1322152 tn?1282507546

Help! i need to find a Non Addictive Anti-Anexity Medication! ASAP!

Hey im hannah and i need to find a non addictive Anti-Anxiety,if you have read my posts before you already know my brother passed away this year on accidental OD/Car Crash  On anxiety meds so my mother is completely convinced i will pass away also on addiction. MY anxiety is so bad i cant even leave my house, im 16 i should be out having fun not having 54 panic attacks just leaving the house (i count them) anyone know what i should take it is getting very very unbearable! Its been  this bad for months now but is getting worse every day! ive had panic attacks sence i was little but it was really bad but now its seriously torture! ,so you can only imagin how frustrated i am...Please help!
4 Responses
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16633393 tn?1449878508
I am very sorry to read the suffering you are going through with your brother passing, and the intensity of anxiety and panic attacks.  I understand loss, and I understand not being able to leave home.  I I have been put on Nozinan (New Zealand - funded)   I tried Buspar prior to Nozinan and had terrible headaches and felt faint - I couldn't justify the reactions.  This new med is dong wonders for me.  I have been on Clonzapam since 2007. I am down to .05mg and hope to be off it by the end of February next year.  Mindfulness is definitely something to learn about - I have my painted stone still - "you can do it" painted onto it.  You learn a lot of coping methods/distractions. I know it sounds lame when your in the desperate madness of panic and fear.  You are 16, a lifetime a head of you.  Please give Mindfulness a try - it can go into your management tool kit.  I wish you the very best, and hope that the advice on here will help you. :)  I found this link as a starting point - google CBT you find something more suitable to you.  http://www.helpguide.org/articles/anxiety/therapy-for-anxiety-disorders.htm#cbt
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606378 tn?1297304964
There are many anti depressants that are non-habit forming that treat many forms of anxiety. Buspar/buspirone has been proven to have no indications for addiction but a note-if you have taken benzodiazepines (xanax, valium, ativan etc) buspar is far less likely to work. Klonapin IS a benzodiazepine (read addictive) but it is time released and the least addictive of all the benzos. You need to see a psychiatrist they will know better than us what your options are-also at 16 most doctors will not prescribe you benzodiazepines on a long term basis because of there potential for addiction and medication resistance/tolerance.
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Well there are several medications you could try. First, it sounds like your anxiety is severe, so it might be beneficial to suggest to your doctor to start on an anti-depressent or long-acting anti-anxiety agent like Buspar to go to work and take the edge of the anxiety and maybe prevent the anxiety attacks from being so severe. The non-schedule or non-habbit forming anti-anxiety medications can be Vistiral, which is actually an anti-histimine but works to calm you down, some of the anti-seizures such as neurontin, which can be a bit sedating. If those do not work some consider Klonapin to bve a very effective drug and is known to be the least habbit former of its class, but in some it can be addictive. I would certainly suggest working with a psychiatrist, and possibly a therapist, to start on a regimen of what works best for you. I know how debilitating panic attacks can be, especially at 16, but there are options that you can try, so there si hope :)
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1390847 tn?1344657468
First Im so sorry to hear about your brother.  But I assure you that if you carefully moniter your symptoms while taking anti-anxiety meds you will be just fine.  Lexapro is a good medication becuase it isnt really addictive.  I went off it no problem.  Its not so agressive and it helps a lot of people.  I works to help balence out Seretonin in your brain.  I also have experience with Pristiq.  That works with both Seretonin and Norepinephrine.  I didnt have luck with Lexapro (although many people do) but Pristiq absolutly changed my life.  It isnt as agressive as other meds and not so hard to get off it if you need to.  I went from having horrible anxiety literally 24/7 to absolutly none in a matter of 2 weeks.  I have very little anxiety now and it went from being unbearable to completely manageable.  You should be out having fun, Im 17 so I know what you mean.  This  isnt the way you have to live and you absolutly can get better! If your having 54 panic attacks leaving the house, i definitly reccommend looking into meds to control your symptoms.  And dont worry, you wont pass away on addiction as long as you follow the perscription and moniter your symptoms and talk to your doctor about any concerns.
Take care
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