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It's time...

I'm almost 31 years old. I started with a few occasional vic's then moved up to Oxycontin, then about 5-6 years in the Methadone clinic, a couple brief moths with H, then several years of Suboxone- I found out really quick that getting off of Subs is next to impossible. I don't know if it was the correct choice but I switched to Oxycodone IR's for about the past month but we all know how that goes. (I am currently on about 100-120mg's per day). Now I am to the point where I just want my life back and feel like I will do almost anything (including W/D's) to get it back.
I am absolutely scared ********. I have a wife and kids and run my own business and I understand that it's not going to happen overnight and it will most likely be the most difficult thing I have ever done.
The reason I am posting this is because I need help. I need the support of all of you have done it and others like me who are getting ready to take the plunge. I've never posted anything on this site before but when I noticed a woman who made it through her "Hell week" with the help of all the awesome people out there I decided I would ask for your help. I am desperate to get clean. I want to experience reality and enjoy my kids, and even more they deserve to have a dad who is clean.
I've done a lot of research and I know about everything from Ammodium to Kratom and I am almost ready. I have 4 15mg left and I told all of my "friends" that I am getting clean. I changed my number and have no more plugs for anything. I do have a handful of vic's and was planning on using them to try to sleep a little. (I know I shouldn't cheat but I really think it's the only way I can do it).
I know this was really long. You support and comments would be greatly appreciated!
THANK YOU! -Tanner
25 Responses
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4522800 tn?1470325834
I think we were posting at the same time..Yes I HATE methedone...And yes it is a big DR & Pham came out there. I too wanted to look up sites that people want methedone off the market...I was going to write a book and call it "The drug pushers in the white jackets" I was mad and even wrote a good bye letter to the drug. It took sooo many years away from me.But I know I made a choice to take this....The subs are getting way out of control now too. In my small town it is the herion & subs. Go figure. Cheaper for herion and subs are being handed out like candy from a dr here that put half the town on opiates.. I also know methedone was made in germany during the war because they were running out of morphine. Right!!! Anyway PM me if you get some info on this....
God Bless
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I only started on this page 2 weeks ago and let me tell you it's help me more than ever I have been clean 5 days and even tho that's a short time it's forever to me and I plan on continuing this trip to be healthy and get my life back normal I know how you feel we all do and with the support of all these wonderful ppl trying to help others along with yourself it should be Bette than doing it alone stay on this page as much as possible and you will ENJOY GETTING YOUR LIFE BACK once the wd are over with or even not as bad you will be in the spirit of oh my gosh I can do this and IT'S SO WORTH IT good luck to you and add me as a friend if I want or need to talk
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4522800 tn?1470325834
WOW I am soooo pround of you. And look at your above post to chris....That is some great ways of putting it. Hang in here your experiences can help someone new, like you just did. I like the saying about " It's a WAR and with war comes many battles" Yes and we will still have some PAWS I just read on that can last years....And it does take time to balance out the brain. That ol pleasure part of the brain they call survial will keep wanting to play the tape over and over again to I felt good, I can do it again, oh just one..RIGHT...It is the disease we develope over a long period of use. No one said when they were little that they wanted to grow up and become a addict..Ha!
God Bless you and your time. You came off of some hard core things..
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Thanks Vickie!,
Sorry. I thought I would be more in to the computer thing. I couldn't force myself to look at a computer while W/D's.
You are really helping people here & Thank you!! (It's funny how you get the urge to help everyone when you start gettig clean). First on my agenda- I am going to do everything in my power to seriously regulate how the private industry of Methadone Clinic's operate. The entire time I was there the only question they ask is "how many MG's do you want to go up today?" Insaine.
My sister works for a lady in SanDiego named Charolette ******. They heal using nutrition mainly cancer but more and more people are doing ****** Theropy to treat opiate withdrawls and addiction. It sounds kinda crazy but your diet consits of like 90% juice from organic fruits & vegtables. My older brother detoxed using this method and swears by it.
It's sounds like you know nutrition so I think you might like the movie "The  ****** Miracle" or "A beautiful Truth". (They are worth watching) and might be on Netflix.
Anyways, THANK YOU! Take Care and I will start a new tread soon...
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It's not as bad as you think. It's bad, but if you get everything before hand (mentioned above). You can do it. I realized that it is not something that can be forced. You have to be competely willing first.
I know it's very hard but the only regret I had was not tapering. I know if I would have taper just a little over like a couple weeks the W/D's wouldn't have been as bad, I'm on like day 8-9 (I think) and I am feeling much better. Remember- It's a ((WAR)) and with war comes many battles.
Unfortunately there is no short term fix. I am realizing that it takes a while to heal but it seems like the second your head starts to clear you realize that you should have done this a very long time ago.
I was off of this site for a while because even the thought of a computer made me sick (it's what I do for a living). BUT- You WILL find real support here. Alwas remember that you are not alone and rght now there is 1,000's of people going through W/D's that can even make yours look easy. I promise you can do it!!! Good Luck & God Bless! -Tanner
BTW- #1- Clonidine (miracle that only comes from the Doc) #2-Hylands RLS (from Walgreens) #3- Ibruprphine #4-Immodium (and even though I hate the stuff; Tylenol). Drink **** loads of water and like Vckie mentioned ONLY good food if you can get it down.
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sry tanner i read wrong post. i didnt mean to hijack this forum
im in same situation as you are so best of luck to u
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im new to this forum and glad to see u are doing good tanner.
maybe u can pay it forward and give me some advice. today is day 1 for me quitting cold turkey from oxy. up to 480 mg a day and scared to death to do this. just running low on pills i start to panic so the thought of not doing any more at all scares the bajeebas out of me
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4522800 tn?1470325834
GREAT JOB You have come aways. The brain takes a bit longer to heal or fire up because of the neur/trans that we had unbalanced. The weakness for me was my last stage in detox very weak. I stated to add protien in all my meals during the day. Plus protein drinks. I stayed away from the sugars and simple carbs because the spiked the insuline up and it drops hard. As far as sleep I had a issue again about two weeks ago. I posted it try to find it, "People with months help"by vvic it is full of great info....Other wise Hang Tuff you are doing a wonderful job. Next time you post start a new one so we can see it is new...I am sure there will be some in and out when they see the date and time on here.
God Bless hang tight it does get better..

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Did it. What a breeze. ((J/K!!!))
Day 6/7 and I still feel like crap. I can't get out of bed for the life of me in the morning and it's probably because of the 1 hour (and 10mins) of sleep I got? Foggy head & no energy whatsoever.
Been trying to make my self exercise and I got a couple different herbal supplements but does anyone know how how before my head will be right again? (Or at least sleep?)
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Thanks Vickie!
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Thanks everyone. Sorry i haven't been on. I've been running around like crazy today trying to get ready. Going to try to get some sleep. Tomorrow will be day 1 with absolutely nothing. (Besides a Vic or two). My wife is already irritated with me and the kids need constant attention that I know I wont be able to give them so I decided to stay in a hotel. Hopefully it is the correct decision. I got the blood pressure meds from the hospital today and about 75% of my work. I think Im ready?
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4522800 tn?1470325834
Hi again. I was the one that did the first post to tell you to keep checking post...WOW NoLife4Me that was some GREAT info.....I wish I knew that around 6 months ago!!!
As I had posted Tanner you seem to be a very smart cookie. I know you will do great with your sucess. Keep posting and stay with medhelp because YOU will be a great one to share your experiences with the ones who will come in behind you...
Keep on trurckin forward and do not look back.....
God Bless You
vickie idaho
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4204073 tn?1361831476
Your not imagining it.  The Gabba does assist with wd symptoms.  My Dr said I could take up to 3600 mg of it.   I posted yesterday on my thread 2800, but I was wrong.  I went back and reread the instructions.   Today I am at 1500 and notice a significant decrease in my pain and anxiety from the pain.  And it seems to be helping my mood too.  That's a great benefit.  Gabba works on nerve pain, but was created originally for seizures.  They now find that it works for other things such as depression.  It's non addicting but does need to be tapered off.  
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4598399 tn?1363707335
I was/am taking both Gabapentin and Fioricet w/ Codeine at the same time. My doctor had me taper off the Gab. then she wanted me to increase the Gab. back to 2,400mg/day . I noticed one day, as I tapered off the Fioricet, that if I took the Gab. it made the WD systoms a bit less obvious. I finally got tired of the rollercoaster so I have been taking only 1 Gab in the morning at then mabye 1 additional Gab. every few days to assist with the tapering of the Fioricet. While I can tell I am definately having WD symptoms from the Fioricet I feel the Gab. has some affect but not much. I'm not sure what would happen if I actually took the 2,400mg. My Dr. says that Gab. is not addicting but I would prefer not to go beyond the 1/day and the occasional 1 added here and there but I think there is some relationship with the lessening of the WD feelings for me. Or I could just be imagening it.
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4204073 tn?1361831476
Hi again!   Ok, so researching on the net I found this about baclofen:  You may have withdrawal symptoms such as seizures or hallucinations, when you stop using baclofen after using it over a long period of time. You may need to use less and less before you stop the medication completely.

If you are using for a short time period, you should be ok, make sure you will be ok with your Dr first.  I took it for a short time (couple months I think) and just stopped without any problems.   But that was me.  
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4204073 tn?1361831476
The gabapentin I am taking really does help with the muscle spasms and helps you feel more relaxed.   Since Baclofen is derived from Gaba, you should find some relief in muscle spasms and pain.   I see it is good for alcohol dependance and withdraw.   I've never heard of it being used for opiate withdraw, but it can't hurt if you have muscle pain and your Dr prescribed it.  

As far as wd goes, day 1 is uncomfortable.  Yawning, runny nose, sneezing, no energy, restless legs, tired and the start of bathroom issues.  Day 2 is when it really kicks in hard.  Day 3 for me was milder than day 2 but doable.  By day 4 the physical stuff gets significantly better.  Somewhere between day 5 - 7 you should start feeling like you are among the living again.   After that you will have continued issues with the fogginess, forgetfulness, no energy, depression, mood swings, etc.   If it gets to bad, talk to your Dr about an anti depressant.  If you don't want to go that route, there are some natural things I've seen people use such as Valerian Root.  Melatonin will also help you with your sleep.  You might want to try adding that to your recipe.  The clonodine does help ease the sweating, restlessness and anxiety.  

We are pulling for you.   It's not a cake walk, but so worth it to get to the other side!!!   :))
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4204073 tn?1361831476
I took baclofen for muscle spasms for a while.   Here is what I got off of Wikipedia:

Baclofen (brand names Kemstro, Lioresal, Liofen, Gablofen, and Beklo) is a derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). It is primarily used to treat spasticity and is in the early research stages for use for the treatment of alcoholism. It is also used by compounding pharmacies in topical pain creams as a muscle relaxant.

It is an agonist for the GABAB receptors.[1][2] Its beneficial effects in spasticity result from actions at spinal and supraspinal sites. Baclofen can also be used to treat hiccups, and has been shown to prevent rises in body temperature induced by the drug MDMA in rats.[3]
In addition, research has shown baclofen to be effective in the treatment of alcohol dependence and withdrawal, by inhibiting both withdrawal symptoms and cravings.[4]

A beneficial property of baclofen is that tolerance does not seem to occur to a significant degree — baclofen retains its therapeutic anti-spasmodic effects even after many years of continued use.[5] Newer studies, however, indicate that tolerance may develop in some patients receiving intrathecal baclofen treatment.[6][7][8]

Oral dosage must be carefully regulated; significantly high doses of the drug, particularly 80 mg per day or higher, can cause excessive ataxia and/or drowsiness that can interfere with daily
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4622451 tn?1360595255
Hey Tanner....sounds like you got everything covered so I'm just here to lend some support. I was an oxy IR guy too. Clonadine is a god send. The Imodium  does help ease the , including the RLS (at least im my case). Get past day 3 and it all gets better.
good luck and Peace...

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First of all,
Thank you all so much! I honestly didn't think anyone would would respond. Day one and the couple pills I have will be gone in hours. I just started pacing back and forth like a caged animal trying to figure out what to do. I have every excuse known to man. And of course I have all kinds of real issues with my business that I really have to fix and a TON of work. I should have prepared better. I was going to try to use the few last pills over a longer period of time but I think I will be better off hammering them down and getting to work. I am seriously scared. Not so much of the W/D's but more scared of facing all this BS I have inside of me. I've had so many friends and family die in these 10 years and I have never really dealt with it. (On top of plenty of other issues).
One day at a time.

I'm getting the clonodine today.
I am doing the Thomas recipe and I got the good Immodium.
I have a bunch of water and drink stuff.
-B vitamins
-Hylands RLS
-Amino Acid's
-Looking forward to some exercise. (God knows I need it!)
-I got the Vic's which I know is an opiate and I am only going to take it when I NEED it.
-I don't smoke weed but I am going to grab some and eat it instead of smoke.
I have thought about ordering some Kratom but it almost sounds like an opiate?
Anyone hear of Baclofen?
I'm not planning on taking EVERYTHING. I'm going to start with the essentials and figure what works best...
I'm not a meeting type of guy. I've tried them. Just not for me.
I truly appreciate all of you who are willing to take the time out of your life to help me.
Thank you,, Thank you,,, Thank you!
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Hi tanner. Check in please. Let us know how your doing
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1641181 tn?1301552159
Just have to say - this non addictive meds really helped me. Try to get some of the clonodine, I think that helped most. And of course lots of water or sports drinks, food, and some one to talk to!

I kicked this! I guess everybody can.  
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1641181 tn?1301552159
Hi, (pardon my language, I am scandinavian)
I have been on different opiates for 13 years, because of cronic pain - started with soft ones like codein, then tramadol, then buprenophine(patches), then fentanyl(patches), then oxycontin and oxynorm. I was on 100-200mg pr. day for about a year. 17. january I went to detox center.

The day before arival, I had to finnish all my pills (thats me..) so I guess I was on 350mg when I got there.

They put me on Subutex, startet at 8mg for 2 days, and then tapered down 2mg a day. I guess thats a quick tapper..  I was fine (well, at least ok) the hole taper, but when I was down to zero, It was hell, of course.

They gave my some Hydroxizin. hydrochlorid, called atarax, and clonidine and Valproat (anti epileptica). And one night - in the morning after been in a mess all night with panic attacks, and the feeling of drowning, the night watch gave me 10 mg Valium. That was the only addictive meds I got during my stay...!

I am now 34 days clean of opiates!

I was out in 11 days.

To days later I went to my doctor  and got a prescription for ambients...  Then I startet smoking cannabis, and taking ambients...again..

Then in a moment of clarity, I flushed it all down the toilett, and the next day I went to a NA meeting. Since then I have been totaly clean.

But I still feel sick. Have no energy, am mildly depressed, have diearra (use immodium), some head ace, restless legs, foggy and next to no ability to concentrate. I guess it will take a year or to too get back. I take one day at the time..
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1700643 tn?1464846682
Ok well u dnt need the vikes to sleep.Tylenol/advil p.m. work better.Have u looked at the thomas recipe?Make sure to get name brand immodium&take generously.Helps with other symptoms of w/d.If u r not tapering(cleaely u have no plan too and we cnt usually as addicts)dump all the roxis and vikes there just a setback.and crutch.Welcome glad ur here&ur right I hear subs r the hardest&longest thing possible.Everyone Ive seen here regrets getting on them(methadone too)not a solution a bigger problem than the original
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2107676 tn?1388973859
Hi Tanner and welcome.
I was taking about the same amount as you and went cold turkey.
Yes it wasn't pleasant but I wouldn't say it was the worse thing I have gone through.  It's never as bad as we think.
The vics will help but they will prolong the inevitable.
I found days 1 and 2 to be tolerable and then the withdrawals peaked on Day 3.  They just seemed to come in waves after that but nothing I couldn't handle.  You can do this.
Stock up on gatorade, imodium, easy light foods like crackers, bananas, soups, frozen macaroni and cheese.
You will feel exhausted after it's over and probably have anxiety and won't be able to sleep much but we have suggestions for that after you are through the worst of the withdrawals.
]If I can do it, you can too.  Keep posting for support and ask any questions you have.
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