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Ease Withdrawal Question....

I am trying to wean off of hydrocodone but have run out.  I did get access to oxycodone 5mg, and I have to use those to continue to wean instead of the hydro.  I know this sounds like an out-of-the-frying-pan and into-the-fire kind of approach, but I have tried and cannot do cold-turkey with my responsibilities to my family and my secret not getting out.   I have no support.  This is entirely up to me.  I know we can't post dosages to wean, but what are your thoughts on this plan?  Is oxy similiar enough to hydro to help me avoid the worst of the withdrawal symtoms?
Thanks for any input.
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2218783 tn?1357571081
Hi Dee
I Just read this whole post and I Just wanted to say i know Going Cold turkey is hard and tapering is hard especially if you dont have a plan.
Vicki has given you great advice on a taper plan she is really good at taper advice and Tapering takes alot of will power and you will  be hurting going through Mild wds from a taper so its easy to just take an extra one and say i will make it up later. You cant do that or the taper will not work.
I also see The advice Kyle has given you and he is really good at pressing your buttons and his post probably will stick out in your head.
And that a Good thing. Think about what he said and I know it makes you almost mad, Maybe you even want to say Hey back off to him.I Know I did many times in the beginning of my Wds. :)  But he really speaks the truth I am clean today because I Got so much help on here from so many people. They pushed My Buttons and carried me when I thought I couldnt do it. In My opinion Cold turkey gets it over with Just rip off the bandage. It will be hard but the physical wds will be over in 3-4 days and you can work on the mental stuff.
I have this on a post it on my Mirror"Getting clean is the easy part STAYING clean is the hard part and the real work"

I Know you are having alot of anxiety about telling your husband I did also and as soon as I did tell My guy OMG I felt so overwhelmed ,He really helped me and gave me the support I needed and having to hide my addiction from him for so long just added to the Anxiety so telling him was a positive step to getting clean.
I am glad you posted and I hope you will continue to look on this forum for help and support because you will get it.
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From what you've said about your husband, I understand. There were people in my family whom I could never tell. In my case, it would break their hearts. I do agree that it might be a whole lot better if you could tell him but if you can't then think about this for a second. You can go cold turkey and "get the flu." Everybody gets sick once in awhile. What do you do about your responsibilities when you do get sick? From what you are saying, it does seem that if you have that medication around you will take it. I found that you have to make a commitment if you are really going to quit. I am at 28 days clean from Oxycodone and I can tell you, you do not want to get hooked on it! Years ago, I found that it was much simpler to withdraw from hydrocodone. At that time, it took me about two and a half days of cold turkey and then 12-step meetings to stay medication-free. If I had stayed at meetings, I probably would not have relapsed on hydrocodone and then started on oxy when the hydrocodone stopped working. In the last three years on oxy, my life went to hell. Again, if I was in your shoes, knowing what I know now, I would never, never take oxycodone.

If you really want to quit, I would find a way to either taper off the hydrocodones or go cold turkey. Also, stick close to the people here. They can help save your life.

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Hi as an experienced addict who has cronic pain everyday. Honestly I beleive that if your family really loves you they would want you to be honest with them meaning no secrets. It will be so much easyer with help. Have someone else take control of your med so you can't cheat its gonna b hard as hell but can be done. Good luck!
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3197167 tn?1348968606
No apology necessary.  
Did you ever think about throwing away your 2 wk supply and quitting NOW?
Just let that thought blow up your way in Newton :)
Why will you be any different in 2 wks?
Was I insane?  I was ready!
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Yes...I need to remember what you just said...Most people are pretty surprised to find they're addicted to their pain meds. I think it goes on and on because there's just no easy way to get help without embarrassment and feeling victimized by the stigma of addiction. I hate that!

You've got a lot of help here, whenever you want/need it. I don't know if you've read much here but there's just a ton of info. Look in the health pages at the bottom of the page somewhere. The forum page...

The Ativan will help with withdrawals and anxiety. There are other things: there's some great stuff for RLS called Hylands Restful Leg and Immodium is a very good thing to take, not just for diarrhea either. Google Immodium and opiate withdrawal. The stuff works very well, I've seen it!

Take some time for yourself and let all of this sink in...we'll be here. xoxo
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no no, vicki!  I understand!  I wasn't thinking anything of the sort in the least!  I can imagine what a relief it must have been to find out your guy was on your side, probably made your relationship stronger.  I like what you have to say...you ARE good at this, as others have mentioned :)  perfection, hardly - perfectionist, possibly.  DH would not physically harm me or kick me to curb I'm sure...and the over-thinking is probably true.  I guess I was so taken aback by the severity and strange sensations of w/d when I didn't know what was going on, that by now I've learned a lot and am way more informed so I'll know better how to handle it.
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yeah, I'm not into tramadol...I tried it but didn't really do much for me.  I do have Ativan that I use as-needed, and I've never had a problem with them.  Never addicted, never abused.  Maybe that's why I was taken by surprise about hydro.  Tried taking the ativan when I was going CT from hydros, helped a little.  I didn't even know I was having w/ds at the time - thought I was on the verge of a panic attack, which happens once in awhile.  Needed 2 1mgs to sleep, and my husband said he moved to the couch in the middle of the night because I was kicking in my sleep!  
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2218783 tn?1357571081
I Loved Your post Vicki You are the BEST! <3 I wish I could Hug you! :)
I actually Laughed out LOUD(LOL) My Kids are just looking at me  MOM has finally lost her mind! My son of course thinks he gets to keep my car!  LOL
have a goodNight You are truly and angel Vicki so supportive to so many. I Just had to post to you
Sorry dee for Hijacking your thread! <3 :)
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Dee-  I wasn't vague about how much Oxy to take because I'm a b itch! LOL
We can't give dosages and we can't give taper plans etc...so I HAVE to be vague.

Listen...you don't take much Vicodin at all!  This may not be that difficult for you! I mean it. Give it a try, seriously. I think if you can get through the first 36 hours, you'll see how it's going to be. Take an Oxy just in case to lessen the shock but this may be a case of over thinking the thing to death.

Listen, I don't talk about myself very much but I'll share this with you:  I did not want to share my problem with addiction with anyone ever and especially my husband. He leads such a clean, vitamin and herb filled life that he intimidated me! LOL And  he's a doctor and he knows the score AND has shared his opinions over the years. YUCK and UGH!     I finally told him anyway and just figured if he found me dead at least he would know why. Yes, I was dramatic from THE PILLS. I also made him out to be my enemy and he never was...I expected him to very angry, call all the family, his lawyer, my lawyer, blah blah.    He didn't.  I told him I had to stop, I was trying to taper by myself, it was hard and he just said:   I'll help you with that , I know exactly what to do.   I almost died from relief...
I don't think I'll live long enough to show him how thankful I am for his kindness toward me.  I'm telling you this so you'll think long and hard about your husband and don't let the pills color your thoughts!  He needs to know and you need his help, unless you think he'll beat you or physically throw you out!   Just think about it. I hate to see you go through this by yourself.  As his wife, he won't put you in a light, do you think?  When I approached this I just said:  look, I've got a problem and I need some help...that was it for that night. Later we talked but he was fine with this and when I say he is straight he is STRAIGHT!  LOL.  Have a good night!
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1331115 tn?1536362140
FYI---The word "narcotic" means different things in different situations (and to different people). From a medical standpoint, narcotics are medications that cause drowsiness and dulling of the senses and are usually used in reference to opioids (morphine and other similar drugs such as heroin). However, most law enforcement officials (and most of the general public) use the word "narcotic" to describe any addictive medication or illegal substance, such as cocaine or marijuana, even if they are actually stimulants.

Tramadol is an opioid drug, because it binds to opioid receptors. However, can be be as addictive as other opioids, tramadol addiction and abuse may occur. Legally, this medication is not considered a narcotic because it is not listed as such in the Controlled Substances Act.  Tramadol is an selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and has been related to seizures during usage and w/d. Withdrawls effects from Tramadol can sometimes more dangerous and worse than other opiates. So using it to ease w/d is a very dangerous game. That's just my 2 cents and there is quite a bit of fact behind it.
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it's cool
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Thank you vicki595 - you are a good help...I understand what you mean.  I'll think hard about it.  I'll let you know how it's going.  My vikes were supposed to be 2 a day, but some days I would take 6 to get alot done, other days I would take 1 in the am and 2 to just chill in the evening, so I'll start by working from the lowest dose I would do...thanks again.
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I did answer that - right after quitinoxys 22 hrs ago...and yes, I am having a hard time admitting that this can't go on.  like I said, I read EVERY word and am still soaking it all in...still in a bit of a shock that I even AM addicted, stunned that the withdrawals ARE so terrible (until about a month ago, I thought I could just stop taking them and be fine) ...so you are right in the fact that I may be "romanticizing"  
Also, from my minor attempt to tell the person closest to me, and the reaction from just an inkling of what I was thinking or going thru, I could tell where it would go and despite the good words I hear and best intentions offered here, that is one thing I am not willing to sacrifice, even if it looks to you like I'm trying to leave myself an "out"    I understand what folks are saying, and I'm listening, but I am making my own decisions to try to do what will work best for me, right or wrong.  
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Dee-   I agree with Kyle. I do appreciate your honesty here and that's what will help you get better.  I'm not sure you can taper, though. Tapering takes a huge commitment and you need to do it right. It won't work if you wait until you're really uncomfortable to take a pill. You'll end up taking six!

You DO know how many to take per day to begin the taper. You've been told the conversion so it's easy to figure. You know how many hydro you take per day,right?  

The best way to taper is to have someone else HOLD YOUR PILLS. You've proven that! LOL.  I still think you should tell your husband.     I get the feeling that you have an issue with perfection...all the time...and you need to be perfect and your house needs to be perfect and your hair needs to be perfect...

You aren't perfect, I'm not perfect and neither is Kyle and the rest of my friends here. As soon as you admit that you're not perfect, you'll be on the right path...you're going to need some support beside the forum, as well.

It's just my opinion but I don't think you can do this alone. You can't be in charge and that's not a bad thing, it's just the true thing.  

Before you can go further, I think the secrets need to come out and that's my best advice for you at this point.

Please ignore the comment by another poster who takes two pills at bedtime as a reward for being so good on his taper...that's BS and wrong thinking.
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3212047 tn?1345723145
yea, that was not a smart post. i apologize
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1970885 tn?1435860428
You've avoided the important questions that have been asked and aren't listening to the support you've been given...Do you have another refill, and if so, have you cancelled it? Another person was very kind in telling you that the BS about not being able to tell anyone is just your head - you - not wanting to because when you do, your ability to use in the future will become very limited. I'm sorry, but I don't see much effort on your part, even though the folks on the forum are working hard to help.
In my opinion, you are not ready, and in fact, show no intention of stopping. You're continuing to romanticize the addiction and are BSing yourself.
I'm saying this because for over 15 years I did exactly the same thing...I see me in every single one of your responses. Do you really want to do this crap for even one more minute?
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okay...(deep breath) - thanks all...I'm happy everyone here even understands a weak moment!  I also appreciate the numbers explanations  5s, 7.5s etc...  I liked the advice about using a days-of-the-week pill container, but I'm not sure what to allow myself.  I'm going to just try to not take any until I'm so sick I can't stand it.  Then I will take 1.  Another perspective that occurred to me as I'm working through this crap is this: taking a few for a buzz feels good, sure, but having even ONE, having even CRUMBS feels SO much better when you're sick and would do anything for a moment of relief.  So wait the wait and it's put to much better use than just throwing down!  Right?
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2107198 tn?1336136106
Tramadol/traumadol.  That stuff is atrocious and should be pulled like Darvocet in my opinion.  Good luck Dee, I could never taper, has to go cold turkey.  Whoever said that oxycodone is to long release is right, that is OxyContin.  And yes, 5mg oxycodone is a 7.5 hydro condone in strength.  

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3197167 tn?1348968606
I forgot something!  Surprise....surprise.  
I tried taking Ultram/generic name tramadol for pain many yrs back.  I went back to hydros because after I read that sheet that is folded up a gillion times with the medication in the teeny print.....I read it was a synthetic opiate and also had anti-depressant as well.

My daughter-in-law is totally hooked on Ultram!!  She was previously on Lortabs and abused those.  She has never read about the drug or been on a web site where people innocently take in being told or thinking it is not an opiate (even tho it is synthetic) and read about there horrible w/d.

I would NOT substitute it w/o checking the actual make-up for yourself since you are being told is "helpful".  WebMD can give you a lot of info about the drug, but this forum right here has Ultram addicts posting on it.
Remember...we are all different and so is our body chemistry, but then our thinking patterns are identical!
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3197167 tn?1348968606
Hey, Dee
I guess I read how you are doing today.  The fact that you took 3 tells its own story, huh?  I know 2 days ago (and I'm at 62 clean today) I would have taken 3 if they were in front of me.  There is a recovery acronym for us addicts, i.e., HALT = hungry, angry, lonely, tired.  
2 nights ago, I was all but hungry!! ha!  Advise to me was if I was any of those I was "cruisin for a bruisin" or an alert to me to hit a meeting, call someone, anything  but be angry, lonely, tired, or whatever.  For me I have to add PAIN.  
Keep talking to us.......at least you have shared "your secret" now (with us)
Prayin for you
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3212047 tn?1345723145
thats my wife too! "Why dont you just stop?" We went out on our anniversary a few years ago and she doesn't usually drink but this night she drank quite a bit and so did I. We had a wonderful evening and I was on top of the world and decided to tell her my secret. She was so cool and understanding that night, I thought i really had some support. When we woke up the next day I felt like, "oh crap, what have i done?" I played it off and didnt bring it up and neither did she for a few hours. I thought she was either cool with it or she didnt remember. Then all the sudden she remembered and fronted me. It wasn't good. I've put her through so much B.S., she's numb to it now. She use to fly off the handle if she found pills, now, she still gets mad, but its more like really? again? She's threatened to leave me a few times saying i love the drugs more than her but in the end im always able to talk her into staying. This has been going on for 10 years or so. She is so numb to my addiction, nothing surprises her anymore. I feel so terrible. Im so lucky to have such a great wife but i know exactly what you mean by not having an option about keeping it secret. So glad i found this site so i can talk to people like you guys that are going through the same stuff. Its so hard for someone that is not an addict to understand. its like trying to explain algebra to a 5 year old, they just dont get it. She loves me so much and all I want to do is be the clean, loving husband she deserves but time and time again ive kicked but gone back to the drugs. Im also a Lortab/Norco addict. I have been for a long, long time. One thing i have had some success with is Ultram as far as taking something to lessen the WDs. Its not a narcotic but tricks the brain into thinking it is. It was developed as a anti depressant but ended up working better as a non narcotic analgesic. It is still a controlled substance though. Hang in there dee480. your not alone.
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UGH!  I may just be wasting everyone's time here - I should just say goodbye...I counted and separated my pills to wean off, and while I had all 60 sitting in front of me I took 3.  Reasoning: "just one last time...I need the energy to get the last bit of the house in order and sparkling for when my husband gets home from his business trip tonight. I'll be able to get everything caught up, and from now on I'll stick to the taper.  I have plenty."   Loser, addict thinking....sigh...but, they're all counted and separated so that was it...last "high" from pills.  from now on, only use to stop from being sick.  The End!
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There is no easy way to do it. You would have to ween off but that's difficult.
Search the site for similar posts because this question comes up a lot.

Good luck
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3212047 tn?1345723145
Just read an earlier post about not being able to take sick days and having a child that counts on you. I did not consider this. Sorry, my advice was kind of worthless!!!
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