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733362 tn?1489794936

Please, Need someone to respond

I asked a question and IBKlean was kind enough to respond, thanks IB. I think you misunderstood, nobody else responded. I had the same 2 Drs for 20 and 25 years. One Dr moved away and the other one got raided by the FB! and DEA a week ago. They took him out in handcuffs. They had it on the Local News. I don't have a Doctor. Gotta just do this and get it over with.

The question I posted is Titled "How addicted am I?",  just below. Maybe it was too long, sorry.
All I would like to know is how long does it take to CT from

2, 7.5/325 Norco a day after 20 years on them. Used to take more 5 years ago.

diazapam 1-1/2 a day, 10 mg pills (taking 15 mg per day) for 10 years, was taking 20 and dropped back to 15mg as soon as my Family Doc moved a year ago.

Soma, cut back 1 yr ago from 2 a day to 1-1/2 a day is what I have been taking for the past year. Been taking Soma for 14 years. Used to take 3, then 2, now 1-1/2 350 mg pills.

If I just quit right now and bite on a stick for my pain, how long will it take to be back to normal? I take the Norco in the daytime and Soma at night.  Will I even have withdrawal Symptoms at these levels? I can tell you that after 21 hours of no Norco I am cold and my nose is slightly runny. Of course my pain is back big time.

The only thing I would like to add is that most of the people here got hooked on pills because of some Doctor. I was on Flexeril and perfectly happy. He said, I'd like to try another medication on you, Soma. I didn't even know what it was but it's kind of like sex. Once you've had it you know there is nothing like it. It is amazing for pain from a bunch of broken bones, I can attest to that. It makes you feel great. Then he kept trying to get me on an antidepressant. I kept saying no thanks. Then he said if you won't take anything else would you take Valium?
I was fine without it. Never should have said yes to Valium. Thanks Doc.

He wrote me 90 Valium w/4 refills, 120 Soma w/11 refills, 120 lortab w/4 refills. Anybody that would take that much would be stoned. Oh,, I forgot to mention, he ran a Suboxone Clinic too. He was getting people hooked in one door, then get them off it with suboxone in door #2. I never took all the bait, thank God. I just nibbled. The Dr that gave me my meds after the Family Doc got busted for Fraud. I never would have believed it. Some disgruntled ex-employee told the Police he was charging for things he didn't do. I don't think the charges will stick, at least I hope. He has made millions with his pharmacy and his brother is a lawyer. He sells a cream for pain that costs $1500 a month for a facial cream sized bottle
Best Answer
1810386 tn?1405549577
Welcome, and Wow.. It's a shame when we put our trust in professionals such as doctors and they take advantage of that trust to do a number on people such as yourself.

I think you need to get yourself to a new doctor ASAP or into a detox clinic ASAP, it's one thing to detox off pain meds and soma but it's another to get off Valium, just getting off it will be HELL for weeks even when down slowly over 1 or so months.

You can try tapering down off all the meds, I can't tell you how best to do that, but a 10-20% of your dose a week is what I've been told.

I think it's best to go to another doctor and plead your case and even if you go in there saying I want off and I want to taper off all (if that's what you want??) that would be better than saying get me drugs please.

If you want to get off C/T just the pain meds and Soma it may take 5-7 days through the worse of it, it may be longer given you have been on it a lot longer, but your not on a real high dose so it's hard to say. I don't have an experience with benzo detox but I have had some friends go through that and it's been real HELL for them and it can last 2 week, I would not suggest it so I've been people end up in the ER more often than not with Benzo detox.

Keep us updated with that happen. :)
23 Responses
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733362 tn?1489794936
Sorry, I said I was on 30 mg Valium a few years ago. It was more like 10 years ago when I first started taking them. I took 30mg for a few months and didn't know why I was taking them, so I cut back to 20mg. Now that I am noticing my breathing is harder I remember why I was put on them in the first place. When I was not drawing a full breath and feeling short of breath I would get a panic attack that feed on itself and made breathing harder.
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733362 tn?1489794936
I didn't mention (I don't think) that I Owned a Crown and Bridge Dental Lab for 27 years. I was in the business for 34 years. Started in the late 60s. It was a dirty job, casting and grinding on Gold, Silver/Palladium and Non Precious metals and I used lots of asbestos from around 1968 to 1983. Every day I would blow black stuff out of my nose. By Friday night my fingers were all cut up and sore, had the weekend to get them feeling better.

In 2000 I was 49 and had to go see a pulmonologist, was having trouble catching my breath. He did some tests and told me, "I'm sorry Barry, You have Pulmonary Fibrosis. We have not advanced enough to cure it and it is terminal. There is nothing we can do about it, your Family Doctor can handle it from here."

I came home and started researching. I discovered that the average life expectancy is 3-5 years. Well, that was 14 years ago and I'm still here. I remember when the Mars Rovers launched and thought how nice it would have been to see them land and drive around Mars but surely I would never live to see it, but I did. Every day is a blessing from God. At this point I feel ok. The Valium helps me not care about not being able to get a full breath, feels like a tight rubber band around my chest, my ribs don't move when I breathe. The old Family Doc said Stiff Lung is another name for it, also much like Black Lung Coal Miners get. I hold no bad feelings for the Family Doc of close to 25 years that moved to another State to teach at a college. He has 4 kids that are getting free tuition. I'm sure he was sick of dealing with drug addicts on Suboxone. He told me a couple months before he left, he didn't really leave town like a scalded dog. When he moved people were standing in his office screaming because the new Doc could only have 12 Suboxone patients. The Neurologist that got busted for over prescribing SubSys, whatever that is, was always the Anti-Establishment type of guy, but a nice guy. He is going to court and I hope he gets the charges dropped. He has not been found guilty at this point. He got a new Doctor in there, but some places wouldn't fill the new Docs prescriptions. Now the one that got arrested has removed his name from the office but the new guy is under a microscope by the Fed's. He said I had to chose between Soma and Valium. I chose to stay on Soma since the only time I am almost out of pain is after I take a Soma at night. It blocks pain sensations somehow. I always thought it was better than getting on Oxy.

Soma is really a good drug. It's people that can't control themselves that has spoiled it for people that don't abuse it. Every time I read people posting about Soma on the internet they are all taking 5-50 at a time, even 100. Then they die and everybody blames the drug. If you took 100 aspirin it would kill you, why would anybody take that much of any medicine?

No, I was planning on staying on everything I was on for the rest of my life. I have been cut off Valium and have weaned down too fast from 20mg a year ago and hit the wall at 10mg. Went back to 15mg and have stayed there. I only get 60 Valium a month and got cut off 3 weeks ago. I had 2 full bottles of 60 in the hole in case something happened. I was thinking they were for a trip or something. Our last big trip I was gone a month. I am in a pretty good spot to taper.

I went from 15 mg 3 weeks ago and eased down a little piece a week. Last night I reduced to 10mg and feel pretty good. 3 weeks ago I went from 15mg to 12.5. Then 1/4 of 1/2 a pill until yesterday. Now I will just be taking 10 mg once a day until I know I'm good and will take 1/3 off a half of a pill.

I have too many broken bones to get them fixed. It would require many surgeries and the big chunk you could stick your fingers through broken out of my wingbone will never grow back. There is no fixing to be done at this point. I wouldn't want to spend my last years getting surgeries with no solid Family Doctor to help me get through it. This new guy is scared to death, but said he would continue my Soma and Norco.

I made an appointment with a Pain Management/Addiction Specialist Doctor that can't get me in  for 2 more months. By that time I won't need him, I hope. That's a whole different story. Why would an Addiction Specialist/Pain Management Dr make you wait 2-1/2 months. People that need him, need him right now not in 10 weeks. Drs are turning into pr***ks it seems to me. They are all afraid of the FDA, who is rendering them impotent. I want the Government OUT of my Doctors Office with me.

Sorry to be so long. It was good to take my mind off dropping my dose last night and vent a little.

Thanks to all of you for the support.

nursegirl, thanks for your opinion. I am in the right spot because I am dependent on all 3 of these medications. I have had withdrawals from cutting back too fast on Valium. Need to do it right and I have learned here the right way, thanks to these nice people pointing me to the Ashton Manual. Starting at 15 and now down to 10mg Valium is a small victory. I don't feel I will need to take a year to get off 10mg., but I was taking 30 mg a few years ago.
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480448 tn?1426948538
I have to agree with vicki.  I think you're taking things personally that were in NO way meant to be personal.  Like vicki said, this is an addiction forum, so people aren't "reading between the lines" as you put it, more like answering your post in context with issues that coincide with addiction.  Travel's point about being on multiple controlled substances, prescribed by docs who are in hot water (which is never good) was a very valid one, and like she said, she was just giving you something to think about.  There could be legal ramications of some sort for you, especially because you were Rx'ed controlled substances by more than one doctor, who coincidentally are in trouble.  I think it's a very important factor to consider.

This is a great forum, with people who would give you the shirt off their back.  Everyone is only trying to help you.  I DO understand that you're going through a lot, I'm sure you're stressed and scared, which is all the more reason to try to take the advice at face value, and try not to get offended.  Also, you're very very angry, not that you shouldn't be to an extent, but the anger isn't going to benefit you as much as it will hold you back.  Try to let some of that go.

Very best to you!
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Hi there- I just want to make a comment or two...   First, travel_and jerry are not accusing you of anything; merely asking questions to be sure they understand.

You need to keep in mind that this is a substance ABUSE forum and nearly everyone here is an addict in some stage of recovery. It's often understood that people posting here are having an addiction problem whether they know it or not.  

Maybe you would be better served in the Pain Management Forum here on MH.  Good luck to you-
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733362 tn?1489794936
I reread a post from travel_melb "do you think you should be on these 3 combos of drugs when you have your two Dr's that have either fled or been jailed for what they are doing?"

I thought it was offensive because that's pretty much why I came here in the 1st place, maybe I should get off something. I don't feel I need the Valium and it is the worst one to get off. I am always going to need something for pain. Seems like people read between the lines too much. Yes, I did say he left town like a scalded hound. I shouldn't have said that. I knew he was leaving, I know where he is. He was the one that wrote 120 lortab w/3 refills, 120 soma w/11 refills, 90 valium w/3 refills. He was a pill pusher. He is teaching and a Doctor on a campus now. His 4 kids get free tuition. They will be probably be Doctors. This is America, we are free to move if we want to even though it made it harder for his patients. His Suboxone patients were pretty upset, I don't know if he told them. He is a decent guy and I think he got in over his head when he started his suboxone clinic. The other Doctor is innocent until proven guilty. I think he has a good chance of beating the charges. Maybe I should not have been offended. Just going through a lot right now. My wife is a couple weeks out of total knee replacement, I have to do everything. We just got her pretty much healed up from the other knee she got Feb 14th.

For Ben, Why would I take 4 hydro's when I can control the pain with 2 Norco in the day and 1-1/2 Soma at night? I don't find hydro conducive to a good night's sleep. I don't feel pain while asleep and I get 8 hours. My thought was I would only be 1/2 as addicted to both Soma and Lortab by using self control. Been at this level for going on 2 years and it seems to be working well.
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733362 tn?1489794936
The Doc that got raided Rx'd me 60 Soma, 60 diazapam and 90 Lortab a month. Does that sound like a huge amount to you jerry? I have 1 Norco and 1/2 of a valium and 1/2 of a Soma left every day that I didn't take. I never get them refilled right on time. Usually a week or so late.

That's why I was surprised they raided him. He always ran a lot of tests that I didn't think were necessary, but he was tight when it came to writing pills. I think he wrote some medical marijuana, I live in Michigan. Maybe that's why they came down on him.

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1445648 tn?1470319663
on eyour fist post man you take alot of pills and have piles left over it seems well maybe thats the reason your Dr. was arrested the FBI doesnt handcuff straight dr.s only one pushing HUGE amount of pills.. Hope you will be ok until you find a new doc but dont be suprised if they cut you way back on the meds.
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1796826 tn?1578874779
I'm not sure why you're lashing out at travel_melb, their post to you certainly wasn't that offensive. Please treat people the way you would like to be treated.

10 mg is the standard dose for Valium, it's not a high dose.

Norco contains hydrocodone, not sure how taking it is preventing you from taking "4 hydrocodone a day".

Like cleaninkc said, you should have no difficulty finding a doctor to prescribe what sounds like a sensible and effective treatment regimen for your various ailments.
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733362 tn?1489794936
BTW melb, I have never got prescriptions for narcotics from more than 1 doctor at a time. The Neurologist was my back-up.
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733362 tn?1489794936
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my posts. I appreciate your response. No, I didn't really want to get off my meds, but I'm not gonna kiss hiney to get pills either. I know they were long posts but I'm kinda old. It takes a minute to get it out, and I never mentioned that I have to get a biopsy. Blood tests indicate possible big C, and am on oxygen. I worked for years casting metal, breathing asbestos and silica dust and grinding on metal. My hands are all gnarled up from working with metal for 35 years. It stinks getting old. When you think things are supposed to start getting easier, life just keeps on getting harder.
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733362 tn?1489794936
The Combo is good, it's people that can't say no to their desire to take more than prescribed that has ruined it for people that have been hurt bad. I broke 24 bones in 1 second, collapsed a lung and had a head injury. I broke my back for pete's sake. Not to mention ruptured disks and radial nerve damage combined with about 10 other broken bones in my life, Arther and degenerative disk disease. Do you think you can tell me anything about pain? Wow friend, that's a slap in the face. That combo has kept me from needing 4 Hydrocodone a day. If I wanted to be pain free it would take percocet. I won't go there. Soma is a close second to percocet for bone and nerve pain. Since he rx'd me 4 Soma a day I only take 2 of each a day. As far as my pain could be better, I don't understand the question. Are you high? Speak for yourself. I have used a lot of restraint, when my mind said "go ahead,, take another one", I said no. How was I supposed to know 20 and 25 years ago that a Doctor would move in a quarter of a century and the neurologist would get raided 2 years later? He had an ex-employee accuse him of something. Being the owner and president of a corporation for 27 years I never made a friend when I had to fire someone. Not to mention he is only accused of doing something. He has yet to be proven guilty. Yes, he was arrested but released on a $10,000 bond. To him that's nothing. He will probably buy his way out of it with the help of his brother the lawyer. You didn't strike me as a lynch mob mentality type of person. He has had people holding a vigil in his parking lot. It's been on the news a few times.

As mentioned, I was content to stay on what I thought to be a low dose of all 3 for life. I didn't know the valium was a high dose, even though
i never took as many of any of them as prescribed .

I thought you were more level headed than that. Thanks for the slap in the mouth, I needed that. Please don't give me anymore advise melb,, travel on.

Thanks and GB You!
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3197167 tn?1348968606
I have read thru all your threads....all the comments....and all your answers.

You say you have NEVER taken more than prescribed of the hydrocodone, the soma or the valium and the doses you take are reasonable for your injuries.  You say these meds help you with your pain.  You say you have enough meds/refills to last you 6 weeks.
That you would stay on the soma and hydrocodone for the rest of your life if your drs hadn't both had negative situations that ended their care for you.

So that means you have 6 full weeks to find a dr that will continue to treat you with the meds you are doing fine taking.  You have xrays to prove you have a mangled rib cage.  The doses you are admittedly taking of ALL 3 meds are not excessive.  You say you aren't addicted....but since you have waited 18 hrs b4 taking a pain pill and begin to have w/drawal symptoms, that is why you posted in an Addiction Forum.  Anyone that has been on a narcotic pain med for 20 yrs give or take... is gonna develop a dependency on the drug.  And yes, you will begin to have w/drawal symptoms if you don't take them every 4-6 hrs.  But my question is WHY are you waiting 18 hrs???  If you have plenty of meds and 6 weeks to find a new dr?

I was just like IBKleen when I read your list of health issues:  a heart attack 3 yrs ago, a heart cath 2 yrs ago, irregular heartbeat, pulmonary fibrosis, a mangled rib cage and lower back pain that hurts all the way to your toes!!!
This list of medical issues is HUGE and it would NEVER  be advisable for anyone here on this forum to tell you what tapering or going CT would or could be like for you.  We, in fact, advised against it.

Prescription drug abuse is a HUGE issue in our world today and that is why so many dr's are being scrutinized and/or shut down if they are not following safe protocol.  It isn't your "luck"......it is just a very common occurrence these days.
Fortunately for you.....you aren't an addict....and you have meds to keep you comfortable until you can find a dr that will prescribe what is necessary for you and your health conditions.

I was on hydrocodone and soma both....and I can tell you, if your daily doses are accurate.....you shouldn't have any trouble getting a qualified physician with integrity to prescribe what you need.

If you are not abusing your meds.......you are NOT an addict~
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271792 tn?1334979657
I didn't misunderstand anything. With your history of medical issues I suggested that you taper under a doctor's supervision. This is NOT a time to take matters into your own hands. I think it would be dangerous for you to try and taper on your own. I hope it all works out for you and get off this merry-go-round. Best of luck!
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733362 tn?1489794936
Thanks so much Lu. I still have enough meds to last 6 weeks or better. With the holiday weekend no chance of finding a Doc. This is why I was thinking now about tapering. But on the other hand, why be miserable for months? Gotta make a move soon. I will just go to this Urgent Care place down the street.

I believe you about the Valium. Starting today I am going from 15mg to 12.5 for 10 days. Then intend to go down to 10mg until I level out. I dabbled with this another time. Went from 20mg to 10. It was too fast. Stayed there for 6 weeks and didn't feel much better at 6 weeks, so I know it's bad stuff. Why don't Doctors tell you that if you take this medicine that I want you take you will be addicted and have to suffer withdrawals if you get away from your medicine, or ever want to stop?

Now I would like to answer my own question. They get you on them so they have a permanent patient. Don't get me wrong. I am glad he put me on Lortab and Soma. They have saved me from a whole lot of pain. He said Lortab was easier to get off than tylenol 3 or 4 because of metabolites. The Valium,, That was the hook that got me. He reeled me right in. I never thought such a low dose could cause so many problems. He prescribed 3, 10mg a day. I never took more than 2. Thinking back I think he wrote the 1st Valium rx for 4 a day
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1926359 tn?1331588139

How are you today?  Thinking about you....DId you manage to get some medical help yet?  Please don't do this on your own.  I am concerned for you.
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Hi again?  Is there anything that can be done to correct all your bones? Reset the right? Something?  Go find the best orthopedic doctor or neurosurgeon out there.

Then maybe you can get off this cycle.  I can't imagine.
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733362 tn?1489794936
Travel Thanks again for your thoughts. Yes, I think the Soma and the Hydro is good if a person can control themself. If you saw an x-ray of my chest you would probably be surprised. It doesn't take a radiologist to see that the bones are all broken and never healed, pointing the wrong way, broken clean off, one rib is attaching itself to my collarbone. One radiology report says my upper R quadrant is severely deformed. My back was broken, 2 fractured vertebrata mid back by scapula with the hole in it. Thankfully they healed good but still send a burning nerve type pain or maybe it's the ruptured disks.

If I wasn't taking the Soma I would have to double the Norco and double the monkey and visa-versa. Also, like you said, hydro is not that great for pain but I don't want anything to do with the oxy jones. I have heard people say that you build up immunity to all of it. I wait until the pain is getting raw to take anything and my body is happy to get it. I have to say if you have had 24++ fractures, at least 10 of them serious broken bones not in line that were not repaired, will never heal, a 7.5 Norco does lessen the pain. I didn't ever ask for Soma or Valium, actually lortab either, I did ask for tylenol 3 when I got off the 90 days of 4 percocets a day. But Soma as I said is a lot better for nerve pain. I don't want to take 4 of those a day either. 2 and 1-1/2 Soma, that's the ticket. Jones can't be that bad. I know my pain, we are old friends and it doesn't seem like the effectiveness has worn off much on the Norco. I still get some relief. I have tried to walk a fine line and not get strung out on anything while still managing the pain. I think I have 1/2 a jones to each. The Valium is going to be worse, but I didn't notice a thing going from 2 valium a day to 1-1/2. I believe he was trying to get me into his suboxone clinic. 11 refills on 120 Soma? LOL Ridiculous. I would always have 5-6 refills go to waste and he never reduced the dosage. That was before they changed the status of Soma and I was taking 2 and 2. (lortab-soma)

The reason I posted on the addiction Forum is because I every day when I wake up it has been at least 18 hours since my last Lortab. I usually ride out the first hour then take one. My nose starts running a little and I feel chilly. I know I am dependent on them. Since I don't have a Doctor it seems like just quitting is the best thing to do. I am not going to kiss @@@  for pills at my age. As you said basically, maybe after I get used to being off them the pain won't be as intense.
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Hi Barry, im very sorry, i didnt answer because i had no experience with your question sorry.
I do hope you find answers from these lovely people : )
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1926359 tn?1331588139
Hey there Barry-

Sounds like you've had one he*& of a rough go.  The norco should be totally fine to C/T.  Your dosage was not high, you'll be sick for 3-4 days.  I have no idea what Soma is.  DO NOT C/T the diazepam!!!  It is very, very dangerous.  Benzo's need to be tapered slowly.  As in every 8 weeks a small drop.  This needs to be medically supervised so please seek care.  They cannot refuse you.

You are also going to need an alternate pain plan.  Your pain during detox and for about a month afterwards will not be indicative of what your pain levels actually are.  You need to have some good clean time behind you before your brain will heal and you'll know where you stand with pain.  NSAIDS work great for most- I can't take them because I have Crohn's.

All this said- given the medical history you described and your current status I do not recommend doing this on your own.  I am concerned for you.  I'm also curious why you are posting on the addiction website and not the pain management?  As your story goes, it does not sound like you've been abusing your pills at all.  In fact, I am really surprised you are actually getting any pain control whatsoever given your diagnoses and your dose + length of time.  The truly shi*&y thing about opiates is that we build a dependance on them quickly and so we need more and more to deal with the pain (which is how many of us become addicts) Then we crave the mental and emotional numbing they provide.
This is why opiates are not a good solution for chronic pain.  Ever.

Anyways, it sounds like you've been through a lot.  Just know that you deserve support medical and otherwise no matter WHAT the circumstance is- abuser or addict or just a guy in a heck of a lot of pain.  Find a doctor.  Talk to them about alternate pain management and on tapering off benzos.  Please whatever you do, DON'T STOP TAKING THE DIAZEPAM.   This could lead to seizures, long term damage, etc.  And given your heart condition a long and very slow taper is in order.

Please keep posting.
Sending support...
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1810386 tn?1405549577
Hi Again,

Just to play Devil Advocate, do you think you should be on these 3 combos of drugs when you have your two Dr's that have either fled or been jailed for what they are doing?

Just some food for thought.

I'm just putting this out there that you might find that the pills are making the pain worse, most pain pills are only for short term use unless you are under the instructions of a pain management centre and doctor.

I'm not saying your in real pain, but it could be less?

Just giving you something to think about?
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733362 tn?1489794936
Thanks for that Mari and Travel. The reason I'm on Norco is because I burned a hole in my gut with aspirin and ibuprofen. Both make me double over with belly ache. If I could take 2-3 aspirin instead of a Lortab I would. Tylenol does nothing for bone and nerve pain. All I can take is Tylenol. I really intended to stay at this dosage for life if all my Drs weren't @@@@@. One pulled a fast one and left town like a scalded hound dog and the other got greedy and thrown in jail. Does this tell you anything about my luck?
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I do not have any experience with Soma so I can say how that will be. Norco yes. 2 7.5s a day are not that much. If you can taper down to 1 that would mske it easier.

I'm not sure if you can stop diazepam CT. If it is like xanax it can cause seizures etc. Try tapering that too if you can.

But in a nut she'll the physical wds last 2-3 weeks getting better slowly at 5 days. That will be stomach illness, runs, headache, body pain, sweats/chills, RLS etc. You may have some anxiety and depression. Hard time sleeping and cravings. Those can last longer. Really depends on the person.

So get imodium, ipubrophen, Epson salt for hot baths, Vit C crystals and check out the Thimas recipe for other vitamin advice. Keep posting. It may be slow this weekend but we are here.
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