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1303537 tn?1317800741

hydrocodone withdrawal advice please

i have been taking opiates for the past two and a half years daily, i honestly cant really remember the last time i went through a day without not taking something, my doctor prescribes me norcos for back pain and i go through the prescription way faster then i should. then i end up having to get some from friends or my mom till i get my next rx. its a horrible life to have to live and im only 22, im constantly thinking of how i am going to get through the day without no pills. i am a hairstylist and have to work on my feet, i wanna get clean but its impossible to just do it while working. i reallly need some advice here and i have read all these old posts, but i want someone to talk to me about it. i ususally take like 15 pills a day cuz my tolerance is so high! im so sick of living like this! how long do u think it will take me to completely withdrawl? i also just started taking wellbutrin too....any advice is very apprecited on what i should do,
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In the US suboxone is only prescribed to treat opiate addiction and it can only be prescribed by a doctor who is licensed to prescribe it.  Suboxone is a maintenace drug. Suboxone itself contains an opiate.  The opiate in suboxone - Buprenophine - is pound for pound a very strong opiate.  It has unique properties which make it a partial agonist.  Basically you are out of withdrawal because your giving your brain the opiate its craving, but your not getting the typical 'high' feelings of using an opiate.  

There are some really good and positive things that can come out of going this route.  I only caution you to do your research and really educate yourself on it.  Know the ins and outs and the good and bad.  Indeed suboxone can be a life saving drug.  It can also become another, deeper dependence.

Ultimately you will have to come off the suboxone and for me, it was much much more difficult than a standard opiate detox.  I spent almost 3 years on sub maintenance, went through a months-long withdrawal just to relapse as soon as withdrawal ended.  I thought and was told repeatedly that it would be a lvery mild withdrawal.  That information couldnt have been more wrong.

The point I am trying to make is there is NO miracle cure.  There is no get out of jail free card when it comes to this disease we have.  Addiction is a lifelong battle.  Suboxone can give an addict a MUCH NEEDED remission from active addiction but it will not solve all your issues.  

If you choose suboxone maintenance, I cannot stress enough how important it is to start recovery and after care while your on maintenance.  Start your Aftercare (counselor, addiction therapist, NA or AA meetings) while your in that sub remission.  You will be much more prepared for life post suboxone.  I have learned the hard way after many years of active addiction, suboxone maintenace, active addictin - that really detox is very easy compared to staying clean once detox is over.

Good luck to you all and God bless.
22 Responses
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HI the fear of withdrawals is often worst in our minds then it actually is it was that way for me..dont let fear into the equation ...go into this with a win win attitude and you will be helping yourself out greatly...this is 1/3 physical and 2/3rds physiological although when your going thew it it may seam opposite it really is that way...I agree with the refusingbondage that there is no get out of jail free card about all you can do with sub or methadone is put your addiction on hold...this in itself can be helpful if you get aftercare and work a program and only stay on it for a short peroid the problem is as addicts we
tend to look at it as the fix for our problem and let yrs go by wile on it this only makes for a worst problem in the end ...your best bet is put aside some time and just give it a go your stronger then you think...its a lot like ketching the flu nothing you want but it happens YOU CAN DO THIS many here have ...life is so much better once its said and done with...give it a try...good luck and God bless......Gnarly      
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1303537 tn?1317800741
i know the feeling, im paranoid too, it really *****. the bad thing for me too is that my mom is in the same boat....
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If I can help you, that might help me ( does that sound daft ). I want to stop, but I need a shock or a plan to do it, and I can't think straight at the moment, geting paranoid that everyone knows, and I haven't even told my wife the level of addiction I am at. She used to 'top' me up without realising. Speak tomorrow, not sure what time differences we ar running at, but it is almost 8 am here in england. Best wishes
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1303537 tn?1317800741
it consumes us. we want to stop but it is so hard this is the best site ever...wasteofspace, lets help each other, i will write to you tomorrow
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I am weak, been to doctors and got my next repeat perscription, will I ever learn? But I am already worried to how desperate I am going to be in 7 days time when I run out. I want someone to notice or catch me doing this. If I make an appointment for the Doctor, might get one for a weeks time, but then it will be on my permanent medical records, and I am supposed to be a respectable middle aged businessman and family man. If only they all knew what a fraud I am. I do remember being happy go lucky, I just thought it was my choices in life that had made me depressed and insecure, but really it is the codine isn't it?????
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One thing you can also talk to your doctor about is Clonidine.  Its a old school tried and true medication that helps allievate some opiate w/drawal symtoms (mostly skin creepy crawlies, hot/cold flashes/goosebumps).  Its actually a blood pressure med which works from wonders from what I understand -- most definitely less problems than the subooxne, but thats just my opinion.  Obviously do only via your doctor so you can make sure your a candidate for it.  Ultimately the choice is yours and you need to make it depending on what your needs are.. but recognize the addict in you.  Make sure your not opting for suboxone as the easy way out (thats what I did).. cause its not necessarily easy to get off suboxone.  If its withdrawal your concerned about then I wouldnt take the sub for too long.   After being on it long term, sub was the absolutle worst withdrawal Ive ever experienced.  Though I do appreciate the 'normal' time I had when I was on it.

I know how you feel BELIEVE ME.  Tapering is almost impossible for most of us.  Lets face it, we wouldnt be addicts if we could control what we take.  Its ridiculous that these little pills have such control over ordinarily very strong minded people.  

Taking time off from work would be a great idea.  Honestly you can get through the bulk of the physical in 3-5 days.. Think about it.   If you started today, by this time next week your physical stuff would be on a total upswing.. its not that long of a time compared to the countless time we've spent copping.. worrying... seeing doctors.. etc.  

Are you considering aftercare? Are you open NA?  If you are, I would definitely suggest giving it a shot.  So much of this fight comes after detox.. Its crazy but its true.
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trying to do this wiht NO other addictions on the other side of this....i personally did not get the suboxne (tried 200 ppl on waiting list) so i am doing this fast taper alot of remedies found here and sheer determantion to get off this sh&t, the beach can help bringing back you endorphins natural high...wish you best of luck stay FOCUSED!!!! good luck
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1303537 tn?1317800741
thank you so much. i really just need to pull myself together and stop making excuses for myself...i cant live this way anymore. i dont know if i can do it cold turkey i fell like im dying.. and i just cry constantly and i feel like mylegs are jumping out of my skin and my heart is on fire...i really hope my doctor has suboxone, i am going to ty. today i ahve taken only 4 pills to get out of bed when i usually take around 6. my friend wants to go to the beach maybe that will make me feel better. i think im gonna get a note from my doctor stating that i need some time of work because i will not get better when i work i will just keep taking more i know how i am,...
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I don't understand enough, what is Subroxone, it that only available in the US?
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1303537 tn?1317800741
i think i will call and leave my dr a message aaking about subroxone...will he freak out that i am asking about it? i have kaiser....
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I can't quit my job, I run / own a company, which makes it worse as I has different responsibilities to my guys. That is not saying your job does not have its pressures and problems, I know it must have so please don't think I am patronising. I am feeling at my lowest ebb again, I got my last precription, 7 days ago, but I have fiddled it so I am hoping I can get another batch today. I am so self aware that my increasingly regular visits to the doctors and pharmacy is going to be challenged, but in a way I am hoping it is. All of my mental issues I am sure are down to this. I hope you can get help, if I can be of help please ask, I am in a fragile state, but I do understand what you are thinking and going through.  Regards   S
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1303537 tn?1317800741
yeah its just ***** when u think about what is controlling you, like u wanna just take a few a day but it is impossible. i think i just need to come to terms and do it but it is so hard at work. i need to just quit my job and find a new salon once im fully recovered. i just got ten more pills, im trying to think of how i should use them for tomorrow, should i just take 8 instead of ten? im used to taking 15+....i have ativan too for the anxiety but i just feel horrible
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Hello, I know your pain and self lothe, I am in a similar position, just over a longer period ( 10 years + ). I have been on anti depressants, counselling etc, everything but admitting it must be the opaties that make me the way I am. I am on around 15 a day over a 6 - 8 period. I want to stop, it sound easy until you try. I ache when I don't have them for half a day, the best I have managed is 3 days without, then I gradually increased back to my 'normal' level. I am struggling to top my repeat px, which is highlighting to myself the problem I have. I will be following the post to get advice and help.
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I would, but he might not be licensed to prescribe them.  There are addiction specialists all over.  Most pain doctors are drug dealers in disguise, so you have to use your own judgment.  I went through hell with my detox, 290 mg methadone.  But I am getting better everyday.  And suboxone was my savior.  There are alot of upsides to suboxone.  It is only mildly addictive.  Withdrawls are based on length of time used, but are much better than full opiate agonists, such as oxy's methadone, or heroin.  I believe from what I've heard, that this would be a good step for you.
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1303537 tn?1317800741
i already told my doctor that i wanted to taper down, and he just gave me more pills! i went threw them and ended up taking more than i was when i talked to him! i just have no control but now i am realizing it....so should i tell my dr i wanna try suboxone then?
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I was on 290 mg of methadone for two years, so I know how you feel.  My best advice would be to see an addiction specialist.  I'm not giving medical advice but your best bet is probable suboxone.  It will allow you to work and detox pain free.  Good luck.  Oh, and stay away from the methadone.  The doctors will lie to you to get you on the clinic, but for hydros, that be like a step up in your addiction.  You don't want that trouble.
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1303537 tn?1317800741
yah that is probably the best thing to do....that is really good that u are clean now, do u still think about it constantly?
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I agree they say at least 5 when I ran out of oxys I went 4 days of laying in bed depressed.  Very smart on starting wellbutrin that will help.  I'm on that now.  But hun, your 22 and I was your age when I started and I can't honestly remember the last ten years.  This drug will wreck your relationships will everyone and men in particular.  You need to do this for yourself otherwise you will go through hell in life.  The next option will be if you don't get help to keep going up in dose in drugs until u can't go anymore and the higher you go the harder it is.  I'm keeping it real.  Otherwise you can go to your dr like I did be honest with him and say I need to taper down off these.  He should help you.  The withdrawls are tolerable when weening off.  But you have to have self control.  Im struggeling with that now.  I'm down to 20 mg a day of oxycontin but i started with norco10/325 i was eating like 90 in 2 weeks.  
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1280354 tn?1272581901
hmmm...Well I am not qualified to give you such advice.  you probably wont feel like going to work Sat either. w/d can't be scheduald it might take you a couple of weeks to feel like you can do hair again, I just don't know. I am a healthy person, I work out all the time, I don't drink, smoke, and I eat right and I felt realy bad for about two weeks.  You might want to concider taking a week off if you can swing it.
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1303537 tn?1317800741
thankyou brad. its just so hard because i have so many enabelers. i have my dr, my mom, and many people that i can buy them off of. i have good intentions to quit, then i get the pills, and go crazy. i went thre 300 norcos in ten days! its so ridiculous. i really need the support from u guys. sometimes i just feel like it is a neverending cycle, i cant work without the pills, and im basically working for the pills! dont u think it is impossible for me to work will trying to do this? i honestly dont know where to start. i just took four right now to try to feel normal and work today was horrible i just didnt even wanna look at people, i am soo sick and tired of living this way, i guess i just need to figure out the work situation because i cant work like this....im off thurs and friday, do u think that if i call off work tomorrow, and just stay home for those three days cold turkey that things will be better to go to work saturday? i am just so lost
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1280354 tn?1272581901
Today is one month for me.  I was taking 120mg of Oxy for 5-6 yrs,  I quit cold turkey and it has been the hardest thing i have aver done,  i'm not going to lie to you it will not be easy and at times you will want to die,  but hang tough-  you can do this and you are at the right site to help you through.  
Everyone is different when going through w/d.  For me I just told everyone I had a bad flu, w/d feel like a bad flu, by the second week I started to feel more like myself.  I am not out of the woods yet but I am about 80% there.
One thing that helped me was exercise and eating well, you wont want to but try to force it.  It will get better and you must have a good attitude about your choice to get clean.
Keep posting and hang in there
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