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633284 tn?1271714418

Anxiety or panic attacks??

Okay so I am 23 years old I don't have a lot of stress so I thought....But I am married to an awesome husband and I have a 9 month old....I had some hormone inbalance after I had my daughter and I started getting back to normal and being more active when she turned 5 months or so and at that time my husband left over seas no I had a hard time with him leaving but I don't work I take care of my daughter and our 3 dogs....well My husband returns in 2 weeks...I just started getting these attacks a week ago....I can just be sitting or relaxing or trying to play with my daughter but I know in the back of my head I want my husband to return safe and I start gtting scared like something is gunna happen and then my vision starts to go and my body feels warm and I feel kinda sick and I feel like I am going to pass out sometimes I can controll sometimes I can't.....when I feel like I am going to pass out I start getting scared so my heart races and pounds I get sweaty and shakey and i gt a tingly feeling in my fingers and then my whole body feels restless....does this sound like a panic attack or anxiety....I also fel like my mind is foggy all day lik I am in like dram world I guess and these attack can just keep comin one right after another I don't really get short of breath I just feel like I can't gt enough oxygen (I guess thats the same lol) Anyways I went to the ER a week ago for chest pain they did all kinds of test and said the pain was most likely the result of a pulled muscle and so they were going to discharge me...well I was laying there and my heart rate the whole time was between 48 and 55 they didn;t seemed concerned I am pretty active I workout like 6 days a week and I run....but anyways I felt the urge to pass out got scared and my heart shot up to 150 they all ran in which scared me and they hooked up an ekg machine anyways they said it looked fine and either I might have SVT or maybe it was just anxiety.....anyways I was wondering if anyone feels this way as well if so tell me what happend to you and if you got help what did you do??? I eat healthy and I excersice almost everyday for 45-60 min.....this just started and I am hoping that it passes when my husband comes home....I constantly feel like I am going to die bfore he come home or somthing bad is going to happen to him I need help and I am getting on a heart monitor this week for a month.....has anyone been through this?
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633284 tn?1271714418
Thank you it makes me feel better knowing it might be anxiety.....in just a week everyone thinks I am overreacting I need to just calm down but when I get an attack that I can't stop thy keep coming b/c then I start getting scarred that my heart will just give out and then I start thinking I am not going to see my husband and thn thy just gt worse...the only thing to stop them is If I start crying.....I end up crying anyways b/c its ruining me!! If I could stop thinking of it I would people that never have had these do not understand....(I was one of them) for years I thought why can't people just deal and breathe but its harder done than said! Anyways thanks for your guys input it helps....it helps also just to talk about it with other people that understand! Thanks!
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It's good that you're getting your heart checked out before assuming it's anxiety, but from all you write, you are having panic attacks caused by anxiety.  Your heart rate is excellent.  People who work out and run like you, do tend to have a low heart rate, it just means all your hard work is paying off!  Your anxiety level is probably very high in anticipation of your husband coming home safely.  You may want to try some therapy to teach you coping and relaxation techniques, so that your anxiety doesn't worsen.  It's always good to speak to a professional about this anxiety anyway.  Your heart rate when you went to the ER is a good example what anxiety is doing to your body, and why it's so important to get it under control.  Take care...
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it really seems like you're havn anxiety but I would get your heart checked out in case. at times it seems we have everything under conttrol but your husband is away, and even though you don't work things get overwhelming even though it doesn't seem like it.
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Hi,ur symptoms does sounds like a typical panic/anxiety attacks.Its very likely to be anxiety because ur still young and docs at ER have run all test and ur heart is fine,however if ur still worried about ur heart the best thing to do is consult a specialist,a cardiologist where they can run more test on you and determined that anxiety is the culprit for all ur symptoms.
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