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where is all the "support"

Just wondering why some of these post get TONS of support while others tend to get NONE???? I am really disappointed because i have another thread and got hardly any responses people would come on once and thats it... not very cool to pick and choose who u r gonna support.....we are ALL going through the same thing
36 Responses
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1653969 tn?1390331661
Hi Done-I have been following your postings and reading along, I have never felt comfortable posting on any thread that involves a pregnancy and I am sure that is why alot of others  haven't also.Member tend to comment on the threads they are more comfortable with,so you have narrowed your responders by being pregnant and looking for advice on methadone. I really hope you get the help you need on here and everything turns out well for you and your baby.Best wishes and I keep posting!
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This is not as complicated as you make it. The fact is, you are addicted to substances that can hurt your unborn child. Listen to everyones "opinion" on this forum and try to get some ideas as to which "idea" might work for you best. Then, work out a plan with your OB Dr. and just stick to it, you have to. To put it bluntly, Do alittle less bitching, and alot more action. You must. Just do it, at least for the next 8 months of your life. It's just that simple.It's not about you, it's about your unborn baby now. If you're alittle uncomfortable with a taper, it's ok,... you will live through it. Good Luck
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@sad thanks for the reply i see her again on fri i am going to talk to her but she is rather firmn on this issue she really is not to nice but willing to help she was pretty upset when swhe seen me and miy husbands past of addiction on these we stayed clean for over 3 years until he hurt his back and i went trhough 2 early 2nd trimester pregnancy looses and also my back pain. I just want to be there again. we did attend celebrate recovery and plan to start going reg again. I looked at the locator and it gave me 1 dr in this area in which i called and he does not practice there anymore but i can ask her on fri if she does or knows someone she isnt even a dr she is a PA or something but she can right for methadone so i dont know u r right i DON NOT feel comfortable on the methadone and really dont want to be on it as i said that was all she was willing to do but i have been doing TONS of research so when i go in there on fri  i can have a lot more questions and see if i can get anywhere else. Sorry everyone for snapping earlier i was kinda caught off guard w all the overwhelming responses and i may have taken some of them wrong
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It's interesting you get pissed at people for not responding and now when people respond and try to help you cannot except that....

I do wish God's blessing on you and your baby however you are on attack mode and everyone so far has been passive and helpful to you.

Go read some of the doctors forumns this would have been ended long ago.

All the best,

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1700643 tn?1464846682
I understand what ir saying it does get confusing w/so many people saying different stuff.U Dr out u on meth so do what u have been as this IS a taper+as u said u have no urge to abuse+r taking less  than u were told2and i think thats fine if u dont feel w/d symptoms.AND YOU R RIGHT Dr do over prescibe meds all the time.My 1sr Dr who was pain management gave me180 lortab10's,120 2mg xanax,90fironal,120soma every month.The were at this amount w/n3months+I had never gotten any of these meds b4 or seen a a phyciatrist before so that amount of xanax is crazy w/o a diagnosis.I had my last Dr a nuerologist give all the same amount when I moved to a different state.Dr's over prescibe all the time when it comes2these types of meds
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I just saw your post that said sub wasn't available where you are? *usually* a doc who can prescribe methadone can prescribe subutex as well. But obviously this isn't the case with your doctor. You might want to check out the suboxone prescribers directory, maybe there is someone but you might have to travel a bit. If not then I guess you have to play the cards your dealt. Work with your doctors to do a taper and try not to stress over this too much. As long as you stick with whatever taper they give you, you'll be off it in time to avoid worrying about the baby having NAS. I wish you all the best.
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I understand the hormones completely. I'm 9 weeks along and know what it feels like to feel the guilt, the confusion and the frustration. But rather then let it get the best of you, do yourself a favor and EDUCATE yourself. Ok, we know tapering with oxy is out. That's my drug of choice too and I wouldn't ever be able to do a taper with that.

Methadone is an option but in my opinion not the best option. As I said in the post above, subutex has been proven to be the better alternative. It's also easier to get off of. I've gone from 6-8 mgs a day of sub to under 1 mg in just 4 weeks. I'm not recommending you taper that fast, I did because I was able to..my body let me. But everyone's different and you might need to do a more gradual taper. All I suggested was that you look into subutex as a possible alternative to using methadone. It sounds like your very uncomfortable taking methadone and I don't blame you. Ask your methadone doctor about the subutex as an option. Check out the links I gave you and do your homework to educate yourself on your options. Knowledge is power. You CAN do this. No one here is judging you. We are trying to help you and believe me, no one knows better what your feeling right now. I've agonized over this like crazy too. But I found having a discussion with the doctors and arming myself with all the info I could find helped me make a decision that makes this easier to deal with. You have plenty of time to taper off. If it were me I'd get on subutex and do a nice gradual taper and be off in plenty of time to make sure NAS was not going to be an issue for my baby. You will need lots of support. This forum is great but you also need some real live support. An addiction counsellor, NA whatever works for you. Take a deep breath, relax. It's going to be ok. Your obviously very motivated to do the right thing for your baby, just do some research and talk with your doctor.
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1310633 tn?1430224091
If you keep berating everyone that answers, no one's going to reply to your posts dude.

You say above that none of know how "addicted" you are, right? Well, why don't you TELL US how addicted you are.

Give us all a little background into what you've been taking, how long you've been taking, how much you've been taking, etc, and maybe we can give you some better advice.
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everyone on here was telling me NOT to take the methadone to just do it stick to the taper that i have to for me and baby i am the one who ADMITTED i could not do it but they all said NO u HAVE to so when i metioned well maybe and i will talk to the dr now u r saying there is no way to taper... UMMMM that is what i have been saying all along. for those that keep saying sub even after i said it is NOT a option here there r NO dr's to prescribe it in this state even... really i am not trying to be difficult but i feel like i am being attacked u guys act like i dont even care about my unborn baby which is RIDICULLOUS when i call u on it u say oh no that is not what we meant but go back and read ALL the posts how would u feel???? I am NOT doing a injustice for me and my baby by taking LESS and it is funny u can even say that as u know NOTHING of how addicted i am or how many pills i was tkaing OR what God can do to take away w/d's i watched a show this AM where this person was so addicted to oxy and heroin and when he got saved God completely took away ALL w/d he never took anything and he NEVER felt w/d after 8 years of being on this crap now i know some of u dont believe that but i DO and i know i am sounding kinda cranky and contradicting to believing God can heal but that is what i believe i am just a littl ebit on edge because of this whole issue and feeling like  i am being attcked in this forum. I have 50 different people telling me 50 different opinions and what NOT to do and basically that i am not thinking of my baby because i am taking a bit LESS than prescribed IF i was feeling w/d i would take the dose prescribed BUT i feel FINE so why in the hell would i take MORE if i dont need it???? and yes dr's do OVERPRESCRIBE medicine... they r NOT ALWAYS right and liek i said for those of u so adamit on listening to my ob he doesnt want ANYTHING to do w this except to agree w the pain dr... I AM LISTENING TO MY DR AND TAKING WHAT THEY BOTH SAY THE METHADONE AGAINST MY WANTING TO WHAT MORE DO U WANT OH ITS BECAUSE I AM TAKING A LITTLE LESS THAN WHAT THEY SAY BECAUSE I AM FEELING FINE THAT IS WHY I AM NOT THINKING OF MYSELF AND MY BABY WELL I DONT AGREE  I THINK THE LESS I CAN GET BY ON THE BETTER
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1310633 tn?1430224091
I'm a little confused as to why the taper that your family doctor gave you (described above... 2-day for 2 weeks, then 1-night for 1 week, then zero) won't work for you and "is not a realistic taper".

I'm not a doctor, but that sounds like a perfectly reasonable taper to me.
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1700643 tn?1464846682
Pregnancy is a hormonal mess.Do understand that whomever said ur not being honest its4-2reasons they read something u accidentally wrote that contradicted so the orher reason is simply just concern we don't want any1ESPECIALLY mommies treating themselves w/o being under the care of a Dr.I dont c anything wrong if ur taking less and feeling fine
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1035252 tn?1427227833
Please take a deep breath...I understand you're upset and frustrated, but I really think you're misunderstanding what's happening here.

Unless someone specifically said it, no one here thinks you're a liar or anything of the sort..

You asked for help..advice..and we're doing the best we can. but the situation is just more complicated when a baby is involved, as you know.

the reason people are speaking out so adamantly against methadone is because of one simple reason - it has a very long half-life. that makes quitting it VERY HARD. it is not an easy drug to wean off of. it's harder for the fetus, and it's harder for you. If I were you, I would ask my pain management doctor to refer me to someone in the area (even if not in your city) who can prescribe subutex since you cannot taper off of the oxycodone...because, to be perfectly honest, methadone is a harder drug than oxycodone. Even though all your'e taking is..what..5mg? that doesn't mean it's weaker than the oxycodone, and because the half-life is so much longer...it makes it very difficult to quit.

HOWEVER..if this is the route you're going, we're here to support you. but when you ask for advice, ESPECIALLY when a baby is involved, people are going to be worried and doing our absolute best to give you honest advice..even if sometimes it doesn't sound nice, although I don't see where anyone has been anything less than nice.

Please understand...we are trying to help you, but it's hard to do because you're reacting to what you think is people being mean when none of us can see it.

We really do wish you all the best...we are trying, here, just like you are - none of us are perfect, but we're trying to help.
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I didnt say my ob gave me a taper and if i did it was simply a MISTAKE my FAMILY dr gave me the taper. He also gave me a taper to take 2 a day for 2 weeks then go to  1 at night this is not a realastic taper. I am sry if i am confusing u but i am NOT LYING... It would be pointless for me to come on here an lie if i wanted to lie i wouldnt be on here if the first place i have been thrown around SOOOO much this week between my drs i myself am confused. My family dr has NEVER dealt w this i dont think he is VERY old fashioned and would not even have given me none i dont think if i would not have told him my ob didnt want me to jsut stop. He gave me 60 tabs to take 2 a day for 2 weeks then 1 after that for over a one month supply well those were gone in less than a week. As to the addict thing i have NEVER said that i am not a addict and if u read my post u will see that i have said with the pain pills that I CAN NOT taper. I never claimed to not take too many of those or that i would not be on them long HOWEVER i did do that w the methadone and YES i can say that i have not even been tkaing my "recommended" dose for one she gave me 10 mg i am taking half and supposed to every 6 hrs and have not even done that maybe 8-10 hrs i am feeling FINE doing it this way the less i have to take the better and i would be listening to her IF she was not trying to give me TONS of mg of this crap that is a personal choice that i DO NOT want to take that much and i dont think it is a bad thing for me to take less. Now if i was taking more than i could see why it would be bad also the methadone does NOT make u high so for the people saying i CANT take only what is prescribed and not understanding why i can take less of these but not less pain pills that is why get knowledged about methadone and THEN tell me i CANT when i can because i AM doing it now and fine. As for my ob he wants NOTHING to do w this except for he said i need to be off my 31 weeks again if i said my ob gave me the taper that was a mistake NOT A LIE he gave me nothing WHICH is why i said i was going to call him this morning to talk to him about doing that HOWEVER i talked to his nurse they have been talking to the pain dr and he wants HER to do this for me he wants NOTHING to do w it she is recommending the methadone she WILL NOT give me the pain pills so as u can see i have no options here. NOW i hope i have explained myself a little better so u guys stop thinking i am lying or not being honest really i have better things to do than sit on here and lie. I am TRYING TO GET BETTER and apparently u think i am not but that is not for u to judge so either post support or keep ur opinions to urself please understand aside from getting off these pills dealing w the guilt for tkaing them while pregnant i am PREEGNANT so for the ladies esp out theere be a little more sensitive as u should know what it feels like when ur hormones r raging out of control
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Vicky is right, if they want you on methadone then so be it but you could always ask about subutex as an option. Oxy shouldn't be on the table..sorry but as an addict I know I wouldn't have a hope in hell in using oxy to taper. I like the effects too much and sticking to a taper with my drug of choice just wouldn't fly. If I had an ability to control my intake of it I wouldn't have gotten addicted.
Do your research. In my own opinion based on lots of research, I'd go with subutex over methadone. It's truly the lesser of the evils IMO. But have a discussion with your docs and they'll do what's best for you and baby.
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The first link outlines the major findings in a clear easy to understand format.


This is a link to the actual study


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If you have any kind of insurance, but the heck out of your doctors. Be specific and honest even if you think they know your story - and do it over and over. Gotta take care of you and that baby! Praying for you! David
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I'm not sure who is scaring you here. It looks like everyone has been kind to you and understanding of your situation.  It's difficult to advise you and that's because you're pregnant. That changes everything...

I hear you on the doctors but I choose to believe the bad ones are in a minority. You've got two doctors here and they're discussing your case and advising you.  All we can do here is support you and your doctors' advice. You really should call your doctors and talk about this. They want you on Methadone. I don't recall you saying you had a choice here. You need to do as they say and trust that they know what they're doing.  If you're taking less than prescribed,you're doing an injustice to yourself and the baby.  Talk to them.  It's that important.

Good luck and stay strong!
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If you decide to go with a maintenance drug, go with subutex instead of methadone. A recent study followed 2 groups of expecting women: 1 group on sub, one on methadone. The sub groups babies fared better all the way around. I'll dig up the link and post it shortly so you can read it.

I'm 9 weeks along and have tapered down to just under 1 mg now with the help and support of both my sub dr and an OB who specializes in opiate dependent expectant moms. I've let my body be the guide and to be honest it hasn't been that hard. Yes, I have some wds but minor and nothing unbearable. I will be off in the next couple weeks and knowing that there is going to be no chance of my baby going through wds at birth is a huge motivator for me. But no matter what just know that subutex is definitely the better option then methadone for the baby. Be honest with your docs and you'll find they are more then willing to help you through this. I'll go find that link to the study and post shortly..
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1035252 tn?1427227833
hey...sorry you feel this way. i may be one of the people you talked about because i responded once to you but didn't again - it's because I have 2 kids, my own pregnancy, and 2 forums here on MedHelp where I'm a co-Community Leader so I'm busy as all get-out..I wasn't intending to leave you hanging.

I still strongly feel that the methadone is a mistake because it's such a hard drug to come off of....BUT...whatever your OB chooses...and that's who I would trust. The OB, not the pain management doc...but that may just be my experience.

You really need your OB to be managing your doses...even if they seem high, your OB will not put you at a dose that will put you through immediate withdrawal.

best of luck to you and I'm sorry you feel you were lacking support - sometimes we're just busy, and I am not on this board every day, so it's hard for me to be constant with threads.
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495284 tn?1333894042
Doing it our way got us here in the first place.  We want you and the baby safe.
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1662770 tn?1314196563
Dear Down,
Please remember that we are addicts and the very first thing we say to ourselves is that we are NOT going to take too much or be on it for too long or that it is the Dr's fault they don't know what they are doing. That is our addiction talking and we need to realise this.  This is how we justify getting high and getting the "drugs" we need.  I understand that you are carring a very precious baby, but you must think what is going to be the best for the baby in the long term.  I have to agree with Vicki talk to your OB.  Methadone is really not the way to go.  God Bless you and My prayers are with you and your little bundle of joy!
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1235186 tn?1656987798
hun we are not trying to scare you. we are trying to help you and follow your threads. you have 3 going. please be honest that is better. you said you called your ob the other day and he put you on a taper and you cant stick to it. then you went to meth dr and he talked with your ob and gave you meth. now you say you will call the ob. first and formost you are not being honest with yourself. you cant self mediate yourself through the pregnancy it is dangerous. get to celebrate recovery. pray and ask the LORD to help you
sending hugs and prayers
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13 weels pregnant
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@vikki if i went w what the drs said i would be taking A LOT of methadone I am NOT willing to do that jsut cause they r drs does not mean they know what is best tons of people r addicted in the first place BECAUSE of drs handing this crap out so loosly i have only taken 4 doses of 5 mg and feel great i will call my ob today to see if he would rather have me wean off the pain pills instead it sounds like a good idea to me, i really am not trying to be difficult here but everyt=one has their own opinion and r strong on their opinion so u kinda have to weed through and see who is trying to scare u and what kind of exp they have behind their idea. I am going to do what is best but i am telling u i will NOT be on this methadone for long period of time or even a high dose sometimes i even forget to take it. I am feeling good so i think i will not go through bad w d but i will call my ob and see and yes i will give my pills to someone to taper me thanks for responses
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