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NEED HELP !!!!! First time withdrawal- IN HELL !!! PLEASE < PLEASE HELP !!

Please , please help. I was prescribed fentanyl 25 mcg patch 1 yr and 9 months ago for chronic bone pain. Lost 130 plus pounds in 1 year and went downhill physically, emotionally and every way.
I went off the patch myself on 9.21.12, and it has been PURE HELL ever since.
My  pain doctor - a licensed physician- refused to even see me on how to detox. Told me to go home, take 4 Vicodin a day, and 4 xanax a day and that was it.
I do not know what to expect! I am under  care of primary care doctor who knows my medicine detox regime, but I am suffering from HORRIBLE ANXIETY. Literally cannot sleep, sit sit, etc. I pace around 24/7 unless asleep. IS THIS NORMAL??  Does anyone know the stages of when this ANXIETY HELL, as well as the physical symptoms will subside??
I REALLY, REALLY need help !! I am ISOLATED, no one to talk to, and the pain doc is not helping me at all !!
I am having to do this ALONE, with no one who know what I am going through. What is Normal in Fentanyl detox?
How long will this HELL LAST?? Anyone know?
Please, please help !  I am at the end of the barrel here.
God BLESS anyone who will help .
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Sorry to hear about your trouble. Why wouldn't your pain doc help you???
Were you doing everything he advised? Yes, all that hell is normal and that's why people are advised NOT to do it like that. Wait for someone more knowledgeable than I to answer but in the meantime you go to the E.R. if it gets too bad! Did you research it before you just jumped off like that? I feel for you, I really do.
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Yes, Bless you for answering. My pain doc knew I was going off like that. He told me what to take, but when I went to his office the next day, he put me with a Phy. Asst who said I would be fine, and just keep to 4 Vicodin a day and 4 xanax a day. I told him I was coming out of my skin. They KNEW what hell I was in , and the actual MD would not even see me that day.
( note: I found out in last week that they were investigated by the DEA and put on probation!! )
I had to go off the patch- checked with the pain doc first- said to do it like I did it, and see him next day. I did all they asked. The MAIN symptom is the HORRIBLE ANXIETY !! The only relief I have is sleeping about 1 hour here and there in a 24 hour period. I am only  getting 4 hours of sleep a day in all.
I did do a lot of research before going off. I was literally dying with all the massive weight loss, stomach problems, and I have adrenal tumors ( benign, Thank GOD) . At urging of family , I had to go off. I was going to die if not.
Can someone tell me what the withdrawal timeline is? what are some of the symptoms of withdrawing off this?  I am now off the patch for almost 12 days. I will NEVER They are frightened too. I need so much help here on what to expect.  
BLESS YOU ALL, and anyone who will help me on this. I really, really need to talk to someone who has been through this. My primary doc is not a detox/pain doctor. But, he is a good , compassionate doctor who ran an EKG to see I was ok, ( all OK).
Anyone who can help me with this is such a BLESSING> Thank GOD I found all of you.
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BENZO withdrawal is a deeper, darker and more hellish hell than the opiates! please do not get yourself hooked on the Xanax. Four times a day is a very hefty amount. Your doctor is giving you something you are going to hate him for when it comes time to get off. I was on Xanax for a few months after a shoulder surgery, and getting off almost put me in a mental hospital. It is so much more excruciating than Fentanyl. I was on the patch for years and had to finish the withdrawals in a detox facility. The Xanax withdrawals can cause seizures so some people need to be hospitalized for safety. DO YOUR RESEARCH before taking any new meds people! It may save you from un- necessary agony and suffering!
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so sorry, I meant to say, I will NEVER , ever trust another doctor to tell me something like this is safe and safe to get off of- or I would have never taken it. I do not drink or abuse rec drugs.

This is LIVING HELL!!!  I need someone to talk to who knows- so sorry for repeating myself- and I have never been like this in my entire life !! I am 50 plus years old, and just saw my life slip away on the patch.
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Hi New One,
I see this was written in 2012. How are you feeling now after 5 years have passed? Are you feeling better? Did you also have a difficult time getting off of the benzo?
I found that this drug was the worst agony I have ever endured. The unfortunate truth is that there aren't any "comfort meds" made for the suffering of benzo WDs. The body goes through excruciating withdrawals because it is trying to heal the central nervous system,  which the benzo rewired with its chemicals. This healing is extremely long lasting.There is nothing you can take to ease these cruel symptoms. Most people become so psychologically and physically tortured by the feelings of this chemical leaving the body they must be hospitalized. I endured a very lengthy Hell for four straight months with barely any sleep and painful "brain zaps", major anxiety that was marked by hot and cold icy sweats,looping repetitive negative thoughts, visual hallucinations, body tremors, restless legs and arms, heart palpitations, and a constant feeling of contemplating suicide because the torture was beyond anything I could endure. I luckily have a partner that gently talked me through it, and cared for my needs while I suffered it all out. I still have days where I feel windows of uncomfortable feelings, and sweating after 5 months off Xanax. I won't take them ever again.
I'm wondering if anyone has gone through this, where a trusted doctor gives you a benzo to "help" get you through an opiate withdrawal. If you are ever given this nightmare drug, STAY AWAY!! You don't want more agony on top of the suffering from the opiate WD. The length of time it takes for your system to even out after stopping opiates is a lot shorter than benzo withdrawal. Hang in there!
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Hi there- Welcome and I hope we can help. I need to ask you a few questions: Are you taking the Vicodin and Xanax? You are completely off the patch since 9/21?  

Detoxing from fentanyl is just a bear! Usually folks taper because it's less of a shock to the body.  Let is know a little more and maybe we can suggest a few things.

Please know that we don't function as medical experts here so any suggestion is purely anecdotal. I think we can help though!
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Hello-there are so many people on this forum with experience that have used the patch.It does help to hear from anyone just to know your not alone so know I am reading the boards and listening.....Your anxiety sounds like a panic attack your PCP did an EKG to make shure your stable.Sounds like that was ok.....you are having acute withdrawal and what your experiencing are what almost everyone has been trough.I'm reading your posts.Your not alone.
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3955352 tn?1349096897
I am so sorry you are going through this.I cold turkeyed off 50 mcg .it was hell ! My doc gave me a 6 mo. Taper plan that I did not want to follow.(I'm very stubborn).anxiety was one of the biggest symptoms forme also.although if you are on vcoding and xanax you shouldn't feel like this for to much longer. I think maybe you might giving yourself a panic attack.this may sound weird but tell your self soothing words if you can get out then keep your self very busy if not keep your mind occupied with tv movies ect. I'm following you also ...
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I understand what your feelin, I'm going through withdrawal myself... I would suggest you either go to the ER, or get another dr. to help you through this. we have all tried using what we could to ease withdrawals, like the thomas recipie, vitamans,  the amino acid protocol,ect.. it sounds like your anxiety is through the roof. I sat at this computer around the clock. through the first couple of weeks. the good news is your over 1/2 way there. I never did the patch ,but I had alot of mgs in my system.I used benedryl to sleep and it helped. you'll get more support here just keep posting. we definately would like to support you in any way we can.
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1855076 tn?1337115303
Sorry you're suffering.  I came off Fentanyl with a taper (not from my pain doc; they didn't want me to come off) and it was really hard.  It's one of the harder narcotics to come off.  I don't have experience with Xanax but it's not safe to CT.

I don't know that the ER will help you.  My ER wasn't going to help me when I was in withdrawal due to a stomach bug.  They gave me some IV Ativan, which didn't help much.  I don't think the Vicodin will do much for you.

I'd suggest your primary care.  Maybe she can taper you with a narcotic that's stronger than Vicodin but not as bad as Fentanyl.  My primary care doctor now manages my pain for me.  She is a big believer in a slow taper, really slow, for her patients that have chronic pain.

Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do when in withdrawal, either CT or with a taper.  Getting dehydrated makes everything a hundred times worse.

Valerian root helped me with the anxiety and I found Alteril better than plain old Melatonin.

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1855076 tn?1337115303
Just my opinion, but most doctors don't really know what withdrawal feels like.  And even when we do our research, it's hard to know what's right.  (I let them try me on Nucynta and slept 10 to 20 minutes a day/night for ELEVEN days, the whole time with the pain clinic telling me it was normal.  I was so agitated and pacing, talking fast ... later I found out that I was only the second patient they had on it (it's not used much in this area.)  I had terrible bone pain with it as well.

Being on the Xanax, it's tough getting around as far as getting anything prescription for sleep in the short run.  Sleepy Time Tea works great as well, but not sure if you're able to keep stuff down.

Just so you know you're not alone, out of all the meds I was prescribed, I found Fentanyl changed so much about me.  It's a tough drug.  Keep posting.
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Thank you so much!! What amazing, and wonderful people are here!! I am so grateful . I went completely off the 25 mcg fentanyl patch on 9.21.12. I immediately augmented ( per doctor instruction ) with 6 ea of 7.5/500 Vicodin - divided into 1/2's every two hours/ along with .5 Xanax every two hours at the same time. The total Vicodin I take per day is 45mg ; the total Xanax I take per day is 6 mg. I take them in 1/2 increments every two hours. Usually, the Xanax will stop the Horrible ANXIETY. But, the anxiety is so, so bad all day- until about 10-11 pm ( when it has accumulated in my body, then I feel like I want to drop off to sleep in exhaustion.)
Getting about 4 hours of sleep per day- in about 1 hour increments every 4-5 hours.
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3197167 tn?1348968606
Welcome....new one!  I do not have any experience w/the patch, but totally relate to your feelings and symptoms.
I was twitching so bad, couldn't sit still for even a full minute, people at my aftercare group were actually moving away from me because they couldn't stand my "tweaking" (which was a new term to me.....guess methamphetamine users and people who haven't lived in a tomb for 6 yrs know that term..... tweaking).  I'm the one who feels like she has been in a tomb for, well, maybe 4 years.
I am still not GETTING to sleep very well, but sleeping good when I do.
I still have zero energy, weird smells and tastebuds. (lost lots of weight, too and my hubby says I didn't even have a rearend anymore!)  Such problems LOL   I just flat out ruined so many bodily functions (even tho I took pain pills for legit pain).  
Doesn't matter, got addicted and am dealing with how SLOW my body is healing.  In all fairness to our bodies, we can't abuse them for days, months, years....and expect them to bounce back in 30 days!  
I keep telling myself that and have read that writing on all your mirrors "Baby Steps" or "Progress not perfection" might help.  We will all heal differently due to our history, health and circumstances.....but we are here for you whenever you need to talk, think outloud, need encouragement, whatever.
I started weaning from 30 tabs (10 mg) of lortab and 3 wks later was at 10 (10 mg)/day.  I had an ambulance trip to the ER and they just let me lay there for 3 hrs while waiting for blood work to be completed.  Wouldn't even give me water till the bloodwork came back. (and the nurse that drew my blood left it in my ER room....forgot to send it to the lab........geesh)  Said "my panic attacks", anxiety, and inability to breath was all in my head!  The only thing they gave me after 3 hrs+ laying on the table, freezing, shaking and screaming at everyone was one (1) lousy xanex .5

You are doing so good.......and you won't have regrets about this choice you have made!
Blessings to you newone!
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I am THANKING GOD and JESUS that all of you are SO wonderful to help me !!!!  Tears are in my eyes with gratitude. Everyone here has been such a Blessing and given so much wonderful advice.
I am praying that this HORRIBLE ANXIETY ends soon!!!

Does anyone know an approximate timelime on when the anxiety will go away?

i know it is a process-
I just had to tell all of you how HUMBLY GRATEFUL I am to have you here to help me. I am never one to ask for help, but , in the pit of this hell, i really need you all- and you all are here. I THANK GOD and JESUS for all of you!!!

Thank you , thank you, thank you.......... Forever from my Heart and Soul, THANK YOU !!!
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BTW, my "pain pusher doctor" NEVER gave me a WITHDRAWAL timeline, medicine plan or ANYTHING to help me come off this demon patch.!!!!

If not for all the information I am getting here from all of you BLESSED ONE's , I do not know what I would do.

He left me with NO medical supervision on this, he just got mad that I was getting off the demon patch and would no longer be contributing to his income!!!    
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New One,
I'm so sorry your doctor sounds like one that is only concerned with making money, and not interested in the human beings he is treating. There are many doctors like this in the world, too many I'm afraid. There are however, a few really good docs out there, and I am lucky enough to have one of them. My pain care doc is so caring and wonderful. She really genuinely cares about her patients. Please, I can't stress this enough, RESEARCH YOUR MEDS !!! Before any pill even touches my lips I read everything I can from people who have taken it. I read the stories of how hard it is to be on it, and most importantly, does it cause withdrawals? All medication is habituating to an extent, but the important deciding factor for me is how much pain will I be in when I have to stop taking it. Some doctors give you drugs that cause horrific withdrawals, so I stay away from those drugs if they are not absolutely necessary. Research and knowledge is crucial to my health and happiness!  
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You all are right about the ER- they just leave you there with nothing for hours, tell you to go home, and never address the issue of withdrawal. I have been to the ER twice in the month of september and all I got was some saline and a little BP pill , an EKG to make sure my heart was ok, and sent home. No help at all .
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Did they give you clonidine in the ER? If so, it's actually very helpful. I would take that. Some people swear by it as a huge help taming all these symptoms, even the anxiety.

You should begin to feel better in a few days. You're taking A LOT of Xanax so that has to help...

Be sure you're eating properly and getting all your vitamins in. Also, sleep is very important for healing our central nervous system. That's where this is coming from....

Try to stay calm and keep posting! You're doing fine and you're right where you should be in the process.
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Hello readers,
Just a precious word of advice, please go easy on the Xanax, take it only when you feel you can't go another minute without it. I suggest cutting the pills in half and taking the smallest amount possible. Xanax is a very strong, short acting "Benzodiazepine" which is extremely addictive. Please do your research people! You don't want to blindly "obey" your doctor and swallow something that will end up making you feel a million times worse in the end. Trust me, it happened to me. I had to withdraw off the Xanax once I was through with the opiate withdrawal, and that withdrawal was so much worse. I wish I knew this or I wouldn't have even taken it. It was agonizing to get off of. I still have trouble sleeping, even after 4 months of being benzo free. That is why I am sharing this. I want people to know that taking any benzo ie, Xanax, Klonopin, Lyrica, Ativan, etc. for longer than a couple of days, will create yet another addiction far more painful than any pain killing opiate medication's withdrawal. I am trying to spread awareness on the seriousness and danger of this drug's side effects after taking it for more than a few days. Please read as much as you can before ingesting any and all medications. Lets help each other by sharing our experiences and our knowledge.
I hope my sharing saves one person from the benzo withdrawal nightmare I had to endure.
Love and Light to all of you reading my posts!
:) Loripoo xoxo
3197167 tn?1348968606
How you doing tonight?  Just re-read the posts above.  So if I read correctly you are totally off the patch for 13 days but taking vics and xanex?

Hope you'll have a FIRM plan for those......and will be able to get off of those safely when the time comes.  Since I had already w/drawn from xanex by the time I went off hydrocodone, soma m.relaxer, and my anti-depressant, I had to deal with my anxiety in any natural way I could.

One thing that worked for me was a large hot pad and I could just put it on my chest, breath deeply, wait.....and wait.....and eventually I could calm down.  I know you probably already know.....but if you have a taper plan in place for the vics and xanex, that will help you keep moving in the right direction and not just get used to taking them instead of the patch.  I would love it if I could take xanex......still have panic attacks and anxiety chest issues, rapid heartbeat, etc. but I had a personal desire to get off every single Rx for once in a very long time and just see where I was physically, emotionally and spiritually.  I need a baseline, if you will.
I had changed the "type" of antidepressant (AD) I was on many, many times in a 10 yr period, but just decided to find out what I'm like NOW.
Still finding out!!  The strangest things create anxiety in me.  Tells me a lot about myself, too. That was my own personal decision to do this BTW.
Keep on keepin on.........we're here for you
Feeding my spirit by reading 3 diff things every day also helps to remind me I am powerless, He is not, IF I let Him.

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GOD BLESS YOU ALL!! This is so helpful to hear that I am on the right path. I am now 13 days into detox with vicodin and xanax , and am NOT going back on ANY meds in future.I want off all pain meds, and want to get my body back to a Natural state that GOD made me with in the beginning.
It is SO COMFORTING to know that all of you are telling me I am going to be ok- I need that SO badly right now! Bless You ALL !!

I am planning on tapering off the Vicodin and xanax  SLOWLY after I get to a point in the detox where I can taper down safely- and do it very SLOWLY and carefully. It is a process. IT has been SHEER HELL- SHEER HELL. But, everyone keeps telling me each day off the demon patch is ONE DAY CLOSER TO A NORMAL LIFE>  I pray this is coming true  !!!  

Please let me know if this is coming to a close. If anyone knows about how much longer on the withdraw timeline I have, I would love to hear. It just helps me to keep up HOPE that all is going to get better.

Thank you, thank you , THANK YOU ALL for being here for me- You are all ANGELS sent by GOD !!!!
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Thank you vicki to let me know that I am where I should be in the process- that helps sooooo much!!

I am just SO SCARED and wanting this to be OVER with soon, and the Horrible suffering to stop.  Bless You
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2122807 tn?1560619706
hey Friend,
If you read over some of my old posts you would see that the anxiety monster was the toughest part for me. Yes, it was horrrible. What got me thrrough it is reading this forum and believing people when they said it would end, even when I thought it wouldn't, i trudged onward, and it did. SOme days the anxiety alone was so bad I couldn't take my head off the couch pillow, let alone answer a phone or a doorbell. I just hunkered down and watched tv and when it got a little better, some household chores, and when I really trduged, then a little walk aroudn the block.

The anxiety is terrible, but it ends, and when it ends you are left with a new life for yourself.

I tapered from a huge amount of oxy and vicodin. The good side of tapering is that you don't get those horrible first 3 days symptoms as badly, the physical ones. You still get RLS, and sleeplessness and some diarrhea, but not like CT gives you, so that is the up side, but the down side to tapering is that the whole time you are tapering the anxiety monster is there. In my opinion the best way to do it if you possibly can is jump off CT. The first days will be extra rough but you won't be dragging out the anxiety more than it has to be.

Whichever road you take, it can be done. I am on day 105 today and I have a new wonderful life.

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Hi newone, hope you are feeling better. I haven't taken fentanyl, so I'm no help with specific advice.  However, to find others that have posted about fentanyl, type "fentanyl withdrawal" in the Search This Community box in the upper corner of this web page.  You will get lots of stories about fentanyl.
Stay strong!
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I am getting a bigger window of anxiety relief- THANK GOD- on the taper as each day goes on. I am only on 6 Vicodin in a 24 hour period . Total of 45 mg per 24 hours. Total of 6 mg of Xanax in a 24 hour period. I have been on and off Xanax for 20 years prior to withdrawal of fentanyl on sept 21.

What is scaring me MOST now- is that what will be taper off the Vicodin and Xanax be? I was normally prescribed for 20 years , 1 MG xanax per 24 hours ( 3 total). I had some days prior to w/draw, where I took 3-4 Xanax a day, then the next day I took 2 Xanax and the next day, I took only one and some days, did not take any at all. I did not have any bad side effects.
I was also taking 4 Vicodin a day, and some days - PRIOR to W/D- would take only 3 Vicodin a day, or 4 or 5 at MOST. So, my WITHDRAW program is not far off from what I was PRIOR to fetanyl use ( been on patch for 1 year and 9 mos at 25 mcg).
I am not on a large, large dose of either Vicodin or Xanax for W/D.

I am so , so scared  of the horrors of going off the taper meds, and terrified, now that I am getting some relief for the first time in 13 days, to go off CT.

What should I do??????  With the amounts I am taking above, how bad is this going to be?  Does anyone Know??? Please let me know. Please....
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2122807 tn?1560619706
I am pm'ing you

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3955352 tn?1349096897
You have already made great progress just focus on today...... hugs!
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480448 tn?1426948538
One thing at a time, dear.  Get through this, and then you can start tackling one or the other when you're feeling stronger.  You don't have to be a hero.  

When the time comes, if you do a VERY slow and very deliberate taper, it shouldn't be as bad as you're imaging.  The Vicodin w/d willl probably look like child's play compared to the Fentanyl.  Fentanyl is MUCH stronger.  The worst thing with the Xanax will probably be the anxiety, which again, you can deal with that later.  Let yourself do one thing at a time...don't start getting yourself more anxious thinking of what's to come with the other meds.  Don't worry about that right now.

You're doing amazing!
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