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Having a really rough time :(

I'm so afraid I'm going to relapse! Of course that may be a little hard w/o "resources" if you know what I mean...but I've read how our addict brains find ways to get ahold of opiates. I've been having so much facial and mouth pain for a few weeks and its just getting to be too much.  The Ibuprofen and Tylenol are tearing up my stomach...bad. I asked my doctor for an NSAID I could just take once a day instead of eating 16-20 ibuprofen and he wouldn't even consider it! And when I asked him to do bloodwork to check a couple things along with my stomach (I am 39 and haven't  had bloodwork done except for my hospital stay 4 yrs ago)  he told me to take Pepcid twice a day and come back in two months and we would "talk" about bloodwork then! WTH!! It's not like I asked him to do a bunch of testing AND PAY for it! Geez. Then he proceeded to tell me to continue taking the ibuprofen but make sure to eat with it. Ummm HELLO?? I can't freakin hardly eat because it feel like someone is shoving a toothpick up my damn nose...God he's an idiot.  Sorry guys....I'm just so frustrated today! I'm so tired of broth, pudding and Mac n Cheese...so I tend to eat nothing and I'm starving on top of it all. Lol. Grrrr!

So....has anyone had this type of pain and been successful at treating it? If so...HOW did you treat it? I'm at a loss on what to do...I have an appt for X-rays today to check the pins n screws in my face but that isn't going to help my pain right now and I DONT wanna turn to opiates. I've done so good and I really really dont want to mess that up :( HELP???!!!!
32 Responses
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Thanks for the recipe Barb! Geez that sounds amazing!

I think there may be a little inflammation from the sinus cavity being full because its really super sore if I even touch the side of my nose? If I can rub it enough to put the cream on, that may be a good idea!

And it's 6:30am here and I didn't take any of the Tylenol 3's. pretty proud of myself really...but damn I'm hungry! Lmao...I hate waking up hungry! I got up at 6 and was starving...figured it would subside a little by now, but not yet. Thought I might try oatmeal...I actually dreamed about eating oatmeal last night. Maybe that's a sign...or just the fact that I have some really strange dreams. Lol. I'm a weirdo ain't I. :)
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4626633 tn?1382597122
Whoops hit enter too soon..

A Rx cream called Voltaren. It's a NSAID also available in pill form, but using the topical form pretty much alleviates the stomach issue of NSAIDs. It may give partial relief if you have any inflammation at all, which it seems you might?

Good luck :)
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4626633 tn?1382597122
Hey, I just want to lend you my support! I can't really add anything more, but you're so wise to not want to take so much NSAID type meds. The pain from bleeding ulcers that can happen with that high amount stinks! And you don't need anymore pain.
Food though I know, or rather don't know since I can't digest it. So, you don't want to skip meals, you're still trying to heal.

My go to: Blend 2 bananas, 14 strawberries, some natural honey, protein powder, soy or almond milk, ( that makes them so much better than reg milk) a little ice, and an avacado. I promise you won't taste the avacado! And it doesn't turn green! It turns into a lovely smoothie that is much better than overpriced smoothie stores. I vary it, sometimes with raspberries, or peaches. I have added peanut butter. It will give you some nutrition you may be missing, and is quite filling actually. Vitamin supplements are great, but your body is more likely to absorb the vitamins attained from actual food. If you're looking at possibly 3 weeks, you need more than pudding and broth.

Praying for you, that God lets you find the strength within you to get through this. The pain must be almost unbearable. Does ice not help at all?

Not sure it would help here, but there is a cream called
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I tried using Aleve a couple weeks ago and it didn't seem to help as much as the ibuprofen...but if it was the only thing I had I would take it! Lol. It didn't seem to last very long and then you're stuck for 12 hours til you can take another. Thanks for the suggestion though!! :)
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ALLEVE (Naproxen) is an OTC NSAID. Hope you feel better soon!
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Ok....so I feel like a total dumba$$ now. I kept wondering if I was spelling that word right...when they said it, it sounded like oprater...I just looked at my papers from today and it is called either a Palatal Obturator or a Maxillofacial Obturator. Evidently they're the same thing? So anyway, there you go guys....it's an Obturator...not an Oprater. Lol. OMG I'm having waaay too many blonde moments today!
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Ewwww!! I get frustrated posting from my phone. Lol. I meant to say I can give them to my husband or dad and get one or half if I absolutely can't take the pain anymore! Blonde moment. Hehehe
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Thank you Maria :) Yes, I can give them to my husband or maybe even my dad to give me one or half if I a solute my cant take anymore pain. I still haven't taken one though so I'm doing good. What's strange is I kinda feel better just KNOWING that I have something if I need it?? Now that they're here in my safe, I don't feel like I need them as much for some reason? God does that even make sense??!!! I do have a horrible headache right now, I think all the stress and commotion today has brought it on and I really think one of those Tylenol 3-'s would probably make it worse so I'm most definitely not taking one now. I still haven't ate anything today, and its 6:45pm here...I'm thinking I might just skip the eating today so I don't cause myself more pain  and try to get some sleep or something. Now THAT does sound good! :)
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3688816 tn?1358475297
Hey sweet.. I'm so sorry ur having to go thru all of this! In really happy they found what it was and its great tht u don't have to have surgery!!! With the Tylenol 3 do u have someone who can give it to u if u need it? Or mayb u can take half if u absolutely need it? I was given Tylenol 3 a cpl times for dental work and it worked pretty good without giving me any kind of high or anything. When I was 3 months into recovery I found out I had to have a major surgery which meant having to go off suboxone and start opiates. I was scared to death  but I told my sub Dr and my surgeon about me being on subs and everything from my past and I had my husband give me my pills when I needed them. I got thru by only taking a total of 50 some pills in 3 months and went back on the subs without a problem. U are a big inspiration to me bc of all u went thru and all u accomplished!!! U will get thru this ur so strong!!! Keep ur head held high and keep thinking of all u got thru up until this point!! =]
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495284 tn?1333894042
I am sorry you are going thru this but glad they found out what was going on.  Now it will be waiting to get this fixed but it will be.  Stick close to the forum and we will get you thru this~
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He's my family doctor...he didn't prescribe the methadone for me. I'm kinda shocked he won't give me an NSAID though. I just wanted one so I wouldn't have to take so many ibuprofen and Tylenol because my stomach is paying the price for taking too many I think.

I guess it's going to be next week sometime for my appt with the dentist to see if they can make the oprater. I sure wish it was sooner because I don't want to have this pain that long. Once I have my appt, IF he can make the oprater, it will take a couple weeks for it to come in so I'm looking at probably 3 weeks of this. Ugh. :(
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4204073 tn?1361831476
Was this Dr that won't give you NSAIDS and said you shouldn't have been on methadone the one that prescribed it to you?  
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Gnarly, I feel like I've already backslid just because I picked up the prescription :( I put it away because I don't even want the temptation in front of me...I've just never had this kind of pain in my mouth and nose. I guess you don't realize how little things like swallowing spit causes you to push your tongue up against the roof of your mouth...ohhh man, when I do that it literally feels like the inside of my nose is getting stabbed...which I guess in a way it is, because every time I touch the roof of my mouth, the oprater is getting pushed into my sinus cavity. I'm kinda glad to know what it is now though...and VERY glad it wasn't the pins or screws had shifted! No surgery!! Yay!
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Vickie...your problems are not small compared to mine! Sleeping (or not, I should say) is a big deal!! Everyone has to have sleep! And if I get to the point that I just have to have something but can't force myself to take the T-3's, I will go to urgent care or something and see if they can give me Toradol...because obviously, my idiot doctor isn't going to give me an NSAID! Lol! Seriously though...how crazy is that!!?? He makes me feel like I'm this terrible person. I went to him when I was tapering off the methadone...in withdrawals of course, and he gave me Clonidine, which I'm very thankful for, but I think he now judges me because he said I should never have been on methadone to begin with. I think I really am going to find another doctor. I already drive 45 minutes to my family dentist, I may as well go to the same town for my doctor right? Lol. My current doctor is only 15 minutes away but that's no use if he doesn't help me when I need it!

And did you get any rest today? I sure hope so woman!!
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4522800 tn?1470325834
I know about the mac n cheese, pudding ect. My mom had half her tongue cut off because of cancer and she get soooo Darn fustrated not being able to eat. OHHHH I feel for you.
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Hey Girl.....wow this is the first time you mentioned relapse......I can see your in pain and thats one of my triggers to....you just cant pick up ....it will set you back if you do and with methadone you Positively dont want to move backwards....please seelk out aftercare like your life depends on it because it does keep posting for support and remember a relapse stars days ahead of time in our minds......your winning this thing keep up the good work....................Gnarly
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4522800 tn?1470325834
YOU poor thing. The BLESSING will come. You make my sleep post look like a walk in the park and my pain issues. YOU are a TUFF cookie.That Dr sounds like a idiot!!!!pardon me. Like someone said he is not hearing you! OMG we know what is like to come off of the methedone and the others!!! SO what do we do??? We did not ask to become addicts. Some say 50% is the gene ???I ask myself if I got in a situation bad enough and needed something for the pain could I use the pain pills if I give them to my sponsor?? Well even if someone hands them out to me and I need more I will find them..SO It is a tuff situation. I am going to look into the Toradol or the other one too! Just curious. Just hang in keep us posted and if you can not sleep I will follow you around the post in the early am. I am going to check out the hot stuff they suggested. Isn't this a great place to be (Medhelp) I get so much info and its nice to travel around the world.
I will Pray for you.
God Bless girlfriend
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Actually, clean in ks, it's not really worrisome to me that I will take too many...I never really abused my medicine before, or even ran out or get it from others. And I did a successful methadone taper all by myself...WITHOUT a doctors help because I think he just wanted me to stay on it forever! And when I did my taper, I kept the pills locked in my fire safe, which kinda made them a pain to get to...so I think that helped me a little. And that's where the Tylenol 3's are right now because I don't even wanna look at them. Grrr.  I kinda wish if all this did have to happen, that it could've at least happened 6-8 months ago while I was still on the methadone. Lol. I'm DEFINITELY being tested!
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Gosh, wow!!  You've dealt with a lot.  You're correct to be concerned about anything you take.  Any narcotic right now, so soon after a detox, can awaken something in your brain and make you also have WDs when you stop it.  THAT would scare the crap out of me!  I don't have any experience with cleft palate personally, but I've seen it a lot with work, and it seems awful for anyone who has it.  You've truly done well to have overcome all of this.  My only advice would be to do exactly what they tell you so that you have the greatest chance of reducing the pain.  At least to some extent!

Hang in there!  (And be so careful with those tylenol 3s.  They may not be strong, but they are still narcotic!)  I'm gonna say a prayer for you! :)
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Lol...well actually, my dentist just called back not even five minutes ago and said that their "lab guy" is going to call back in tomorrow to set up a day for me to come in and see him and he's going to let me know then if he can make one for me. Waiting kinda *****, but the oral surgeon told me that having to go to a prosthodontist pretty much meant I would be paying like double the money. He said because its a specialty and that prosthodontists have to go further in their education, and that they know its something you HAVE to have, they can pretty much charge an arm & leg and get away with it. How WRONG is that!! And I seriously can't afford to pay alot...to have the dentist make one is going to be expensive enough. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they can make one and I don't have to go to the prosthodontist. Ugh. Lol.
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3197167 tn?1348968606
Well, no wonder, girl!!!  SOO glad you got to the source of this pain....the $$ and the miles are worth it if your dentist isn't able to make you a quality replacement!  YOU are WORTH IT.....if you have to take the Ty 3.....take it girl.....you know the drill.......have them doled out.......don't suffer.  This is one of those legit, temporary medical setbacks and you know how much pain you can endure. Having a proper fitting, high quality oprater sounds critical just to function......hope you can get r done soon.  And the Toradol may be worth checking into also, depending on how soon you can get an appt and get your replacement oprater.
Take care of yourself~
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4204073 tn?1361831476
Great job on turning down the vic's.  When I was offered Trams the other day, my heart actually started to beat faster!    I can understand you not wanting to take the Tylenol3, but if you really need one then take it if it will help you to eat.  

I think we all get tested after going the he11 to get clean.  How many people do you see on here coming back with some kind of pain issue afterwards??  I'm a good example of that.  Barb is having some problems, and others have had to have surgeries, etc.  

You're right, I don't know anything about cleft palate but it sounds painful and complicated.   I hope you can get this resolved soon.  Did they give you a timeline of how long it would take?   Not including your trip time from BFE?   :)

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Ok....so evidently having the teeth pulled has caused the cleft (hole) in my palate to get bigger. I've always had to wear what is called an oprater (kinda like a plug) in the cleft to somewhat keep it closed for lack of a better word. And since the cleft has gotten bigger, the oprater is now too small and is going up into the hole further than it should and it is pressing into my left sinus cavity and not allowing anything to pass through...I kinda already figured that though cause when I try to blow my nose, the only thing that happens is my ear pops..and that hurts like hell...lol..so therefore, the sinus cavity is full and that is causing the facial pains. So now I have to go to a prosthodontist to have a new oprater made, and that's gonna be thousands of dollars. :( Can my life get any freakin better?? Or can I at least get a small break? Geez lol. I have a call in to my regular dentist to see if they can possibly make one for me instead and try to save some money...and long trips because I'm out in like BFE and the nearest big city is two hours one way.  

So anyway, the surgeon was going to give me SIXTY Vicodin and I said no way! I don't have to have something take away my pain completely...I've always had some pain in and around my mouth and nose and am pretty used to it really. I just need something to take the edge off a little so I can eat a couple times a day. I asked him to give me 15 Tylenol 3's instead....and now I can't bring myself to take one. Damn it all!!!!

I realize alot of you probably have no experience with cleft palate, and that it probably even sounds pretty darn gross to you, but its something I was born with and it's all I know...so to me it's normal. Lol. So, sorry if I grossed anyone out with my explanation....BUT...you did say to keep you posted right? Lol.
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3197167 tn?1348968606
Hey sweetness....I REALLY feel for you.  Hope you can get some answers today.  Just the other day, "overopiates" shared about her level of pain and was asking about Toradol.  She went and got an injection and it helped her IMMENSELY.  It is in the NSAIDS family and you are right about the short term, 5 day use you read about.....but maybe it'll get you thru this for a bit.
Hope you'll be back and let us know what they find.
Blessings to you~
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