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Here is a quick background before, I ask my question.

6 years ago i was a benzo addict along with an opiate addict. I went to detox facility, did fine with benzo's, never did them again, but at the detox facility i was given suboxone, initially 16mg per day. I was suboxone for about two years.through time, i lowered my dosage and eventually jumped at 2mg. i dont wanna say the WD was a nightmare, but it royally sucked, extreme fatigue, couple of days of insomnia, 7 days of hotflash, the worst of the WD is that it just lagged, almost 10 days to even start feeling at 60%.

EIther way, had been clean for two until i had to have a double root canal in December, at which point i was given Norco, i took 7 days straight, then one week off, same patter up to February 24, since then ive taken it everyday, initially with a daily dosage of 45 mg, at its worst point about a week ago, i was doing 90mg a day. I have since cut down the dosage drastically, for 90mg to 70mg to 50mg to 30mg, yesterday i took 10mg, today i took 5mg tomorrow i will take another 5mg, then im jumping.

Im sorta experienced with WD's off of suboxone, what should i expect this time?
20 Responses
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Tuesday morning, 845AM, no WD symptoms to speak of
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Afternoon update,

Shockingly everything is still fine, no real issues to speak of, energy level @ 85%.

Very minimal and sporadic....
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Thx for the support everyone!

I went through withdrawals few years ago coming off Suboxone, so i kinda knew what to expect, from the beginning Suboxone was not an option, the WD although not brutal, it takes forever, much longer and i takes a toll on your body and mental well being...

Anyways so far so good, will post update again in the afternoon
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4810126 tn?1503942735
Hi there & Kudos to you on 48 hrs & on dumping that final dose!

Sure, kicking is no fun but I agree with my friends above: don't look for quick fixes & put a solid plan into place. Anxiety, fear, shame & 'secrets' are the enemy for us (as they are for everyone). Your attitude going into this & your determination to do everything you can to make it 'stick' this time are key.

Please, don't be afraid of the wd's -- rather welcome them! Think of what you're going through as an unpleasant but necessary initiation/birth into a life of self-respect, freedom & possibility. When you feel that you can't take a second more of it or you're doubting the process, redirect! Listen to your favorite music, take a walk in the sun & fresh air, talk w/ supportive folks, post for support, watch funny movies -- whatever gets you out of your heart & head for a bit. Like Selfie said above, let it all out! It's completely normal & will ease soon enough.

Please let us know how you're doing whenever you feel the need. You've got this my friend & we're pulling for you! ;)
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Your golden. Seems you got off easy this go round. Now's the time to make a plan on how to keep and stay clean. So happy to hear your on track. It only get's better and better.
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9:00 AM PST, woke up 15 minutes ago. No change from yesterday morning, maybe slightly better. I hope this keeps up. Been 48 hours since my last 5mg pill
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1198664 tn?1368647812
" i read a post somewhere yesterday where some lady said the nervousness and the anticipation of the withdrawal is far worse than the withdrawal itself, which actually does makes sense"

Sorry but no effing way! :)

You seem to be doing good though, count your blessings this time. The next time you might not be so lucky.
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You are doing awesome. The 1st 3 days are the worst usually and you are 1/2 way thru about.

I gave had several root canals and never given a script. Just told to take ibuprofen or something OTC. Even when I had teeth dug out of my jaw (literally) I was given a smal amount if Tylenol 3 and told to alternate with ibuprofen.

Next time you don't need it. Really they aren't that bad to do. Root canals I mean. Keep going. You are doing awesome.
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Your doing good and you are right that the anticipation is the worst part, I remember that.  I was also addicted to benzos as well and used them to get off the opiates and then had to withdrawal of the benzos lol  Just stay positive you are doing good so far.  I would highly suggest some sort of after care or something.  It doesn't have to be a 12 step program even though that works for me.  Any after care program is better than none.  I made it through withdrawal many times and ended up right back in the cycle again because I was feeling better or the WD wasn't that bad.  You just have to get to a point where you know you can't take these pills anymore no matter what. I had my wisdom teeth pulled when I had 6 months clean and refused to take any painkillers cause it was a gamble I didn't want to take.  The pain sucked but I know I can never take a pain again.  Best of Luck.
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Ok, 6:30PST. No deterioration yet, feel the exact same way i did this morning. I took a 5mg pill yesterday at 8AM, so it has now been 34 hours, and still doing ok.

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Be careful with the WD's of Benzo's, completely different beast. For the most part, opiate withdrawals, can be horrible and annoying, but they are relatively safe.

I had a deep benzo addiction, up to 10 2mg xanax per day, i tapered down to 2mg, but i still needed to go to Detox facility, they gave me phenobarbital, to control seizures in case they do happen.

The WD was mind trip, as my brain was traveling through different places.

Just be careful with Benzo's, read up on the WD
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4522800 tn?1470325834
Good! I am SO glad you are taking it nice and slow..I went c/t from my Klons that I took at night and Methadone with a Adderral (do not have adhd) so I had no clue how bad a Benzo w/d could be..I have experienced detoxing from the other opiates before, but I think this time around it was so different because of the Benzo..You have to know that each drug pulls the nervous system and each one hits different areas of the brain/hormones..So this is what take time to balance back.
I really like how you described it being like the Brain and Body are not connected. I felt so strange and felt like my Brain belongs to something other then my Body..You know like no balance and they where not connected..haha! I do know that this time my Anxiety was on the moon and it took awhile to come down..Now that mostly was because of the Benzo, but it also had to do with the other 2 drugs. I think it would of not been on the moon as Long if I did not come off the benzo too. SO I am so happy to hear you are able to do this Taper..Proud of You and I know you will be just fine in Time..Have Patience too!
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I actually havent, you know i went clean for two years, when i had to do the stupid root canal, i made the stupid mistake, of underestimating the opiate.

It is something im considering, one day at a time, right now im focusing on getting through the next week, im gonna keep you guys posted, just so you have feedback what it feels like jumping off from 5mg.

It is now 3:30Pm here, energy level is still about normal i guess, no leg cramps yet, mild hot flashes, that went real quick about two hours ago..

Slight anxiety, not because i stopped, mostly anticipation of what the next 7-10 days are going to be like. So far so good though, lets see
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1926359 tn?1331588139
Yay sounds like you're doing great!  I couldn't do the taper thing, I felt like it just prolonged the misery as in I felt crappy every day and I rather just feel REALLY crappy for about a week and then be done with it.  Just keep hydrated and move around as much as possible.  Have you given thought to aftercare?  The getting clean is the easy part...Staying clean and reclaiming your life requires some ongoing support and some insight into why we use and abuse in the first place.  Congratulations to you.  Keep moving forward.
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1:30pm West Coast time, still doing much better than i initially expected. Hoping for the best, expecting the worst, gonna drive right through this so called storm.
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So it is now 11:15AM in the west coast. And im doing much better than expected, im also prepared for it to get worse before it gets better but at this point it really doesn't make sense to take that last 5mg, so i just tossed it in the toilet. i read a post somewhere yesterday where some lady said the nervousness and the anticipation of the withdrawal is far worse than the withdrawal itself, which actually does makes sense.

Anyways, so far so good, energy level still good, hot flashed far and few, very minimal body aches.. Lets see how it goes...
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3197167 tn?1348968606
I totally agree with you!  Toss the last 5 mg and make today your first day opiate FREE!  You sound prepared.....that helps a lot...as does a good attitude.
Hope you'll keep posting for support.....we'll be here rootin for ya~
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So here is the deal, i took my 5mg dose yesterday morning at 8am, this morning i woke not feeling miserable, so im thinking about just tossing that last 5mg, and just deal wiith, the way i look at its already been 24 hours since my last small dose, why take it if i dont desperately need it and start all over.

Suboxone is not an option. I actually bought everything on the Thomas Recipe, minus the benzo's. I was hooked on those few years back, instead i bough over the counter sleep aid, in case i need it to deal with the insomnia.
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I second everything Mark said above. You got your dose down (although a quick taper) and that should help some. Stay hydrated, keep moving and when the emotional black cloud starts stirring, just know it's part of the process. Cry, *****, scream and go with it. Whatever you do don't try to get around this process with any quick fixes. The only way to get over detox is to go thru it. Treat your symptom's as naturally as you can exercise/music/hot soaks/immodium for tummy stuff/lean protein to help your brain heal/vitamin b to help your nervous system etc. Keep posting for support. Hang in there, it's all worth it.
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Everybody is different but when i went through the norco WD's I had body aches, runny nose, fatigue, major chills, insomnia, flu like symptoms.  The mental part was the worst though especially the anxiety and depression.  The physical stuff usually lasts a week, it peaks at day 3 or 4 and then starts easing up.  Since you are tapering it will be less severe. I always went cold turkey.  Whatever you do I wouldn't go back on suboxone.  It just delays the inevitable.  What always got me through the withdrawals was to keep reminding myself that the pain will end soon.  It seems like a lifetime but it isn't.  It will probably take a month to feel normal.  This too shall pass always remember that.  Once you take your last 5mg I would get rid of any pills or ways to get pills.  Taking baths helps and I would look up the thomas recipe, which helps ease the withdrawal.  You will be ok.  God Bless
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