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380309 tn?1246467740

sram-ams(alcohol monitoring bracelet

Anyone wearing or ever worn one of these gadgets? I was just fitted with one yesterday after having my 2nd Dui over a year ago. Am already forming skin abrasions and am concerned about ulceration sores,infection etc. I had been sober 2 years when I relapsed last march and I got popped again, it had been 2years since the first. I have been sober since and managed to drag the court thing on for 10 mnths until this past Jan. when I was sentenced this is part of a very harsh sentence I was given. No one has told me yet how long I have to wear it before I can petition to have it removed. The pain and the financial strain $400.00, a month is unreal. Anyone have any insight or advice about this? Thanks.
134 Responses
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I wear the monitor and really hate it. I love to swim and take a bath.
I was wondering if I taped it with heavy tape and put a few bags around it, what would happen
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1475202 tn?1536270977
I was just reading your post and now I feel insulted. You used the term (poo-pooing) in one of your posts. I think an apology is in order. Ha ha
Rpoo (Randy)
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We were just wondering who pays for the Scram if you can't afford it?Cause we have a limited income so it would be kinda hard to do it.
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380309 tn?1246467740
It's done, new tag started. Ckeck out my new pic's. Terry
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someone has 2 start a new post here..too dang long!us girls can gab....good sobriety gab!so whose gonna do it?
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380309 tn?1246467740
Buenos Dias Muchachas!!!! It is getting pretty long huh. Thats a good thing I think, it sure has helped me keep my head together thru out all this BS. Hurts to get out of bed in the a.m. I can't wait to get this thing off. I'm going to jump for joy right into the pool!!!! Got to wk today and tomorrow...Sunday is the last DUI class, and Monday well...........I'm hoping for the Best!
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so which one of u is gonna start a new thread?128 posts here now!this is big!got one of our clerical gals a vanilla latte frappucino from S'Bucks the other day she'd never had one...whooooe!she dug that!prayers for that chewed up chicken ankle bandida!
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380309 tn?1246467740
Tough I am and Tough I'll be till the end,That's the Leo in me. Sleepy...going to hit the sack, will catch up with ya's tomorrow
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243614 tn?1266197537
Hey girl.   I cannot even believe this saga.  It is like a nightmare for you.  I don't even know what to say at this point.  You know how i feel.  I am so sorry Hon.
Hey, get you a venti shaken green tea, no water.  I have them put 3 splenda in mine before they shake it.  Now Ibizan likes the green tea lemonade, but that one is not for me.  You will have to try that one too.  Hey, i would have a drink of tea with you and celebrate when your ankle torture device comes off if i was there.  I will have one out here in Oregon for you anyway.  Hang tough.  I just wish it would come off without you going through another weekend.  Keep updating.   Hugs, Tonya
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380309 tn?1246467740
Hi Guys! No sorry to say anklet is still on but the wheels are turning.My atty's secretary called me today and she was in the process of typing up a motion to the judge to have this SOB removed. Guess the letter from the PO and other guy was not enough. Got to sic the big guy on it now. He's using that letter, the Doc's note and lots of other info to present to the judge, maybe even me. Seeing is believing can't poo poo this injury. So tomorrow is friday and most likely I'll have it on thru the wknd. Antibiotics should start wking, but I should still be able to get to it to keep it cleaned and bandaged. Can't do that now and the continued rubbing is not going to let it heal properly until it's off. I do believe for sure it will be off by next week. She told me call her Monday and hopefully she'd have an answer so I don't have to pay another $84 bucks. Thank God this atty still considers it the same case and hasn't asked for a dime. But Tom wants to talk to him about a suit over this thing, we'll see. Some higher up authorities some times need to be put in their place, maybe this is part of the whole scheme. Leave it to me to be the one to set a precedent. If it helps 1 person not to suffer as I am then it's worth it. I shop at a store here that has a starbucks in it, going on Sun after last dui class so I will definitly try this tea you girls rave about. I'll be on a bit longer so standing by. Terry
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243614 tn?1266197537
Good evening girls.  Hope things are looking up for you Bandida!  I sure hope you are feeling better and your anklet is GONE bye bye for good.  
Ibizan, hope your day turned out as good as you were expecting .  It is so great that you have the job you have>helping people who have screwed up, just like us.  I hope someday someone will cross my path that I can be of help to.  
Was nice and warm today.  I had to have my tea from Starbucks.  This has turned into an almost daily habit :>).  But, i am not beating myself up for this one. yippee
Have a great Friday.  Terry, waiting to read some good news from you. Tonya
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i am more than glad to help anyone who walks thru these doors who wants it and will PERSONALLY work for their recovery.....and many deny,blame,rationalize,lie etc ..try at least...don't cut it with me here as u well know!:)gets old the BS...but today i have the joy of my week my Adult Recovery Group- anywhere from 9-12 ppl come...alcoholics,heroin addicts,pain pill addicts,crack addicts who r sincerely trying to change their lives..and i love it!we have a good group!they remind me of where i came from and what they struggle with i did and still on a daily basis have to hone my recovery skills.they motivate me to come up with good recovery topics that make sense and r applicable 2 them!And u r right..there r many in this forum who have come and gone..didn't want to hear the truth but some good ones who stay with good recovery and good ideas!tjack..u have a good day..sounds cool in more ways than one!
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243614 tn?1266197537
Good Morning Girls.   How is the ankle today Terry?  I looked up what you have and just as i thought, bacterial infection.  So i am guessing you are on an anti biotic.
surely someone will come to their senses  today and take it off of you!  
Another beautiful day here.  Boy oh boy we are loving it and the rust we all have from 6 months of rain is gradually going away. ha ha  I am hitting the road in the jeep without the top again today.  It is so fun to run around it.  My little girls just loved it.
Meeting a girlfriend for lunch and we will be outdoors at this restaurant, so we really love our sunshine once we get it.  Keep updating so we know what's happening.  Praying for you today.  Hugs, Tonya
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380309 tn?1246467740
Sounds like a busy day! You must learn so much about human behaviour, but I guess like any job it gets tiresome. Yes I definitly am reinforcing my sobriety with all this,however I could do without the physical pain. One thing I really admire about you is that you are straight and up-front, thats good! People should not get there feelings hurt just becuz someone tells it like it is. And thats a lot of people, including some on here. The truth hurts but then we move on and thats where all need to get to. It's so attainable...sobriety that is. Have a wonderful day. trying to get the fax mach. to wk, it's fighting me too!!!lol Terry
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i have three alarm clocks that awaken me early...my bladder and 2 big greyhound noses in my face wanting 2 pee as well!and i have this routine in the morning i go thru to center myself b4 i come in here to the parade of alcoholics,heroin addicts,crack addicts and parolees on a hourly basis!yes u get urself healed up there girl....such bs in this world we wade thru..it is never ending...ur developing sobriety skills to wade thru it!sigh!
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380309 tn?1246467740
geez ibi you're as bad as I am up this early! I posred 5 hours ago. Couldn't sleep, just can't get comfortable and my ankle feels like it has a heartbeat of it's own. Will find out later about any suits that can be filed. Gotta get this off 1st. People have sued and won against the State of Florida before. Like I said I have plenty of time to pursue. I'll be on and off all day. Not going anywhere till I go to class t'nite. Standing by, Terry
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Good God!what poop!if tjack and i were there we would bring u a tray of shaken iced tea lemonades.....could u bring a civil suit against theis court for ur cellulitis?prayers for u girl!Mega prayers!
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243614 tn?1266197537
Bless your heart.  I knew you needed to see a dr.  Thank goodness you did.  Sounds like the judge and his cronies have ice water running in their veins.  I am going to look up what you have (cellulitis) but wanted to let you know i read your post and i too am glad you have tomorrow off.  What misery you must be in.  I am so sorry Terry.  Hang in there Hon.  This has got to be over soon.  Sending prayers up for you. Hugs, Tonya
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380309 tn?1246467740
As the shackle turns.....I'll try to make this short. Called the judges off. tlked to his gargoyle, I say that because she told me they were doing me a favor by letting me wear this, and would I rather go back to the county jail. Nice huh? I said no but I did not think they knew the seriousness of the problem. She said  have your attorney file an emergency hearing. I said wouldn't it be easier if you or the judge could see 4 yrslf. No can't do that. She was cold as ice and quite the b----! So I went to the DR., good thing cuz I have cellulitis. knew anything with itis on it is an inflamation but did not know how serious until I got home and looked it up. Good thing I caught in time I hope or it could be a trip to hospital w/IV antibiotics. Doctor wrote a note on his scrip pad that said scram brace ~~~causing cellulitis~~~~ not caused. Thats important. So called my attys secretary and am faxing her the note and my PO is faxing her the letter that was written and brought to the judge personally. Even my PO said this lady was a B----- when he went there. So thats where its at now, Oh my atty's sec. is going to look up whatever she can on cellulitis and how it can be life threatening(true) and send that along with the motion. Perhaps I'll have to be there. My pleasure!!!! Let's see the big man on the bench get out of this one. Hey I can always call the news station and go public! Don't think for a minute that once I get this off I'm not going to pursue some legal ramnifications of my own. Let's not forget I have plenty of time to research and plot some motions of my own. Anyways I'm taking Keflex. I have not been feeling to well the last 2 days and now I know why. I've been freezing when everyone else is hot, and last night I woke in the wee hours of the morning with my pillow wet with sweat and it was dripping down my back. Fever (which I had) chills, fatigue,aches and just general malaise are all symptons of this itis. I'm off tomorrow thank God. 3rd Dui class. Instructor used to be a cop and knows alot about dui and the laws told our class he has never seen a group of people get slammed so hard on sentencing as ours. At least I'm not alone but I do happen to be the most extreme. That's just me I guess. Just want this dang thing off!!!! I'll blow everyday instead, pee everyday- whatever just not this monster!!! Kind of tired and feeling poopy so going to hit the hay and pray, it soothes me to sleep. I'll catch up w/yas manana girls sleep with the angels and God bless. Terry.
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243614 tn?1266197537
Morning back there in the East girlies.  You do sound at your wits end Terry and I think Ibi is right on, you probably have an infection from the torture device.  I think you should go to E R and let them call the judge or whoever and tell them it Has to come off.  Having to pay for your own misery is double bad.
Ibizan likes the green shaken tea/lemonade.  I like it just straight, no water.  You will  have to getcha one and celebrate when you know what is no longer on. Hang in there and get to a doc.  
Hey, Ibi i am paying 2 for $6.  Best deal i can find out here.  I take so many vitamins i don't need anymore so i will leave the glacier water with vits alone.  Have the best day you can girls.   Tonya
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that thang has probably given u an infection...and the shaken iced tea lemonade is 2 b had at Starbucks!
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380309 tn?1246467740
What's with these shaken tea concoction you guys are enjoying? Let me in on it. I like the Lipton Diet White tea w/citrus. What can I make w/that? As far as torture device....still on PO said if he doesn't hear anything by Friday he'll do whatever.... I am not going to wait that long. Had to pay another $84 buckeroos yest. just to show I'm doing what I'm supposed to. Boy it really burns my u/know what to pay for my own pain. Unbelievable!!!! Going to call the Judges office today and see 4 myself what's going on and to volunteer to go up there and show him or even his legal asst. exactly how bad this is. The letter they received can in no way convey the severity of this. Not been feeling good the past few days. Fever, feeling cold when everyone else is hot. Don't know if it's a bug or perhaps this thing has given me an infection in my body. Some thing is wrong w/Toms camera and we can't download the pic's but there in the camera so they can see that too. I'm at my wits end and don't want to wait any longer, all I need is a signature. Next step if necessary is to ER clinic and let Doctor see and cut if off. Then I know they'll try and get me to pay for damage to the unit. You don't want me to write what I say about that!!!Use ur imagination! Anyway I'll post after my phone calls and let ya's know K.....Terry puck puck legs lololol
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yikes i do the same thing...CVS special 2 for $5...very good in this weather!also like the glaceau water with vitamins..tad pricey but i spent more on bacardis and Beefeaters in the day!:)
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243614 tn?1266197537
I bought 6 gallons of the stuff today.  I go through about a gallon a day.  I hope it is good for us?  Got to be, doesn't it?  Yep, we are brilliant I do believe : ) chuckle~
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