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Head Sensations

22 yr old female.
PAST ISSUES: migraines, imitrex injection overuse, anxiety, depression.
CURRENT ISSUES: head sensations, dizzyness, weird feeling in forehead, lightheadedness, panic attacks, panic disorder, phobias (leaving house, being alone, going to die, fear of symptoms coming back or worsening, etc.), head feels numb, hard to focus, eye problems, vision changes due to light, seeing spots, eye floaters, head feels heavy, pressure in head and sinus, general anxiety over symptoms, numbness in legs and arms and hands, tingling in arms, cant walk straight sometimes, feel like im going to faint, feel like im going to pass out, uncontrollable anger (rare), most irritation problem is my head/eye sensations and issues, cant drive, havent driven for over 4 months. Can't focus well on schoolwork. Life spiriling out of control...
MEDS I AM ON: allegra, lorazepman .25mg every 6 hours, flonaise for sinus. I also take bach flower remedies and get cranio sacral massage done, as well as therapy.
Can anyone relate to this?
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Take some allergy medication and don't get up too fast.
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I wake up with a heavy head every morning and it can get worse if I take to much medication

I have had loser back pains in the past which were operated on I withdrrew from pain killers and n ow I am suffering every  morning from a heavy head which I am sos scared will get worse
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Migraines indicate a circulation problem -- they're a vascular headache.  Biofeedback and meditation have both proven helpful to regularizing circulation -- meditation got rid of my migraines almost completely.  But the anxiety, that's a tougher problem, and it might have been the source of your migraines in the first place.  All kinds of symptoms come with both circulation problems and with anxiety.  Diet can also be a factor with both, as can the thyroid or other hormonal problems.  Sinus congestion, and the medication for it, can also cause these problems, and can also be caused by something you're eating or exposed to, and is a sign of an overactive immune system.  So you've got a constellation of stuff going on, and it would be good if you could get to the root cause, though we all know how hard that is to do.  
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