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537497 tn?1292553056

I always think I'm dying! !

So I always think I'm dying! does anyone else have this problem>? and if so, hoe do you overcome it?
I was on zoloft and ativan for 2 years (loved the ativan) but now I'm on nothing.. can't afford the doctor!! so how do you convince yourself your not dying?? any responce would help, just put my mind at ease please!! I don't want to be alone!!
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I have no answer but I feel the same way! I feel so lost , I don't know what to do! I hurt and something is always wrong with me all the time! I never feel good anymore ! I know my anxiety takes over but I don't know how to stop it! I feel so much fear and doom. I know I need to get help but it's hard , my husband just don't understand anxiety , so it's hard for me to get some comfort ! I don't know what to do anymore !
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I feel the same but every morning I feel like **** like Im always worried something's wrong inside me but I've been to the docter and they say I'm fine and I feel like my demons want out and I hold them inside idk what's wrong with me I think im mad or insane I need help does anybody have advice I can hear plz help me
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17089303 tn?1453747356
Hey guys.. im having the same problem. Ive always been a stressful person but the only symptoms i ever encountered was back ache.. until december 2015 i asked my husband to take me to the hospital.. i couldnt breathe, i felt extremely weak, my chest was paining, i had heart palpatations. .i really thought i was dying..
The doctrs took ECG scans n said everything is fine. They took blood test which also came back fine.. but since then. I have developed a fear of dying.. everyday since i get a pain in my chest n then i think its a heart attack.. for 2 weeks after hospital i struggled sleeping cos i would think im guna die in my sleep.  Its gotten much better now. I have slowly learnt how to control it but like every 2nd day it comes back.. i feel disconnected from my body.. i get a ache somewhere n then i start thinking im guna die again. I went to the doc again last week. She took another ecg scan and heart blood tests and all is still normal.. my husband has been very supportive and has helped me overcome it alot. But i stil have the fear everyday and i just wana talk to people that know exactly hw i feel.
Im healing faster than wat i expected but as im writing this post i am feeling a bit anxious but i want you all to know that its all in our head. Our minds are so powerful that it can make us feel, think or see things that dont really exist.. our brain chemistry is a bit out of balance and the way to get it back to normal is not to think about ir pains or any discomfort you feel. Im using this method which i will share with u cos its been a week n its really helped so i hope it can help you too...
Wen you feel the pain or discomfort close ur eyes and feel the pain.. shut any bad thoughts and embrace the pain. Feel where it is hurting and then tell yourself the pain isnt there. Its in ur head and its not guna harm me. Strecth ur back and take deep breaths. Guve urself 5 min and tell urself that if bothing bad happens in the next 5 min then you know you will be ok. Because u have felt like this before and nothing happened then so nothing will happen now  

I know it is easier said then done. Its been a week for me to recover but im not fully recovered. It comes in stages and certain times of the day.  We are overreacting. Well i know i do cos im a hypocondriac and always think the worst. Make sure you keep positive thoughts on your head. Dont say nothing is wrong with me. Because nothing is a negative eord. Rather say. I am healthy. I am fine. Theres a thing called law of a attraction.. when you so negative words like dont, not, nothing, never etc. You attract those words even if they are used in posotive statements. Therefore tell urself u are fine. Everythung IS ok. You are alive. Soon your thoughts will head in this direction and without knowing u would have already taken one step forward in overcoming your fear or stress.

I hope this helps you guys.  I cnt garentee that it will. But im praying for all of us because its a ****** thing to go through but you will overcome it because u are stronger than your brain. You control the thoughts that go in. You have anxiety but anxiety does not have you!

Xx all my love
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I have same issues but these thoughts are registered with me .my breathing patterns r not normal . I feel lost alday . Do I feel d same ?
470885 tn?1326329037
I have this problem, too...I'm currently on meds (Celexa) and working through my issues in therapy.  In my case, my mom's death has been the trigger.  She died of renal cancer 6 years ago, didn't fit the "usual" profile for someone who would get this, always took great care of herself, etc. - so, naturally, I think.....if it could happen to her, then it could happen to me, too.

So....the meds are helping as is the therapy....and I can tell you what you SHOULDN'T do....don't go poking around online, in search of symptoms, etc. - trust me, that almost always makes it worse.  Because, as much as you try to reassure yourself that your symptoms are normal, there will always be something out there that contradicts this and plants a seed of doubt in your mind.   But if you're legitimately concerned, it's always best to see a doctor.  And a good doc will not dismiss you as just another hypochondriac or some nutbar.

Good luck - I know it's not easy!!!!
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346570 tn?1267500027
First of all you are NOT alone hun.

I myself have what we call "health anxiety". I'm always thinking any little thing thats wrong with me means I'm dying. I have been to the doc so many time for this they know my car when it pulls up outside. Right now for example, my allergies are bothering me, and I'm having this weird breathing thing going on. So my anxiety is through the roof and of course the "what if I'm dying" comes to mind.

I'm still trying to figure this beast out myself, so I might not be much help to you, but please, know you aren't alone, and you aren't dying.

A couple suggestions, although very basic are these. Try to focus on something else. Do you have kids? Do something with them. I know its tough but go outside, get some fresh air. I also drink chamomile tea in the evenings if I'm having anxiety and it helps calm me down to sleep.

Good luck,

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Right now I am lying in my bed convinced I have pancreatic cancer and I'm dying. My back hurts and my heartburn is going wild because I had to have that piece of chocolate.
I would like to say that in the last 3 months I have had an abdominal and pelvic CT scan with and without contrast. A endoscopy, a colonoscopy, a chest x ray, much blood work, and a head and neck scan (because I fainted from hyperventilating).and all is "normal" or "clear".
This does not make me think its anything different. I have read the missed diagnosis stories, and the survivor stories. And they all make me feel the same.I'm dying!
I would also like to point out that 6 weeks ago I had a blood clot in my leg (charley horse),  8 months ago pancreatic cancer (heartburn), 1 year ago a brain tumor ( sinus infection) lung and throat cancer. (Visited 2 ENTs (bronchitis with snot)) and about 3 yrs ago I went to a very nice neurologist due to my ALS.

What we have is a miserable thing called anxiety. It makes me smoke more (lung and pancreatic cancer).
It makes me cry and write letters for when I'm dead to give to my husband and children. It makes me hide my phone when my husband wakes up because the shame I feel just reading about the symptoms. He used to think I was having an affair,but after 20 years he just says well what do you got now?. Although I might not feel the shame of at least another human being speaking to me, rather then the thoughts running through my head at 100 mph. This ailment I have makes me make 15 dr. appointments a year with any specialists that will look at me, and I am not ashamed of a second opinion. But this ailment somehow is the same on that makes me cancel my appointment with my therapist. It is odd to me I am willing to get any diagnosis but avoid the one I know I need.
Long story short- I know how you feel and many of us do. And if you write it down, sometimes is cathartic and sometimes it makes you realize your batshit crazy. But just like every cancer forum has groups and survivors, this is us. Its great to know you are not alone and... if you do not die from whatever it is you do not have today, we will still be here for you tomorrow.

Please feel free to contact me a@ my email if ever you just need to talk.  Mrs.meandme at gmail *******.
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Hey guys I just wanna start by saying you guys are all brave and I love you. Its been a round year and a half to say the least I quit alcohol and smoking February 2nd 2016 and its been the roller coaster of my life ever since I always feel like Im dying my vision is sometimes bad out of no where I feel like something has to always be wrong with me and its because I had a traumatic experience the day I changed my life around IVe been stuck thinking I would never get rid of anxiety thinking the worse for myself and its when I had help from the 3 most important people around me my parents and god they have guided me and gave me strength to try and beat my demons to defeat everything Im feeling and ofcourse everyday is a challenge but I will get through it and so will all of you I promise! Thank you guys for reading this
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I'm 34 now.since the age of 18 it all started .i have a pain somewhere everyday of my life.i think I have cancer somewhere there's a pain in my body Im always in pain.this has destroyed my life but I haven't been able to shift it .everyday I think I'm going to die.so I been living this way now for 16 years it's so miserable. I do have a few health problems I'm sick of going bk and for to the doctors I have tried so hard to fight this for years but now Its bk even harder I have 3 small children age 3 4 and 5.my parents both died of cancer myum was 47 and my dad 52 so maybe this is why I am worse .so none of u are alone it's a mental illness and it's awful to live like this everyday.I just don't know what to fo next.I feel no none understands as I don't know any one else that suffers I envy apt of people living normal life's I wake up full of pain and anxiety and also lack of sleep in the nights as I feel I can't breathe .if I ain't got stomach cancer I think I got bowel cancer my bones ache all the time I have a I'd reflex can't eat properly either this illness has wrecked my youth
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Hi, thank god I found this page! I've become very reliant on my other half for comfort at night.. knowing somebody is lay beside me takes the fear of being alone away. It's obviously taken a toll on him, and although he's supportive and loving I don't think he fully understands it and not a lot of other people in my life understand the extent of this intense fear I feel almost on a daily basis, so to find all of you sensitive and beautiful souls on here has really made me feel like I am not and never will be alone. Reading these have helped a lot this evening. I'm alone and every pain I feel, every moment of feeling like my heart has just stopped and wanting to cry my eyes out has kind of helped. I wish nobody had to deal with this ****, but I think reminding ourselves we're not alone is helpful, plus... for all the times in the past we'be thought we were going to die... did we? No! I think we all have the feeling of dying completely wrong. I don't think we'll have time to react to the ''feeling'' of it. It's easier for me to say this now because you have all helped me chill out tonight, and I know we all know it's true! But some days are tougher to remember then others. Nobody is alone here, sending you peace and love everyone! Xoxo
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Hello everyone.  I myself do not have this problem, but my wife does.  For years now every pain she gets she thinks its a heart attack, blood clot, cancer etc.  We've been together for 26 years and this has happened for the past 15-20 of them at least.  Been to the ER multiple times, all normal.  She does have bouts of rapid heart rate and has been prescribed metropolol tartrate. I feel terrible because now when she says she feels like she's dying I kind of get annoyed because I feel that she's fine and just has anxiety but I can't tell her that.  Seems nothing I do or say to try and comfort her works anymore.  What can I do to try and make her feel better when this is happening?
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Im so glad im not alone god bless u all
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God i felt like i was alone i feel the same way and im on meds
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I always think i am too. I constantly think of a new disease when something hurts. I am so paranoid when i am in public or home i constantly have to tell myself i am ok. I feel like i am a stranger in my own body. I feel like i will faint at any given time. What is sad is we know it sounds crazy; yet continue to stress. I just had sinus surgery
and blame most of my problems on it ( cause i am not healed yet) i fear also that i don't want to live like this the rest of my life and it gives me anxiety thinking i can't change. My mom had a brain anuryism so i of course believe i am having one at all times. I want to have another child but have been infertile ( i believe because all my anxieties) just not fair -feel so alone. I don't want to tell too many people because i don't want people to think i sm crazy. My bf getting so fed up with my problems, he claims i am a hypochondriac. I started acupuncture but it really hasn't helped too much and i now think i will die from acupuncture....so sad!
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I understand I feel the same way :(
Every since i was a kid i always had a fear of just dropping dead I don't know how to shake it so no you're not alone
I am so sorry you're going through this. I have the same thing and Im a medical student. Talking to a counselor or therapist helps and finding ways to relieve the anxiety helps a lot too. I have found that meditation and listen to frequencies called solfeggio tones help. Listen to 528hz. You can easily access it on YouTube or find the station 528 miracle radio and if you want to you can buy them on iTunes the artist is source vibrations. They have many wonder different frequencies to listen to that help to calm and relaxe you. Good luck and remember fear is just an illusion it's not real.
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You are not alone and i wish i had the magic answer,,I listen to meditations..youtube has alot of them.
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Ill constantly be with my bf and ill say things like im dying this hurts this doesnt feel right and growing up my family said i was a hypochondriac so i never felt like anyone would listen to my health concerns they just told me i was fine.. My bf cant stand it he gets so annoyed. Wouldnt it be cool if someone would actually listen to my issues and not get annoyed..
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Hey i need someone to talk to about this to no one listens im scared
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Hey there! I am suffering the same as you. Always have chest pain and short breathing. My heart and thyroid tests say normal results but I can't help it, I'm always anxious, I'm afraid of dying. Prayer is the only effective way to relieve anxiety (if it is just anxiety). Well it's premature to be afraid now if you haven't undergo tests. Btw I am 23 and was hospitalized due to heart palpitations a while ago, thus my anxiety.
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Hey I was wondering how are you doing now in life. Are you better? The reason I'm asking I'm a 20 year old male. And three months ago I had a panic attacks. I was on zoloft before this happened, but I tried coming off so I could join the national guard. And now it's Christmas day and I ha e been thinking nothing but except death for the past three months. It affects the way I sleep. So im trying to see how you are doing, and if your doing better what steps did you take?
Did you taper off or quit abruptly?  This could be withdrawal from the Zoloft you're experiencing.  You should make this a new post, as the post you're on now is old.
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I feel your pain. I have been dying for a few months now and it almost never goes away. I feel pains throughout my body and I always think the worst. First, I thought my kidney was failing (I only have one), so I got it checked out. It was nothing. Next, It was a heart condition. Still nothing. And now, I'm on to bladder infection. I get so freaked out so easily. I've had panic attacks by thinking too much into it.

My advice? Turn on some "Zen" music, drink some tea (I prefer Green Tea), lay down, maybe use a heating pad. I do this every night and it helps to relax me before I go to sleep. Writing helps, walking, watching tv, hanging out with friends. friends are always the best answer!

Good luck! I'm glad to know I'm not alone!!
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I  have felt like I'm dying for a year now I just turned 41 it's scary I have 2 young children they are addressed very bad it doesn't help I have no insurance for meds I  feel like a stranger in my body I don't know what to do every couple of days I feel like there is something new wrong with me and I always think I'm dying it was trouble swallowing then that stopped then hemorrhoids I  never had its almost gone had it about 2 weeks one breast is bigger than the other not huge but noticeable I had a mammogram in April because I  use my left arm a lot that I thought there was something in there I could pull out thankful it came back ok still have that problem but everyone says it's muscles tightened
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I had a miscarriage on November 2016 and on December I started feeling chest pain where I tought I was having a heart attack, then I tought that I had a lung cancer, then I had breathing problems I tought I had a nostril cancer because I was bleeding from my nose now I am thinking that I am going to have a stroke like my grandad had when he was 70 years old. I am only 18 and I am trying to study to be an accountant so please help me if you can I am going crazy
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I never had anxiety like his yes I been a worrier just the normal stuff but now it's so bad I'm scared I'm dying like others said I've been dying for 6 months now lol. I was feeling great until 6 months ago 3 months after I got the nexplanon in . First 3 months were spotting for two weeks straight not bad at al concidering I used to have very heavy periods with severe cramps I'm talking pain so bad I would pass out if I didn't take Advil in time. Then they stopped it was awesome not having to deal with periods or pain. I was feeling really good up until August then the hell started I was rushed to the er my heart rate over 165 and bp very high I was so scared I thought I was gonna die. They did ct of my lungs cause they thought maybe I had a clot, did a bunch of blood tests did ekg checked my thyroid checked for any sign I had a heart attack all came back fine so they ruled it as tachycardia and gave me metaprolo. next week I was back to er for same thing they then think it's also acid reflux I've never had a problem with it before so I didn't understand it. Then a week later I'm back at the er same thing. I had to stop taking the metaprolo because it was causing me to have severe panic attacks. So They send me home with verapamil I take that about a week and notice my insomnia is so bad I'm up for or 24hrs the sleep about 4 hrs the next night then I'm up over 48hrs the next night I had to stop taking that cause I broke out with a rash all over my body. So they tell me to just try the melatonin to help me regulate my sleep and now my sleep is not bad I wake often but than god I can at least sleep a few hours a night. I've had so many tests done echo and stress echo been to two cardiologist. Had Lyme test lupus test parasite test glucose and liver enzyme tests all came back normal but the liver they saw it elevated so they did a hep test was negative so now they are gonna do an ulrtasound see why it's elevated. I've been on lorazepam now since sept. I use it to help me sleep which I'm slowly trying to get off that I'm on half mg I was on 1mg so not a high dose. But the symptoms I've been having since August seem to be worse I'm dizzy all the time I feel weak and pain in my muscles fuzzy vision head is so foggy and my thinking is so bad hard to concentrate on anything I feel I forget a lot. I feel this burning pain in my arms legs and chest. I feel so shaky inside sometimes. The lights bother me
So bad In the stores I don't even wanna go in them I feel like I'll pass out. I know people are gonna say it's all anxiety and I agree I'm getting anxiety but I think it's caused
From something else because I've never had this feelings until 6 months ago. And now my doctor wants to put me on an antidepressant I'm not wanting to go on that. I'm
I was wondering if anyone has experienced anything I'm going through while they are on the implant and if so were you able to go back to normal after getting it out and how long did it take. I have an appointment for it to come out in 2 two
Weeks it stinks cause taking it out is my last option besides the antidpressint and that's a road I don't wanna go down. It's working awesome for the cramps and pain as I don't get a period but idk how much longer I can take feeling like this.
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The day I delivered my baby My pressure was high. Then I thought I was going to die and cried every day. 2 months after I had my baby my heart rate went to 165 and they did the exact same tests as they did to you. They had also given me metoprolol tartrate and the only thing it has done for me is not feel your heart pounding but it still goes up to the 100's. It's been 31/2 years and I still have high blood pressure and tachycardia. I also was told I have anxiety and was prescribed so many medications but I don't take them. I see a therapist instead. I been thinking I'm going to die for 31/2 years now. I haven't felt the same since then. Anxiety is powerful and will not let you enjoy life. Hope this helps some and puts your mind a little at rest knowing your not the only one. Hope all goes well in health.
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M sailing in the same boat . I always thought tht m gonna die next moment . This is happening from last 2months . I want my normal life back plz help me . I always keep on checking my heart beat n have full concentration on my breath . Hopeless totally . Cant do my simple daily activities easily . Plz help me out .doc prescribed me medicine. N says dis is due to anxiety . Plz help me whts wrong with me m helpless. Irritated all time
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I also thing that i will die now plz pray for me i m facing it from 2 years n i m student i need to concentrate on studies but it doesnt allow me
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Also if n e one need some one to talk to about panic atack email me ***@****
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Im 23 and feel the same way u guys do i just woke up one day felt funny i found out from dr. To dr. When i was 16 i had very bad panic atacks i steal have them to day also take meds but dont take them all the time so i hate thinging bad or think im dieing or when i see some thing on tv that is bad i ask my self i think i have that then i look it up then i start feeling funny then i call my mom and ask her if i have what i looked up so. Im doing a lot better but dont take my meds all the time so they are coming back
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I have severe anxiety. Since I was little I had it. Its ok. I am very, very, very afraid of all kinds of things from stroke to cancer and it ruins my day. It's just a figment of your imagination. Dont worry about any of this. Its normal, I am 14 and I have always delt with this. Worrying doesnt solve anything. Just hope.
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I more so always think im sick i do right now I need help to!!!! I dont know what to do  ur not the only one im only 13 and I have that issue. Anyone have any suggestions
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