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Body Twitches and Head Pressure = Anxiety?

I am having the following symptoms and want to get feedback on what could be going on. I'm scared that maybe I have a brain tumor. Have been having involuntary body twitches, especially when I start to relax or sleep. Have a pretty constant head pressure, where at times my brain feels real tired, difficulty concentrating, and when typing I sometimes reverse the letters in words. Sometimes I feel disconnected. Sometimes I have nausea. When I excercise it has felt like the head pressure is stronger.
  I got blood tests, and had an MRI of my brain which I was told was negative. Doctor said I'm having anxiety. When I asked the doctor for more specifics about the MRI he said he had not even looked at the results. I also found out he is only a Doctors assistant. I have an HMO so I have switched Doctors and am waiting to see a new Doctor. Does this sound like anxiety? I don't feel anxious about anything in particular other then what is now going on. I have seen a psychatrist and I had horrible reactions to the meds he prescribed. I am afraid to try others. I've started therapy. This has been going on for 10 weeks and at times I get depressed because I feel like I either have something seriously wrong or I won't find a soultion and get my life back.
  Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated to get real clarity on whether this is something physical or mental. -Dirk
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I have been suffering with weird head pressure now for 5 months, I have had a physical, blood work and a CT scan all normal. I am totally PETRIFIED that I have a brain tumor, I have asked my DOC for an MRI for my own Peace of mind. The pressure is awful and I am very scared, can anyone please comment?
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I have just found this forum with Google after getting a strange occurrance.
I was typing here playing bridge online and I got this sharp 'insect bite' on my heel - really stingy.
When I looked down there was nothing - then it came again., and a bit later got one on my other heel!
Then one on my arm - and more on my heels - what is happening to me?
Really weird
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ok u definetly have anxiety if they say the mri is clear its clear.  it is looked at by a radioligst who specialises in nothing but head trauma. i dont understand why doctors keep giving lexapro for anxiety whens it clear stated its a med for depression and can cause anxiety.  if it was me id try to find another doctor and talk to him about a ssri such as effexor rx, thats currently what i take and it works wonders and i also take the lowest dose which is 75mg;s a day. please keep us updated and check out my websites for list of symptoms and types of anxiety find which bet fits and and show it to ur doctor. remember when speaking to a doctor u have to calm down and tell them everything. help them help you.. good luck. www.anxiety-support.cjb.net
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  I was hospitalized for 5 months in 1962 for PTSD.  The only med they gave me was librium.
At times I have terrible anxiety attacks and head pressure but the family doctor will not prescribe valium which does help me.  I have been ordering it in the mail and taking small doses. I recently was in the hospital and had my spleen removed, am now diabetic dependent.  I weigh 68 lbs.
I had 2 heart attacks in the hospital and since I did not opt for open heart surgery, I asked to be sent home.  My upper number on the blood pressure runs over 200 even though I am on 2 high blood pressure pills.  I was told I could have a stroke, more heart attacks or kidney failure if I
refused the open heart surgery so I came home after I was told all of the complications I could have if I had the open heart surgery.  Why won't doctors prescribe valium or other meds you have had luck with before?  I know they are addictive but taken as prescribed should be no problem.  I
have never taken more of any medicine than prescribed.  I'll bet if doctors had panic attacks and anxiety disorders, they would understand what we nervous patients are going through.

Waiting for your answer...........Gin
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FYI- I am also Sue-aloo...signed on to two different computers, hope that the two names didn't confuse you or anyone else!
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My head is 100% better most of the time.  I still get pressure headaches occasionally, but definitely bearable.  I do not, however, feel 100% my old self...but I would say close to 90%!  My problem is the mornings...getting myself started.  I am a teacher and summer vacation is the worst time for me!  I need to get up and get out and with all that extra time, I become a downer.  I am seeing my psychiatrist in 2 weeks to see if there is anything else possible to get me closer to that 100%  If not, 90% is ok with me after that horrible battle.  Enough about me.  Get your physical and get working on your issues and your meds.  You CAN feel much better!!!!  I am living proof of it!  Please keep me posted.
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So do you pretty much feel 100 percent or do you still have ups and downs now that you are taking Buspar and Paxil. It seems people have such different reactions to the medications. Some of the reactions I have read about sound terrible. As was my experince with Lexapro. I currently take a low dosage of Buspar, but I can't seem to get past that I always have this constant head pressure. This morning I was having terrible anxiety. I think the mind is the worse place to have problems. I am planning to get a complete work up and maybe even see a neuroligist. I feel once things can be excluded that can only help.
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The Lexapro could have caused the body twiches, and a general anxious feeling.  Many people have sever nervous reactions to ssri (Lexapro) medications. Even though the medication leaves your system, many people keep the nervous feeling for weeks or months afterwards.  The Buspar shoud do nothihg but calm you.  By now the results from your tests would have been read and you would be contacted if something was wrong.  Nerves can be more problematic than a pysical condition.
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You seems to have the classic symptoms of depression/anxiety disorder.  I didn't feel depressed at all, but that is what it came down to after lots of blood work, CAT scans, MRI's and practically every specialist you can think of.  I am on Paxil and Buspar.  (Love the Buspar!)  I take 30 milligrams daily to help with the axiety.  I would suggest to have a complete physical with blood work.  When all turns out well, get yourself to a good psychiatrist.  Not all meds work for everyone, you may have to try different ones until you find the one right for you.  Best to you and hope you feel well soon!
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Thanks for the reply C-Psy. I have been on a very low dose of Buspar 8mg (I know this is considered to be a non-dose by some.) for several years. The first thing suggested when I started to have this head pressure was to increase the dosage of the Buspar and I had all kinds of crazy reactions from that. Then I tried Lexapro, I couldn't sleep and got the body jerks real bad. So I am currently back on my original low dosage of Buspar.
  What I did not like about that Doctor is there are so many different possibilities with the symptoms that I have (Parkinsons, MS etc...) but I don't feel like he really checked. Not that I want to have any of those, I would prefer not. But it felt like a quick conclusion. I want to be as sure as possible that it is not something else so I know I am focusing on the right thing. The other thing that has been mentioned is depression, but I don't feel sad I just feel frustrated because I can't function doing the things I like to do. Let me know if you have any additional thoughts. Thanks.
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What medications did your psychiatrist prescribe for you?   We could know more about the diagnosis your doctor made by the medications he prescribed.  

In my experience; anxiety can mimic almost anything.  Of course, it won't make all your hair fall out or turn your teeth green but it can cause twitching, spasms, headaches, pressure, chest pains.  In anxious people these experiences are almost always phantom pains.    

Relax, you can afford to.  The MRI you had was probably looked at by at Radiologist and perhaps another doctor.   MRI results are pretty clear when you know what you are looking for and tumors of any size are apparent.  It seems that you do not have a tumor so try not to worry about that.  

Please write again and list the medications you have been on in the past year.

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