4804873 tn?1360162537

Embarrassing question

Hi all, I have really retained from asking this question, as I asked a similar question a few weeks ago. I am coming up on a month clean (29 days today) and I'm getting very concerned about my "bathroom issues" as in feeling like I need Immodium every day.  I'm running to the bathroom quite frequently, but I don't feel like it's good for me to take Immodium EVERY day, but if I have to go out and run errands, it's a must.  I'm exercising a lot more, and I've started juicing fruits and veggies, although I can barely gag down the veggie juice.  I'm not a huge veggie fan, although I love fruit.  But I know I need vegetables..I sound like a little kid but I just don't care for them.  But I have been forcing some down every day.  I'm just getting concerned about this month long bathroom issue...oh plus I have had ZERO appetite this month since I quit.  It's getting to feel like an issue, I used to love and enjoy food , so I really hate this part.  Even my favorite foods I look at and I feel like I could vomit.  I do catch myself gagging through out the day.  WTH is going on with me? I joked at first how great it was not to have an appetite, now it's absolutely no fun at all.  My stomach growls for food.  I've been taking a probiotic and eating an activia yogurt every morning.  Even that little yogurt I have to force down.  I did have my anti- depressant upped around time I quit Percocet, I wonder if that could be causing it?  It's to the point where I'm having crazy ideas, like did I really do something harmful to my body and it's never going to function normally.  Now when my husband wants to go out to eat, which I've always loved to do, I get big knots in my stomach because the smells and sight of food makes me feel nauseous.  I don't like these feelings.  I have had major traumatic events in last few months, as you all know, lost 2 people to cancer within months. But I don't feel like I'm mentally focusing on that enough to cause this physical condition.  I just want to eat again and be hungry and not turned off by food and not have the damn runs all the time! Ugh.  Sorry but I just am at my wits end with this ****, literally, lol.  I'm thinking I need to go get some bloodwork? I'm petrified they may find something terrible though, after abusing those stupid pills for 2 plus years...I've lost a bit of weight from this, but I don't want to lose more.
Best Answer
1436598 tn?1332896533
What antidepressant are you taking? I was on prozac 20mil with no side effects. They upped it to 40mil and I started having horribly explosive diarrhea with little warning (yeah TMI :)) I ended up switching to a different SSRI.
36 Responses
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Awe, I love embarrassing questions, but this is a common one. Fruit and yogurt cause soft stools. Veggies are great, but whole grain is what is missing in most first world diets. Rice, oats, quinoa, any grain with the germ and husk still on it help make those floaters we dream of in early recovery. Avoid corn syrup, you have to read labels, and diaretics, like coffee, chocolate, soda, and tea. Herbal teas are a good alternative. A month is a while for perks, but everyone is different. What is your diet like now? Opiates kept you stopped up for years, you may have some issue you didn't know about because of the opiates. For example, I had parasites from India and thought they had gone away. N
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Nope, my symptoms where masked a for years. I th
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4804873 tn?1360162537
Yes I'm not eating much at all...wow a parasite?! Omg! Well I've not been out if the country. I just don't understand the complete and total lack if appetite. Never in my life have I went so long with no appetite.  When I feel my stomach growling for food I try to force something healthy in, but I want to gag the entire time. I'm starting to eat anxiety now before dinner time because I don't want to "not eat" in front of my family.  It's really messing with me.  Every day I wake up I think today I will be hungry, and I'm not....I guess I really need to make the dreaded dr appointment....I'm going to try and get some whole grains in.  More appealing than veggies. My diet now is a small bowl off cereal, granola, with almond milk, then I try to choke down half a veggie juice.  Then later I will have a fruit smoothie.  Def a yogurt every day.  Then whatever I think I can get in, like crackers with peanut butter. At night we have fish and veggies, which I force down what I can just so I don't have to hear it from my hubby.  It's like one thing after another with me, and I feel like I'm creating another  issue.  But I want this to be over with more than anything!
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4804873 tn?1360162537
Oh and I gave up all caffeine.  
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5621112 tn?1371375561
Hi hon, I'm new here and am just starting my taper so I don''t have any experience to help with wd's, but I've had life long issues with my entire digestive system. From what I've read here, the digestive issues can last a while especially from some drugs. I dont know your story or what you DOC was. But detoxing is hard on the system for one, and then if we COMPLETELY change our eating habits from what they were before, we may be eating something our body doesn't like. Juicing is great for some,  but for others it can be hell. My stomach will hate me if I eat or drink too many fresh fruits or raw veggies. Maybe slow the juicing down and see how your body reacts. Juicing is very filling, it gives your body lots of fiber and nutrients so it may be counter-acting what you are trying to do. Also just a small tip if you keep juicing, you dont have to have fruits and veggies separately. Mix fruit with veggies to give it sweetness. Try different combos of two or three things and you will find it much more appealing. If you still find you are having problems after slowing or quitting the juice for a while, IT IS ALWAYS ADVISABLE TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR!  I doubt you did anything terrible to yourself, but only a doctor can test you and be sure.  This is only my suggestion, I have no medical training. But if you are still having bowel movements and, excuse me, but passing gas, those are always healthy signs that things are still functioning. I've had 6 bowel obstructions so I know this for sure. Most of us spent years damaging our bodies, it takes time for them to heal. You will get there too!  Good luck, I sympathize with the situation, I really do!
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4804873 tn?1360162537
Thanks Deb.. I joked and said maybe my body is freaked out because its getting all this healthy stuff in! I was on Percocet 30-40 mg per day for a bit over 2 years. Clean 29 days...I'm a smaller framed person, only 5"2., and not real heavy, (ESP now) but I've gone down about 10 pounds since coming off the Percs.  I had a very healthy appetite on the pills, in fact I had to watch it because I wanted to snack so much!  Had a sweet tooth all my life, now that's gone.  I'm going to try and find a different combo for the veggies and fruit.  I've tried 2 different mixes of both, and I force half the shake down then pour rest out so I don't puke! Lol.  I really love my fruit smoothies.  I'm thinking maybe if the juicing veggies doesn't work I will have to eat a big salad once a day or something.  IDK.  I thought  getting the juice in would be easier since I'm having such a hard time eating.  I was doing 2 per day, but I'm going to one and try to get more whole grains in like weaver suggested.  Im really hoping it goes away.  I'm going to go ahead and see if the dr wants to do some blood work I guess.  :)
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4804873 tn?1360162537
Hey weaver I think your post got cut off...
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Hi there, Are you taking any vitamins, i know vit c (and maybe some others) can cause upset stomach...at day 60 i still have days when i need to take immodium...especially as you say if i need to go shopping etc...(better safe than sorry!)....researching vit c i found that eventually our digestive systems get used to it so i'll carry on for another month or so and see if it settles. BIG congrats to you...30 days tomorrow..well done!
Jane x
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BTW...just noticed your status.....You or the little 'un? lol x
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Dang phone. It's easy to mess up. I think your anxiety is making it worse. I had to cut back on vitamins at day 60 or so to get my digestion on track. I was on a lot higher dose, but I had 3 months of stomach issues. Once I fluctuated from solid to runny, I realized it was a parasite. Oatmeal from whole oats is great and fairly easy to get down, don't get the instant. Fish is high in omegas, which is good, but they do make a loose stool. I started eating short grain rice daily, it helped within a week. That is, after I cut back on all the vi/min. I hope it gets better soon.
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5621112 tn?1371375561
sounds smart. Yes, you can eat healthy without having to gag stuff down. Really. I got my kids to love veggies a very simple way, BUTTER!! Eat the ones you like, leave the rest.  If you are eating healthier each day a little at a time, it is better than what we were doing before. So just like all things, take it easy, one day at a time. You can't force your body to be healthy overnight!! Look at all the hard work you have already done!!!
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Hey overwhelmed, I feel your pain with the digestive 'issues'.  I too had to take the Imodium before I left the house (and took extra with me :) for awhile after I quit the pills.  It seems like it took a couple of months before things settled down.  I also agree with the above members about the fruit; most specifically the vitamin C.  I was taking Ester C for awhile (don't remember the actual mg amount, but it was a lot).  That stuff really caused problems and I didn't even realize it was the culprit until I stopped taking it.  Now I just take it in a multi-vitamin.  I never really had the lack of appetite problem (figures), but I know that can get serious too.  I think the whole grains suggestion is great; there are lots of these available these days.  Finally, getting some blood work done is something I agree with too.  Just in general it's good to do this now that you have been off the pills to make sure all of your levels are where they should be.  I did that and found out I had a pretty serious vitamin D deficiency.  My doc put my on a prescription dose and it has made a noticeable difference with energy levels and depression feelings as well.  So, make that appointment - and you can ask him about the appetite thing too.  Then you can put your mind at ease and not drive yourself crazy worrying about things that 'could be' wrong (
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woops, hit post accidentally . . . before I could say CONGRATULATIONS on your huge 29 days!  You are doing great; especially considering all you have gone through in this month.  You are amazing; keep it up :)
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5592133 tn?1383879503
i was on the same as you for 2 years.i too have lost 20 lbs now 165.no appettite.cant seem to get my life back.day 16 aint fun.cant believe it lasted this long.last time i went off it 5 days now not feeling good at day 16.i feel like i have to find out what the problem is.but i am scared of the docs..they were the ones who got us into this.i am sure when it finally plays out we will both be ok.
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495284 tn?1333894042
I had this happen too.  I would cut out the dairy for a bit.  Our digestive system takes a real beating after we clean up and it takes a bit for it to start working again.  I took Pepcid or Zantac for awhile and that seemed to help calm the acids down in my belly which in turn helped the other too.  I would try cutting back on the juice and veggies for a bit.  If this doesnt clear up i would see your doctor.
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480448 tn?1426948538
I agree with everyone above, and I think a trip to your doc is in order for a check up...just to be sure there's not anything going on (do you still have your gallbladder?).  Some labwork and an assessment seems like a good idea.

It could be that you're just not "there" yet.  The BRAT diet helps to bulk up the stool...bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, and the other suggestions were great too.  Fruit definitely will add to the issue (too much that is).  

The diarrhea is to be expected (even though it's lingering), the nausea concerns me a little more.  I also agree that anxiety is making this worse for you..you're becoming overly focused on it, worrying, and even having anxious reactions to eating situations.  One of the biggest and most common symptom of anxiety is GI disturbances (diarrhea, nausea, etc)...so the anxiety is probably fueling the fire.  Anything you can do to try to overcome that anxious reaction will help you a lot.  

Sure hope you feel better soon!  If you go to see your doc, he may be able to give you an anti-nausea medication to help with some of the symptoms, to get you eating better.  Once you see an improvement in that, your anxiety will decrease as well.  The two symptoms will feed off one another (no pun intended).  Take care!!
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480448 tn?1426948538
Oh, and weaver...a PARASITE????  Oh my.  That gives me the heebie jeebies!!!  :0(
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1827057 tn?1397520277
I scanned through the posts and I don't think I saw anyone saying this but forgive me if it's already been said.

If you are overusing imodium  and/or using it daily this could be causing the whole problem.  It is not supposed to be used for more than a day or so at a time. If your  digestive system becomes dependent on it to not  "go" then you can guess what the withdrawal symptom of that is going to be.  Just throwing that out there.   ;0
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4804873 tn?1360162537
Oh my gosh thanks for all the responses guys! You all are great! I've had a rough day and it all was because of my stomach.  My life is revolving around THAT now, and it's so irritating.  I finally got free from having my life revolve around pills, now I gotta deal with stomach discomfort. I think I'm gonna go ahead and try to get in to the dr this week, even to see if he can give me an anti-nausea.  Was supposed to go away in a week, and I can't picture having any fun feeling like this.   I'm definitely cutting out the juicing for now.  I was trying to "get healthy" and my husband  has been juicing, so I thought maybe it would help me feel better like it has for some people.  But obviously I put my stomach through hell, because it's pretty mad at me right now! So I'm going to try and do the BRAT diet,  thanks nurse girl.  
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4804873 tn?1360162537
Oh and thanks so much FourJays;).  And I'm starting the Antac tonight Sara.  May as well cover as many bases as I can!  Richart, I agree with that...
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4804873 tn?1360162537
Oops methinks I hit "best answer" accidentally, when actually ALL your answers were extremely helpful...meant to hit reply to deadgamegrrl...I am on Celexa 60 mg, it was 40 mg before that.
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1436598 tn?1332896533
I'm on Celexa now. Its less likely to cause tummy issues but everyone is different. I would run it by your doc when you see him!
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If you have chronic digestive issues, with periods of feeling regular between, that is the life cycle of a parasite. My latest was Blastosistis Homonis, I think that's how you spell it, had it for years. We are hosts of all kinds of other life forms, some good, some bad. The right balance of good bacteria, yeast, and enzymes is what fights off all the thousands of life forms we ingest each day. The fiber of husk on whole grain rakes out all the dead carcasses and fat left behind by good bacteria, white blood cells and enzymes. The good parasites dominate.  I think a great deal of America's diseases could be reduced by simply eating more whole grain. When you look at cultures where people live to be 100 plus, they eat 50% or more whole grain. I find it amazing how they build a resistance to the parasites. I watched people wash clothes, deficate, urinate, and drink out of the Ganga River. A dead cow floated up and was being eaten by a dog. They threw the human remains of the funeral pyre into the river, and all this was in a 50' strip of river bank. No wonder I have parasites, my body is not used to those conditions. My body isn't used to being sober either, a new balance of good parasites needs to be built. Like the man drinking the Ganga. I asked him what he thought, why do we get sick and he doesn't. He asked me what a mother does when their baby poops and spits up on her. Would she beat and kill it, punish it for being filthy? No, she first cleans the child, then cleans herself and put the child back to her breast with love. He said the river is his mother, she gives him everything and would never hurt him. He scooped up the water with his hands and poured it in his mouth as he spoke. By focusing on appreciation and faith, this man is immune to the water of a river that flows through India, the dirtiest place I've ever seen. I'm trying that with all my ailments. I appreciate my progress and all I have gained and have faith that my natural defenses will take care of me. One thing at a time. Eating on a schedule, eating what a need rather than want, lower sodium, lower fat, or whatever I see is that I CAN do. I went to the doctor a couple of times since getting clean, when I was doing all I could and still sick. They can't do much more. The last issues with my stomach are from India. Each doctor is baffled. I was told I need to go back to that region and get a local doctor to help. Western doctors don't even know what to look for. Lots of grain really makes a difference for me. Yogurt is great and so is miso soup and any living food.  I will say that I gave it 6 months before I even considered it not being from opiates. Anyway, I been ramblin, good distraction at least, I hope. You may need to experiment, go to an Indian buffet, check out a sushi bar, find ways to make whole grains and veggies taste good. If you can't afford to eat out, look at some ethnic cook books with an open mind. I thought crickets would taste horrible, in Thailand they make them pretty good, kinda nutty and sweat. Your taste buds should be more alive, you may like things you used to not like. Be careful with the juices, they are very concentrated. In Chinese medicine, they do not believe in juicing, you should eat the whole fruit or veggie. It's hard on your system to process 600 almonds worth of nutrients with 1 almond worth of fiber to guide it through the intestines. It taxes the liver and kidneys. As a supplement, juice is great, but all the time, I think it can cause some problems, especially if enough fiber isn't consumed other meals. I've seen people turn yellow from drinking too much juice. Just throwing that out there. Does immodium help? I'd guess it's the opiates still, if that's the case. I relate to stomach issues, it is irritating. Hope you figure it out soon.
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