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only 10 methadone

I'm new here,so I would like to thank everybody for their comments and support in advance.I have been on hydracodone 10/325 for 3 years up to 90 per month now . filled 7 days ago now I'm out. I have 10 methadone left from my last attempt to quit. my question is if I take 1 methadone per day for the next 10 days and then go cold turkey will the wd be worse . Anyone ever tried this ?
20 Responses
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I'd suggest staying far far away from methadone. That's just my experience tho. I too tried to detox using methadone. And two years later I'm still battling for my life back.
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Day two better, accualy slept about 5 hours ,just iritable and no energy
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Thanks for the advice, It's really nice to have support, I know I need to get to meeting ,I was clean and sober for 13 years from 96 to 09 after a bout with every drug popular in 80s and 90s and I'm an alcoholic.... Sober life was soooo much better , I will get there  . THANK YALL
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Google 5 day methadone detox. I've read a lot of stories of people using done to get thru the detox period. It does make it easier but you have to decrease your dosage daily then have the willpower to quit using it. You want to use just enough to not be in full withdrawal but you don't want to be high either. I tried this several times when I would run out early and it works pretty good. As others have mentioned you really need aftercare and people to be accountable to. Without that your setting yourself up for failure. The detox is the easy part, staying clean requires a lot of time, effort and work. When I finally quit for good I just roughed it out without any help from meds. 5-7 days is not that hard to ride out if you decide to go ct. Please seek out some form of aftercare if your really serious about getting clean. Good luck with it whichever road you choose to take...
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480448 tn?1426948538
Listen to these folks, they TRULY know what they're talking about.

IN order to be successful in recovery, a LOT has to change, and you can't keep your secret anymore, because your addict brain will jump on that in a heartbeat as a reason/way to use.

"Last night I took 1/2 10 mg methadone 1/4 xanex , 1- 5mg ambiene, a slug of zquil ,potasium for rls and still tossed and turned so bad I got on the couch to keep from keeping my wife awake all night "

Also, you're mixing a WHOLE lot of medications that really are dangerous to mix...you really need to stop that.  Not to mention, it just reinforces that addict behavior of turning to a pill for some kind of relief.

We had a member here a few years ago who OD'ed and died after mixing a lot of the same kinds of medications you did, JUST chasing a good night's sleep.  It was devastating, and SO tragic.  PLEASE be careful, and start looking into your aftercare.  You've got to start putting a plan together.

Keep posting....and know that you've got a bunch of people here cheering you on!
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Onthefence has a pretty strong argument.   I agree.... call in to work n focus on getting thru n staying clean.  If u work right next to a source....the temptation is too strong.   Not saying u couldn't do it, but why place urself in that position?  Stay strong bro....
I know it's a bi***, but there is lots of support right here n lots that have gone thru this.  Stay connected.
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684676 tn?1503186663
it may seem like an impossible thing to do, but i would encourage you to take 5 days off work combine it with the wknds. before and after and get the opiates and all but some vitamins and supplements completely out of your system, ,you should be through the most acute w/d by then.
then go to work. Tell the guy that works beside you No more big payday for him , leave it at that.start a recovery program of your choice and you will look back on this time as something hard fought but so worth what you did, even if you find you must change jobs because they could not live without you for 5 short days.
I know there will be many real justifications why you just cant do that right now, but if you could look at this problem thru a clear mind you would see there really isnt any way you cant do something drastic like that, because otherwise more years will slip by of you going thru this same cycle over and over and the resentments will grow and you may lose the job anyways.... just my opinion, keep posting because by doing that you are starting the pracess of change...
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first night  BAD,,7 days of 12 to 14  10 mg hydros.. Ive done this several times and I hate It . I pay 6$ each for hydros from the guy who works beside me in a mechanic shop, every time I spend a couple hundred bucks I swear I'm not going to do It again, then it's time to fill my script, 90 for 5 bucks , how can I resist.  so here I am again. Last night I took 1/2 10 mg methadone 1/4 xanex , 1- 5mg ambiene, a slug of zquil ,potasium for rls and still tossed and turned so bad I got on the couch to keep from keeping my wife awake all night , finally got 2 hrs sleep before I had to go to work. going to try zquil and potasium tonight,, This stuff is kiling me...Thanks for letting me vent
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Hey 12aday...

I get it, I could never taper off hydro's either.   The ct off hydro's is a bear, but imo ur best option.  Ur body will heal quicker in the long run off the hydro. We r here to support u with whatever ur path is to sobriety.   Keep us informed.   Stay focused on the outcome!   Clear head & not being controlled by a controlled substance.  U can do this!
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Definitely tell your doctor and pharmacist, friends and all sources. I thought more about your situation. I know one local friend who took methadone short term to quit Oxy. She took 5 mgs morning and night for 3 days and then 5mgs each morning for 3 days and quit. She said her symptoms were mild and she was surprised at how well it worked. She didn't set up any aftercare though, so she is using again. What do you have in mind for aftercare, to deal with the mental/emotional detox and establish local accountability?
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thanks 61 chevy. I accually did confide in my Dr. he is the one who put me on methadone, but then I was diagnosed with Lupus which causes extreme joint pain so me being an addict I told him the pain was really bad and I would give the hydrocodone to my wife so she could give me 3 a day and I wouldnt run out, He believed me.Didnt happen  , I guess I have to tell my Dr. that no matter what I tell him dont ever give me pain pills

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Hi the real trick her is to get a program of recovery addiction is a disease and it has no cure it can be arrested and then recovery is possible for this to work you have to change the very way we think N/A has a great program to just that addiction is not about the pills or drugs it is about the way our brains work ''normies'' dont have a problem with this but addicts do google N/a meetings in your area and get to a meeting............................Gnarly...........................
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Thank you all for the quick response.just a little more info, I have detoxed off of hydr with methadone starting at 30mg per day and eventually down to 5mg over a period of about 3 months . really helped with the craving for hydro but just lowering the dose of meth from 2 pills a day to 1 was pretty bad.. I'm just really not looking forward to what is to come tonight after taking 10 to 14 . 10 mg hydros for the past week..Oh and as far as tapering on the hydro  it;s not possible for me I take 3 to 4 at a time until they are all gone. and when I got down to 5mg of meth I was almost there and  someone gave me a couple of saboxine strips which just reawakend the hydr demon in me, so here I am 3 months later starting all over again
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4810126 tn?1503942735
It's possible, everyone is different. My first go round with M'done, I took it for 6 months as a taper after a year of heroin. I skated off w/ no ill effects. This has been the experience of most first timers I've met. Now, if this wasn't your first hydro kick & you'd kicked opiates  before, it's very possible that it was worse. Habits get harder & harder to kick every time. This stuff is tricky. It's why I suggested that the OP not 'trade up'.
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8976007 tn?1413330650
i am going to have to disagree that it won't cause withdrawals.
i used it for 6 days for a hydro withdrawal.  just 10 mg a day and i will tell you that i had the worst RLS and other symptoms i had ever had at that point in my life.  they lasted a lot longer than just detoxing of hydro would have (i had detoxed from hydro several times, too many to count).  i knew nothing about methodone at that time and i knew then that i would NEVER take it again.  i was not addicted to it, just tried to avoid the hydro withdrawal.
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Being that most methadone prescribed are 10mg, I am responding with that assumption. You are prescribed 30mgs of Hydros a day, 10mgs of methadone is stronger than 30mgs Hydros. If you are looking for a buzz, I think that is what the methadone will give you. If you truly want to be clean, then go cold turkey and be done with the physical withdrawal in the amount of time you are talking about taking methadone. 10 days after you stop Hydros you will be feeling much better. If you take the methadone, it's hard to say how long it will take to detox, but methadone takes 3 times as long to eliminate from the body compared to Hydros. Also, you have methadone left over from your last effort to quit, what makes you think doing the same thing will cause a different result? I would try something g different, if you want different results.
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4810126 tn?1503942735
Hi there & Welcome :)

Yes, M'done is a really rough drug to come off of but unless you have a history of using it, 10 days of use will not result in a rougher detox as you won't be addicted to it. It's not long enough. Also, when you say '1 Methadone a day', I'm not sure what dosage you're talking about: 5? 10? 40?. It makes a difference :)

The good news is that your habit isn't that heavy & while you've been doing it for 3 yrs. you should be absolutely fine without recourse to the much stronger drug Methadone. It's not necessary & presents a real threat in the sense that if you have a source for it & continue to use intermittently w/ the hydrocodone [ie. if your kick doesn't work for some reason], you will have traded 'up' making it much, much more difficult to end the cycle. You'll have gone from the 'frying pan & into the fire'. You're looking to do the opposite, right? So, if it's late at night & you want to get home, you don't go down a road in the opposite direction that leads to the heart of ghetto! (Forgive the analogy but it was a sudden image I had ;)

What you propose is totally Doable (going cold turkey off Hydros). You have to set up a good plan for detox & beyond in order to make it work, though. The first thing you'll have to do is to come out to your Dr. & cut off any & all sources to opiates including the Methadone. I know this sounds scary but believe me [& everyone else here w/ any real clean time will tell you the same] it's absolutely necessary! This is the first step. We can talk about ways to ease symptoms & support you through your detox next, if you like :)

Please let us know what you're thinking & feeling. We're & we're pulling for you. You Can do this! :))
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Hi  I agree with the others it is only going to prolong your misery methadone is not a'' get out of jail free card'' and it is a lot tuffer to detox off of flush it and just bit the bullet...........Gnarly
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I have not tried what u r considering.  I have detoxed off hydracodone and at another time,  off of methadone.   My own personal experience was the methadone was horribly more difficult n longer.
I think for those of us that use pills, we want another pill to take the wd's away.  Unfortunately, (or fortunately), that pill isn't out there.  
You may have to confide in the Dr prescribing u meds.   He/she may be able to help.  May cut off your source, which could be a blessing.   May set u up on a taper plan?
U found a forum where u will find comfort n support, but no one can go thru this for you.   Keep posting n stay connected.
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8976007 tn?1413330650
interesting question.  my answer would be that you are just prolonging the inevitable.  methodone is a synthetic opiate and stays in your system a lot longer than hydros do.  
you really would be better off detoxing from the hydro because that is probably the shortest, easiest detox.  
methodone will just prolong it and then you will suffer for a longer period when you stop those.  
methodone can takes weeks to months of the same withdraw that would take 2-4 days off hydro.
choice is yours
congrats on your decision to stop.  it ***** being on them and getting off them ***** too, but at least there is a light at the end of the detox tunnel.  no light if you continue to use
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