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Fentynal/Percocet Withdrawal

Hi, I am a 56 yr. old female. Diagnosed in 2003  with Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis,Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Restless Leg Syndrome, Irritable bowel syndrome and have had heart problems [1996-1999] that required a cardiac cath, but no diagnosis was ever made. Rarely, I have a racing heart episode, but not for awhile.

I am delighted to say I do not have any symptoms of anything on the above list anymore x's 6 months. :0) I am one happy camper! I am pretty sure my doctor does not beleive me, and is hesitiant about taking me off the narcotics I have been on now since 2004.
I stopped all the other meds on my own.

I remain only on the Fentanyl patch and Percocet, but am wanting to get off this stuff.
I have been on 100 mcgs of Fentanyl every 48 hrs for over 3 years now. I noticed 3 months ago that the 100mcg patch became ineffective after 24 hours but did not want to increase it just to avoid withdrawal. I have been experiencing withdrawls now after the first 24 hours for about 3 months.

My doctor was perscribing 120 10/325 percocet per month, but I NEVER took that many. In the winter months, perhaps at most I would take on a very bad stormy day, 2-3 percocet at most. And that maybe only once or twice a month. I have all but stopped taking any percocet at all fir about two months.
That too had some withdrawal, but I refused to take more of it for no reason.

To date, I have thrown out over 150 percocet, and have had up to 340 in bottles around the house. I threw them out last week.  Over perscribed a bit??? I told my doctor I didn't need it, but he kept writing the script anyway!!! He keeps really bad records, and when he is on vacation, the person who fills in for him can never find the right perscriptions in the computer. My husband sees the same doctor and sleeps 18 hours a day or more, and is non functional most of the time due to the over perscribing of the same drugs.
He has lost over 50 pounds in the last 6 months, his teeth are breaking off in his mouth, and he is dying right before my eyes! One of us has to get off the drugs that the doctors keep pushing on us!  But I digress. Sorry.

I weaned myself off all the medications which I was on over the last 5 years as my health got better. I have had labs done, and everything comes back normal.

I weaned off of Clonezapam, Nuerontin, Nexium, and several other anti- depressants they used for the fibro. Gosh, I was on 9 meds five years ago.
I have never had any problem and have been careful.

Last week, I asked my doctor to step me down on the Fentanyl and he did so reluctantly. He perscribed 75 mcgs EVERY 72 hours. He also gave me 60- 5/325 percocet to last for three months. I asked for 30 total. Not wanting to use the stronger ones I have.
The doctor usually gives me 3 months of scripts at one time, predated.

Since the 100 mcgs of the Fentynal had been ineffective after 24 hours, I asked the doctor if  extending the patch change to 72 hours wasn't TO MUCH of a change since I have been on 100 mcgs of Fentynal for about 4 years or maybe longer. He said " try it".
We had no discussion of what to expect as far as withdrwals or what to watch for, or even what to do if things did become difficult. I knew, as I had tried to quit cold turkey twice before, but he does not know that.

Please understand, I want off this stuff badly because I don't need it, and also because the original doctor who perscribed it told me that " IT WAS NOT ADDICTIVE IF YOU HAVE A LARGE AMOUNT OF PAIN"!  I had refused all narcotics for a long period of time and why I believed him I do not know. I guess it was because we are suppose to be able to??

Anyway, after 24 hours I began mild withdrawal, after 48, my desending colon was wrapping itself in a knot, I had anxiety, agitation, runny nose, sneezing fits, insomnia, goose bumps, leg cramping, creepy crawlies, had to urinate every 30 minutes, my urethra felt tingly and numb, my legs were ice cold,  had horrible sweats, chills, and my sweat felt like battery acid dripping on my skin. I had a prickly heat type rash everywhere one sweats.

I developed a low grade fever, my normal body temp. is 97.4 and my temp. went up to 99.4 for two to three days.  Those are  more symptoms, but I am sure I don't need to list everything.

I stayed the course and only took three percocet in 72 hours to ease back the withdrawals some [ two -10/325's q-1-4 hrs. and one-5/325] when things got to rough and I needed to sleep some.
My tranverse colon tried to come thru my hiatel hernia causing my abdomen to swell and I had  the fever for about 3 days. Today it went up again for about 3 hours and then broke, but I have problems with my teeth and that might be it, although I had teeth problems X's 2 years with no fever. I have no knots, as if the colon is twisted. I am just very sore!
My withdrawals occured over the weekend and I changed my patch on Monday which was my 72 hour mark.
The doctor was not in the clinic until Wed. so I called then to ask what he wanted me to do. They want me to come in on Friday [tomorrow].

When his office called to ask me to come in, they didn't ask about how I was feeling at all, did not suggest I change the length of time between changing the patch etc.

I would have been in withdrawal by the time I will be seeing him tomorrow if the hot baths I had to take had not steamed my patch loose.
I considered not putting the new patch on, but I am still too bruised and battered from this last go around, and my body just couldn't take going thru that again right now.
I really want off this stuff BADLY, but I am not a fool!
I think my doctor is irresponsible and is going to kill someone sooner or later. I will spare you all the details, but my husband suffers from the same diagnoses [our illnesses brought us together] but has not been on the Fentynal as long as I. When he asked this same doctor to be reduced to 75mcgs the doctor did not make him wait 72 hours, but continued in changing the 75mcgs as he did the 100's. Every 48 hrs. as he normaly had been doing.

I weigh 25 pounds more than my husband, having lost 90 pounds over the last 4 years.
How do I get off this stuff without the Dr. killing me. Or perhaps killing myself? I am very careful, but don't know how long to expect the withdrawals to last once I start having them. I kept thinking, after 48 hours had passed that maybe things would ease off a bit and if I'd just hang on another hour, I would get past the withdrawals. Now I read in the forum that some go thru this for months?

I will not go back to taking the 100 mcgs. I do not trust the doctor, but I do not drive anymore after having the fibro fog and almost rear ending a person once many years ago. I need to get my lisence once again but not while I am on this stuff !My husband cannot drive us into the city to see another Dr. We live in a somewhat rural community, and this is why we have stayed with this particular doctor.

Will the withdrawal symptoms keep returning every 24 hours, or if given time, will my body get used to this and adapt? I am hoping that I will get used to the 72 hours and then drop down to the 50 mcgs in 3 months when I see him again.
I have a lot of faith, and have people praying for me. I know I can do this, and don't have any other addiction issues at all, or an addictive personality. I was just lied to by a doctor who I trusted, and found myself addicted, or as they like to say " my body is dependent" ya right doc. Six of one, or a half dozen of the other, what is the difference? It's all in the politics". LOL
I could use some good insight please.
Thank you!
Sojourner 56

I apologize if I have offended any doctors. I am just aggitated and distrustful for a variety of reasons.
10 Responses
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1384888 tn?1279952339
I was told that too. That I had a personality again. It is truly a great feeling. If I may add also that it took just over a year of wds to regain my head from the Opiate painkillers. I was doing way to much for many years. I'm just saying that while some who have taken some for a while may skeet by with a few days. Many are not "let off" so easy lol. One thing is for sure... it's great to be alive :)
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By the way- Once I did get off the Fentanyl I noticed that I got my personality back and I started to find things funny again.  My Mom even told me that I was a totally different person on Fentanyl.  I am so glad that crap is out of my life.  I saw my doc after I got off and he was surprised that I went CT.  He told he that in all his years he has not had many cases of people being successful without doing a taper.  Talk with your Dr. and he will help design the right plan for you.
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Goingtomarket-  Yeah, the Fentanyl was a absolute horror.  When I was going through the withdrawals I thought I was going to die.  I looked like h$#% and it did not last 3-4 days that alot have experienced with coming off oxys and hydros, it just kept going.  I realized that to make it I would have to start taking my percs again until I was through the Fentanyl withdrawals.  It can be done, you just have to be really ready for the fight.  
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352798 tn?1399298154
scoenen is why I mentioned getting off the Fentanyl first. It is a much longer Half-life, which means it takes much longer to get completely out of your system. Drugs with the longer half-life's are harder to get off off and the withdrawals last longer. Once you are pretty well done with the Fentanyl, then you quit or taper off of the percocet.
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I just got off Fentanyl.  I did it will out telling my doc.  I just got sick of how it made me feel and pull it off.  I won't sugar coat it for you- It was terrible but I got through it.  I did stop taking my percs at the same time and after 11 days I decided to go back on a low dose until I was over the Fentanyl withdrawals.  Fentanyl withdrawals are long and drawn out and would suggest taking the percs until a month or two has gone by.  I tried to come off percs a second time but mentally I am pretty bruised up from the Fentanyl withdrawals.  I will stay the course for another week or two- getting ready for the fight- and then go CT off the percs.  
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1384888 tn?1279952339
Yea my mom heard it was in her head except for the last 5 years maybe. In any case, there is no mental way to prepare except keep telling yourself you want to live and trust in GOD. No one that has been through this can give advice on it, in my opinion. Sympathize, sure, but that's about it. Until you go through it, one can only imagine but will never understand. So when I speak about it it's through my experience strength and hope.
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Thank you for your post. I had been reading some things about how hard it is to kick this stuff. I guess when they started using it on people dying of cancer, they did not expect anyone using it to live and want off of it?  Anyway, I apprecaite your sharing your thoughts...it does take a village sometimes. Don't rush it, Do more research...makes sense to me. Thank you!
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Thank you so much for your reply. I admit I did not read many posts before I posted, and sure hope I did not offend anyone. I tend to put my head down and run into the storm as I know I am not alone. I realize, not everyone is me, and don't judge others by my way of doing things.
I am sorry about your mom. When I was first diagnosed I grieved, because I had just returned to college to get the degree I had waited all my life to go back to school for. When I began to search the forums for advice and education of these illnesses, I was saddened by how many people lose everything due to becoming sick. At least now the medical field now acknowledges that it's not all in ones head!  
I was actually heald thru prayer and faith, but most folks dont understand or beleive God still heals today.
I know at least two others healed miraculously - if you will, besides myself, so I know it still happens.
Thank you again for your post and prayer. My husband is not where I am at in all of this, and he still has to see this doctor until he decides he doesn't want too. Otherwise, I would not go back at all.
I wasn't sure about what to expect if I could make it thru the withdrawals. 48 hours is about the longest period I have been able to go, and it's not easy to do that when your partner is rattling his pill bottle every four hours.
It's okay tho..I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me...I do beleive that, but it is still one step at a time!
Again Thank you. I will chew on what you shared and pray on it a bit. It makes sense to me I just get so far into the withdrawals and wear out. How do you set your mind to go thru it ALL, when you haven't made it thru the worst even once- Home remedies?  I will have to do a search and see where it takes me.
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352798 tn?1399298154
    You have a lot going on there. I am not an expert at all on Fentanyl, but I know it is very hard to kick. The withdrawals stay with you an extremely long time. My thoughts are to slowly decrease your dose. I would not quit the percocets until I was through getting off the Fentanyl. This may take months to do. Don't rush it.
   You will need to research this more. Like I said I'm not an expert.
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1384888 tn?1279952339
Most doctors are great. Some however I don't understand their reasoning. From a recovered addict here is my advice. Based on what you wrote I would 1) NOT go back to that doctor again. 2) Although cold turkey wds from Opiates can be a living hell, as I can tell you are in from what you write, you won't die from them. Only alcohol wd can be fatal (dts). I have been where you are. Just stop taking the pain meds all together. You will only put yourself through misery you don't have to. Recovery cannot begin till abstinence. Hot bathes, fluids and some food daily is naturally recommended. Their are lots of home remedies out there. so long as it is NOT pain meds. Thompson recipe seems to be a favorite on here. A multivitamin would be something you may want to consider. I never had all these "recipes" when I got clean. I had GOD and a will to live. Not knocking them by any means, just saying it can be done. On a side note my mother had FMS and CFS. My heart goes out to you. I saw her suffer much of her life. I'll be praying for your strength and recover. Your husband as well.
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