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Is anyone else addicted to Coricidin?

Coricidin Cough and Cold is it's name. But it might as well be called Satan's Tylenol. While they aren't physically addictive they sure as hell are psychologically addictive. And just so you know I'm legit, I know what the change in consciousness and mindset is like. A beautiful thing. That is, until it's gone. That's when depression and loathing sets in. Then it's off to the dollar store or pharmacy to get well again. A vicious cycle if I've ever experienced one. I'm not going to lie... I took some today. And maybe it's why I'm motivated to do this, who knows. But I'll try to make a conscious effort to continue following up with this and future issues dealing with this. Here's the point of this topic. Is anyone else out there currently going through this hell? Speak up if so. Let's stop it now while there's still a chance.

Maybe you started doing these for the convienience of not having to drink nasty syrups, or it was the fact that they are legal that convinced you they were okay. But let's be real here. The government says it's legal because it makes them money and we all know the government isnt your friend. That's why pot isn't legal.... but that's another story. Anyway back on topic. You can't do these for the rest of your lives. Your liver and kidneys will see to that. And maybe you've noticed your tolerance for the effects of these things has gone WAY up to the point you need two or more boxes a day. Now that it's in writing here doesn't it seem a little extreme? Here's a reality check for you AND myself. Let's kick this thing out of our lives. It can only get better. The first few days are going to suck, yes. But when you get through them you'll look back and nod, and so will I.

I want to get better and I'm sure you do too. But you need to admit it's a problem first. Coricidin is NOT your friend. This website and I can be.
21 Responses
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3688816 tn?1358475297
Hi. I read ur post and wanted to comment.  While im not addicted to coricidin i have taken it MANY MANY times when i couldnt get my DOC which was heroin. Now tht being said the last time i took it was 9-10 months ago and this is what happened.  I woke up the next morning feeling like complete trash. I syarted vomiting uncontrollably to the point i couldnt breath then all of a sudden the vomit turned black amd looked like coffee grounds. I had no idea what was even going on at tht point bc i was so out of it i fell and smacked my head off my kitchen table. My husband rushed me to the hospital wjere they did every test possible on me. It came back i had a small bleed somewjere inside and my liver enzymes were so high they couldnt believe i was still alive. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks and i swore if i ever got out of tht i would NEVER EVER touch it again. Well i made it and never did touch it again. The biggest point im trying to make is wjen i took it i only took 9-10 max and it wasnt all the time. Lets say i did it for 5 months and thts what happened to me. I urge you to stop bc it can only end bad. This site is amazing for helping ppl. I am now 49 days clean and i feel sooo much better. U can do this. Do u only use it wjen ur upset or do u use it to party? What led u to those? The best thing i did for myself and family was get clean the second best thing is talk to someone about my addiction. I still have bad days but thts when i turn to here for support. I have confidence tht u can beat this!!!! Always remember ur better than those little pills and u deserve to live a happy healthy life!!!! :)
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Hey Maria. Thanks for the post. So far so good for me. I can't say it's been easy though. I'm going on day 3 of sobriety and to say I don't have cravings would be a lie. As time goes on it gets a little easier for me, and seeing other people that I don't even know show me support really helps. Thanks again for the reassurance :)
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Also, I was using them every day at my worst point just to maintain sanity. Sure, at first it was for fun but it's apparent to me now that drug use can get way out of hand.
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3688816 tn?1358475297
I totally understand what ur going thru. Im a heroin addict and its really hard to get past the cravings but i can promise u one thing if u have a problem and keep posting u will feel ten x better! Im sooo happy for u for chosing ur life over those little pills! Have u set up anything for aftercare or counseling or some type of therapy? It will really help.  I started one on one and next week i start group! Im excited and scred all at the same time but i kno ot will b so good for me to do! If u meed to talk please PM me im here to talk if u need it! Amd remember u are doing great and things will continue to get better!  :) congratulations on taking ur life back!!!!
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How long have you been taking Coricidin? I take Robitussin cough gels that just have the DXM 15 mg , 20 pills in a bottle.  I've been taking a bottle a day for about 10 months.  I'm not sure if I want to quit because it really helps with my anxiety.  But I'm sure my liver and kidneys aren't happy. I hate having and addiction and having to hide it.  How are you doing? I'm worried about what the withdrawals will be like.  Although I know the psychological addiction will be the worst part.
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I was doing DXM for a while for the same reason. Anxiety. And I've done pretty much every other brand besides Coricidin. But I'll tell you now. Your anxiety will eventually overcome the effects of the Dextromethorphan. In fact eventually it worsens anxiety. I never had panic attacks until I was doing. I can only recommend you put it down ASAP before it's too late. The withdrawals aren't so much scary as they are annoying, and I'll warn you now you will have very strong urges to get it when you haven't had it in a while. I can at least reassure you that you probably haven't done too much damage yet since you only did the cough gels. Coricidin is 100 times worse for you since your liver uses the same enzyme to break down DXM as it does the other active ingredient, and that's extremely hard on your liver. Now don't take that as a reassurance that it's safe. Take it as a reassurance that you can put this behind you without lasting damage. This site has been helping me witht the process of getting clean, and I'm sure it can help you too. I'm here and so are a lot of other people going through the same thing. I was doing it for about 2 years and it got way out of hand only recently. You only doing it for 10 or so months should be a good reason to quit now. I wish you the best and hope you make the right decision before it takes over your life like it was to me. Don't let yourself become a slave to substance.
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I have been fighting this since I was 16 yrs old. At one point in one day I took 12 boxes! I should be dead but I'm not... 10 years later I'm still fighting this. There has been times in between I've went months and even a year or two qith out them. But then its like well it was fun and its starts the whole process over. I was clean for 2 weeks this time! I took a pack today because my6 hubby and I were having problems and he told me to get a box. I didn't want to but once the idea was in my head. And I ve been sooo sick lately. Hi didn't take them just bought them. I really really didn't want them. But then they were alreaady there and I was so mad and sick so I took them. Now I feel better but guilty oh so guilty. Thank you so much for going thru this too! By the way I have had a migraine for 2 weeks with a stiff neck and hot flashes... never even thought it could have been from the cs so if they tell you your body doesn't get addicted they are full of **** too!
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ive been taking these red devils for 8 yrs now, gone thru short periods of not doing them but usually only when i was pregnant would i stop, my usual dosage is 10-16 twice daily give or take depending on what i have to do that day...its sad, i know, mother of 4, i should know better but the addiction takes control and i cant fight it...they r my "personality pills" without them i am a shell of who i once was, who im suppose to be...im an addict in general but this is the only drug i can take and not spend a ton of money and still function yet b completely out of my own mind....i hope one day soon to be free if not for myself but for my beautiful children who deserve the real me...good luck to you maybe we can all help each other tho ive found its in inner battle with myself and reality...but i still have hope...
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You have my support 100 percent if you choose to put them behind you. Don't beat yourself up, though. I did and it's only the worst thing you can do. And I completely understand what you mean by them being your "personality pill," as that's exactly what they were for me. I'll definitely be here to talk if you need to. Talking to other people who've gone through this is an excellent way to give yourself that extra motivation that, believe it or not, goes a long way. I was up in the doses too. Once did 3 boxes in one day. That's a lot of pills. If I could set up a group on this or another site for people like us, I will. It's hard to come by people who're going through this and are willing to talk about it. Most people just don't understand. They look at it like, "What? You got high on cough medicine? That's stupid." But until they've tried it, they shouldn't judge. I wish you the best!
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4157388 tn?1350410241

Please be careful in regard to support groups and meetings where everyone talks about their fav. drugs so by the time the meeting's over, all you're thinking about is...you fav. drug.

I was addicted to (massive amounts of) heroin and morphine for over a year. I believe the main reason I was able to quit (cold turkey and I thought I was going to die) was bc I did it completely on my own, no patches or substitute drugs, no meetings no therapy. Whatever is used to get you off your first addiction becomes almost like another addiction. It is tied to the first addiction and the moment it goes wrong or goes away you're right back to the place you were when you started. And lacking the "crutch" (sorry, i don't like the word either) relapse is practically inevitable. These days I see rehab places that already have "relapse help" built into their system! It's like saying 'we know you'll fail but pay us more money and we can help you AGAIN.'

A few years later I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia; this was when dr.s started to freak out about their licenses, much more of a concern to them than their patients health, quality of life and persistent dreadful pain. Darvocette didn't cut it, so I took a friend's advice and went to the Methadone clinic. She was right, it did a great job of easing the pain. But it was like, I turned around and it was 11 years later and I'm on 170 mls a day.

11 years on the Methadone program is no joke.Even though I was on the highest phase (I only had to go to the clinic twice a month) bc I never tested dirty and did only the Methadone, it was still such a huge part of my life, of my identity.

For complicated reasons, I had to quit. And I quit the Methadone the same way I quit the H. and the Morphine. By myself, no hand-holding, no substitutes; I think it is also essential to stay away from the social connections to whatever drug you're quitting as well. Absolutely the withdrawal was severe, "freezing hot," sick, shakes, crawling out of my own skin, but I'm alive and free of the crap. There is nothing I have to maintain to stay free either, no meetings no counselors  no etc. The quitting stood alone, so to speak, and it is extremely empowering to know that.

OK, I'm done. All I'm saying is that the the "Solitary Quit" is what worked for me. Unfortunately, quitting addictions has become such a huge money machine in this country they have everyone convinced that their way is the only way. It isn't.

I wish you well, stay strong.
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i guess i dont fit in here....thanks for your help....ill b on my way....
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If you have a problem in which you take these things as a comfort drug, you belong here. I'm sure that's what anyone who finds themselves taking Dextromethorphan daily is experiencing. I can tell you for certain that it takes more than just hope. It take support as well as commitment. We can be the support. You have to provide the commitment.

And if there's one of many good reasons to quit, it's this: Dextromethorphan Hbr (hyrdobromide) is a quick trip to bromide poisoning. It can cause delusional thinking, suicidal thoughts, general discomfort in your daily life etc etc. This was one of the main reasons I seriously commited to stopping it. (That and a night of suicidal thoughts and near-actions brought on by a bad DXM experience.)

Please don't consider yourself an outsider here. You're just as welcome as anyone else who is experiencing the hell that is DXM addiction.
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3120424 tn?1347170032
Yes I agree- you're welcome here...stick around there's lots of support. A drug is a drug is a drug
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uhg. so here i am. once again. i havent  been able to take a day off from these damn pills in wks! im up to 2 boxes a day 32 pills!!  this is ridiculous! i cant even get the trip i use to out of them! i wish theyd take the damn things off the shelf! so cheap, so available, how can i stop???my bp is so high im so afraid im going to have a heart attack or stroke out but thats still not enough! its frickin cold medicine for crying out loud! i dont know where to go from here...
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I just wanted to tell you your not alone. I tried not to take them today and got a crippling headache.  I try to just take the Robitussin gel caps, so I only get the DMX and not the other crap that's bad for your kidneys and liver.  But it's hard because the drug store is the only place that stocks them. They usually only put a couple bottles on the shelf at a time ( i think because people steal them ) I have a bottle a day habit , so I have to plan my week around when I can get theses stupid pills.
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i hear ya! id rather not take the coricidin because of the antihistimine but theres off brands of it for 2bucks! and my bf has the same habit tho i think he only does them cuz i do so anyway we have to go the cheap route and plan what stores to go to cuz we look like dumbasses buying 2-4 boxes of cold pills a day i mean you can only come up with so many excuses for that...i hate it...i wish i could stop but i get so worn out feeling like i cant move or keep my eyes open if i stop taking them!
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ive been doing c's since i was 17 and im 26 now.....ive tried to stop but its like as soon as i do something bad happens and i crawl right back to that ****...but let me tell you guys this **** is serious...im always havin abdominal pains and always getting headaches.....my blood pressure is always high and i even went to the doctor and they said it was so high that i was in stroke territory.....ive overdosed twice on this **** and it aint no fun. SO IF ANY KIDS ARE READING THIS OR ANYONE FOR THAT MATTER STOP TAKING THEM....I FEEL LIKE SATAN HAS HIS HANDS AROUND MY NECK 24/7 AND MY DAY IS COMING ANYDAY NOW....GET HELP WHILE YOU CAN. LIFES TO SHORT TO **** IT UP ON SOME STUPID *** COUGH MEDICINE.......
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Hello yes I'm also addicted to CCC. The first time was in 1999 and it felt like taking a bit of ecstasy and it's 2013 and I've noticed been noticing its a problem in life not so much in public but to the ones I love friends and family. If I stAy in a safe zone I'm good with them but also in the back of my mind know it's hurting my body and feel guilty. The last 5 yrs have been a box or two a day and when I get overly stressed I take more and more and that's when sh*t really hits the fan!! Ive went to jail cause of them getting out of control and I'm still taking them!!!! I even tried to admit myself the other day to get off them but since I wasn't suicidal or acting crazy it wasn't a problem just to see my doctor for anxiety. They said there is nothing in them that's addictive it's mentally true but when I don't take them it feels like my body doesn't know how to function I get hot flashes all day feel dizzy sick to my stomach a headache and just want to sleep all day and finacially I can't. So I feel like now what??? Like I just embarrassed myself and I just want to keep doing them until I find something else lol I just have a very addictive personality if it's not one then another. I'm afraid of the side affects on quitting that's what it all comes down to it.
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They very much are physically addictive. I don't know why the medical community doesn't think so. I went to rehab in July for this.  Those body sweats ( especially at night) lasted a month. Get to an AA or NA meeting.  Find out what local rehab is state run (it won't be expensive) You'll need to get on a wait list. But you need to do this. In patiant is your best bet, you've been doing this a long time. good luck!
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7489969 tn?1391273124
I have been a Coricidin addict for 13 years. I was taking up to three boxes a day before I started having minor strokes and realized I was slowly killing myself, but the high they gave me was just too amazing to give up. Then my best friend overdosed on Coricidin and died, and that still wasn't enough to make me want to stop. The only thing that finally made me quit was my mom sending me to an inpatient rehab facility. I have been clean for two weeks but the voices in my head are still telling me I need to use and that I will never be normal without c's. It takes a lot of strength for people like us to even admit this is a problem because 1)It's embarrassing and 2)we feel like nobody else out there understands the severity of this addiction. Just know that you are NOT alone, and there is hope! Don't wait till it's too late...this stuff will kill you.
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3197167 tn?1348968606
Welcome to the forum, Lisa!  Glad you found your way here....when I first found the forum I did an internet search and landed on an old thread as you have.  Many of these people on this thread aren't around anymore.

So if you can go to the top of the page and find the orange post a question button...you can re-type or copy and paste what you have written here...
It will put your story on the most current forum page where we all help each other and share about substance abuse and addiction.

Your story brought tears to my eyes....I, too, am grateful you are alive today...and your mom got you into an inpatient rehab.  I think the addiction to c's is not as well known as it should be...and it's young women like you that can help spread the word and share their own experience, strength and hope.

Hope that helps get you to a new post of your own....there's a great bunch of people on this forum....welcome aboard!
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