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day 6

I am not doing well.   Nothing helps.   It's going on 60 hours of zero sleep.  I am losing grip.  I haven't taken a pill but I do feel like I'm not going to be ok
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I hope no one minds my commenting here, as I'm not an addict. But I've had to deal with bathing and casts several times, and I know what works.

Wrap your casts securely in plastic grocery bags. Use more than one if necessary. Have the wrapping end a few inches past the casts. Then seal it all with duct tape.

In tub, sit with your back against the back of the tub. If you have a waterproof cushion (inflatable?) use that too. Lean your head against back wall, end of tub. Put arms above your head and gently cross them, resting on top of head and against wall. Then just soak. Heavenly, and it uses only supplies you no doubt already have.

This all supposes you can use your fingers, which I'm thinking you can.

The best of luck and good wishes for getting past this crisis very soon.
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Hi Lisah what your feeling is fairly common you just got to get past it  once the narcotics are out of your system your emotions go into overdrive this is why we recomad N/  this is a diease of the bran the pills are a symptom you need to change the very way you think and N/A can do that we treat the addict give yourself a fighting chance try to keep it together for right now and just know in a few days you should be better keep posting for support we all want to see you make it
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I do know the no sleep get lost in music and keep moving when I was on day 6 i had to move out of my house I kept going...and eventually I would sleep 10 or 15 minutes...I promise this will pass
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5347058 tn?1381188426
Taking the Tramadol may have drug this out for you a little. It's just more toxins and chemicals that your body has to get rid of. You should be purging all of the nasty stuff out and hopefully will be feeling better in the next day or 2. You are healing. I know it feels awful, but it's a good thing. I know that we all want everything and we want it NOW! We just have to remember that we didn't become addicted overnight. It took time, and then years and years of use to get to this point, so it's going to take a little time for our bodies to heal and function properly. Hang in there. You are doing great, even if you don't feel like it.
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Been drinking water.   I was told juice has a lot of sugar so i didn't drink that.  Even with cast covers on with broken wrists (2) you have to hold them up in the air.   It m makes baths complicated and not too relaxing.   I love baths.  It's the worst part of being casted. Not being able to just relax under the water.   I'm trying the cold rash on my neck now.  I'm mad because a "friend" gave me pills that said would help.   I took them for the first two days and then saw Ppl post on here they are bad news. Tramadol?  I'm so glad someone mentioned it because I would been fixing one habit worth another just as bad.   Thank Jesus for all of you.  I only took two 50mg tabs a few times a day tg we first two days off percs.  Then I saw someone post about them and I flushed the rest.   That two days didn't make things worse?   Or did it.?
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I always think there's  a way around anything...try to find that way! Can you get out of the basement to a more pleasant and bright room? Environment is very important...

As far as baths are concerned:  you can buy "cast covers" at Walgreens or most retail pharmacies. They work very well and a hot bath with Epsom salt will make you feel terrific!

Are you eating and drinking plenty of water and juices?     Don't give up!
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684676 tn?1503186663
don't take anything right now to try to feel better, (nyquill etc.) just Be! let go, i know its hard , i and many others have been there, i was broke too, infact lost home and ended up with nothing but truck and hope of new life, it happened!
pray for strenghth to live your higher powers will whatever that is , and know with your heart everything is as it should be, , as time passes it will get easier you are at the peak.you will be stronger , for this , and you will need to be to continue to grow in recovery, .
i realize this sounds like krap right now but when you make it through you will understand easier, , force yourself to have faith, and realize it will only get worse with continued use.....
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If I could just stop thinking about not being able to sleep! !!!!!!!! That's the thing.   I am listening and trying every suggestion. I did get out yesterday. Probably shouldn't have went to see my mom.   Honestly I wanted to see her sober.  Since she's been in this catatonic state ive not one time went to see her without being pulled up and stoned.  Idk I just for some retarded reason wanted to see her.   It felt good to be sober but it also hurt way worse looking at her.  From that anxiety I worked myself into not being able to sleep.  I know it's allot of my b thinking about it that's making it worse but every yawn I say I  just want to sleep in my head.   Do you know what I mean?  And right now that has me thinking about a blunt.  A xanax. A seroqil.  All bad.   All things I've had to detox from in the past.   Percocet isnt my worry now.  Xanax weed. . That's What's pulling at me right now.   :( when this is done. .. never ever ever again!
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If i can do it anyone can, just push through and fight it...it took us a while to do the damage but after 10 months with no pills i will tell you this will make you stronger if you keep fighting! Turn up the radio fight for your life and know the sickness will pass! You go this!!!
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7282682 tn?1397237735
How are you doing now. I swear the head games are terrible. Let God be in control. You dont have to try to figure it all out. You are doing the right thing by not using. Everything else will fall into place.
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This has been said so many times in so many ways but remember Lesah N-O-T-H-I-N-G is as bad as we make it out to be in our own heads at this stage of the game! Your own thoughts cannot be trusted!. I fought my crazy period by substituting every obsessive though with a verse from Psalms: "Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him and He will make your path straight,"
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Stay away from the OTC sleep aids -- for some reason they make the restlessness much worse.. I know some people have used them and they work but when I tried them it made everything much, much worse...keep pushing forward I know it doesn't seem it but you are almost though it...
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We have faith in you! Just take more rest if needed, also take Vitamins, Water, Gatorade and drink a lot of it even a whole pack if possible that will clear your system out faster and shoudl make you feel little better as well. #StayStrong! I've been there not to long ago and man I was crying and I coudn't even get out of bed even when I tried to push me up and I just broke down and cried.
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1718855 tn?1401756839
You need to listen to what the people are saying.

what you are experiencing is normal...i actually believe that the lack of sleep is what, at this point, is making everything else so intense for you...but it's part of the normal process...you have to do what you have to do to get through the day and try to sleep at night...you are very fortunate that you have such a long time off from work...if you stick to your guns you will be sleeping much by then...try to get out today and soak up a little sun if you can, get out of the house some, you can't stay holed up for a week, that'll drive you nuts in and of itself...good luck
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7163794 tn?1457366813
Also wanted to mention (but remember, I detoxed off of subs not opiates) I didn't sleep for almost 2 weeks.  This will not kill us, but it does suck.  Other than 1 hr catnaps here and there, NOTHING!  Would go to bed at 10:00 p.m. and be up every hour on the hour until 4:00 a.m. when I'd get up and post on here....which was funny b/c there were ALWAYS people on here to talk to at 4:00 a.m.!!!!!!  lol
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7163794 tn?1457366813
Good morning....ok...remember, this to shall pass.  Swear to God, it will pass, your just right in the thick of ****!!!!!  I detoxed off of subs not the opiates and it's my understanding that this will start to subside around day 9/10....it won't go away totally, but will calm down!  Remember WHY your doing this....Your doing this for you....**** the people around you!  Your doing this to get YOU better!  Granted, it does help to have people around you to help, so USE US!  Tell us anything, everything, all those screwed up thoughts, get them out and tell us!  Never be embarrassed!  Music....I attempted heavy metal at first to try and get mad, and your right, all I wanted to do was use....do you have access to Pandora? If so, type happy, motivational music, and listen to that....let that get in your head!  Motrin 200 mg, I took 3 and 4 at a time, non-narcotic and did take the edge off a bit.  
Question....are you trying to substitute your energy level with caffeine or energy shots of any type b/c I learned early on that that will only make the anxiety worse!  I had to quit all substances that I tried to get energy on for at least 30 days otherwise, I was going to go mad!  You have to go through this....I remember thinking, you know how they show in movies when detoxing you think about your whole life.....I thought it was ********....its not!  I replayed every bad situation, bad experience, problem, all of it!  We really do do that!  Sit down, take a breathe, put the wet rag on the back of your neck....it will start to calm down!  Your no worse than any of the rest of us....we ALL did the same **** your doing now!  Promise!
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5347058 tn?1381188426
What you are going through is pretty standard withdrawal symptoms. I know that it's easy to get caught up in it and feel like you are dying, or something must be wrong. This is all very normal though and we all went through it. I know it is unpleasant to say the least, but you can make it through. You have been offered a ton of great advice on things you can do to help. The biggest thing that helped me during this time was to go with the flow. I know it sounds over simplistic, but not dwelling and obsessing on your symptoms really does help. The more you obsess, the more anxiety you have, the less likely you are to sleep, and it even increases your physical symptoms. The brain is a very powerful thing. Distraction is key. Anything you can do to pass the time without sitting stuck in your head and obsessing about how awful you feel. Walk, jog, clean house, call a friend, chat on here, watch funny tv and/or movies. I promise you, if you force yourself to do something productive, you will feel better.

As far as the sleep goes, unfortunately it is the last thing to come back for most. It will gradually return though. Being as active during the day as you can helps speed up the recovery process. Also, staying away from caffeine, and sugary, processed foods helps. Your daughter suggested Nyquil...that is something that I would stay away from. Everyone is different, but often times people end up feeling worse after taking OTC sleep aids during withdrawal. It makes you that much more groggy, but you still find it hard to sleep. It can also increase issues with restless legs.

I truly hope you find some relief soon, Lesah. Please try to keep the faith and know you are doing a very good thing. You are going to feel better very soon. Stay strong, take care of yourself, and try to keep your head up.
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Id say get some support. Without it this is going to be ten times harder. You have to physically have someone to talk to. If not these demons are going to continuously dance around in your head.
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Thank you
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Okay. You answered my question about the doctor before I posted it. I will let other people post on the NyQuil idea but that stuff makes me personally a lot more crazy!  The good news is that you have the time to get well.  Maybe you should confide in your daughter - maybe not. You need a loving, supporting, understanding person there with you. Of you don't have that, stick here tightly! And remember that you are not going crazy! A lack of sleep and chemical adjustments in your brain is the cause of this - that's all,
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No baths.   I wish I could.  As I said I have two broken wrists that cant get wet.  I can't drive and there is no na close to walk.  Im glad you said I won't die because I feel like I am.  Like maybe I'm worse than others and taking the pills away is damaging more.  I know it's irrational but that's my thinking.  Nothing makes sense.  Nothing helps
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Oh Man, I just read about the bath deal. I heated blankets in the dryer in the middle of the night so I didn't wake my family with hot baths. That helped my chills and trembling. Also advil. That so called friend is an idiot (sorry). Can you hit an NA meeting in your area? I've never been but most on here swear by them.
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Lesah, You are about to turn a corner. This hopeless feeling and profound sadness will pass in a few days. As said above, make a list of all the reason's you need to be clean, all the hardship these drugs have caused you, all the symptoms your having now that you NEVER want to have again. Keep that handy to peek at when your craving. After that try not to over think this process as well as the family turmoil etc. Concentrate on that precious grand daughter and how good you'll feel as she grows and your clean and sober. I know the lack of sleep is awful, but you won't die from it and it will come I promise. Sit in a really hot tub when the anxiety and restlessness gets too much. Tell yourself you have the flu. You'd not be able to do anything but go thru that right? You can do this. I can only paint a picture of what life is like pill free…..no more chasing meds to feel normal (not even high), no more guilt over lies and disappointing loved ones, you'll hear the birds again and music will sound better, your decisions will be from you and not from a clouded mixed up brain, Your overall physical health will improve inside and out, I could go on and on. Keep close to this forum and whine your heart out. Dig deep, hold on to the rope with both hands. You will come out the other side and find joy again. Here to help.
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Read my post right before yours.   It's no to all of your questions. No dr no money no friends.  I have me.  It's always been that way. The people who I thought were friends don't have time for my ******** is what I was told yesterday. Do you want a pill?  That was the one friend I thought I had.  Was smirking at me while I was shaking talking about it won't be long now.  You'll give.  Man!!!!!!! So is just me and me
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