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Cough for nearly 5 months!

I am a female in my late teens. I started coughing in early october (with no cold or flu symptoms) and finally went to the doctors in early november. She listened to my chest and gave me an inhaler--she never said what was wrong. It is now 4 months later and my cough has just gotten worse. The inhaler seems to work but not all the time. Sometimes my cough is dry and sometimes not. Right now it is really NOT dry. Sometimes there is a little shortness of breath, not so much that i feel as if i cant breathe but just enough to notice it. Also there is some wheezing in my chest, if i cough it goes away.

Usually i get a tickle in the back of my throat and thats what makes me cough but sometimes there is no warning and i just start to cough and the more i cough, the more i feel I have to cough.
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Hope this helped and do keep us posted.

Cough, chest tightness and breathlessness the three symptoms are the triad of symptoms for Asthma. It is a disease affecting the lungs causing narrowing of the airways, usually due to an allergic reaction to triggering factors. Therapy is with bronchodilators which cause the airways to dilate. Looks like the inhalers are inadequate to control your symptoms. Discuss your symptoms with your consulting doctor he may change the dose or the medications. In the meantime try to take warm oral fluids and do steam inhalations prior to your meals. This helps to loosen up and bring out the secretions.  

Hello and hope you are doing well.
3 Responses
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535822 tn?1443976780
I also have a dry cough I have had for a couple of months and the tickly throat, which causes me to cough,I also get some Head aches, and fatigue, in my area they are using sprays called chem trails and this is one of the symptoms folks are getting here in California , actually they are spraying the chemicals around the world as part of a program ..there are a couple of journals up on MH  about this .check out the one written by ginger, she gives a link wheer a video goes into details and names  the toxins causing many allergy symptoms they are spraying on us .
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535822 tn?1443976780
her member name is ginger899 she is cl of the dog forum , check out her profile and put in the link she gives in the journal she has up .
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