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How long does opiate withdrawal last?

Just wondering how long the mental anxiety and skin crawling feeling can last i am on day 6 of coming off vicodin. I wean my self down from 3 (7.5) a day  to one half of a (7.5) day over the course of a month and it helped a lot but i just was wondering how long dose the all mental effects last. Mind you i have been on day diet of 3 (7.5mg) a day for the last 3 years, i really do want to change i just feel so mentally shot right now panic attacks have been daily thing for me. Any advice would be great right now, thanks for any help.
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I have been on a lot of different high dosages of very addictive opiates as prescribed by my pain management doc over the last 13 years . after my last operation spinal fusion on May 15 2014 . I was on 780 mg of morphine a day  . 480 of Avinza ER morphine sulfate a day and 10 x's a day of 30 mg per of Morphine sulfate IR . That was in may of last year that I was on that much a day . It has been a full year and a few days now and I'm on just the Immediate release morphine  right now at about 7-15 mg . my last bit of morphine that I took was 1/4 of a 15 mg pill . I hope to be done with this stuff by friday . I'm experiencing insomnia , and I feel like I have this huge ball of energy that makes me restless . I feel like I want to run a marathon for the last 48 hours . what can I do to relieve this feeling of almost like restless leg syndrome I have an exercise bike will that help ?? somebody if you know what I'm talking about please give me a few things to do to stop this feeling
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Hi well your on a old post go to the top of the screen and click on the orange box that says post a question and start a thread of your own I responded because you are messing with a very dangerous drug ibgon STOP NOW that is very controversial but they have had success in mexico in a hospital it is not to be experimented with
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We are trying to detox same as you he has been on oxy hydro morphine Xanax Valium etc.  have to buy em when he runs out.  It ***** too see him sick all the time they don't even affect him right they put him to sleep.  When he isn't sleeping he has horrible anxiety.  Did you know they are putting naltrexone into the oxy now so people don't over dose?  I think they are are tainted.  Anyway we are doing anti diherra med, Advil, alka selzar, milk thistle, ginger, sleepy time tea, Passion flower, clondine, and iboga.  So far the iboga was horrible.  2 days in started using the clodine and epson salt baths.  Not very hungry chicken broth, vitiamins, jello, powerade, water, tea. This is a horrible ordeal.  Best of luck and prayers to all.
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Christ yes, that makes sense. That is why I relapsed before. I got so irritated with people. Now I'm at day five w/d because it can't go on forever. Lots of people here make sense. The thought that i can use just a little and not go over board, I know is a joke, but it keeps popping in my head. Also it seems hard to give up everything forever, which is what the recovery groups here say you have to do. They have helped me a lot in the past so i see no choice but to go with them, but it seems hard. Any how, day 5 and energy is a little tiny bit back. Man my skin is crawling though and sleep is hard.
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The sickness of the disease is the chemistry of who you are gets warped. We now see good and seek good in something that is destroying us, wickedness. temptation always promises greatness but delivers pain. I have been to 13+ 28 day rehabs and did the NA gammet and everything. All that helped but the key for me is when the way I viewed the substance and what was going on changed. Ibogaine played a huge part in this and diet and exercise. The holistic sanctuary, provides this and more. It is a week long and can change your life. All organic foods and raw vegtable juices, iboga, meditation a week later cured. No withdrawl and a total spiritual awakening. I will tell no lie. Please Feel free to ask any questions there is a cure. you don't have to suffer anymore please ask if me if you are curious I can help point you in the right direction. do the research but even if iboga is not of interest to you there are other things over the counter that help. I have been to hell and back but found the way.
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Hi everyone I was on 50mg of valium and at least 6 tramodol a day for years now and started cold turkey 4 days ago and Its been  complete Helll!!!...constantly anxious! shakes/tremors ..skin crawling insomnia/paranoia! feelings of emptiness and  loneliness , crying uncontrolably..my god its absolutely horrible and I cant wait too come out the otherside clean oneday !!..i swear if i knew This pain from these pills i would of never ever popping one!..and ill never again touch an aisprin ...ive bearley managed this torcher so far and my body and mind are like a 5 thousand piece jigsaw mixed with another 5 thousand as i havint a clue where to start ....but all im doing is drowning myself with water hoping to flush my system clean...and being in work hiding this is the hardest thing ever for me!!..any advice will be greatly appreciated and i really do feel for anyone going through this ye have my deepast sympathies...please excuse the spelling as my brain isint working fully at the moment :(
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I am 46 and just had neck surgery..had the addiction for 5 years though..im on 15mg 80 and went thruh in 5 days..im very dope sick..going on 3 day.no changes...help
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hello im 31 almost 32 yrs old I am on day 10 from withdrawals . I was on 5 7.5 hydros a day for a few mnths most of the time I would have never went over 2 a day better it got the best of me , I took them for 5 yrs and snorted them for over 3 yrs detoxed myself 3 times in the time line.i really got tired of the chase and lookin for them 24/7 counting every day to make sure I had enough til the person had more. I bought off the streets but I got hooked on them after I had some back teeth pulled I was on them for about 3 weeks and I liked em every much. and plus it was after my dad had died I got depressed .every time I tried to detox it always pulled me back stopped me from being me alive and playing with my kids always a reason to not want to do anything. this time I was ready and I knew what was goin to happen before it happened .. I didn't withdrawal as bad as I did before I think it was because I was ready I didn't slowly take myself off I went head first cold turkey I will say the leg cramps are the only thing so far that's getting to me but other then that I feel great I wld feel even better if there was something for the leg pain but its almost over I can feel the aches and pains slowly lifting away . I haven't been able to go see any friends yet which ***** for my kids because school is out
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1235186 tn?1656987798
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I look at how many painkillers other people take and say they have a problem then I match it to how many I took or take a day and makes me feel im screwed.
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ive been on the methadone program for 16 years approx 1 month ago i came off so ive been clean 4 about 1 month 3 days ive had the iches so bad i feel like cutting my skin right off my body when eva theres an iche . after iching these long lines appear on my skin where eva im ichey is that normol or do i have scabies or something it seems to come on strong when eva im getting ready to go to bed
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4853587 tn?1360079966
Like others said, you don't provide enough information to give even a very general personal opinion. Based on what you posted:

- You do not appear to have a heavy addiction. This is indicated by the level of your intake and your taper, which went down to #.5 daily over 30 days.

Put into milligrams that means at the height your intake was appx. 22mg daily and you tapered down to appx. 4mg day. (Many people in here take 10mg Vikes, # 3 to # 5 at a time, 4 to 5 X daily, meaning up to 200mg to 300mg daily. Before I tapered down I was at 120 mg daily, now at 40 mg.)

- I mention this detail because it seems like the demons you are dealing with are three-fold (temptation, mind control, and psyching yourself out).

You want to stop taking that # .5 pill of  Vicodin. You had the discipline and courage to self-administer your taper plan, but it has not been easy for you because you don't like your addiction (mild as it is) and all the WD nightmares you have heard or read about.

- A general assessment of what you are going through also depends on your taper, e.g. when did you go down to # .5 pill daily? In other words, if you went from # 3 to # .5 in the last of those 30 days, that might mean you are experiencing sharper WD symptoms than if you went to # .5 daily, two weeks into the 30 days.

- 90% of the battle in getting clean is mental. Most people can deal with the physical hell one goes through during withdrawals. It is your Satanic Vike Master using your brain to play an endless soccer game is the problem.

- That said, I wonder if something else is the problem. For example, do you exercise? Do you take the daily supplements one needs to take regardless of drug abuse. (I take all the B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C drink, fish oil, lecithin, and a highly rated multivitamin). I drink lots of water daily (maybe a gallon).

- You need to talk to your doctor about what else might be making you feel the way you do. For example, only recently I complained to my doctor that I at times was feeling faint and fatigued. I explained that this puzzled me because I road bike 20 miles daily, 5X week, part of that on hills. They performed tests and detected my potassium levels was alarmingly low.

He prescribed a medicine that included potassium. The point is, I would have never even guessed it was a potassium issue. I thought the doc was going to say there was something gravely wrong with me (he said that people think they are diabetic because low potassium symptoms are somewhat like the onset of diabetes).

- Well I could go on and on, but without more information it is kinda hard to talk about what it could be. You may be blaming the Vicodin for a vitamin deficiency, lack of an exercise regimen, and even the "shakes" that can be caused by low magnesium intake (before I took magnesium pills I would once in a while get leg cramps when laying in bed. They were really painful. With one manganese supplement daily I have not had cramps since.)

I'll close by saying what stood out in your post was the low level of abuse and that you had the discipline to decrease intake to 1/2 a 7.5 mg pill DAILY. In anyone's book that is remarkable and a success.

It also indicates to me that your described WD symptom  (the shakes) should be over soon, if not by now. Doing battle with the Stanic Vike Master, that will never end. For any number of reasons there will always be temptation.

The best way to fight off temptation is to keep busy and let the thoughts fade away. Get busy doing something so that you don't dwell on this stuff. It is the idle mind that causes us to think about pills and eventually yield to the Vike's destructive siren song.

For me keeping busy really helps, this is because I move on to other things and completely forget about taking pills. This has worked in another addiction I have, shopping. (I buy on impulse.) What I did to end that addiction, I rarely buy something when I first hear or think about it. I discipline myself to wait at least 24 hours before making a purchase. What I have found: within hours I have forgotten about whatever I was thinking about buying. And after 24 hours I can't remember what I was thinking of buying. That tells me that whatever it was, I didn't need it.

- With my Vike addiction it is the same thing, by keeping busy I am at the point that when leaving the house I no longer make sure I have my "Vike travel kit." Yeah, before leaving anywhere I would check that I had my keys, wallet, and little container with # 6 to # 12 Vikes. I have not taken my Norco travel kit in two months.
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I have been clean for almost 30 days and have found that had I the money and means I would have used again, but for the first 2 weeks after the physical WD I never wanted to take another one again in my life!!  But now I'm finding that I feel like I can handle it and that I can do just one when I need it.  Deep down inside it's making me angry at happy people. Does this make sense to ANYONE else????   uncertain*!
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4204073 tn?1361831476

You are almost past the worst part of it physically as the others say.   In alot of ways that IS the easy part because you know it will end anywhere from 3 - 7 days depending on the person.  Mine usually is over after about 5 days.   My trouble always starts when the devil sits on one shoulder disguised as an angel telling me that salvation lies within one of those blasted things.  Lying to me that I will feel better, have more energy, better mood, etc.   He's right to a certain degree, but there is always a crash on the other side.   Once your brain 'likes' the opiates, one is never enough, ever again.   As soon as that one wears off the cravings kick in immediately and so do some minor w/d's.   To avoid that, we do the insane thing and take another one, then another one, then another and soon we are back on that crazy merry go coaster!!    Eventually the money and the pills run out and we have to make a choice .... again.    That's the road I've been on as of late and am know at 23 days.  I won't lie, it hasn't been easy.  Some days I drag through counting the minutes and hours, but the site has truly been a god send.  I don't know about you, but I don't ever want to go through another w/d again.    I've done about 8 of them in the past 6 months.   I just don't have another one left in me.  Each one gets harder emotionally and physically.  And each time, that devil has told me that I could handle my usage and could handle the w/d, and like the fool, I believe it until I'm in too deep.   I know what's in store if I use and that makes it even worse.   So please hang tough with us...it can be done!  You just have to really want to be done and stay resolute in that.  
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Bkitty Is right. Your aftercare plan is essential to your recovery. You have to talk about how your feeling, if not it just gets to you and you will relapse.
I tried getting clean so many times and I failed because I had no support. When I finally came out to my husband and my family I did it. Because I had the support I needed. I now have almost 2 months clean. It can be done.
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Your physical symptoms should be just about over.  I can only speak of my own experience, but after the first week, things got better pretty quickly.  As others have posted, exercise is an amazing aid, and I HATE, HATE, HATE it!!  It does work tho.  Please stay strong.  I was never lonely as long as I was sharing on this fantastic forum. It is truly a life-saver.
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I'm on day 31 of my 3rd session of Wds in 4 years. During the 4 years I got 9 months of clean time, and then I started back up 2 years ago this month. I got some short additional clean time last winter by going through WD yet again.  But by mid-June I was back on it again and the amount quickly creeps up. Each time the WDs get worse, recovery time is longer. I don't want to go through WD #4!! This has got to stop. I've done all of the above to help me through this. This site is a GIFT!! Now, at day 31, I'm just mentally tired from no sleep all these days. I go to my support groups almost every day along with being active on this site. I had plans to really do hard work-outs at the gym during this WD session...too tired to tackle that right now. I walk 2 dogs 2 times a day for a total of 2 miles a day. Get active somehow, it really helps.
You'll be uncomfortable for a while, and you have good advice from the great posts above to deal with it. But from my exact experience: once you get through the WD the days start to go by. Maybe happiness prevails, the sun shines and the blue birds sing. But out of the clear blue there's a very good chance you'll get some idea like "maybe I should get some to keep around in case I need it". Once we've been really well introduced to opiates, they will be out there waiting to slay us at the very first opening. Our pleasure center sits on our shoulder like a liar, blowing in our ear to get more right when we don't expect it. Surround yourself in recovery and support from others who also have gone through this, like it's the 1st and most important thing in your life.
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The mental stuff last a while Im afraid. I dont think it ever completely goes away to be honest. What matters is how you handle it and how you get thru it. I personally have been saved thru aftercare. I go to meetings and follow up with a counselor. You need to find a support system that works for you. Learn how to handle the cravings in a healthy positive sober way. It does get easier as each day passes but I know in the beginning it was tough! Again,,its crucial that you find a way to help you deal with the mental-a program to give you the tools to get thru it!! You are doing great! And Welcome!! This forum saved my life,,,literally! (((hugs)))~Bkitty
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I agree with Teresa1717. Hot baths did wonders for the crawlies. It kinda numbs your skin. It would help me sleep for about 2 hours straight.
The withdrawls for me wasnt as bad as some peoples on here. By night 6 I was sleeping the majority of the night and the crawlies went away. But everyone is different. The mental cravings are exactly that...Mental. You can ignore them. You have to keep yourself busy and everytime you get one of those cravings do something to take your mind off of it. I think about using EVERY DAY. But I think about everything I went through and how far I have come and I would never go back to chasing something that doesnt benefit me. You can do this. It does get easier with time...I promise. Best of luck to you.
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kinda need your age, & usage 2 determine what u r in 4.

Teresa, is awesome if she'll take this.
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Age, diet, exercixe, suppliments.   How long of what you posted.  Tell all, post more, the more you post the better we can help.  30 days of weirdness is normal,  everybody here has been done your raod, ask.
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4149717 tn?1389503561
Hi Psychguy and Welcome...6 days is great!! To be honest, the physical part of it should be over very soon. The worst of it usually lasts about 5 days or so, and for me by day 10 the skin crawling stopped for the most part. but also Hot baths can also help with them until they do stop.

Now the mental part of it is what gets tricky. The pills mess with our brains so it can take some time for your brain chemistry to get back to "normal" if you will. I am on day 26 and still have the occasional lingering mental fatigue and anxiety. But what worsk best is keeping yourself busy! Go for walks, exercise, ride a bike, walk the dog. Anything that can keep your mind busy and taking in some fresh air is a definite plus!

your doing great and your SO close! Just a few more days and you should start seeing a difference!
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