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I am going to methadone

     I am back,sorry i've been gone go aweek.Its been the worst week in along time I have tried c/t we couldn't do it.So I got the call last Monday to see the methadone doctor on the 15 may.I can't wait till then we are so excited,maybe the maddest will be gone.I understand that alot of you guys don't adgree with this and I'm not sure I do to but we can't keep going the way we are going.So we are going to try this.My Question Is will he give the methadone when we see him.We have already gone and did our blood work and pissed in the bottle.So will he give it to us on that day and will it work for right away or will we have to wait for it to get in your body's for a couple of days.We are so sorry but we have to get rid of the maddest.We have gone though all our money paying for the drug(Oxy's),and will this take care of the pains that we have too.We just want this to work.I broke down and cryied like a bady when they called and said we both got the app. I will stay intouch after the 15 may, we are down to the last straw with the pill(Oxy's and should I keep my Oxy's that the Family Doctor give me for a couple of weeks just incase it doesn't work  Thanks for your support,I know we are a dissappoitment but we have try C/t Not for us!!!!!
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HI im so sorry to here you couldn't just C/T off the oxy....have you ever tryed tapering??
you might want to give it a chance b/4 you take the methadone plunge...
methadone is not a get out of jail free card it only puts your addiction on hold...you soon become addicted to the methadone and if you think you got troubles now you haven't seen anything yet...I spent 6 1/2 yrs on the stuff went from 30ml to 150ml ...originally I was put on 30mg for pain management but after a falling out with my dr I wound up at the local clinic...every time my pian level would go up my dose would also till it finely quit working for pain all together then I was just feeding the addiction..I said enough was enough and decided it was time to get off.....thats where the real trouble starts...you are having trouble with a week long oxy withdrawal ...wait till you try on 8 1/2mo of grueling tapering wile your body bucks along the way going thew withdrawals
it can be prity ruff along the way certain doses seam impossible to get past the last 20ml for me was the ruffest it took 6 weeks of constant withdrawals to get past 20ml for me then from there on it was 3 to 4 days of withdrawals every time I droped dose..if that isent bad enough once your off it you think its going to end but it dont you go into post/withdrawals where you feel like you got ran over by a train you have to live with a constant energy crash that takes litterly months to go away...If someone was to offer it to me again knowing how bad the withdrawal is I would run the other way...it also has some nasty side effects wile your on it...you nod off at the most inappropriate times like during social gatherings ..your sex life comes to a crashing end and your sorta tired all the time...you will live in a fog that you wont realize till your off of it and the list goes on and on...im not trying to rain on your parade im only telling you what I had to go thew to get clean so you would realize that methadone comes with an awful price and had someone took the time to tell me b/4 I ever got involved with it I might not have made the mistake of ever taking it...I would certainly try and taper off the oxy its going to be a lot ezer then ever getting off methadone and living on methadone is no way to live it ***** the life right out of you I only wish I could get back the years I wasted on the stuff...and today im so grateful to God that im no longer under its spell...please consider what I have said here b/4 you sigh on the doted line im only trying to save you some major grief ...good luck and God bless.....Gnarly              
32 Responses
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You're right about that, I just finished a three day water fast to try to help detox from a cold turkey stop of methadone. It's still so terrible, I can hardly lift my arms. But, my girlfriend told me no more, or we're done. I love her more than the clinic. So gonna keep going, hoping not too much longer. I just wanted to say, I am kind of, almost, someone who has gotten off of methadone. After a trip to the er, and other adventures. They all told me to just keep going, I am past the worst. I hope they're right.
I have kicked oxy tens of times, I was absolutely shocked by the difficulty of the wd from methadone.
Thanks, God bless
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I understand how you fee, but if you go on it you need to make sure their is a Dr. To give it to you .I was on it for 10 years for lupus,myasthenia gravis . But know can't find a Dr. Tro preceieb it because of all new laws in wv. You can sue the Dr. For making you addicted. And the withdrawls are horribe I  have not slept for over 78 hours and counting .my Dr. Says try over the counter sleep aids, yeah riight nothing.god bless you both.
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Not everyone can go cold turkey. If the jump to the methadone clinic is what you need to get off then let it be a stepping stone. Your Dr can't give you pills if your are doing a methadone program. They will test you and if you have anything else in your system after you get into it, they won't be happy. Please do not let them get you on a real high dose. Stay at a moderate level. My ex was on 75 mg per day. Once you hsve been doing it several months, see if you both can start tapering down each week. Make it a goal to be off in say. 6 mos or do. But you'll need to do meetings snd get support too. You don 't want to get tempted as you lower your doses. Good luck guys. You can do this. It will chsnge your life. Follow the program as given to you. You will be fine. Keep coming here too.
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I am a recovering addict, from 3 yrs of doing dilaudid intravenously to 14 yrs of methadone, and that is the worse addiction any one can go thru.  I kicked methadone in jail, couldn't eat or sleep for 23 day's, I spent those day's vomiting and severe diarrhea, that led to dehydration and in there no one cared, after serving 90 days I was released, and I was still drained.

It took me a whole lot of NA meetings, and 9 months of sleepless nights, before I could sleep and get my life back again ...

METHADONE is the worst drug in the world and the easiest to get and the cheapest ... I can't believe the government legalizes something this harmful to addicts and keeps us like ZOMBIES, just to bring down crime ... there should be NO maintenance only detox, and maybe it would work ... The government lies and says there are no side effects to methadone and that is the biggest lie ever ... METHADONE is the DEVIL in disguise...
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Hey dude you made it off the c r a p its ruff going and methadone id\s very cyclic just when you think your better it slams you down again
remember take baby steps you dident get strung out in a day nor will you recover in a short time  time will be your friend the more time the beter you will get just be ready for some set backs the energy crash can hit at any time it is dibilating when it does sleep is also a big problem if you can get past that you got it beat good luck and God bless.....Gnarly
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methadone was a huge help but overall its very hard to get off! i was on 150 mgs and i widshed to god i woulda just stayed at 40 mg ! its the third week of dts and i really think its over been feeling good the last couple days!! just remember dont take a high dose! i went down ten mgs a day! it fukin suked ! but no more crutches!!
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2040309 tn?1329861235
i have to agree for something i thought was gonna save my life it took it away i spend almost all my time in bed accept to go out each week to get my weeks dose of methadone,,eveything that has been said in the preveous post is true methadone is hell on wheels,,,,when yer ready to get off ,,for me its been about 2 years and im totaly sick of it and i cant just kick it ,,,it will take about a year of hell,,tpering down etc do not go on methadone for oxies taper while you can cause there being molecularly changed so you cant smoke snort or shoot the stuff anyway,,taper while you can ,,go to a hospital and detox if possible these words all come from people who have tried and been on methadone awhile and bairly anyone will say take it,,it will help after a long period of adjustment to your needs which can take at least 6 months so dont look for a quik fix,,they taper you up just as they have to taper you down,,and none of its worthe accept to say i dont abuse drugs anymore cept clonazepams and temazepams which can also kill you in you sleep from respiratory depression,,you just die,,and it happens all the time ,,i gamble with my life everyday,,methadone is not the way ,,try suboxone first its much better,,
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i go to the methadone clinic and i want to stop but the withdrawl is way to hard so u went to subutex how did u do that i did it and it put me in very bad withdrawl.
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I was on methadone for 20rs due to being a hard core herion addict. I kicked it in prison. 16 months of feeling like **** and never did really get over it. It's the worst and I would not recommend it to my enemies. Go to a Dr that can prescribe subutex or suboxone. That's what I take now and I like it much better then methadone. It gives you a little energy and gives you a feeling like things are alright. Methadone does none of that. It drains you,tired all the time. Take it from someone who's been there. The clinics are not a good environment either.
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1571194 tn?1295696051
You can successfully withdraw from methadone as I have done it. And I was a heroin addict for 36 years, and then developed P.A.D. in my legs later in life where the pain is excruciating when I walk a short distance.

However, I went from 87mgs liquid, all the way down to nothing by having the dose lowered 3 mgs every three weeks. At each and every dosage reduction, I had a couple of nights of weird dreams, a very slight edginess, and that was it. On top of that, I was on Xanax for panic attacks taking one .50 mgs twice daily. Never abused them throughout that MMT reduction.

MMT can and does work wonders for people, and some belifs here are totally misguided. You either do not understand addiction, dependence, or pain management sufficiently to form an opinion about methadone, or you have some personal problem with the drug.

BTW, I was also a substance abuse counselor at top tx center in Detroit several years ago, so I am not just blowing smoke.

MMT has saved a lot of people from going to prison, with pain management, and also kept them from dying using illicit substances. I am one of those. As for pain management, it is a tool that just may need to be used. It is a whole lot better than running the frickin' streets, or even doctor shopping, trying to find your drug of choice when you become dependent on the opiates, or have a full-blown addiction, or even turn dependence into a full-blown addiction. There is a huge distinction in the difference.

People can get off of methadone if done properly. However, those receiving it for pain management obviously need something, and methadone is one of the safest drugs around. It one of the most studied drugs ever, and it's safety, IF TAKEN PROPERLY, is unmatched. Oxy's, Vics, Percs, and the other prescribed narcotics in that class usually have other ingredients in them like acetominophen which will fry your liver, just to name one organ, because of the huge amount of pills many people take.

Yes methadone has some horrid withdrawals. I know, I kicked a 100mg a day habit on that stuff "cold turkey" in a county jail and it wasn't nothing nice to say the least. It lasted a long time. Six months later, I was still not right, and eventually relapsed back to heroin. But that was years ago.

In any event, I feel for these people subjectively, but also understand what they are going through in that way, and also can look at it objectively.

I now write about substance abuse, although most people in this forum are dealing with pain management, and dependence issues. However, there can be a very thin line between dependence and addiction, and crossing over can happen in a heartbeat.  

I do understand what you guys are going through, and you do what you have to do to improve the quality of your life. The operative term here is "Quality of Life."

MMT can and does work, but it is not a drug to play with.  
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HI...you do build up a tolerence to methadone also it is an opiate I was put on it for pain management went  from 30 mg to 150ml over a 6yr period then it quit working all together
leaving me with a huge addiction to break free from.....hands down methadone is the worst of the narcotics to break free from the withdrawals last for months not weeks I would run the other way if I was ever offered it again do yourself a favor and stay away from this drug
good luck and God bless......Gnarly
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What should I do, I am in pain management as of right now and are prescribed to percocet. I don’t want to be on pain pills the rest of my life and don’t want to mess my liver up. I deal with chronic pain, I am wondering what to do, should I ask my doctor for methadone because its used for chronic pain and doesn’t abuse the liver like opiates do. I think if I were on 40mgs and took it as a split dose, where i took 20mgs in the morning and 20mgs in the evening would work. With opiates, you build up a tolerance and soon the perks wont work. Whereas methadone you don’t build a tolerance for it and it helps with pain. I’m going to have pain for the rest of my life and I am only 25, already had surgery, which helped with the nerve pain but now i just have chronic pain and aches. My doctor even said that I wouldn’t be fully pain-free. What’s wrong with being on methadone instead of opiates especially if it helps with pain? I am at a crossroads because I was addicted to opiates before my surgery because of self-medicating due to back pain. I rather take methadone than having to keep upping my dose of percocet or even having to take something more potent than percocet.
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I don't understand why any worthwhile dr would put anyone on methadone. I have been a healthcare provider for many years and have never, EVER had one patient on methadone who was able to kick it. I know people out there have; I just haven't ever seen one. And I know a lot of people, including myself, who have successfully kicked the oxy habit. Something to think about. The stats just don't support methadone. And don't ever say you're not a strong enough person - because you are! Anyone can do it, as long as you choose to. That's the secret! Don't think you can do methadone for 2 weeks and then stop. You will STILL have to detox! And an oxy taper is WAY easier than a methadone taper.
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   Thanks man I will keep you informed.Its important to me to stay intouch with you guys.Not long now,had a 80 this morning a I now want another but the hell with it sick or not at least I see a light at the end of the tunnel MAYBE! I don't realy know maybe some hope.We too only did the pills to kill the pain but then we found out the more you take the better you feel.That is so wrong,Look where we are at now.Had to tell my doctor that I was going to the clinic on Saturday and he said well thats the end of my pills.You would think he would let me have them until I adjust with the methadone.But I suppose I really don't care anymore.Just want away from the Demons.Damm this better work for us Thanks for listening you me til next time sickofit586
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hey dude...well I dont know how short of time you can spend on the stuff I  was using it for pain management and was on it a long time for that reason...it wasn't till it quit working and my substance abuse conslor sugjested I try and get off of it that the real problems started....just use it as a tool to get off the oxy...use it as short of time as possible..and keep your dose as low as possible ...seek out some sort of aftercare and start to build up a solid foundation wile your addiction is on hold...I have herd of heroin addicts only spending 45 days on the stuff so that would be short term at least wile your on it you wont crave the pills and you can get some normalcy back in your life good luck to you keep posting so we know how it goes for you
and when its time to get off it I will still be here for you...God bless
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1253584 tn?1332877954
I've had methadone and I'm currently tappering from suboxone. From my experience suboxone is so much bettr for u mind and easier to get off of.
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  I know what you are saying and I agree but right now its the only hop I got.Yes I have shot alot of them But try to just snorting them but like most junkie's always go back to the main vein. I am truely sorry that I am doing this but thats that,I really listen to you and it always go back to methadone.And I know that you were there too and you had to try it and thats way I'm at right now.I am so excited,that I got to see him so fast.Can I go on it for 2 weeks and then get off it.I got a book from my drug councillor yesterday.But didn't see that in it,I will look again.Gnarly,thanks for the help and I will stay intouch.When I get back I will write you and tell you what happen to us.Does methadone make you smoke like the Oxy's does.when i am coming off the oxy's I don't smoke but as soon as I get one in me I smoke like The # 9 train did years ago Love always sickofit586 and wife  
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Try Suboxone instead, it's really the better choice I think. I am being pushed by the doctor to start methadone when I went to ask for sub. He thinks because of my pain I should go on meth but after reading so many horror stories I'm very scared to. I'm going to keep looking until I find a doctor who wlll prescribe sub. You should ask for sub instead, do some research and check it out. I'm in the same boat don't want to keep going on pills but don't want to be on methadone either and sub seems to be the better choice. Good luck and I hope you give sub some thought.
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1253584 tn?1332877954
I full heartely agree with gnarly, u don't have feelings on methadone, it really ***** the life out of u..and no u won't be able to control or get emotions when ur on it..
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HI  im sorry to here of your situation ...I feel you pain I went into financial ruin when my wife got sick back in 93 I lost everything including a custom built home in the forest
im sorry if I come off the wrong way its just that methadone witch at the time seamed to be a wounder drug for me turned out to be a living nightmare ...at this point I don't think anything I say will sway your desion ...I have said my piece and at least you know what your getting yourself into...do yourself a favor and only take it for as short of time as possible....try and keep your dose as low as possible...I have herd of heroin addicts getting off it in 45 days DO NOT  go on methadone mantence therapy...there you will get draged into it for yrs and you will go thew what I did...I cant tell you how hard it is to get off short term but from what I have herd it is ezer ...use the time your on it to seek out aftercare and work it thats what being on methadone is all about putting you addiction on hold to give you a chance to build up your foundation to learn how to live a clean and sober lifestyle...methadone will take away the withdrawals temporarily
but it wont give you the buzz or energy you get from the pills please trust me uping you dose wont change that so don't go into this chasing the high..at this point all I can hope to do is damage control...I truly hope you only use it for the minimum time required to get off the oxy..go into it with the idea of getting off it quickly...good luck and God bless ...Gnarly    
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725350 tn?1318680468
Are you injecting the oxy? or are  you swallowing it?

Man methadone is extreme if your just swallowing it, you ought to really check into suboxone if your just determined that you are going to use a substitute. Methadone is for serious heroin junkies who repeatedly fail to quit. Suboxone is made for pill abusers.  I was using around 400mg of oxy a day before I quit and the only thing I took during detox was clonodine, a blood pressure med that helps with the physical symptoms, so it can be done without any substitution.

Here's my thoughts on this situation. You really want to quit the oxy, but the WD's are too much. So we'll say you get on the methadone and you manage to stay off oxy. Sooner or later you are going to want off the methadone because you will see it is as strong as the oxy, it is abusable, and creates the exact same problems that oxy does. Then, when your ready to get off the methadone you are going to be in for at least 3 times worse wd's. It's just such a drastic choice. I hope you really give thought to the fact that you are trading a demon for the devil.

Good luck with whatever you choose. We're all here for you.
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495284 tn?1333894042
You have to do what is right for you so if you do go the Methadone route than that is that.  

The one thing that stands out the most in your last post is how beaten down you are now.  You dont think you are worthy of anything.  You are not a failure.  You are strong, you just dont see it yet.  I cant stress enough to you to get some outside help.  Methadone will not take away all the demons you are carrying.  You can do a short term plan and while you are doing this get some counseling.  You are worth fighting for.....sara
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Well looks like you are going on the methadone program Its still my opinion that you would be better to try a taper bfore you go down the methadone road only my opinion. I dont know if you will get methadone the same day as your appointment .But one thing i do know is its a whole lot easier to get of oxy,s than methadone. C/t never worked i think and only my opinion again you must want to be clean more than anything or c/t or a taper will not work . Are you really sick of it sickofit, or is being on a methadone program for how long well i dont know. But i wish you would try somthing else bfore you are on meth for who knows how long Wishing you the very best of luck ,,,,James
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For some reason I really understand what you are saying but the one thing is WE ARE TRIED and BROKE and are not strong enough to just stop.I love what you write and I believe anything that you say but right now its the only way out of this.Our money is gone gnarly,we were well off people,inour book.We have and it ours 3acers two story home,Truck,car,boat and a 4-wheeler,thats what we had.Now the 4-wheeler is sold for drugs, the boat is up for sell because of drugs.everything is paied for if I keep the maddest up I will be selling everything I have ever work for because of a pill thats not even the size of my finger nail.Yes its allover a F--king pill.I had two back surgeries and was put on this pill.They said it would change my life for the good,they were so wrong I have 13 years not drinking and lately I have wanted to drink.I am not going down that road again.So if Methadone has help out alot of people 80%, I beleive it will help us,we are not strong people and I believe the methadone is for us right now.I don't what to sound t like and *******.I am being as truthfull to you as I can.I love reading everything you write,I believe in you and these poeple believe in you.But right now I don't know where to turn and we are sure this will work.I'm really tried of this wonder drug(oxy's) How many people are in the same boat as me.Only got on it because we trusted the doctors,I would have never got on this any other way.I am sorry I am a failure but I will always stand intouch even after I star this new path that we are going on.Just thought of this,can we go on Methadone for only two weeks and then the W/d's from the Oxy's be gone or does it take longer.That my Question? We have cut down but have been taking valium's too. we are down to 3 20's aday but taking 4 /5mgs of valiums just started doing that this weekend seems to work very good.Aleast getting lots and lot of sleep LOL beauty sleep LOL    your new friend for life Fred (dead head fred aka sickofit 586)
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