753324 tn?1457819192

Ibogaine...anyone heard of it?

So, I've been doing a lot of research on this and see a trip to Mexico in my near future. This stuff looks sketchy to say the least. But if it actually does what they say....im at a p point now where I really have nothing to lose. Just wondering if anyone's heard anything about this? I know deep down theres not an easy way out. Or is there? I feel like my next bottom doesn't have a ladder out. I keep questioning wether or not im gonna be one of the ones that doesn't make it though this. Like im just too damn far gone...ugh!
25 Responses
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6726276 tn?1421126668
I read an article in Rolling Stone magazine about this drug. You may want to google it.   To cure addiction? Probably not in my opinion.  Who knows though.
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684676 tn?1503186663
in my opinion it takes changing the thought process to be able to live one day at a time and enjoy the freedom that comes with being clean and sober, my question would be, is your thinking changing if you are spending energy and time trying to find a substance to manipulate how you feel? as an addict i always all my life felt i had to be in control of everything especially how i felt and when i felt it, when in reality it was insecurity and low self worth that i was feeling, everyday i am clean and sober i feel more a, peace ,and truly in as much control as i can be at the time.
ya i looked into Kratom and Ibogaine too when i was first thinking of detoxing but all my life i have taken the easy way out and really , my choices always made life more difficult. keep it simple, endure the pain , it is short compared to the pain and emotional agony of continued addiction, choose different thoughts and preserver....
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6990909 tn?1435275816
Great post onthefence. I just want to say "ditto". Chasing an easy way out will most likely always lead to you searching for something else. Best of luck friend!
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480448 tn?1426948538
Unfortunately, it's VERY hard to find unbiased info about Ibogaine that isn't some kind of marketing ploy.  To find factual, unbiased info about it is not easy.  I did manage to find this link, which gives SOME factual info:


The bottom line with these kinds of things is that you ALWAYS have to be careful of ANYTHING touted to be a "cure", when no such thing exists.  It's a wonderful thought, but it's just not the case.  Addiction is a psychological disorder, and like any other mental illness, there is only management, addressing the thinking process behind it, there is no magical pill or treatment that can change the way a person thinks.

I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, though, right?  Here's your own words...

"I know deep down theres not an easy way out. Or is there?"

You're grasping for straws, because you feel defeated and frustrated.  That's normal.  Truly the most effective way to manage addiction is to be proactive and do the "work" that's necessary.  You can take any pill, any substance to deal with cravings, etc...but if that underlying addiction isn't addressed, there will continue to be failure in recovery.

Best to you.

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1827057 tn?1397520277
You need to quit taking the substance before you will start to get well. I would not waste money on Ibogaine. I have never tried it but I am sure that it is one of those things just like everything else involving recovery in that you have to take a huge leap of faith and believe it will work for you. As with the other methods of recovery, if you don't believe, it will not work. I have found that for me a more pragmatic approach was necessary. I had to quit putting mind altering substances in my body and had to deal with life clean using only that night's sleep as my "break" from the world. I really believe that in patient rehab is the best method to get off the pills and start thinking more clearly. Instead of Ibogaine I would just book a week in a nice hotel far away from access and then return clean and start racking up some clean time.  Best wishes for you friend ;)
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1827057 tn?1397520277
What is your habit anyway ? Doctor or dealer ? I was just wondering because you have been on here for five years. If it is a dealer I am sure that the financial toll has to be great as it usually takes all you can make and more just to stay going. If it is the doctor then maybe it is time to cut him out of the picture.  Just wondering and just trying to help  . I know it suxx  all of it I really know, firsthand
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I have only met a few people who have done ibogaine. It past through our town the summer I detoxed and the overall research I have done has shown promise. The Canadian and UK studies seem to be less biased than the info the  U.S. and FDA used to automaticllly classifying this plant as a Schedule 1 drug. I have yet to see one court case that listed ibogaine as the primary cause of death, combined with other drugs or disease it has shown to be responsible for the finally straw that killed a few people. As far as fear, I would have no fear taking it myself, but will it work?

I think it has similar abilities to help as methadone or suboxone, though the clinical studies of how it refreshes the brain receptors does seem to reduce many symptoms of withdrawal. It does a little bit for getting your mind on the right track, but doesn't keep it there. The person I met who relapsed after a journey back from Mexico said it was because he felt so good he never did any aftercare, no counseling meetings, or anything. The mental part jumped up and grabbed him. Those who used it and said it was a miracle drug were similar to those who call suboxone a miracle drug. They did all the therapy and years of follow up to maintain their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. I think if you are ready and willing to do the work, any recovery program CAN work. I don't think any of these drugs or plants are a sole tool that would be effective in full recovery, just my opinion.

It has taken many different forms of help to save me from falling back in the pit. I was very close to death at the end, I barely lived multiple times. There is difinitely no easy way out, glad you can see that. I tried some pretty strong doses of various psychodelic plants and alkaloids to get clean, they all seemed to clear my head for a little while, but was never enough to actually change me. I had to do that. I don't have an opinion if you should do iboga or not, I would say you should feel 1000% sure if you chose that path, 0 doubt.

It is not a fun experience like psilocybin or LSD, it is more like a shamanistic trip to the realm of your spirit and history. Oawaska has a similar effect, though DMT doesn't have some of the refreshing effects of the iboga. Ibogaine is one of the more unique alkaloids and little research has been done on it, it's illegal to test it further, though original studies showed great promise for further and safer development of this method of detox. Be careful and whatever you chose, give that plan all you have, whether you want to or not at any point in time.
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3048701 tn?1486130938

Mexico detox worked best for me.  Not ibogaine, but a week under a beach umbrella with the Thomas Recipe and a couple of detox meds (clonidine and Gabapentin).  It was certainly cheaper than inpatient detox or ibogaine treatment, and for me, it was the best way to mitigate the discomfort.

But let's face it, we can try to make detox as comfy as possible, but at the end of the day, the real battle is staying clean.  We've got to face our daily routines and demons with a whole new attitude, including a steely-resolve to stay clean, or risk losing everything.
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4522800 tn?1470325834
DITTO!!!! WalkTall..
It takes a lot of work to stay in Recovery..Just try it you might like it..I wish you the best on whatever path you choose. BUT the more you stay away from Mind Altering substances the faster your Brain wiring will heal and balance back..Lots of Luck to you..YOU can do it!!!!
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753324 tn?1457819192
Thanks for the responses! As some of you may know this isn't my first rodeo.  Changing my mindset is the thing I have the most trouble with. I get past detox hell and get comfortable then bam 1 trigger and back where I was..usually within a week WORSE than I was. I worn down. Ive been having suicidal thoughts a lot lately. .acted on them twice!! I just get extremely depressed when I run out and reality starts to set in. I know a lot of has to do with how my life has completely gone to **** over the last year..Im 36yrs old and had to move back in with my mother, truck got repo'd back in Feb..blah blah whine whine..I know!!. Ugh.. I just feel like im gonna be one of the ones that dont make it..Its so damn frustrating to make it through w/d and keep going back to this crap.

One of the main things that has me looking so hard at this Ibogaine is the fact they say..and people thats gone through the treatment say it completely changes their mindset towards drugs. Like they look at them as bad. Like smashing their thumb with a hammer on purpose. Dont know if thats a good analogy. ..I've only been able to actually talk to one person thats done the treatment and she said the urge is gone..like she was never addicted.  She has almost 18 months and still goes to meetings and sees a counciler, but since treatment has not had an urge at all. The stuff is supposedly said to " rewire" your receptors.  Ugh..I dont know.

How did you change your mindset? Ive tried tons of things to steer me away from using but I always cave..like the last time I relapsed.  I had a terrible craving and called a friend in the program. .soon as I hung up texted for a delivery. .I know ultimately its up to me to make choices, but ive gotten to a point where I almost just dont give a shyt anymore. Im basically having to start over with life..I worked so damn hard to get where I was and over the last few yrs have lost it all. Its sickening! !

Btw..as of lately ive been IVing  morphine and snorting roxies. Had a few one night benders with crack but im done with that ****!! God it still makes me sick typing that..ugh this all started with a 5mg tab.. Im just feeling really hopeless and this Ibogaine seems very promising.  I know I can get through withdraw, but I feel like whats the point if im gonna end up right back here. I hate that ive put myself here!!!
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3176864 tn?1391555073
I like you have struggled to stay clean the last 4 years. I detox and then relapse. I like you was looking for other ways to help the withdraw or force me not to use. Whether it was another drug, cutting off access to money or pills. Either way I always found a way back. Like you I have called many times to a program member gotten off the phone and called a dealer or doctor. I realize now that it all rests with me. How important is it to you to stay clean?
All the bad things they say will happen eventually will, jail, losing everything, death.  I may have lost my wife over this and am super close to losing a career I built but you know what I realized if I can't get clean losing those two things will not matter ill end up in jail finally or dead.
There are no quick fixes only hard work. Recovery is an everyday thing. Ibgaine or any other drug won't make u not an addict. Loving yourself, working an aftercare program and being helpful to other addicts will be the only thing that helps
I wish you luck but it's up to you. What r u made of? Maybe u will surprise yourself
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6990909 tn?1435275816
You have received many perspectives.  I just wanted to jump back in and say good luck with whichever way you decide to go. You have been thru hell many times and you deserve a sober life.  We all do.  Best to you friend.  Keep posting and let us know how you are. Prayers your way!
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753324 tn?1457819192
Again, thanks for the responses! Maybe I am looking for an easier way out. I have an appointment with an impatient facility here on Monday at noon. I cant believe I didn't find this place sooner. They work on a sliding scale and the woman said almost no one is turned away. She also mentioned a once a month injection for cravings called Victoria (sp). We'll see! Im friggin tired guys. Something has to change soon. I would have never thought I'd be here right now. Never thought I'd be trying to cover friggin track marks...insane!!
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dude awesome first step making that call....i have heard of injections that help with the cravings and if you use while you are on them you DO NOT get high no matter how much you take.

could be a good option for you never heard of victoria the one i was told about is naloxone i believe  
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1235186 tn?1656987798
Vivitrol® (naltrexone for extended-release injectable suspension) is supplied as a microsphere formulation of naltrexone for suspension, to be administered by intramuscular injection. Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist.

very proud of you for making that call.
you made me cry...... having to cover tracks in your arm, is no way to live.

please put as much effort and energy into staying clean as you do to getting high.
counseling, support groups, celebrate recovery, na, do 90 meetings in 90 days. cognitive behavior therapy, changing your thinking, living life on its terms, new coping skills for your triggers.
love yourself, you are so worth it.
there is freedom from the chains and bondage of addiction.
keep the faith.
a new healthy regiment, exercise, healthy eating, new hobby, church, fill your life with healthy, positive things.
don't let the devil rob you of your joy any longer.
your new life is waiting for you.
dig deep you can do this.
sending loads of prayers,
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its been a year since i wore a short sleeve ****.....the only time my arms are exposed is when im about to get in the shower i know the feeling :(
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shirt not **** lol
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753324 tn?1457819192
Thats it beach!! Damn spell check!

After doing more research on Ibogaine ive decided against it..for now. The money alone! $5k for a reputable facility. Funny thing is ive spent that or very close to it in the last few months.  Im scared as hell about going into an impatient program. Cant be worse than jail I guess..that REALLY sucked!!
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753324 tn?1457819192
And yes jay it does su#k!! Its in the 70s here and im wearing a damn hoodie!..
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Just surrender to it. Accept all they have to offer and get the drugs out of your system. With your new clear mind and soul searching, you will be able to make amends and build your life any way you want it. No more decisions to make, getting clean is the sole purpose in life for now. My kids missed me during detox, but they missed me while I was on drugs in front of them too. No sacrifice is to great, go to your rehab and then tell us how it went. We can share how we stay clean after that. Hopefully you will learn a lot of recovery opportunities in your area during rehab. You won't regret it.
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1827057 tn?1397520277
Rehab is great and nothing like jail!!  You will love it and I am really happy you didn't decide to spend five grand on yet another DRUG to get off of the other drug.  You will do great. Don't be afraid ;))
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I know its been a few months and here's hoping that you found a rehab that worked for you and you're in a much better place than you were when you wrote this.

I felt compelled to comment. I was treated with Ibogaine last year- very successfully in my opinion. It most definitely wasn't "the easy way out". And its not a miracle drug - it didn't take away all my desires to use but it changed the person I am. BTW - 12 years using heroin, 6 of those years with heroin AND suboxone (not supposed to happen, right... huh). My addiction definitely wasn't a kitten.

If you want to talk to me about my experience feel free to email me at ***@****. Or you can talk to my wife - she was there for all of it and maybe can offer a less biased opinion if that's what you're looking for.

Either way - hope things are better for you. Nic
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Trust me when I tell you that Ibogaine is not the easy way out. The thought process the medicine takes you through is HARD WORK but, at least for me, it did change the way I think.

The pain free withdraw was certainly nice but the insights into my crazy way of thinking have been far more beneficial than just avoiding withdraw.

Happy to talk to you more about it - Nic (***@****)
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8976007 tn?1413330650
there is a great bbc documentary on youtube about ibogaine detox.  
i do believe this was in india or someplace like that.  not mexico.  i personally would be leery of any program in mexico.  
you have NO LEGAL resource if it is a scam and 99% of the time, if it is in mexico it is a scam.  buyer beware.  if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is.
there is no easy way out.  you did not get this way overnight and you won't change overnight either.  cannot go under it, around it or over it...you have to go THROUGH it.
tbh, after watching that documentary there is NO WAY i would do that.  no way.  
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