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will provigil and/OR ritalin help ease opiate withdrawl?

I have been taling various opiates(not for pain, for the high) for about 3=4 years now. I am 30. I realized it had become more important than my girlfriend and her 8 year old son. I live 80 miles away, and would "have to go home," for whatever reason I could think of to score more pills. I would typically take 4-6 yellow vic 10's per day, OR, methadone, typically 1-2 "tens," OR half a 40, whichever i could find. At times I would snort oxy conton(two 40mg per day, if that was what I bought, or ingest half an orange suboxone(with the 9 on it) I never thought I was an addict, just liked the buzz pills gave me. It hit me hard when I realized having my hidden stash with me was more important than anything else. I have essentially, turned myself into an addict am ashmed and embarassed I allowed that to happen. A fwhile ago a friend gave me a huge ziplock bag of PROVIGIL 200, and a massive amount of ritalin, 5s,10s, and extended release 20s. I have attempted to research PROVIGIL, ate one and it seems to add to my energy level. I am not looking to trade addictions. (I am feeling withdrawl, cold, night leg shakes, sweat, uncontrollable yawning, and the dreaded running to the restroom) Does anyone know if RITALIN and/or PROVIGIL will ease my lack of motivation and energy untill the WD passes? It is now Sunday. I have not taken any opiates since Thursday and am feeling WD, yet am alone at my apt, thinking of "scoring" just 2-3 hydros to make it go away.....My first post, sorry so long. Thank you. Please... any advice would be welcome. Its not going away..... I dont feel like "me."
21 Responses
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401095 tn?1351391770
For me, the overwhhelming fatigue and a feeling of doom hung all around me when i stopped my hyfro habit that was getting outta control.  I had the doomers b4 i quit too.  The pills werent cutting it anymore and i was going broke.  Ritilin is a controlled substance..no refills like oxy and mentally very addictiong.  Provigil is a bit safer and can be bought without a scrip in most countries, not the US.  College students and night shift workers take it as one would take no-doze.....It increases alertness and is not physically habit forming.  Although some addicts are known to abuse anything they touch...I did not abuse provigil.  I had to work and used it for quite a while after I stopped.  Best to talk to ur doctor...hang tight
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hey i no its real late to answer this post but i wanted to let you no because i was detoxing from oxycodone 30mg i was up to 10 a day i slowly weened myself down and on my 3rd day of detox i got my first provigil script filled and it did wonders for me it helped with my depresstion alot, it cleared my head and i had to energy and drive work a 12 hour shift back to back and now on day 8 i never felt better i highly recommend it but use it once u get to the point were u dont have any body pain only thing i still felt was the chills which i still get
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I don't know guys. It sounds like the absolute last thing I would take if I was going through w/draws. When I'm dope sick I feel like I'm on a bad acid trip but w/out any if the good feelings of acid. It's like I have the worst anxiety and taking a stimulant would make it ten times worst!! Then again I was detoxing off of heroin or methadone (150 mg). So maybe the withdraw is not as intense w/ pills. I'm writing this b/c if someone sees this and thinks it may be a good idea I'm warning u it will probably make it much worse! Good luck to everyone going thru the hellish withdraw. It will be over soon and u will feel better than ever!!
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Sorry for the late post but this may provide advice to anyone with a similar inquiry.  Oh my God does it ever.  When I was coming off of suboxone 8's I used stimulants (mainly d-amp and/or Provigil) not for the high but short term for the lethargy and random aches and pains.  It helped me so much I probably would have slipped back into narcotic addiction had it not been for Adderall XR and Modafinil.  So my advice would be to use stims during withdrawal from opioids but only short term due to the potential of substituting one addiction for another.  Now if i could just get off of the benzos...
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taken on a very short term basis. The provigil WILL help with the lethargic feelings of opiate detox and help you function. My addiction specialist gave it to me for that reason. It worked wonders and no problems stopping it. Just a different opinion. I'm not a dr. But I highly recommend it. It comes in 100 & 200mg tablets. I used the 200mg. Good luck
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Thanks Kelley! It has only been 5 days. The first 4 were terrible. Today, (and I do NOT understand how nor why) I woke and felt wonderful! That lasted until around 5pm.(woke ar 730). Its getting better by the day and dont want pills to have the control over whether I enjoy life they have had for the past few years. Hey, I love the "buzz" tho if I can recall correctly, was a happier man before I did this to myself. I was ashamed when I fiest felt WD. I couldnt beleive I was an adict. Anyway, thanks again for responding to my post and stay strong!
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401095 tn?1351391770
provigil is safer than ritilin..both will increase ur anxiety if that is a problem..my doctor gave me a scrip for provigil after i quit and it helped my energy alot..probably was not a good idea but i had to work...best to try and live pill free if we can...exercise helps alot..tyrosine helped me naturally regain my energy..good luck
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I put down that I quit in 2007.  I wish....it was just 2008.
That's o.k., when I opened my account as kelley43, I thought I was 43, found out I'm only 42.   lol
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222369 tn?1274474635
By the way, Provigil and Ritalin are both scheduled drugs...but the Ritalin is a Schedule II drug, in the same category as cocaine and fentanyl. Getting caught with one Ritalin without a prescription is bad news, having a ziploc bag full is downright scary. If I were you I'd flush them as fast as I could...and never take anything else from this "friend".
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I couldn't wait to talk to you....
I am on day 30 of a hydrocodone detox.  You have two things going on...
First, getting of the hydros.  you will get a ton of support and advise on that.  I couldn't have done it if I hadn't come here many times a day during my detox.
Second, the Provigil.  I didn't know about Provigil until i was 2 weeks into my detox.  I was past the physical w/d, (ugg, 10 pretty bad days), and getting into the 'lack of energy' stage.  It was frustrating because I was feeling better, but my body wouldn't last more than an hour or so, and getting up the stairs was a chore.
I've been on 100 mg of provigil for 2 weeks now.  It has given me back my energy.  I feel detoxed and clean.  I am also very aware I am a drug addict.  The Provigil is something i could see being a problem, so my husband (my support thru the whole thing) and I made a committment that i would not refill the script.  Could I become hooked on it....yes.  Am I aware it's a potential problem...yes.  I am using it for detox like i used klonopin and valium and xanax to get thru the physical w/d.  
Quitting the hydros, it's awful, if you read my past posts, you'll find that i flushed 42 1/2 10 mg hydros December 19, 2007.  No access is the key.  Keeps the 'if I feel bad enough I can just take....:    out of the equation.   Quitting is hard enough, temptation doesn't need to be part of it.  
We all have our own opinions here, and we respect each other for that.   So, that was just my two cents from one hydro-lover to another!  
Being a month into my detox, I feel good.  Life is good.  I wish drugs had never been part of who I am, but I'm learning to deal with that.  
Good luck, and keep posting, it helps.
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Im going to flush the ritalin now. I am ashamed to admit this, yet have read online that snorting them give you "instant energy." It took restraint to not do just that. Im not even sure why she gave them to me. As I said, she has been a pharmisist for 13 years now. Ive know her almost a year, and she has never mentioned pills. One day she asked if I know anyone who likes pills? I said, yes. I was thinking....SCORE!!! She works in a hospital and I was expecting pain pills, maybe 30 hydros, maybe a 10-20 oxy C's or something along those lines. Not, FOUR ziplock bags,(the larger sized baggies) full of various stimulants. Honestly, I was disappointed, and just threw them in my bathroom closet. I havent thought about them until I decided to quit opiates.AND, that statement just let me know I HAVE to get rid of them NOW!! WOW, it has just hit me, I havent thought about touching them until I decided to quit opiates. Thats scary.....
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222369 tn?1274474635
Listen, I'll be honest, the Ritalin is more dangerous than the Provigil. But, it becomes much more than that. We're addicts. That means, when we start back feeling "bad" feelings, we look for a "pill" to make things better. Feeling like **** is the body's way of saying...enough is enough..I'll heal this time, but let's not go through this **** again. That means you have to start changing addictive behavior..like taking prescription meds you haven't been prescribed. I have no problems with someone seeking clonidine, a benzo short term, or even provigil for withdrawal symptoms...but my friend, get a legit script for them...get only a couple weeks worth, and take as prescribed. Trust me, getting through the withdrawals is the easy part of this.
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333612 tn?1302883390
You should probably flush the pills...(gramma always said: locks keep honest people honest!!). More than likely the stimulants will run your anxiety level through the roof (like Ga Guy says). I wouldn't mess with it. It's just your addictive behaviour talking.
You are on day 4 (good for you). I bet by tomorrow you will be feeling quite a bit better and loads better within 3 days. I found that day 4 was my absolute worst (and I've done WD's a few too many times). It seems that day 4 really tests your will power. Seeing as day 4 will be over soon, why don't you see what day 5 has to offer you?
I know it's hard. BELIEVE me.....hang in there. Since you've been doing this to yourself for a few years the mental part of the addiction is what you really need to tackle. To keep yourself occupied look up PAWS (like I said, read the journal entries I have on it-they're long and will take up a bit of your time). The biggest thing is to stay positive. Don't focus on what you want but 'can't' have (like a stupid pill)...focus on what you HAVE and want to keep-like your woman and her son. You can do this. We'll help you.
Don't give in to negative thoughts.
Stay strong and keep posting.
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One last post to add, in my intital post I said I havent taken anything since thurs, it was wed. Anyway, thank you everyone. Its not easy, but I am dealing to the best of my ability.
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Thanks Greebs. Im good. I did this to myself. Its time to own up to my mistakes and deal with the mess Ive created, and the WD I HAVE EARNED. (it just sux) As I just added, I havent touched the RIT/PROV in 4-5 months. I had no interest in it. Last night I read a lil online and thoght, just for a few days, until this passes, MAYBE one of them  could make me "normal." I wasnt looking to switch to stimulants. Hey, dont apologize. I was just about to eat a PROVIGIL. (I read they are NOT addictive and RITALIN is VERY, VERY addictive) I thank you for responding.
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I have had the mass amount of RITALIN/PROVIGIL for about 4-5 months now, and have yet to touch it. I am not familiar with either and am NOT looking to switch pills of choice, just want my energy level to increase. I have been going to work and functioning, until I return home and just lay on the couch with many blankets while telling anyone who asks....whats wrong? That I just have the flu or a cold....
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I have a friend who is a pharmisist. She has no idea I used any drugs. Yet, knew I have "friends" who do. She gave me (I am not exagerating) three sandwich bags FULL of RITALIN, and one of PROVIGIL. I have never seen that many pills at once. I havent touched them. I read about ritalin online and thoght it may "boost" my alertness. I also read, (in yahoo answers)PROVIGIL is non addictive and can help hide the lack of energy until I am back to myself. Im a fairly tough guy, tho broke down on my ride home from my gals house because I wanted to hide my WD. I feel like a jack#ss. I can handle it, the WD. Tho dont her and her son to see me like this. He really looks up to me. Im the only "positive" male role model he has. Ok, I thought I was, till it dawned on me what I have allowed myself to become, I dont know what to do........ The other pills, oxy, percs, methadone, suboxone, very rarely, when i couldnt get my vics. Ive let myself down already, just dont want anyone else to be effected by my stupidity anymore. I just thot till the WD passes, the RITALIN or PROVIGIL may help me feel semi nornal. WITH A HABBIT LIKE MINE, 4-6 VIC 10S PER DAY AVG, OVER 2-3 YEARS HOW LONG WILL THE WD TAKE TO PASS? I havent taken any opiates in 4 days, and it is getting better, very slowly, yet better.
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222369 tn?1274474635
I was given provigil during a detox once. I found it gave me energy, but made my anxiety go through the roof. Also, the crash is worse than not having energy to begin with. In all, I'd say stimulants is the last thing you need right now. Give your body time to heal. And, try and get out of the "addiction" behaviors...like taking prescription meds not prescribed to you.
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372416 tn?1242665752
Scoring the 2 or 3 pills will only comfort you temporarily, then you'll be back to square 1.  Like delaying what you've gone through these last 3 days.  

You've come this far, not much left to go.

As for the ritalin, I've never taken, but during my detox, I had 3 adderalls, and yes, they helped my keep my focus....but I only had 3 not a ziploc full, so I'd say no to what you're asking.

Best Wishes.
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333612 tn?1302883390
ps....okay-i may have been a bit harsh on you just now.
anyway-you are on day 3 of WD's which means you are on your way to feeling better. Don't take any drugs. Don't score any pills. You will just have to start this all over again!! You really are getting close to a turning point. Tommorrow is a holiday-so hopefully you won't have to go to work. Take it easy. Take a hot shower. Just rest. Don't focus on the WD's.....just go with it and think of it as a necessary evil that will be short lived compared to your new found freedom from drugs!!
Go to my profile and read my journal entries about PAWS (parts 1-3). They will help you with other aspects of your addiction. You can do this!! Dont give up!!
and i apologize for lambasting you above. it just is so infuriating to see someone so close to being clean and then wanting to backslide by taking a different drug.
Hang in there. You are not alone.
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333612 tn?1302883390
dude-you are substituting one drug addiction for another!!!
You didn't become an addict over night-but now that you are here it's gonna be a little uncomfortable for you to kick your habit and that's the bottom line. You're 'lack of energy' is because your body is sick from your drug habit. You're bodiy's gonna have to learn how to make certain compounds for itself again and have to re-regulate itself.
You need to think long and hard about WHY you want to get off drugs----and once you've done some soul searching you will hopefully have an answer for yourself. I really hope that answer is 'i wanna quit drugs' rather than 'i wanna substitute one addiction for another'.
Good luck
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as you know if you leave the opiates alone and take ritalin you will automaticalyl go on a hyper buzz ie like aphetamines...speed....still withdraw with the chills goosebumps and overall not right but you will be outta it ie stimulated
not the answer...opiates are too powerful

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