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Opiate Withdrawal--Thomas Recipe

Starting my full detox program today.  Using the Thomas recipe, slightly modified by adding Valerian root and Ativan instead of valium....Back Story, suffer from back issues, began taking them as needed for pain then you all know the rest of this story.  Was taking about 8-10 norcos for the last 6 months and a much smaller habit (3-6) for 3-4 years prior to that.  Things started spinning out of control recently and I need to just cut it out completely.  I did a taper down to about 3 pills yesterday and 1 today but am out and am moving forward cold turkey.  Last pill was 8:40 AM PST.  Any advice?

PS....I don't think my back is messed up enough to warrant all these meds, I'm just gonna man up and deal with the pain.  I need the mental clarity.  My son is now 5 months old and I love every minute with him.  Once I'm clean 100% I know I will enjoy my life with him and my wife even more.....Hope this doesn't last to long, wish me luck!
40 Responses
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6484018 tn?1381720261
Hey, I am kicking right now myself. Being positive is the best tool you have. Want it as much as you want to never lose your child. Remember kids do what you DO, not what you SAY. Be a positive example in his life. He needs you. Age 2 is the most important years in any child's le when it comes to development . You need to be clean lon enough by that age to Ser positive examples. Get yourself educated also. find an IOP program to learn how to demolish your current behavior patterns and then rebuild ones that are healthy for both you and your son. I would FIRMLY AND GENUINELY recommend you look into this as soon as you read this. I have been in my own IOP program that kept me clean for 86 days today. they will teach you how to build a support network outside of the program itself. Them will also teach you how to be a better father. I cannot tell you how many men I hear who come into groups stating they used the tools they were taught on their children and how well it worked. keep your head up friend, I am suffering simultaneously somewhere else on the planet with you. Look into vitamins and supplements you can take also. they put you way ahead in the game. its like having Eli manning as your qb and your dying out there on the field.. somebody says hey take these vitamins and supplements. and they switch in Payton manning and its the fourth quarter, your downby 6 with 30 seconds and no timeouts left. you're on your own 40 yard line and Payton was just the hurry up offensive qb who you knew you couldnt lose the game with. good luck my friend. -Gabriel
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This is an OLD post from 2012 maybe you should start a new one, I am over 100 days off methadone and I know you can do this
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I have been tapering off methadobe for a few months now. Im geting down there. I only take 1 10mg tab a day. Next step is nothing and im scared. Can ne one help? I need some energy. And feeling a little depressed. What can i do to help?
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wow...You posting this just made me re-read this whole thing...Holy cow have I come a long ways.  Thanks All....32 days and feeling pretty damn good...
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Love you guys!
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I CAN FINALLY SAY IT!  Thanks everyone!
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2079321 tn?1333662977
Man you're doing great!
I sent you another message.
I am praying for a comfortable night for you.
See ya going to spend time with wife and son..
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Thanks I will have to give that a shot.....  I Do have the immodium ready.  Part of me thinks that might hit me tomorrow....just a hunch.  I got a sleepytime tea tonight I will drink it with my valerian root, melatonin and ativan....hopefully I get a few hours.of sleep and wake up with some confidence that the end is near.    I've been drinking a ton of water, and went on 2 walks today...nothing long but enough to feel like crap when i got back to the house...exhausted.  I owe my dog one more walk in a little bit then im gonna start the bed time process as soon as my son goes down to sleep (630)...wish me luck
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Thanks.  I Do have the immodium but haven't really needed it yet.  I got a sleepytime tea tonight I will drinki it with my valerian root, melatonin and ativan....hopefully I get a few hours.of sleep and wake up with some confidence that the end is near.    I've been drinking a ton of water, and went on 2 walks today...nothing log but enough to feel like crap when i got back to the house...exhausted.  I owe my dog one more walk in a little bit then im gonna start the bed time process as soon as my son goes down to sleep (630)...wish me luck
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I did the same thing... watched movies and TV shows that were taking up space on the DVR. Yes, do get that Immodium if you haven't already. Lots of great advice already given. I will add that drinking Sleepy Time tea with lemon and honey and a peppermint stick helped me, too. I also became very close to my heating pad ;)
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minute by minute, hour by hour - you can do this!  Be thanksful no runs yet (you got your immodium all ready?)

Hang in there my friend.  I took benedryl or nyquil to help me get a little sleep through withdrawal - that can make everything feel so much worse when you don't sleep.

Remember to breath, try to picture a really calming landscape in your head or a good memory.  Really see the detail, smell the smells, picture a calming blue light.  When you feel like you'll go over the edge try to think of this, breath deep and focus.  I use this at night when I'm having anxiety with trying to sleep.
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Made it through 1 movie...on to the next....Withdrawal Symptom:  Hot and cold, light headed...no runs yet, just an overall feeling of crap...but hanging in there....fearing tonight
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HURTING!  just took half an ativan and about to watch hangover 2...we see how this goes....
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Yes, Super B Complex is different and helped me more than just the one that you're taking now.  I had started with B12 in the beginning, but then I changed over to the super b.  Big difference!  I have way more energy with that one.  Also, throw in some caffeine and exercise and the MOST important thing......force fluids like gatorade and apple juice.  They both help keep you hydrated and also help the RLS and leg cramping.  You will feel like you have to pee every 5 minutes, but you're going to do that during detox anyway, so might as well drink and stay hydrated!  
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Doit - I LOVE you attitude, you've prepped well so I know you are probably feeling bad right now but know you will through this before you know it - I remember my detox so well, I remember just wishing to get to 60 days and here I am at day 58 today.  You got this, I wanted to give you some support.
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Just had a bowl of ceral waiting for the sun to rise over here in California..then off on the dog walk.  Thanks..Have a good day
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strange feeling.....waking up grabbing vitamins instead of pain pills.  
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2079321 tn?1333662977
I'm glad to hear you're doing well and hanging in there strong. Just be patient I myself am a results orientated person. After receiving some wisdom from other members. I realize not to push myself. it takes time. I will send you a message later when I get a chance. walk the dog and have a good day
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Thanks Man...I appreciate it.  exercise will be easy...my dog is waiting for me to walk her  lol.   Congrats on day 8....That's awesome.  Can't wait til I can say that.
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1845824 tn?1333374427
Right attitude brother.. Dr is using a simular drug to help with this short term anxiety and depression.  Which is normal.  We feel like crap.  I'm on day 8 today... Your in my prayers and we made the right choice.  Life is to precious to waste on pain meds we CAN do WITHOUT...   Right with ya bro.... WAter water water water, excersize often.  SWEAT it's good.. I'm plannin on back to work next week myself.   I just don't feel right yet.... But
BETTER everyday.. Hang in there... 3-4 days SUCK.. Can't put it anyother way... ( IN HIS SERVICE RICK HENRY )
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Super B has all the B vitamins in it. I may need to get that one for myself. I hadn't thought of it.
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Rough....but did actually sleep.  My legs did OK, for some reason my arms were flailing all over the place....lol.  Ended up on the couch after I fell asleep for about an hour in bed,., Overall between the valerian root, melatonin and ativan that I took at 7 (retook all three at 1 AM), I woke up feeling somewhat alive today...was expecting worse.  I think I got about 4 hours sleep! I think tonight could be the toughest night for me as when I go to bed tonight the opiates will be more than 36 hours out of my system....I'm hanging in there, I refuse to go back to the darkside.  
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Thanks Leann....I will try that super  B.  I have B 6, is this super B something differerent?
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I don't know how I missed your post but wanted to chime in and offer my support. I really didn't have a plan when I quit back in November. I didn't find this site until day 4. It sounds like you have a great attitude and support from your wife, which is a big plus. I believe you will be successful. I can't tell you how much it helped and continues to help me posting here. This forum has gotten me through some pretty rough days.

I will be thinking of you. Take care and great job so far!

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