967045 tn?1378399673

Norco 10/350 - 8 per day - Stopping TODAY!!

Okay - I have the same story - 2 years ago I had a back injury. Herniated disc, severe arthritis - went from OTC tyenol to morphine in a week. Nothing helped - then I got the Norco. I was taking 2-3 a day for a year - then actually read the bottle & it said take 1-2 . . .so I started taking 2 at a time - up to 8 per day.

Last week my PCP was out of town & my script wasn't filled. I freaked!! I had my hubsand freaking out too!! He is retired and didn't know what was going on. So we decided over the 3 day weekend I would quit. I got very sick but made it till Tuesday when I caved and took a pill so I could go to work. Then I took 2 yesterday.

We decided I have to stop and so today I called in sick & I am going CT. I found something called the Thompson Recipe - so we just went to CVS and stocked up. I have some Xanax - so I am using that.

I am hoping the 3 days last weekend was the worse part & then next few days will be easier.

I'd appreciate any advice. I am not your typical drug abuser (whatever that is) I am a professional 55 year old women who works full time - happily married and addicated to Norco.

Whoa . . . . .

38 Responses
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1970885 tn?1435860428
I know I come off a little crusty sometimes, but I truly want everyone who's trying to stop to be successful. I know that's an impossibility, but I still do.
You have a long journey ahead of you; as an addict, you will have to live in recovery every day of your life. That may seem overwhelming right now, but it really isn't, and once you accept it you will feel a weight lift.
And doing what you're doing now is a good thing, for many reasons, one of which is the older you get, the more hellish detox becomes.  
All the best.  Keep posting.
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967045 tn?1378399673
Thaks!! Believe it or not - this is all so new to me.
I really do appreciate all the support.
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967045 tn?1378399673
Good Morning Ann ~

I was taking the meds as prescribed - never exceeding the daily dose.

When our electronic med. record crashed one day & I didn't get my script filled - I freaked out. It scared me & my hubsand. I got the script the next day - but I knew I had an issue. I called our therapists & she said that I must have "triggers". So I am detoxing - then we see her on Thursday.
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1970885 tn?1435860428
Didn't know that your doc is aware. You didn't mention that. And you don't offend me. Believe it or not I truly care and when I thought you were making the same mistake that I did for years I just tried harder to get through. That's all. And - getting clean is/was a personal decision for every addict who wants to stop. Otherwise you won't continue in recovery.
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1831920 tn?1320857757
Hey girl!  I was thinking about you today.  You slept for 12 hours?  That is wonderful.  Getting good sleep will help your mood so much.

Are you having any other symptoms?

You mentioned triggers.  I didn't realize you were taking the pills other than for pain.  Did I miss something in one of your posts.  Sorry if you are repeating yourself.
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Thank you for the information.  I am trying to avoid using other meds just because I know I have a very addictive personality.  I also don't have a regular doctor or insurance and that makes it hard.  Thank you very much for the advice though.  I will probably just have to have a few bad days.  Probably more than the physical withdrawal, the mental one scares me more.  Just by cutting back now I feel so depressed
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967045 tn?1378399673
Oh - I forgot to add - I joined this forum back in 2009 when I was diagnosed with Hep C. I went to have a hysterectomy & the anesthesiologist was all freaked out over my lab work. We went ahead with the surgery but she ran a TON of tests - Hep C. Who knew? I was freaked at the time - no one knows how this happened - a bad boyfriend?? Who knows?

That is when I joined this forum - for support.
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967045 tn?1378399673
Thanks NurseGirl!

We have an appointment with our therapist on Thursday to discuss "triggers". She said I need to know what these are & how they affect me.

Now I know that your hair dresser may not have the best advice - mine is just a child (29 maybe 30) but she had had 2 boyfriends who were addicts. She said by stopping the drugs I was "white knuckling it" - do you know what that means?

Thanks for the support.
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480448 tn?1426948538
Congrats on your journey to sobriety!  That's wonderful.  :0)  I see you've been a member here a long time, I assume this isn't your first attempt at getting clean?  

I just want to throw something out there, more than anything, for the readers (lurkers).  It's typically NOT recommended to use anything that's habit forming, like a benzo (ie Xanax, Valium, etc), for a lot of good reasons.  One, an addict often has a hard time taking meds appropriately, which can lead to trading one problem for another.  Two, they can actually make a person feel worse in the long run, because when you taper off, the rebound anxiety can be a real bear.

I understand that a short term course of a benzo is sometimes used for the detox process, I just wanted to throw a cautionary statement out there.  Anyone detoxing themselves, I wouldn't recommend it at all, personally, and if you decide, I would not use it for more than 2 or 3 days. When used in a controlled medical environment, for a very short time at small doses, I can understand...but in a self detox especially, it can lead one down a slippery slope.   Be careful!

Best of luck to you in your recovery...start hitting those meetings and working on your aftercare as you feel better.  An addict getting clean can never do TOO much but CAN not do enough.  

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967045 tn?1378399673
Hi Trying ~

I think you will go through withdrawls - so you need to try & take a few days off. I called in sick for 2 days.

Next can you call your doctor & get something for the restlessness/anxiety - like Valium or Xanax? The Xanax has saved me.

Then - stock up on Pepto & Gatorade.

There is a Thomas Recipe that I am following - head to a GNC to get some of the stuff. It is helping me - A LOT!!

I am on day # 3 - 70 hours clean. I just took my first shower in 3 days - felt amazing. Now I am resting before I head out for some shopping.

Keep in touch!!
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Hello I am new to all this and I don't know where to start.  I have become dependent on norcos.  I was prescribed them a couple of years ago for a back injury.  Well those came and went.  I soon found myself taking them when I didn't have pain.  It started with one at a time, then two, them three... I am so ashamed of myself.  Everytime I try to quit I can't.  I have even turned to buying them off the streets.  I can't believe that I do this.  I am risking everything for stupid pills.  I am getting ready to graduate school and be an RN, and I am risking everything just to feel normal.  I have tried to cut back, but it seems if I have them I will take them.  The problem is that I cannot take any time off as I am at work or school everyday so I am scared of withdrawals.  I want to quit so bad that I finally told my live in boyfriend about my problem.  His response was to leave.  I feel like such a failure and I just want to stop.  I am up to over 20 per day of the 10/325.  I have heard other people take about different drugs to stop, and honestly I don't want to do that because I don't want to become dependent on another substance.  If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it.
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967045 tn?1378399673
Hi Kyle ~

My PCP DOES know - in addition to our therapist.

I get the feeling that by not following your advice - that I have somehow offended you.

Not taking the Norco - is a personal decision for me. I really hope you can understand that.

Thanks for the support.
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967045 tn?1378399673
Thanks Rosy!! I just woke up - slept for 12 hours & for the first time - I don't have the terrible anxious feeling.

I am 66 hours clean. I added Benadryl to my OTC arsenal and took them yesterday as I was sneezing almost hourly. They seemed to help.

I am actually looking forward to the day - taking a shower (haven't done that in 2 days) and going out to the Farmers Market.

I'll let you know how it goes.
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CONGRATS on taking your life back! YOU ARE DOING GREAT! The good news is that
Wd's DON'T last forever & you will begin feeling better in no time.
Brace yourself for a nasty case of the "flu" and ride it out! OFTEN
times the FEAR of WD's is worse than the actual experience!
YOU CAN do this & YOU are NOT alone!
I'm rooting for you! Remember, One hour, one day, one choice at a time!
P.S. I had terrible sneezing and sinus issues in the first few days! THANKFULLY it went away fairly quickly!
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1831920 tn?1320857757
You sound like you are feeling pretty comfortable (given the circumstances) it could be so much worse.
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967045 tn?1378399673
Thanks!! Good to know about the sneezing!! I seldom sneeze & it has been almost hourly today.
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1831920 tn?1320857757
Sneezing is a very, very common W/D symptom.  That is usually the first symptom that shows up for me.

You are VERY lucky you have the Xanax.  I think you are going to do very well.
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967045 tn?1378399673
Thanks All!! I really appreciate all the support.

Just woke up after a 2 hour nap & I  feel much better. Took a Xanax (these are a God send - so thankful I have them)

I am now 50.5 hours clean & doing okay.

Kyle - I feel that I have told as many people as I'd like. For me - this is my personal journey. If I feel like telling others at some point - then I will.

Thank you for respecting that.

Question: Why am I sneezing so much?? WD side effect? Very strange.

More later . . . . . . .
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1831920 tn?1320857757
You are 48 hours now?  That is great.  How are your symptoms?  
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5986700 tn?1380791380
Hi there Wilde,
I am fairly new here too.  Today marks my 12 day clean of 520mg codeine per day for the last 25 yrs. Not to mention anything else that came my way that I could throw down my throat.  I haven't been on here much, not because of w/d's; now it's just that my body and brain are soooo very tired and heavy that it's hard for me to move. So I highly commend all you people who are able to express themselves while going through hell! You as well Wildewoman. Fantastic job so far!

I empathize with you for feeling like you aren't able to expose yourself any more than you already have.  I realize how raw and open to persecution it makes one feel.  We all feel like that no matter what our social status in our community or homes. But in doing so you actually fare far better in your desire to succeed in beating this soul/life sucking beast.

I've been stressing myself last couple of days, I have these thoughts come into my head. e.g. I haven't seen my daughter for a couple of weeks since I started detox so she didn't know I was doing this. She usually brings me some pills when she comes to visit. I'll get her to pick them up or she'll take me out.  Anyway, I was worried that it would be easy for me to just not tell her that I was trying to be clean and what would it hurt if I just........anyway, you get my point I hope. So I've been thinking there's a few people I should tell about this so they don't inadvertently just bring me some not knowing and then I have put myself in a situation in which I have failed so many times before.  

All being said, I strongly agree with Kyle and your other supporters as well.  They really know what they're talking about.  And we really all do care as we know how horrible it is.  Many of us unfortunatey have gone through this more than once.  God bless and keep positive. I'll be following and supporting you through. Spider 6, Business Owner, wife, mother, grandmother, artist, gardiner, animal lover and owner, vegetarian, bodybuilder and glad to have as many chances as I've had.  :o}

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1970885 tn?1435860428
You're in a difficult situation and I understand. Believe me, telling my doc was very embarrassing and I was concerned because very few people understand addiction; they've only seen the main liners on TV reality shows.
Telling your hair dresser won't do you much good if and when your head starts and you decide to see your doc about some pain somewhere. Having your doc as a part of the support group is very, very important.
When I told my doc, this is what he replied - "Good for you (for telling him. Very few people can admit that they have a problem, and few still will ever do anything about it".   I'll stop pushing this, but my final comment has to be that if you don't tell your doc, you will eventually relapse.
I only wish you success.
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4202953 tn?1377183506
Great job on the 1 mile walk!!! You sound so positive and keeping an upbeat mentality will help you so much! We're cheering you on!
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967045 tn?1378399673
I'll be here!! Juts did a loooong only 1 mile walk with the girls. Hubby came too.

I am a runner - so this was a big struggle - now I am home & weak as a kitten.

Check in when you get back - I will be over 48 hours by then!!
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1831920 tn?1320857757
Wilde - I have to take my mother in law somewhere and will be back at 4pm EST to see what is new and catch up on your thread.  In the mean time keep busy!!
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