today i won't swallow any pills and tomorrow i can do what i like. you are bound to feel less tired when you wake up tomorrow. I personally needed sleeping pills, I don't know if this is an option for you.
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Day 1 here we go.

I've taken only decongestion tablets and a couple paracetamol this morning, but no co-codamol. My pain threshold is going to be so low at the minute that Paracetamol really doesn't touch me. But I guess I'm going to have to tell my body, that's all you're getting.

I work across the way from Boots, so I'll have a ponder this morning for some NaturalCalm, if not I guess Holland & Barrett?

I'll let you all know exactly how my first day of lessons go without support.

Can already feel the left hand side of my body starting to very very gradually ache.

Damn it.

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417564 tn?1287982827
I am glad that you have found this site, there is alot of support and encouragement here and it does give you an outlet for your feelings.
There are several natural remedies that will help with many of the symptoms associated with withdrawals - check out the health pages on the right.  Also, try to eat healthy or drink some boost or ensure so that your body can get the nutrients necessary to heal, drink plenty of water, take the proper vitamins (definately a multi-vitamin) There is a powdered supplement called NaturalCalm, you can either pick up from a health food store or order it online - this helped my fiance and I very much.  We learned about this from a nurse at a detox facility and she highly recommended it.
Best of luck to you and continue posting - There are so many great and knowledgable people here to help you...You can do this.
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yes its very hard to do a big thing like this and carry on working. Can you take a few days off to get this started ....  as holiday if necessary?  In my experience day 1 is not too bad, by day 2 i would begin to feel achey, cold etc. Of course you can take alternative pain killers so long as they have no codeine in them. Could you talk to your doctor about  alternatives for your back problem. You could tell them you have become addicted to codeine it is nothing to be ashamed of. There is an epedemic of people addicted to them nowadays and they can only respect you for wanting to do something about it. If you could get a clear week, off work, rest alot (withdrawing makes you very tired) and really focus on yourself and coming off this. The doctor should give you  a sick note if you explain what you are going to do.
There is also NA (narcotics anonymous) where you could meet many people with the same addiction as you and would be more than willing to help you.
Will be thinking of you. It only hard for a few days then life gets better ....
Good luck Lynne
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Thank-you Lynne

I really do not know how I'm going to sit down all day teaching :/ I'll just wait and see what happens
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Hi Pete,
I think the best way to come off codeine is to start reducing it on a daily basis by one or two pills a day. You can avoid withdrawels this way, however I found it difficult because i would do so well tapering off for a while and then suddenly think i can't do this anymore and take a load. In the end i had to get sleeping pills (just for a couple of weeks) and I could get through the day knowing i would get a good nights sleep. This way i did have to go through withdrawals but for me this is a good thing as the memory of that helps me to walk past chemists now.
Best of luck
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