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2066663 tn?1331993339


hello im new but sufering from fenatnyl adiction .im an adict i was clean for 5 years i had a freak act of nature hapend and my kidneys and liver gave up on me the hospital put me on fentanyl and oxycodone iv been on a high dose sins june last year i fill like poo im not myself and the fact i was clean for 5 years im realy unhappy i fill worse of now than any outher drug iv taken before perscribed drugs are a hole noughther ball game and i dont no wear to start any ideas coz i cant live like this much longer
56 Responses
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2066663 tn?1331993339
Stay strong love if you want my advice you need to come of the retched stuff it really does cause you more pain then good in the long run. I went to pain management classes in the beginning when I first come off which helped a lot I changed from all my medication to nothing in 6 months it was hell but lifes much better without it  them patches are awful in the long run your body will build a tolerance and soon they will only last 24 hours whitch leaves you in withdraw the doctors will then prescribe you more pills before long you wont no where you are everyone that takes pain medication like fentanyl is fighting a loosing battle in every way come off and take something els if need be like paracetamol   you may think im mad I thought the person that told me was mad but its true its amazing how much pain you can actualy live with ilife is good without the patch take care x
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2066663 tn?1331993339
WOW this was a really bad time for me and just wanted to update you all thank you all for your comments and help threw a really dangerous time I battled threw with utter will and determination iv now bin clean a year and a half loving life I go to the gym iv got full time job absolutely no pain sins I came off pain medication it is possible people and life is so much better take it from me peace love and thank you x  
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hi, just wanted to put this out there. If you are using More fentanyl patches than one you're betting with your life. A good friend of my son died from over dosing with pain patches. If your having sweats & cold flashes it's definitely from the over use of the patches. You Really need to see a doctor and if the doctor you are seeing now won't listen then find one that will or go to an emergency room and explain to them what is going on because you're gambling with your life and it's Very serious. I wish you the best. By the way, I have been on 100mcg of Fentanyl patches for almost a year now. I started out on 25, 50,75 then 100mcgs. The directions are to change the patch every 72 hours but they now only help me for about 2 days. I have chronic pain, fybromialgia, nerve pain in my hands and feet from chemo. I have degenerative disc disease, herniated disc. and spurs on my discs. So I know pain and the realization I have come to accept is that I'm going to have to live with a certain amount of pain.
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2066663 tn?1331993339
hell calm down we are all here iv been exactly were you are exactly if you read my earlyer post,s take a deap breath you will get pleanty of help here the first thing we need to do is to get you to go to the top of the page and start a new post this is my old one you can see the amount of replys and help i got i was in a right state.i will send you a friend request but i want you to start a new post so you can everyone,s point of veiw like i got ok.
with me and my problem i thought there was no way out i no now its just how thay were making me fill i had manik depreshion on top of that because of the medication anyway i put my foot down and went to the doctor,s and demanded some help i also went to the local rehab and got an interview to go into rehab because the doctor just wanted to taper me down.ha easey for him to say there was no way i was tapering down on the outside i new this within my self thats why i went to the rehab and told them my problem and luckly i got help my doctor personaly was a joke he gave you wat ever you wanted willi nilly he just sat in his chair saying just taper down come down 50 mill a week he dident no anything about withdrawing from that stuff thats why i went to the rehab and told them my story and said i want to come in and be weend of onto something els whitch was methadone i was put on a very small does of that 4 days later i was of the patch ok it was 4 days of hell but worth it and i was in safe hands so it dident mater wat hapend there was someone to look after me thats why i choose to go into rehab i new i wouldent survive out here on my own any way i hope you find this some help your not alone but please start a new post good luck i njo how you fill.
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3098654 tn?1342298130
Ive been on hydrs for 3 years and am trying now to come off of them. I tried to tell my dr a few days ago that I was scared because i was taking too many ..he didnt seem to think it was a concern. Im scared. Im 49 years old, have a good jb, kids, a hubby, a life..but this addiction is taking my life and I know it. I need someone to talk to. Please if someone can become my email penpal or whatever I really need someone who can tell me what to do, what to expect, etc. I cant talk to anybody abut this problem because of my kids and my job. I could lose everything. If someone has been there and can just talk to me about this..please help me. I dont know what to do or where to turn and I dont know if i can do this alone. ..i need a friend..please,,,
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2066663 tn?1331993339
hello everyone im very happy just a quik note to say im of fentanyl now if you have any questions please ask or if i can be of any help to anyone please ask and ill tell you my story thanks for the advise i recived from you gys im not shure if this is going to be read so thats why im just saying get back to me and ill be glad to help or listen thank you
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1855076 tn?1337115303
I've missed you recent posts somehow ... lots going on here and for me personally.

I don't know anything about the meds you've been put on.  I do think it's great you're getting the guidance from the doctors, though.  You were on a huge dose of Fentanyl and I personally know how hard that is to come off.  It did a lot of damage to me physically.  I know not everyone has that experience but honestly, since I went on it, everything started to give me trouble.

Keep posting,  I've had posts go unanswered; it happens sometimes.  No one gets sick of people here from what I can see.
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many times once a thread gets pushed down by new postings you don't get as many replies.  If you have follow up question you can always make a brand new post - that way everyone will see it.  Don't take personally this board can be very active! :)
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2066663 tn?1331993339
well no coments on my past two post,s ?everyone must be sik of me
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2066663 tn?1331993339
hi well iv staid at 150 still geting chills everyday but in all filling beter then when i was on 300 .so update still fill **** realy every day.iv heard back from the pain team thay want me on 150 mill of prgabalin twice a day and 25 mills of amatriptalyn sorry if thats spelt rong.anyway he wants to start me on 25 mills then work my way up to what ever it takes.so summery im on fentanyl and pregabalin at the moment thay are now throwing amatriptalyn into the mix then thay recon thay can reduce the fentanyl what do you think about that im still just being weend of one onto anouther so in the long run all im ever going to fill is withdraw simptons.
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2066663 tn?1331993339
hello vincent basicly with being an adict i dont realy want to change one for anouther anything that makes me fill good im going to get adicted to so i strogly surgest people think about that one.when i see my doctor next im going to ask if there is anything that makes the withdraw easeyer with out the euphoric fillings.outher wize ill take diazepam i no thats extreamly adictive and iv just contracdicted my self BUT i have youesd diazepam a few times before i no were i stand with it and for some reason i can take it or leave it.so thats a good one for me.marry thanx again yes my short term memorie is totaly shot iv been reading a load of threds on here and im realy looking forward to coming off the patches because iv got just about every side efect going it truely is awfull stuff and so ready for it i cant wait to wake up in the morning .not to have the mood swings not to have pain in my body when its not there if i dont take the patch .to look at the sun and smell the clean air and smill and i cant wait to get back to normality were im not thinking that people are going to kill ,me so with all that in mind im realy looking for ward to coming off
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2080475 tn?1332126191
ever think about going on suboxone? takes away withdrawl immediatly and makes you feel generly good! depending on where you live? there are only certain drs that can prescribe suboxone! good luck bro
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1855076 tn?1337115303
Glad to hear you're going to go a bit slower.  The lower you get the harder it can get.  It's great you decreased the amount so much in such a short time.  So now the key is to not undo that by going too fast. I hear you when you say you're anxious to get off and the doctors want to go so slowly.  I did not get much support from my doctor at the pain clinic when I wanted to come off and I essentially did it myself.

I also agree, at least for the most part, that this is a medication that should be used for those that are terminally ill.  So many people have had a hard time coming off it.  I do know some that use it for chronic pain and have been okay with it.  I felt it changed my personality, my taste, and it ruined my short-term memory.  Personally, I think it's meant for someone who won't have to come off it.  I don't think for most people it's a good medication for chronic pain, though, again, I know some who have had success with it.  I think it is just a very difficult drug to come off.

Hope you keep feeling better and better.
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2066663 tn?1331993339
well iv got down to 150 and im going to stay here for a while to get my head around the next drop i think its all yet to come.but on the bright side iv come down 150 in two weeks so thats good i just no that was the easey part so now im pulling back on the raines so to speak ill let you no wen im ready agin .i want them off now...but i no i cant thay realy do turn you into something els moody miserable sweaty mess is the right word i think thay should be class a drug well illigal.or like people say just given to terminaly ill people so folks if your not terminaly ill dont take them you dont no wat sort of rollor coaster your leting yourself in for peace out x
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2066663 tn?1331993339
what is it with some people?iv tryd iv gone to my doctores and asked iv gone to the pain team and asked iv asked just about everywear .;everyone is saying wait let me get my head round the right way to do thing,s.well i cant wait my head is ready if i wait any longer then i might be dead.so wat do you do im hapyer now than i have been in 7 to 8 months help will catch up with me i have opintments all doctors say is taper down gradualary but wait let me work something out infact stay on 300 well bollox to that hes not the one taking them...you take 300 for 7 to 8 months and see how you fill outher than that im filling great so far and if halluucinations come then ill have a laugth itl save taking the old mushrooms lol bludy hell sometimes you just gota get the bull by the horns at the end of the day if things get to bad i can just put anouther patch on silly
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I'm a nobody on here.  I'm struggling big time myself.  But I really think you should get help.

You sound just like my friend, and after he passed the doctors said his yo-yo detoxing caused hallucinations, that was why he thought he felt better.  

Reading your posts brings back a lot of bad memories.

Don't get me wrong I wish you the VERY best, and you are in my prayers,

But I do think you should consider help...  Sometimes we just aren't in the right state of mind to do what is truly best for our bodies.
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2066663 tn?1331993339
its 9 oclock in the evening and iv still only got 150 on i had a good day some sweats but in genral a lot happyer than wen the doc said put 300 on im going to put a fresh hundred on tonight and a 50 tomorow night i think thats real good going .on the down side i am starting to hurt quite a bit but something tells me its just fentanyl pain so alls good so far
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2066663 tn?1331993339
after reading a load off post,s im thinking it will be kind of ok tapering down its the actuall last bit that its all going to kick in but thets see
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2066663 tn?1331993339
thank you for your coment yes i no its the med,s making my ears wores its calmed down all ready plus i noticed it from the moment i started puting the patches on .im suprised more people havent experianced it to be honest plus wen your on full does it realy does hiten the ringing especialy when you just the walls for friends no outside noise
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2066663 tn?1331993339
morning mary i do realy understand what your saying but the doctors not realy interested i cant describe to him how im filling people dont no unless thay have been there them selves.anyway iv woke up thismorning quite fresh i have 150 on still i got up a lot easyer i dident sleep threw 5 alarms and just lay there in a comotosed state im a happyer than normal because iv survived two days without 300 on so update so far im allready 10 times happyer and filling much beter so until i start filling terible im going to carry on as i am next week ill be down to 150 by monday.oh and yes i drink a few litres of water a day
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1855076 tn?1337115303
Tapering should really be done with your doctor overseeing things, especially with the dosages you're taking.  If that's not possible, taper slowly.  Jumping too quickly will only make you feel miserable.  Going up and down on your dosage won't work as you'll just be confusing your body.  You need to drop your dose by a reasonable amount, stabilize at that and then drop.  It's a long and slow process.  You didn't get to where you are overnight so you can't expect to get off this overnight either.  Make sure you're drinking plenty of fluids.
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2059782 tn?1342033162
hey...i didn't read all your posts on this forum sorry :) but i caught one were you were talking about the ringing in your ears...i never had that in my life and when i went to a medical detox onto suboxone back in 2009 i developed the ringing in my ears (didnt put it together until after the fact) that was caused by the suboxone....i tried ear candles and all kinds of weird **** to get it to stop but to no avail until i came off the subs....
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2066663 tn?1331993339
well today like i said i went for chacuzi today took patch off whilst doing it come back home felt realy sweaty so i put a fresh 100 on and a two day old 50 and im just about to go to bed im not going to put any on now.baring in mind im normaly on 300 at this point.so all that considerd i fill nice and warm a lot beter than wen i had 300 on do you think im going to be ok iff i fill good on 150 do you think ill be ok tomorow and im not as adicted as i once thought is it all in my head folks.night all chek in in the morning have a good night or day folks x
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2066663 tn?1331993339
well today all i have done all day is sweat iv changed 3 times im down to 200 mills instead of 300,as i sweated so much today i thought id take some advice and i went to the gym got in the cucuzie and had a nicve power shower after whilst doin this i took all my patches ofgf for the first time and it felt wonderfull drining myself not worrying if im going to knock the patch then i put hunderd back on iv got home and the hot flushes are out ragouse i think i need to put hunderd back on back to 200 i cant come down 200 in two days
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