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I took 1 lexapro and it has ruined my life..

I was suffering from alot of stress and then I started to get depressed so, I went to the doctor 9 years ago and he prescribed lexapro and vioxx due to a knot that had come up on my neck ' thinking back on that I believe it was caused from all the tension headaches I was having" anyway that night as usual I put my daughter to bed took the meds. then I went to bed. I woke up about 2 hours later, I jumped strait out of my bed with my mind feeling as if it was a million miles away and racing thoughts and very I was confused, but yet I could feel a cold sensation like ice being run through my viens, I ran into the living room screaming and crying to where my husband was. I remember not being able to stand still I had to be moving constanly in a fast pace my heart was racing I put my hands on my chest it felt like my heart was actually coming out of my chest I felt like I was holding it in with pressure from my hands. Then next I started burning intead of being cold I looked for holes in my body because  It hurt so bad. My husband called my mom and she came and seen me and said it was probably an allergic reaction. I was begging to go to the hospital, but instead she called the doctor at the office she worked at. He told her to give me benadryl. My husband left to go get some during that time I started shaking uncontrolable I was going from being ice cold to burning feelings going through my body like waves.I started getting bad cramps so I ran to the bathroom and had direahha and throwing up at the same time.I just knew I was dying I remember my husband giving me benadryl thinking it would stop everything, but it did hardly nothing! It use to knock me out, but nothing would stop this crazy feelings and the pain I was having. My mom called the doctor back and he said it should wear off by morning...Well it didn't I was took to the hopital 24 hours later still with all these symptoms and was told it was serotion syndrom and sent  home..I lost all kinds of weight I went for almost 2 weeks without eating and barely drinking and walking constantly day and night I was wired up. I was scared to be left alone I didn't shower for 3 days I was told. I didn't realize that at the time that's how messed up I was.I finally went back to the er they ask if I was on crack and I have never had any kind of drugs in my life! They said it was aniexty and sent me home and told me to act normal it was the only way I would get over it. I started to clear up enough to find a new doctor he gave me xanax it is the only thing that helps with the symptoms. I was taking 6 a day and still needed more just so I could sit down. There is so much more I could go on and on, but I just want to know if anyone knows what could be going on I do get better sometimes,but this has never went completly away and I am going on 9 years of this:( I pray everyday for an answer for the right help to come along I just want to be a normal mother and wife again I hate to suffer ,but mostly it kills me to know what my daughter has seen and been through.
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480448 tn?1426948538
HALI11....you're making some very strong statements.  I understand that you had a negative experience with these meds, and I'm sorry for that, but you simply can't paint with such a broad brush.  Just as not every person has a good experience, not everyone goes through these kinds of things that you have.

As far as doctors go, it's always best to seek help from a psychiatrist when dealing with these kinds of meds.  While many PCPs are knowledgeable, the p-docs tend to be better aware of these meds and have more experience with Rx-ing them...they've seen more.  You have to remember that SO much about treating psychiatric disorders is based upon THEORY.  There still aren't solid answers as to what causes these kinds of disorders.  The same thing goes for the meds.  

With ANY kind of med, doctors have to base their knowledge not only on schooling, but also studies and their first hand experience.  It's not like a doctor chooses a med out of a hat.  The doctor takes a thorough medical history, including other meds a person is on or has tried.  The doctor performs a physical exam and rules out a medical cause.  When a doctor has gathered all of the proper info about a patient, a discussion can begin about med options based ono each INDIVIDUAL case.  Sure, not all docs are as "thorough" as others, but the basic process remains the same.

NO doctor will give any guarantees when it comes to a medication, ANY kind of medication.  Patients also need to be responsible and make informed decisions about starting a new med.  It simply isn't fair to put all of the burden on the doctor.  There are good docs, so-so docs, and bad ones, that's a fact of life.  But, no one should go into something like a new med blindly.  If a doctor doesn't educate the pt on risks and side effects, then it is that patient's job to ASK or research for themselves before making a decision.  If a doctor seems to be haphazardly Rx'ing meds, then the onus is on the patient to seek out a new doctor.  Even at that point, no one will know the outcome...not the doctor, not the patient, pharmacist, no one...until the patient tries the med and has their own experience.

Of course there are other ways to approach anxiety, and we discuss them here all the time.  Often times, different methods are successful for different people.  Some report great success with meds, others have noghtmarish experiences.  Some do great with just therapy...some decide that a natural supplement approach is for them.  All that really matters is that a person finds relief and a way that works for THEM in dealing with the anxiety.

As you can clearly see by the post before yours (tara's), making such strong statements being "anti" any form of treatment only does the readers a disservice as it scares an already anxious person into doubting THEIR choices, which is not fair.  Most certainly share your experiences, even if they are bad, but please be mindful about making statements indicating that a form of treatment is going to end up horribly for anyone who tries it...or by pointing the finger at doctors who for most of them, are only trying to help.  It's much more effective if you share what you have tried that DOES work for you....instead of hammering a method that didn't.  To indicate that a med is going to "ruin someone's life" is not only incorrect (as MANY have had great success with these meds), but also is fear mongering and will only make an anxious person that much more anxious.

ANYONE trying a new med needs to make that decision for themselves, with the doctor, after all the information is on the table and the person has weighed the pros and cons.  The patient needs to ask questions and keep in touch with their doctors.  It's hard, but it is best to try a new med without getting too much of a preconceived notion either way.
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it seems that the medicine do not resolve the problems for the patient however it worsens the situation of the patient. I wonder if the doctors understand how the medicine works before they prescribe for the patient, or if they really know the patient really need the medicine. Isn't there's any other best solution for the anxiety besides prescribing the medicine which will ruin people's life and will not resolve the problem? I wonder how and why. I wonder if the patient will consume the medicine after the doctor have mentioned the side-effects of this medicine.
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Wow, After reading this thread I am now terrified of increasing my lexipro.
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480448 tn?1426948538
HALI11, like lydia said, this is a discussion forum, and you will find MANY differing opinions here.  Lydia offered excellent suggestions and another opinion of possible ways to handle this.  She was not calling the OP a liar or making any accusations about her making anything up.  Your replies were disrespectful and uncalled for.

While some people have long term problems with medications like described here...for one, it is rare, and secondly, it is usually not after taking only one pill.  Either way, even if it IS the Lexapro that caused these issues, it is very difficult to be able to pinpoint a condition being a result of a med, especially a single dose a decade ago.

The most important thing for all of you is to get out there...have thorough medical work-ups and try to figure out what is going on, and more importantly, how it can be treated.  While I'm sure it is frustrating when you believe the med caused your problems...sometimes finding the CAUSE becomes less important than finding the CURE.

Best of luck to all, and please remember to respect all of your fellow posters, even if they have a view differing from your own.  That's what makes a site like this so helpful.  If we all agreed all the time...we'd never learn from one another!
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I don't see where any tests have been done to rule out other causes for what you're enduring.  You need to have a complete neurological work-up along with blood work to make sure there isn't an underlying cause for your symptoms.  I too, find it difficult to understand how one pill can still be affecting you after this much time.  All of us on here are very much aware of how horrifying anxiety can be, but all other causes need to be ruled out as well. Nobody doubts what you're saying, we're all just trying to help you sort this all out.  There are possible other causes for what you're enduring, and these all need to be explored.  I hope you can find some answers and peace.  Best wishes.
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so.. hope u enjoy the medicine then.
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