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Long-term effects of DXM

Are there any harmful long-term effects of DXM?
For example, if you take one bottle of Robitussin every month.
Also, is there a difference between the cough syrup and the gel caps?
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I always thought people were judging me and thinking how chubby I was etc. I used drugs and ate munchies because it was the only thing that made me feel good. I lost my friends due to there own selfish behavior and how people change on a dime. My drugs became my friends. They were always there for me and always would be. They never let me down. I must add that these social and mental problems occurred before using any drugs so they became my outlet. I have no idea how I haven't died or crashed my car while on skittles. I used to pull over when the second box kicked in but now I find myself still driving. It is so dangerous because what you look at is pretty clear but it's in a small circle of your vision. Everything else is a complete blur. It's like looking through a paper towel roll. I used to go to Target and pop em in the bathroom and then go behind the store and just sit and walk around and have fun all by myself. I didn't need anyone. If I used with others I'd find myself not even talking I was so high. The amount of things and thoughts going through my head were immense and talking was a distraction from the plateau I was on. From what I've read I've been to the highest plateau several times. At one point I even thought the drug was a means of entering a third dimension or spirit world. It was just another reality I'd entered. This world was just as real as the one I'd been existing in. When I entered that detox I was working and going to school. I was a functioning addict if you could call it that. I'd go into work high and skip classes I didn't like to get stoned and pop skittles. My parents paid for my College which is something I regret the most. I ended up in detox again one day after I'd went to a pump and pay station and well.....I didn't pay. I had no money for gas and skipped school because I needed skittles badly. I pumped on the other side of the pump so the cashier couldn't see me and I had my hoody up. I thought of removing my license plate just in-case but decided I may get pulled over and was in a rush to get high. I blasted down the highway high already without having taken any. Only an addict could understand the excitement of either having the drugs on you or knowing you're about to get them. I got home to my parents house and since I didn't have red eyes I passed as sober. The awful thing is my parents were so used to seeing me on skittles they thought that was the normal me and I could get away with it within reason. They got a knock on the door and it was the guy from the gas station. He said when he saw my hoody up and noticed my car had reversed to specifically go on the other side of the pump he grew suspicious and got my plates before I'd even finished filling and peeled off thinking I'd escaped scott-free. He never even called the police and just asked for the money back. My parents said I was in school and the clothes I was wearing were not owned by me. The guy said he wore a blue hoody and wasn't really wrong but the one I was wearing was very dark blue with red and white stripes. They believed someone had stolen my car and then dropped it back off at the school. I hid my use for seven years and had them convinced it wasn't me. They then went through my car and found the sheets of skittles I was too high to throw away. I'm sure you know that you may toss some out but after a binge you may miss some. They had no idea what they were and looked them up. Eventually it was clear it was me and I was sent to detox again. After this I'd become homeless as I had to quit my job and suspend my second semester at college because I'd been in detox 2 weeks. My parents wouldn't let me live under there roof If I continued to use. I used my last paycheck to go from pharmacy to pharmacy taking pills and blasting music. This was actually worse for me because I was bored and homeless so I got high all day long. The worst part was when I was at the shelter they'd give us free bus vouchers to go get jobs etc. I rode the bus and got off at Target and popped boxes. I waited 45 minutes til they came back then hopped back on and got off at CVS etc. Another time I had watched Superbad for the first time on 2 boxes at my buddy's college on a big screen. When I left I was weaving inside my own lane and someone called it in. I was pulled over and failed a sobriety test miserably. DXM alters your balance significantly and I had to hold onto a fence to keep balanced. They took me to the hospital to take my blood and after a night at the station was released. They never found anything in my system of course and I made up a story of how I was drinking and someone must have slipped me something. This is how I beat my DWI. The cop told my parents that is the most high he'd ever seen anyone. When asked what town I was in I told him X when it was Y. I quit every single hard drug up until last week. I am a heavy pot smoker and have no regrets about that and feel it's less harmful then alcohol and helps me with mental illness. It's prescribed in other states to patients and I have a half dozen diagnosis that qualify me for medical marijuana treatment. It is expensive though and eventually I was broke and desperate. Past high memories weren't enough to keep me contained so I did triples again. These drugs ruin your short-term as does weed so I used to take videos of my highs. This was a big mistake because whenever I wanted to get high and the pharmacies were all out I'd watch them and laugh at how destroyed I was. I got some of my friends into them so quitting became hopeless and was never thought of at the time anyway. I need serious help. I was so high one day my vision went completely bright red and I srated calling my friends telling them goodbye. This stuff is free and fries my mind the most and I have no idea how I can not think about them. Even while sober I'd find myself peaking down the Cold isle just to see if they were there. I used to have rules about stealing. Be out within 3 minutes and just assume they're already onto you when you enter. Act like a customer and even ask employees where to find things and then never buy them. Talk to employees and every once in awhile buy something to not arouse suspicion. My golden rule was never go back to a place you'd recently stolen from. I broke that rule one night because I was already high and decided I'd need more for the night. Hannaford was the only one that still had them. The last time I was in there they were onto me and I used to work in retail so I knew which cameras were duds and what not. I would be sure I was never stealing them in front of any camera, customer, or employee. They followed me around and I booked it down one isle and snaked out the exit and ran like hell. I foolishly went back the next night and made it out into the parking lot before I heard someone yelling. At first I thought they were in distress, but soon realized they were from the loss prevention team. I could now hear him clearly saying stop and for some reason I listened to him even though my car door was already open. I went inside with him and they sat me down in the back room. I coughed up the skittle sheets and then thought of a plan. I began to sob and tell them I'm an addict and I'm so sorry and couldn't help myself. It was all just another scheme which in reality was true. They ended up not calling the cops and I was free to go. I could go on and on with stories but my point is I will die from this drug. I know the risks and how foolish it is but I can't shake it. If you stop you always go back. There are drinks I could not drink while sober because they reminded me of pounding skittles. There were munchy foods I couldn't even look at. There were many songs I heard while tripping that I couldn't hear without wanting to score one last time. Just one last time....just may be your last.
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I have read this entire page and can agree with everything here. I am 24 years old and thought I "used" to abuse DXM. It started with 8 pills when I was 16 and I felt like everything was somehow enhanced and cool like on MDMA. I walked home from my friends house feeling numb. When I walked I felt like I was bobbing up and down in zero gravity. I call this the moon walk. The problem with these pills was that you grow impatient for your high because you're used to instant gratification like marijuana gives you. So you end up taking more and then they all hit you like a brick wall. My body felt like electricity were running through it and my whole brain felt the most incredible release of happiness I'd ever felt before. I was hooked and cooked. I would steal as many boxes as I could find and move on to the next pharmacy. There is a high you get in stealing as well. The act of buying a drink you chug the pills with just to make them think you're a paying customer when you have 4 boxes jammed down you shorts pockets or hoody is scheming. I would also talk to the employees and get friendly with them so they wouldn't follow me or be suspicious. These attributes I've learned are something I regret and not the person I am. The drugs made me con and lie and steal. And being on skittles already when you go and rob more makes you very friendly. After awhile they started putting them behind the counters in my local area and I swear it's because my friend and I would steal them daily. Now I realize I'm not the only one. I went from 8-16 at a time and might chase with another 16 after an hour or more. I took so many one day I felt like God. I laid out on my front porch in the sun and just giggled for hours. I hallucinated so bad one day that I twirled my hands at a cloud through my windshield and it actually spun and came down and touched my windshield like a funnel of a tornado. I looked at the tiles on the floor and the grout line became a zig-zag then went straight. It got so bad that my friends used to take me to the hospital because I was "too high." They used to call my parents and tell them and it made me angry. I am red flagged at the hospitals due to an overdose of over 100 triple c's. My friends dropped me off there and I was so angry. You won't believe what possessed me to do this. I am no dope. I research every drug I do extensively and I came across a guy who overdosed on six boxes and died. It was the most I'd heard of and I wanted to outdo him. What a fool I was. I was transferred from the hospital to a locked unit to detox. I was high for a week straight. The fluorescent light would swish around in circles and was blurry. My friends came to see me and I was crying I was so excited. I'd finally done it! I'd permatripped! I was permanently high. I didn't believe it possible and later found out it was not so after I'd come down. Eventually I got so sick of the taste of the triples and the amount I had to take and the vomiting etc. that I quit. It's been a couple years now and just last week I tried them again. I went out again after that. I worry this will kill me. I'm taking 8 then 20 minutes later 8 more followed by 8 40 minutes later chased by 8 so 2 boxes. In the past if I made a day of it I take 3-4 or more. I found out something more deadly then the dumb things I'd already done. One day I could only snag one box and proceeded to buy a 12 pack. I soon realized that the alcohol increased the pills potency and vice versa. I could literally hear my brain sizzle after I came down. These pills were free and gave me the best high out of all the drugs I've taken and I've taken many. How can you get sober from something that is everywhere and that you love so much? I'm lost. I'm doomed. I've though of asking a pharmacist if I can somehow order pure DXM like dexalone etc. I wanted to ask about permanent side effects but through my research I have found no medical proof of brain injury. This further fueled my using. I read comments about things I currently experience but someone said it goes away after months or years. These are things an addict does not want to hear because it lets them know this drug is okay. Drug use is all about rationalizing usage. I realize dxm puts holes in rats brains and most assuredly does so in humans but there is no proof. Little is known about the side effects and the medical world is ignorant to possibly the number one addiction out there. I lost friends over this because they didn't want to see me destroy myself. My fry buddy said her personality had changed. I believe it is quite possible. I know for a fact I have an above average IQ because I'd been tested years ago. So I felt like If I want to be mindless zombies like other people who somehow always have a smile on there face then I could abuse drugs. I had chronic depression and mental illness before I used any drugs. This drug helped me express myself and feel confident. I could smash things and never feel it. I could talk to total strangers and be content. I could be left in a dark and lonely cellar for awhile if you just gave me skittles. It made me content no matter what went on in my life. I've been through a lot and lost good friends and struggled socially. I never asked a girl out. I'd put deodorant on 15 times a day and wear a winter coat to school all year round.
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Thanks for your comment and you to everyone who posted....I posted years ago it's crazy to think I stumbled upon this thread again just searching for answers...I have finally been clean from DXM and alcohol for almost 6 months now..the longest its been for me being completely sober in 10 years. I abused DXM consecutively everyday for atleast 4 years or more of my life, going on and off from "tripping" on it in about that span of 10 years. It has been extremely difficult, emotionally, dealing with all the years of abuse I am putting behind me. I try to remind myself of gratitude everyday for my life. I think I'm depressed, even though I try to stay positive and functioning. With out using anymore I hardly know "who I am" in some aspects, I don't seem to really know how to have fun anymore with out using. So I'm trying to keep my head up and believe things will get better, and I'll have fun out of life the way I can with out DXM and alcohol or other drugs..Social situations are also more difficult for me, so is my overall energy level. I appreciate hearing stories of people who have recovered, I want a life where I'm happy and not bogged down my words I can't describe. To anyone who's contemplating using this substance, just like many others posted, it's not worth it to any degree. I almost killed myself, it made me want to kill myself. Now I'm just trying to find myself.....any thoughts are appreciated
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I keep reading all these comments and it makes me want to cry. I wish I had seen this page a year ago before I stared using. I did DXM for 7 months drinking about 2-3 bottles a month. At first I would feel the negative effects only a few days after and then they would go away. I would feel low-energy and quiet. It was as if I simply didn't care enough to hold a conversation with anyone. I would go to school and just try to get through the day. Towards the end of my binge I finally started to noticed how much it destroyed me. I was completely careless about anything. I was hardly living, just going through the day. I became very depressed and anti-social. The worst part was that I didn't truly notice the effects until I was off it, and at that point it was too late. One of the last times I did it, I combined it with formec(Designer MDMA). At first it was one of the greatest feelings I had, but in seconds it turned into a terrible trip. I remember thinking that if I had a gun I would have killed myself. After that, I had a constant, horrible feeling of anxiety. It was mainly worst around women too. It was like I was a scared little kid who didn't know how to talk to a girl. I waited months for this horrible emotional numbness and hazy mentality to go away, but it never did. For awhile I developed slight dyslexia and to this day struggle with reading and comprehension as well as a ton of other critical thinking skills. It's not like I'm retarded, it's just a constant reminder of the mistake I made and who I used to be. I've been reading all these comments and have noticed every effect that has been mentioned personally. I'm anxious, paranoid, awkward, quiet, depressed, emotionally unstable, I struggle to comprehend and remember things. My short-term memory is terrible, and I feel like i'm in a constant mental haze. Almost like the dissociated feeling I used to get on DXM but without the actual high. I feel like I'm constantly zoning out and have to struggle to stay alert and attentive.

When I first started using drugs I didn't believe a lot of what people said about them. I had myself convinced it was mainly just propaganda and fear. It was mainly because people said weed killed brain cells. Once I discovered that was disproven, I considered a lot of scientific research on drugs to be a badly and quickly done experiment to keep drugs illegal. I figured that I knew enough about drugs to know what drugs were dangerous and I would be smart enough to avoid them. It's like DXM snuck up on me. It was an over-the-counter drug, how harmful could it really be? Little did I know that it's probably the most mentally impairing drug out there. I know that some people are reading this with a bottle of robitussin in their hand, wondering if they should drink it. No matter how many comments and forums you read, you're still going to convince yourself that you'll only do it once, maybe twice. There's no way you would let yourself have a problem with DXM. But trust me when I say that we all thought that as well. Trust me when I say DXM is ******* cool! And as awesome as an experience it may be, that only makes it that much harder to not do again. Ask yourself, do you think heroin addicts tried smack for the first time, assuming they were going to be addicted and just said **** it? No, they convinced themselves that they'd only try it once, or twice. But drugs are like mind control, you'll think of any excuse to do it again.

When I found this forum I started just by reading a few posts. It wasn't until I continued to scroll for so long that I actually looked at how long this page was, and that's when I was truly amazed. How many people have made the same mistake as me, and spend every day wishing they could take it back. Imagine not even being able to put a mistake out of your mind for a second, because it is your mind that's the mistake. It's a truly inescapable regret. At first I came to this page just to see if people were suffering from the same effects as me, but after I saw all these people with the same regret, I had to tell my story as well. So please, head all these people's advice and simply don't do it. I'm not going to tell you what drugs are good and bad, but just don't do this one. I was reading a forum before this and someone said that they had done meth, heroin, LSD, shrooms, cocaine, MDMA and other drugs as well, but they admitted that DXM was the most mind impairing drug they had done. The saddest part about reading this forum is that nobody said it got better. Not one person. It's like a curse that you'll have for the rest of your life. A never ending dissociation from the world and from the person who you used to be. It's not as if you've changed, it's as if you've lost yourself, forgotten yourself. Please, I'm not asking you to think twice about doing DXM, I'm telling you to pour the bottle down the drain. Because if you don't, it may take months or years, but one day you'll find yourself reading a forum similar to this, wanting to cry as well.
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It's been 10years since when I did a lot of DXM. This drug came in pressed pink pills.
I think they where 250mg but I could be wrong. I always did as much as I could. Going up to the risk of death warnings on erowid.
I always known that it ****** me up but I have never really got to the point to read about other people. I googled for longterm effects of DMS and just arrived here.

I am almost 30 now.
Please find another drug to try and use! And don't go with all the new research chemicals or spice mixes that nobody knows too much about. 10 years ago I didn't know anything about DXM and it seemed ok as people using it at the moment didn't have any difficulties after. If you are going for drugs please consider to first try the classic illegal drugs. If you can't get your hands on any and research chemicals are easier go to TOR and Silkroad. They send it to your house. Why do I write this? Because if you want to do drugs you will do drugs. Then it's better to do the ones that you know how dangerous they are and what hapends after heavy usage. But always read about everything you try and don't buy a pill from whoever. There ate tests like Eztest and tests for cocaine and stuff. Use IT! It's worth it in the end.

Don't do anything newer than MDMA if you want to be at least a little bit safe.
And this one might be really hard to follow, I still can't but don't use more than what is seen as an average dose.
I have never been an real addict to anything(not when comparing myself to "addicts") but when I do something I do it all the way.

I haven't written any of the **** I am going trough but it's all mental and it came without me ever knowing it.

If somebody told me back then what could happen, I would still do it. But If I went back today I wouldn't because now I know how it has been.

It's so easy to be stupid today and it's so hard to not regret things later in life.
Try things 4 times/year and never over do the dosage. 4 times isn't much you may think but when you get older 1 year isn't much ether, at least when you don't remember any details and the moths just go by while you go to work and come home from work.
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you know that is how i started out using here and there. I did this so i never had to admit there was a problem. I thought that I was "under control" of my addiction. Here i am now detoxing off the pills for about 1 month sober. I do not have any crazy side effect but right now i do feel like crap i am sick and i do not trust myself to take any cough meds. However what I can tell you is i used for going on 3 years. and it was the worst 3 years of my life, ive been to jail 3 times something that i promised i would never do i grew up in a home that was no broken i had morals but when those pills went into my mouth that all changed i became someone i didnt want to be but i always found myself chasing that high. Take it from someone who knows the road your on... get off of it now before you become me doing any form of drugs always leads you down 3 different roads, 1 jails, 2 institutions, and finally death. take your pick because while your still taking these pills you will be nothing and become even worse. i have been sober for 1 month and i plan to continue down a sober road but since ive been sober ive finally started to get my old life back, one before drugs i have my entire family back as well. trust me NO PILL is worth losing it all.
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