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Just how deteriorating can stress/anxiety about HIV be on me(long)

I had an unsafe sexual encounter with a girl ~45 days ago. Insertive vaginal no condom, very brief we were drunk and both in college. During that time I was on antibiotics for strep throat, started 5 days before the encounter and ended 15 after ( 10 day amox/10 day augmentin) That weekend I got pretty drunk on fri/sat and some nice beers on sunday, didn't feel hangover sunday but monday it kind of hit me hard. Week went on and I felt pretty good, though I was having what I thought was increased urination and a little tingling and one episode of painful ejaculation. I started looking up why this could be happening (as this was the FIRST unsafe sex encounter in my life) and all signs pointed to an STD or HIV. Started getting freaked out and looked up symptoms of HIV and feel like I brought them upon my self. Though I have not once had a fever, I started getting a rash on my shoulders after showering/drying off, it would go away after 20-30 minutes but this has NEVER happened before this put me over the edge I thought it was over, and my appetite became supressed and I wasn't eating and in turn becoming nauseated. I decided I needed to get a HIV test asap even though I wasn't in the designated window so I went for a finger prick test 20 days after and it came back negative. That was on a thursday, I got drunk that night ate pizza didn't feel great the next day but hoping it was cuz of an extra hangover from poor diet prior, had good meals on friday, stayed in, and went out again saturday. Felt good sunday and monday then tuesday hit me hard, my stomach just felt like it dropped as if I knew something was bad and I became nauseated again. I wasn't having diarrhea during this time but I was having some irregular stools, they were very soft and snakey, felt like I was gonna have diarrhea then it was like my body decided not to last minute.

I figured ok maybe I have an std and thats effing up my whole digestive system, so I went to get STI screening, I told the NP my "symptoms" and she gave me a one time dose of Zithromicin as precaution. I took it I felt great, ate full meals, and had NORMAL bowelmovements for 3-4 days. Then something started up again. I started to feel acidy in my back like reflux but no heart burn, my mouth felt super dry and I looked into it and my tongue was covered in thrush. I did not have a sore throat but it was phlegmy and I was clearing it. My stomach felt off againThen I started having some dull jaw pain and ear pain and headache all on the left side of my face. I went to the doctor to inquire about this and my tongue and was told I had parotitis (a swelling of the salivary gland) and maybe a yeast infection. She did not want to give me antibiotics since I've been on them a bunch already and just gave me some home remedies but did give me Nystatin for my tongue. I felt alright I got some meals in me.
Then I decided to look up what I had and every website linked parotitis to HIV. I was done again felt worse than ever. The nystatin wasn't doing **** and I lost my appetite again and my stomach felt like it was eating it self and I just did not know what to do. Decided to use some of these forums, got an answer from Medhelp.com about how the antibiotics ****** with my system and that was spiraling some things. I liked this answer a lot! I went to the store got some yogurt, probitioc drinks, and light meals, banana+pb on bread. Forced my self to eat and started feeling better, the first day I had something very close to diarrhea (maybe cause I took a multivitamin out of no where to try to get my vitals back), just one swift kind of breaky bowelmovement. Next few days they came out more solid not 100% normal but improvement and my tongue thrush was dissipating.

I was feeling better, I still had a dry throat, not sore, but often clearing it. My tongue isn't what I say what I'm used to but a vast improvement to what I had, still some whitish yellow mainly in the back (but it alone at a point was making me think I had HIV 100%) and this was all after the nystatin didn't work. Then one day I just felt like fluid on my right side of my face and a headache and looked in the mirror and felt I was blowing up like a balloon. I was considering going to the ER possbility because when I saw it I believe I had a panic attack. I looked at google of parotitis and everything linked to HIV albiet cases of 5/100 ppl having it. I needed to do something but I decided I'd wait til morning, called the doctor they had no openings, so I went the next day. Saw a different doctor, spilled my story, he said while my condition is rather abnormal, the possbility of it being caused by HIV killing my immune system would be due to years of having the virus. He scheduled me for a sonogram which will happen next week and gave me 600mg Ibuprofen caplets to take 3x a day.
Ok this was great, that was day 40, I really haven't had any sure telling signs of the HIV seroconversion flu I think I'm going to be ok. Had three meals that day and took the Ibuprofen with each one. Woke up the next morning to a stomach ache and an episode of diarrhea. I just said **** to my self. I had probiotics with each meal the day before and thought I was on the path to getting better. I looked up my store bought capsule of ibuprofen and noticed they were 200mg and I've never taken more than one a day and now I was taking 1800mg a day so maybe just maybe that was the reason for diarrhea. Then wouldn't you know it I got a call and it was from the lab I went to get STI checks at, I was negative for trich,ghon,and clap. I thought ok great things are looking better , I knew that somewhat lowered the chance of tranmission rate. But then I remembered, wait after taking that zithromicin I felt awesome and my bowelmovements were completely normal for a few days. This was yesterday. I spiraled again, I thought welp that medicine must have been used to fight off whatever HIV virus was developing and only helped me for a few days. Started getting a headache going back and forth on if being negative was a good thing or bad thing.
Thankfully I got caught up in computer gaming last night and it kind of eased my mind. I actually was too busy gaming to eat a 3rd meal that I went to bed hungry and felt some stomach growling at night in bed. Woke up this morning to not a stomach ache like yesterday but did have diarrhea again ( again hoping this is from the increased ibuprofen). I keep reading things that say if you were having a seroconversion illness you would know it as it would be the worst flu ever. My saving grace. I've been trying to sleep longer days because I feel so bad about everything but my body won't let me, I have no fatigue. I've had no fever during any of this timeline, I know because of going to the doctor a few times and then buying my own thermometer and checking my self multiple times daily. I've had no rash that has come out of no where but when it does come after my shower it definitely freaks me out considering I've never experienced it in my life before. I've had no swollen lymph nodes, even the doc pointed it out that this was good when he was checking my cheeks. I have lost about 5-7 pounds but I think/hope that is because my appetitite and phsyical activity has been minimal in the last month. My tongue is not 100% there yet but feels a lot better. And I've had no sore throat but maybe some dysphagia and force swallowing from all the stress.
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Stay away from antibiotics as much as possible. When you do have to take them make sureyou are taking the highest dose out there. Theres also natural juices called kumbacha. Those help with digestive issues. Stay away from the alcohol lol...now the next thing im gonna mention is your anxiety level. I know it must be affecting your physical health also. So do things to help ease your stress.
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I haven't drank since the weekend I tested negative via finger prick at 3 weeks. But yea I still feel weak, mainly just this headache that I can't shake and like watery eyes. I plan to try my best to keep stress levels down but does everything I mention sound like my mind is more so my cause of problems. I know I am not in the clear yet of HIV I will be getting tested again this week and can only pray but I can't be such an anomaly right to have all the offshoot symptoms and none of the major ones from a rather low risk exposure already?

But yes I will get some kombucha and thinking about doing yoga this week.

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