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21f Headache/pain for 2 weeks..anxiety or brain tumor?!?!

I wrote a couple days ago about some symptoms I had been experiencing which inxluded lose of appetite, rushes before sleeping and headaches which have been happening now for over 2 weeks. (Posted 6/7/07) I'm a 21 yr old female who just graduated from college..the rushes at night seem to be going away but my head seems to be getting worse.

It's a pretty constant pain usually on my right side. I also get pain towards the back of my head. This is really unsual for me because I rarely ever get headaches although both my father and my brother suffer from migraines quite frequently. This pain is completely freaking me out! I'm scared I have a brain tumor..I don't experience any dizziness or blurred vision or anything but I do have a loss of appetite.

I've been to the doctor for a checkup and she looked at my heart (EKG) everything seemed good. Im now waiting on blood work. My head feels the best when i first wake up and then seems to get worse throughout the day. It's not an extreme pain just more of a dull pain/pressure. Could this be a tumor? Could I be grinding my teeth in my sleep? but wouldn't that cause my head to hurt when I wake up?! I have no idea...any thoughts would really help. I'm scared!
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Hi I'm having the same issues, I have head pressure at the top/back of my head, 14 days I've had these 27/7. I've seen the doctors 3 times, first one gave me a nasal spray, useless that was, wend back again and he gave me beta blockers for some reason, possibly to stop me panicking . They made my chest tight so I stopped taking them. The 3 read doctor was an emergency appointment at the hospital, neuralgia he diagnosed me with and gave me some little blue tablets called amitriptyline, 1 a day before bed. They don't work, I've only been on them for 4 days but I keep telling my self see if they work before I go back but I can't bare it. I've booked an appointment with a different doctor Monday to see what he thinks. I keep having panic attacks and can't eat properly. It could be anxiety I suppose but know one knows what I'm going through with it. My partner keeps saying stop googling but I can't help it. Sends me in a panic when I do. I'm climbing the walls and going out my mind. What would people suggest I do next. Many thanks. Andy
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But it's only when I stand or situp as long as I lay down it goes away.
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I have been a patient of Anxiety Disorder from a long time now... almost experience to the worst condition... but One thing I have learned that you can control it... if one is willing to, all you need to do is make a daily chart.... Control your diet, and do exercise every day for at least an hour, because it has been proven that one hour of walk daily produces such chemicals in the body which actually dissolve the anxiety chemicals and it helps because i have tried it.... But I would like to add one thing that its good to take precautions.... But remember the day it is written that you will sleep in your grave... It will happen no matter how hard you try... SO LIVE THIS LIFE with out fear of death... n be bold enough to do anything... the day you will over come this fear inside you... believe me you will get your normal life back!!!
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What were ur results?
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What were ur results?
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Claire Weekes mentions in her Anxiety books that the first sign of anxiety is usually the iron-band headache. I had the same thing with this dull headache that went on and on for months. It finally does go away. I also had the sharp pains in my head every now and then which are nerves firing off as I read. Now that my anxiety is better I do not have the headache anymore, however, she said that if it should show up anytime in your life again, it usually starts with this bad headache. I also read where drinking LOTS of water throughout the day can really help with anxiety.
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I have been experiencing many of the same symptoms as everyone else for about 4 years now. I had to have an emergency surgery (on something completely different) when I was a freshman in high school and because of that I think i developed severe hypochondria. For about 6 months after my surgery my mom had to rush me to the emergency room for random aches and pains because I thought that I was dieing if she didnt and had horrible anxiety about getting a disease or dieing at such a young age. When I was a sophomore I convinced myself that I had a brain tumor because i had a headache on one side of my head. I still tend to get this headache but I'm not sure if its a real problem, or if I get it from thinking and worrying about it. I also grind my teeth at night. Its on the right side of my head towards the back, like behind my ear. Its not like sharp pain but more like an ache, and gets worse when i have time to focus on it. When i am busy i tend to not notice it. It sometimes almost feels like when you jerk your neck too fast and you get that tingly pain through your neck and back of your head. I really have no other symptoms at all. I just found out that a friend of a friend who is my age was diagnosed with a brain tumor after just having a bad headache for 3 days. It really freaked me out and now my headaches are worse than ever and I spend all day looking up stuff online that scares me. I am scared to get an MRI or CT scan because I dont want to get bad results. Anyways I am freaking out and so scared that I have a brain tumor. I truely think that it is from my bad anxiety (by the way--i was put on anxiety meds soon after my surgery when my doctor realized how many ER visits I had been making but i went off of it years ago). I would hate to overlook something more serious since I now see that a normal 20 year old like me can get a brain tumor. Anyones comments or advice would be greatly appreciated especially if you have been through this same worry and fear. Thanks so much!
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443753 tn?1205181808
After to reading your post, i can say i relate to everything you have written so i truly sympathise.
I have had the same symptoms for 20months now though. The longest i have gone symptom free were the first two weeks of this year which only gave me false hope!
I have often taken myself off to A and E and often get worrying chest pains/flutters.
I am currently going through another bad patch. My anxiety levels are high and i have a headache of some description from when i wake up plus new odd stabbing pains that last about 3 seconds. I am always thinking negative thoughts and checking my symptoms online.
I am convinced i have a brain tumour and/or heart problem when i am feeling low.On a good day, i can manage to talk myself out of it. My panic attacks are less frequent as i work very hard to keep them under control (i find cupping my nose and mouth and breathing like this for a while helps a lot and also keeping busy, like tidying my kitchen and singing/talking, when i feel a bad attack coming on). I have actually been to hospital (self admitted) more times than i've visited my GP but i too have always been told stress/anxiety and i'm beginning to suspect depression but not sure as people often comment how cheerful i am! (it's all a bit confusing). I can't accept that stress/anxiety is the cause of all my problems. If it is, i think people shouldn't use the term 'stressed' so lightly!! To be honest, i think i need to visit my doctor more yet i struggle for time and transport.
I hope you get some answers after seeing the Neurologist.
Keep well,
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I am sure that you read all of the above comments of people with similar experiences with headaches.  It is very hard to accept but since you have had all the necessary tests I will say it sounds like tension headaches.  If you read my post from last June (above), I had similar headaches for 6 months straight...NEVER letting up.  Feeling always in a fog and a very heavy head.  Headache meds did not work at all.  I was put on paxil and klonopin from a psychiatrist and I was on depakote (given by the neurologist for about a year).  It all had to do with depression and anxiety...I never would have thought!
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I have been suffering very bad headacres for over 3 months now it all started bedfore xmas i got like a tiggling feeling in head and from then it has all got worse everyday i wake up with this headacre and through the day it gets worse the pain is all over my head mostly at the back and sides though sometimes it feels very tight other times i have pains shoting through my head but there is always some kind of pain in my head all day until i go to bed also sometimes my neck really acres i have suffered from panick attacks which are also very scary i have been to the doctors loads and even took my self up the hospital serveral times thinking it is something serious i am always thinking negative thought like brain tumour etc..... i have taken loads of different medication and nothing seems to work however i have had a CT SCAN and ecg and blood test and exrays on my chest because i also get chest pains and all test have come back clear the doctors and hospital keep telling me its all to do with STRESS and ANXIETY but i cant seem to accept that i am seeing a neuroligist in about 2 weeks so hopefully he can help because these headacres are really getting me down and also it is really affecting my 4 kids seeing me like this all the time so any ideas anyone that would be great.
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I have had headaches for years but they seem to be getting worst and for the past 3 weeks, i get them every day and no matter what i take or what the doctor gives me, the headaches dont go away,mine are also on the right side. I get them once i wake up and they stay with me all day.I tried everything and nothing works.
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215289 tn?1253623341
was a six week waiting list to see my neurologist(headache specialist ward!) its been a month now so hope i hear back soon for an appoitment!  sometimes i can wake up with blood in my nose, dunno if that can be blocked sinuses that causes that ?  anyone any ideas?
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I've had a none stop headache now for six months, It first started at new year when I went on a three day binge drinking session so I went the doctors and they said it was caused by alcohol, I packed in drinking for a while but there was no change in the headach, so I kept goin back the doctors and they said i had a form of depression and stress brought it on then i was given pills to help me sleep and really strong pain killers which didn't help the pain at all. I ended up goin to see a different doctor and he refered me to the neorology centre at the hospital, so luckily I have an appointment for a CAT scan this friday, Its took me months of agony to get a hospital appointment, Fingers crossed everything is fine. If anyone is really concerned with their headaches do sumthing about it sooner rather than later for your own piece of mind.
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I feel so much better!! Even though I'm sure none of you are doctors it helps to hear from people who have experienced the same symptoms and have gone through the same fears! It's crazy what your brain can make you think and the symptoms you can create! I think a lot of it is that I keep thinking negatively. I'm always concerned with it and never want to go out with my friends or do anything because I'm scared. I HATE it!!

As for the question on my appetite, it comes and goes. When I think about everything dealing with my health I don't want anything to eat but it's usually the best when I first wake up along with my head.

Thanks again for everything!! :)
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215289 tn?1253623341
i know its easy to say you're stressed meg but the fact is brain tumours are rare, and you're symptoms can be attributed to stress/anxiety with confidence! (funny how i can tell someone else this but cant convince myself) i've had dull ahces/tightness in my head for 4 month or so now on and off (mostly on) and was diagnosed with depression but ultimately im sure it is all stress related.  

Just hope sharing this with you might make you feel a little better, and as for the loss of appetite is it just in the mornings? i get that and usually start to eat more as the day goes on, head is fine also in the mornings and gradually goes down hill from there til i get to sleep!

anyway take care and hope your day/night is better tomorrow
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Opps - of course you could have tension headaches too.  I would bet money on the fact you dont have a brain tumor though (I have yet to lose a bet)
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if you had a brain tumor, you would have symptoms such as : seizures,loss of speech/motor control, noticable paralysis on one side etc.  It really sounds like you may be developing migraines.  A lot of times migraines start later in life and if you have a parent who gets migraines, your chance of having them is REALLY high (WELL above 50%) as one is genetically disposed to this condition.
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Well I'm glad all of you who experienced similar symptoms are okay!! I hope I am just as lucky. What is even worse is that my mom thinks I'm nuts and whenever I express worry she just ignores me and tells me to stop and "grow up". I think she def adds to my stress. I can't wait to get out of my house!!!!
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Meg, hope all goes well. As I said, it might be a good idea to just avoid the boards. They are good for support but may amp up your stress. Another thing I did was start from scratch and write down all of things I felt during the day so I could at least relay it to a doctor. I mean I just ate lunch and feel dehydrated and I looked up diabetes and I fit the categories. I don't think I am...just showing how your mind will find the fit. Hope you feel better.
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several years ago I had a pain on the right side of my head, and I felt as you that it must be a brain tumor or something because it just would not go away and the pain would get so bad sometimes.  It was not a headache, just hurting.  This went on for at least 2-3 months!!  Well, I tried one chiorpractor & he did no good, then I tried a different one & he gave me exercises to try & my daughter n law is a physical therapist & she was familiar with such pains too.  She worked on my neck & head (the pain was at the base of the head (next to the neck), and gave me exercises to do.   Within a day or two, the pain had gone away!!  Oh, did I mention, I did get an MRI & it showed nothing.  So, it's always good to get that if the exercises don't work.  But the stretches she showed me were amazing and worked wonderful.  They have great stretches for each part of the body that is misaligned!!
Good luck!
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Thanks so much for all of your comments!! really..you don't know how much better I feel reading all of them! Deep down I too think it is stress since I just graduated from college(I had experienced panic attacks after graduating from high school but it was with my heart, fluttering, palpitations etc) but since I am a hypochondriac and like you said, google can make you think you're dying, I freak out!!! So then I stress out on top of being stressed..it's horrible!

I'm still going to go get my eyes checked out and see a neurologist just to put myself at ease though. Thanks again for all of the comments, I really appreciate it!
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154765 tn?1237247944
I know anxiety is horriable but we are all here to support each other. Look it me I have to get rid of my puppie cause Im moving and I can't handle it...
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I know. It is good that people can be more vigilant about their health but some diseases have sad stories attached to them and there are alot on the net. If you look up symptoms for anything you can fit your symptoms in there. I mean the othe rnight I was talking to my wife and I was so worked up over a "brain tumor" that I slipped on a word and this tingle came all over me like.."there is my example of not being able to speak," Anxiety is horrible.
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154765 tn?1237247944
You are right about google if I have a pain some where ILL go to google read it and say oh my god I haVE THIS. i THINK IT MAKES EVERYONE ANXIETY WORST!!!
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