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Help with withdrawls

I'm new and embarrassed. I'm 45 and addicted to Vicodin, same story as most ppl, I had a horrible tailbone injury that left me taking 5/325 Vicodin pills 8x a day. Today I woke up with 3 left on a refill I got Monday and decided I can't do this anymore. My tailbone pain is gone and has been however the drug addiction isn't. I can't go anywhere for help, I live in a small town and have too much to lose if anyone ever found out. Today I only took 2 and let me tell you I feel like stir fried ****:( I'm hot I'm cold I'm sweating and I'm very anxious about that's going to happen to my body. Can someone help me? Tips on things I can buy to lesson the withdrawls? Anything?
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do not take the tramadol...yes it will help withdrawals but it will leave you sooooooo much worse off.....I know all about tramadol....from both a user and a prescriber perspective....dont let anything you read fool you...tramadol is much worse than others
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15813156 tn?1443222170
I'm an addict! I've been heavily addicted for 6 yrs. Flying thru my scripts in days and spending all month finding them n spending all my money. I'm 33 and had 14 surgeries in 10 yrs. And been doing oxy for 12 yrs off n on. I also have leukemia. And I'm a single mother to 2 teenage girls. Today is day 5!!!! I'm so happy but so miserable and scared of my sober self. Its been a journey to get here and believe me my body and mind are going thru the wringer!!! But I keep thing of the happy me that went for walks and enjoyed life and living and being a proud mother! Where is the strong person ive been my whole screwed up child hood n teen yrs n early adult hood.. The woman the gave birth with no meds twice!! I am a good mom, I put my all into them and their education and I'm probably the most scrict parent at their Jr high.. Lol.. But they are what is pushing me forward. I've hid this from everyone! Only my best friend n my oldest daughter knew my true problem.. I'm very scared.. But having ANYONE to talk to and support you and give you courage to push thru like the champ you are!! You got this. You made the first step by doing it on your own before rock bottom hit.. YOU GOT THIS!!
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4522800 tn?1470325834
I just want to Welcome You to our Community.

Just know that most w/ds are the same but some are a bit different too. Meaning we do not know how Healthy you are, and Age does play here, how many yrs one has used is a big one and how many mg one has gotten up to.
You were not on them a long time so that is a plus and you were at such a low dose too. WE build up a Tolerance to these so fast and then we needed more to kill the pain. Dependent & Addiction is a very fine line.

Just try to Drink tons of Fluids as mentioned above and replenish back your vit/min & electrolytes by vitamins or food.

Time & Patience is the Key!
The Brain Transmitters, Receptors (all over the body), and so forth has to have time to balance back and fire up. (sorta speaking).

In my opinion I would be Honest with the Dr and talk to him about getting some help. Maybe think about Aftercare like meetings if you know you have became a Addict, as it will be hard to stay away from these.
The detox is the Easy Part (uncomfortable) but working on Staying Clean day after day, year after year is when it all Starts.

I wish you the best and we are here to help.
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Day 27 here. Off of 30-60 mgs of norco a day. Give or take. Day three and four worse the worst and not that bad. I had freaked myself out reading to much. I ate a lot!!! And a lot of water. And walked. I walked and walked and walked some more at a snail pace. I did have some shakes and yes my PTSD was fully loaded.
But omg at this point I'm so glad I jumped off cold turkey. I'd do it again that way. But won't because I know better and will do better. Telling my husband was my saving grace. I have become kind of dependent on him but he is ok with it and it's not 24/7. But I text or call several times a day.
Find your inner strength and you got this.
You will be fine. I did fake the flu. And that's okay. The last lie I told around my addiction. And I own it.
Good luck. We r all here and we all get it!!
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Also the heart situation is perfectly normal!!! Don't freak out, there will be times you heart starts beating hard (even while laying down). It's all do to the opiates, they control are breathing and so much more that when we get clean it's wondering where the drug is. So it goes into panic mode, if you are healthy there's nothing to worry about I had that too as did many others.
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O how I wish I could, I need a vacation!!! Ha anyways, well here's some good news for you, you were on such a low dose that it won't be as intense as some of the post you'll be seeing on these forums. Some people get up to 45 10mg a day for 7 years, so be thankful that's not you. if you only been on them a few months then w/d won't be to bad. Though you are going to go through some w/d but that is an incredibly low dose most people including myself end up really abusing them, so 2 or 3 5/7.5 mg a day isn't much. Though it is enough Togo threw withdrawals.. Like I said most people will not say use another drug to help get off another, cause so many people end up abiding it. Though Xanax was a life savor for me!! I bought 10 1mg Xanax . I would take .5mg each morning and .5mg at night for the first week and I really feel that helped on so many levels. Then there was one day where i had been up 3 days straight and I took 1.5mg and it knocked me right out... Ya a lot of people on here will give you the NA speeches and approaches which I'm all for. Though when your at the early stages of recovery and new, your not really trying to here what all they have to say even though you need to. Some us need a friend more than a sponsor. Once you get through the physical w/d defiantly talk to some people about NA!! I'm currently inn NA and I don't know if it's for me or if it's even going to help, but 90 classes is what I'm doing and if it doesn't work for me then il quit going. Least that way Ill know for sure if ts for me or not. Like you I have no other addictions and perfectly healthy, so I didn't think I needed NA. I got sober went like 4 months felt like the old me after 21 days. Felt good though after 14 days. Though I was doing so good been clean 4 months then figured I could handle the pills again well I couldn't and that's why I'm back. It's the mental aspect of it all that NA helps with, but durring the early stages NA really isn't needed for a person like me, it's when paws comes in when you supposedly need them and that's why I'm here to see if I do need them or I can do it on my own. This is just me, one guy did say this " you don't see NA members posting about their relaspe" which is very true so they might be doing something right!!!
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Something new today is when I walk around then sit my heart is racing:( also I'm 45 no other health issues or addictions thank god:) and yes I flushed what I had left!
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Heavenawaits can you jump on a plane and come hang out with me till I'm better? Lol wish I has a friend who would help me and not criticize me but that's why I don't have many friends:(
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I'm officially on day 1, yesterday I took 2, the day before 3 however since January I've taken up to 8 a day but one thing I have going for me is I was on 7.5/325 till July, in August I went down to 5/325, I noticed I took less of the 5s don't ask me why cause I have no clue what I do what I do lol! I'm definitely withdrawling cause I'm exhausted, I'm freezing then in sweating but that's it so far, I was like this yesterday also. I would love to sleep this all away but like I said I'm moving my daughter tomorrow and I'm on call this weekend... If this is all that happens I got this but I fear the worst is near....
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Clean in ks sounds like they might know more about tramadol than I would so defiantly listen to them on that category. I don't know enough about it, I didn't know it was an opiate. If it is a opiate than defiantly flush those too!!! No opiates!!!!
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And I'm going through this with you, as well as everyone else on here!!!! I'm on day 17 currently, and I'm feeling great, some people feel great by day 6 it just depends on age, how long. You took the pills and how many. You can go to the community and just scroll and see all the people going threw what you're dealing with. Odds are there will be someone that's on the same day as you.. I just re read your original post, and realized you haven't completly quited yet, have you taken your last 3? If I were you I would just flush them down the toilet right now and get it started. Your not going to enjoy them anyways knowing what's coming up, don't delay it!!! I can't wait to see your post 5 or 6 days from now!! You'll know what it is by then and will have gotten threw the worst of it. You'll be fine
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3197167 tn?1348968606
Tramadol is a synthetic opioid and addictive as all get out....you will only prolong the entire w/drawal process if you take them.  I'd flush them too...and GOOD JOB on flushing your last 3 Vics!!!

Success.....has 3 "S's" in it.  In order to be successful, we have to do three things:
SOURCES (cut off our supply of ALL addictive meds)
SECRETS (share your addiction w/SOMEONE .... secrets keep us sick)
SUPPORT (therapy/counseling, small group, NA or AA, Celebrate Recovery, Smart Recovery, pastor, church, etc.)

I really encourage you to reconsider keeping this a secret from your family.  You may not have to tell ALL of your family, but at least one person that could support you.  There are many links we can share with you where non-addicts can read about and understand addiction.  It's FEAR that keeps us prisoners.....and FAITH and FEAR cannot reside in our hearts at the same time.  You're gonna do just great!  Being sick for a short time is SO WORTH the freedom.  A positive attitude goes a LONG way when you're in w/drawals....and not dwelling on each and every symptom.
Becoming addicted to pain meds is SO common....you'd be surprised in your small town how many others could relate.
Keep posting....we'll be here rooting for you!
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Oh my god do not take the tramadol!! The withdrawals are hideous! The worst I've ever been through. 10x worse than what you are coming off of cuz I've come off that too. You would only be prolonging the inevitable taking them.
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I'm sorry I'm not trying g to scare you, specially when I know in your head it's sounding a lot worse than how it's really going to be... You might not get half of those symptons, being cold and achy muscles are withdrawals. See your already w/d and you barely notice it.  Having a sleep aid will help tremendously with all of this, the biggest part of all this to me and to what people have posted for the "physical" part is the unabilty to sleep and irrability. If you can sleep a lot then thats a godsend, I found days 2 and 3 were the worst for me, they say days 3-5 are the peak but like I said everyone's diffrent. Listen w/d are a lot scarier than what they really are. If you get those 3 things it will be a lot more manageable. I've been threw withdrawals 2 times first time was a living hell but I took a lot and I mean a lot. This go around I took less and I didn't have any physical w/d besides upset stomach. I've been sleeping 6 to 7 hours almost every night since I quit. Point I'm making is everyones diffrent!! What day are you on? How many a day did you take? You can also pull up the " Thomas recipe" I heard that really helps with w/d. You can ask your doctor about a drug to get off opiates. There's alot of ways to go through with this, so take your pick.. If your on day 3 or something and your just cold and achy then things are looking good far as physical w/d go. Cause there are some symptons that just irritate you like restless legs or RLS, those were the worst for me I just got ICU hot and that helped a lot along with baths. I know your scared but honestly it's not that scary once you been through it, the scary part is just knowing you have to go through it. It's just a fear, have you ever been scared of something then done it and realized it's doable? That's what this is, but first you got to catch the "flu" for a week in order to do it. Trust me you'll be fine.
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Not gonna lie heavenawaits your post just scared the living crap out of me:( I wish I had someone here to go through this with me
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One person knows in case God forbid something happens to me but I'll never tell my family:( I'll claim the flu and hope for the best. Heading to the store very soon! My arms today are killing me and I'm freezing
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The whole moving thing just depends on you, you can muscle threw it and be fine, though I would tell your daughter your sick with the flu just in case you want to lay down. That's if you really don't want to tell her what's going on. I told one person " I knew" and kept it quiet to everyone else, outside of NA. Tramadol I believe is good for sleeping? I might be wrong, it all depends on how long you've been taking those but 10 shouldn't get you addicted specially if you only take them when you have to. For instance 10 should last you 3 weeks. If it were me I take one the first 5 or 6 days then stop for a 5 or 6 days and then save the last few for paws. Getting active durring w/d is a pain I'm just going to be honest but if you can get it done the exercise will help big time with your w/d. The more you do the less you feel.  Get some Imodium from Walgreens or dollar genral for the diarrahia, and ibuprofen can help with nemourous w/ds as well as Advil. I know going to the store sounds like to much put those 3 things are life savers!!! As well as bananas and other fruits, pick up ep salt for when you take baths/showers and yes you'll be taking 3 or 4 baths a day if not more. Those are a life savor, just make sure you have plenty of towels. I know it sounds scary I've been there where I was blind about it all and that's the scariest part. Just know you won't die!! Drink plenty of water and Gatorade, and be okay with not being okay for a bit. Just know it's like a flu, it does let up!! Stay on this forum and post all night long when/if you can't sleep, it will get your mind off things!! You got this!!
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I can't get anything:( I have about 10 tramidol but that's it... Will they help the withdrawls or will those 10 get me addicted? This is seriously the pits! As for being on call I have no choice, I can't change that but hopefully no one calls off this weekend! I must help my daughter move thou:( I'm seriously a nervous wreck
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I feel bad but not too bad,  i know the worst is on the way:( I have to help my daughter move out tomorrow, will I be able to? I'm so scared:( I just want to be well, I can live if the tailbone pain comes back cause this is worse!!!!!! I don't know how I'm going to get through this..... I'll stop for Gatorade on my way home from work
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Well a lot of people here will disagree with this, mainly because so many people trade one addiction for another. Though you can get a couple Xanax to help with all the anxiety and possibly help calm you down for the days your on call... Just be sure to not take more than a couple cause you don't want to get addicted. Again if you can muscle threw would be a lot better, but I know life has plans sometimes we need a kick every now again. You really will be fine, just think 2 weeks!! 2 weeks is what you got to get through and you'll be on here smiling!!
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Your family won't hate you, honey.  What happened to you has happened to millions of people.  These drugs are very strong and very addicting...and we don't fully realize this until they've got us by the scruff of the neck.

Pick up some Gatorade...if you have diarrhea, you need to replace the electrolytes you'll be using.  Also get a big jug of Epsom salts...pour them into a hot bath; it will help a LOT with the body aches.

People take a laundry list of supplements and vitamins when detoxing, and I'm sure others will chime in here, but I just looked over ALL of my posts (over 1000) and my first 7-10 days were miserable, and to truthful, there wasn't anything I could take by mouth that really made a difference.

It's going to be very unpleasant for the next week; get prepared for that.  But it won't kill you, and it is only TEMPORARY.

Actually, I lied...there was something i did for stomach cramps and that was raw ginger tea.   Take a big chunk of fresh ginger (peeled) and chop it into tiny little pieces.  For one cup of tea, you need a heaping Tablespoon.  Toss it in a big mug, pour boiling water over it, and then cover and let it steep for five minutes.  All the pieces of ginger will settle to the bottom of the cup.  Sip slowly...it helps a LOT with cramping and nausea.  Much more than bottled or canned ginger ale.

I also got very bad headaches my first week, and my doctor discovered that I was having high blood pressure...he prescribed Clonidine, which helped a LITTLE.    You can also take Immodium for the diarrhea, but be CAREFUL with this stuff!!!!  If you take too much of it, you can end up with all sorts of problems.  I think I took it twice (one capsule each time) and it did cut down on how much diarrhea I had (sorry for the "ick" factor.)

Will this be easy?  NO.   But is it doable?  YES.   As Gnarly always says "you have to be okay with NOT being okay for a while."

Make sure you have NO WAY to get any more pills.   Like you, I flushed mine when I got down to the last 4.  I was already in withdrawals (I tried a fast taper, with miserable results.)

Be gentle with yourself.  The first 4 days will be the worst...think of it as having a really nasty tummy flu.  

Good luck honey.   It'll all be over soon, I promise.

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I flushed them cause what's the use! I guess today is day 1, I tapered the past two days but like I said I went through my refill Monday like a true addict. Leaving work and heading straight to the store.... Soneone give me a good list of what I need to buy please? I know potassium and emergenC but what else?  My family is going to figure this out and hate me, they have no clue but they will very soon.
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l'd  say flush them. Three's not going to help you and it's just going to drag it out. You will be 3 days ahead to a new clean life!
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3197167 tn?1348968606
You've got yourself in a pickle, girl.  You don't have enough left to do a proper taper (and just so you know, it's against our forum rules to give out any taper schedules).  The best idea is to have your dr help you with a taper plan, but I understand you not wanting to go back and ask for help since you blew thru your last script so fast.  Is there a chance your dr would listen and help with a taper plan?  That would be the IDEAL thing to do.
The general idea of a taper is to GRADUALLY reduce your "normal" dose slowly and when you get adjusted to that dose, cut again.  But like I said, you're in a bit of a pickle because tomorrow is Friday and you're on call all weekend.  Any chance you can find a sub for your weekend duty and just jump now?  Sorry if that doesn't help you.....we're here for ya whatever you decide to do.....at least you recognize your addiction and are ready to face it....keep posting for support, ok?
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