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775475 tn?1246540228

Picking eyelashes

Hey everyone.. im 18 years old and have been picking my eyelashes out for years. I've never met ANYBODY who has does this.. I feel really emberssed saying this but if somebody ANYBODY does this too please contact me.. I would like to know or learn how to stop.... I CAN"T STOP!! And it *****.. Makes me just wanna cry.. If you have any tips on how to stop please write me back
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Hello My name is Ana, do you have a diagnosis for your disorder? I have a 12 year old granddaughter she’s been pulling her eyebrows and eyelashes since she was around 7 years old. We’re desperately looking for help. She was put on ADHD medication but she hates the way it makes her feel. I would really appreciate any help I can get
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Oh, that's hard.  Please look up trichotilllomania.   https://www.aao.org/eye-health/diseases/trichotillomania-hair-pulling-disorder-eyelashes  There are two main ways to stop. Through behavioral therapy and through medication (often both). My niece has this disorder.  Did pulling of hair on and off until her first year in college when highly anxious and pulled out most of her hair, doing it mostly at night when she was unaware.  She has worn a hair piece since and is now 30.  It falls under the umbrella of obsessive compulsive disorder and is treatable with the same methods they use to treat that.  Same type of behavioral therapy and medications.  https://www.psycom.net/what-is-trichotillomania/
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I used to have a very similar problem when I was in elementary school, but it wasn't my eyelashes that I pulled out but my hair.  It was so embarassing when I found out I had a big bald spot on the whole crown of my head.  There was no way to hide it & I was so scared people would sit behind me and ask me about it, embarrass the heck out of me by pointing it out or asking me "whyyyyyy would you pull your hair out like that?" & more very humiliating questions, insults & opinions.  I haven't brought this up in over 2 decades, & I felt so awful about it just thinking about it.  See, I would wrap my hair around my fingers, twist it, then run my fingers through it constantly to remove the tangles, or just do that without twisting it.  I had really blonde hair & it was Summer & my head was red, so it was easy to see.  And, I had one of my classmates from my bald elementary years tell me after graduation, college, one child, then 6 months 3 wks later my accident, tell me they remembered me because I acted like my nerves were really bad all the time & I kept pulling my hair out (& I always thought she thought I was funny & a good friend).
So, don't you think for one second that you're the only one who does this because there have been enough people to do it that the experts gave it a long & terrible name!  :)  But, seriously.  You aren't the only one.  Now.  I researched a little & while I'm extra sensitive about what I search & believe when it comes to anything medical, I believe it when many sites have the same information.  And, I wouldn't dare give someone advice from something off the web that I didn't know if it was truly honest info   But, this website is super incredible & I want you to read what you need because it answers your questions, relates to your situation, explains to you why you do it, & SO MUCH MORE!!  PLUS, IT TALKS U THROUGH THE CURE FOR IT!!  Please read this & let me know the results!  I wish I knew u better & could help you personally being I've seriously had a similar situation.  And, before you get puzzled wondering if I ever was cured, I was.  It was the humility that did it.  I couldn't believe I was BALD!  A big, big bald spot that covered my entire top of the back of my head!  I felt bad like I wasn't right.  I was a freak and nobody would like me and they didn't.  The friends I thought I had just laughed and talked about me behind my back, which is better or was better for me then.  I wanted to do much more than hide in a corner & at that young of an age.  I wanted to die.  I felt like without question, I was the most stupid person in the world.  My sisters made me feel just as bad if not worse bringing it up around cousins, family & their teenage friends, who, at the age I was, are who you admire & want to be, wish to be...  I am so grateful God has protected my son from everything physical, emotional, mental, etc.  And, as far as parental support, they would pop my hand, telling me to stop while looking at me like I was crazy & my Mom would say things that should have hurt & stung me cold but they didn't.  I'm praying & rooting for you.  The site is called https://www.anxietycoach.com/trichotillomania.html.  
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hi!! firstly im sorry you have to deal with this, it's really sucky and just an awful thing to deal with! i dont want to take up too much of your time but i recommend you watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Dxza_rOUBk&t=141s
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I know this is an old post but I have to say that I have the similar problem. Every time I'm nervous or watching something I start touching my eyelashes. It's been years how I started doing this, and my eyelashes always looked ****** up. Sometimes I can find a half of my eyelashes under my nail after pulling them or whatever I do. I just can't stop, people I told about this problem never seem to care and tell me to just stop touching my eyelashes though I think it's impossible. This bothers me for a very long time, I stopped putting my mascara on because they look even worse and more visible. It would be nice if I stop doing this, because then there would be a better expression of my blue eyes and I would feel more comfortable in my own skin.. I really hate it.
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Hello.  Just wanted to say welcome.  You might get more answers to your own situation if you start your own thread.  You are not alone.  My niece has practically pulled out all of her hair (she's not pulled eye lashes but pulling eye lashes is a manifestation of the same anxiety disorder she has).  Trichotillomania is the name of it.  She joined a support group, sees a therapist and does take medication which helps.  Have you eve considered therapy for this?
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Hello! I have been picking out my eyelashes since I was in third grade...I am now 20. I started doing it because a bunch of these kids in my class were doing it during reading time, but I am sure they did it just that once. I am a very anxious person, so I have to keep myself busy! I stopped plucking my eyelashes for a VERY long time (years), but it has come back. I usually do it unconsciously while reading a book or doing homework. By the time I notice I have a HUGE gap in the middle of my eyes. It makes me so self conscious when I talk to people, especially since I work in customer service and go to college. What helps me stop is looking in the mirror and noticing how awful I look. Also, I know this sounds AWFUL, but if you REALLY have the urge to pluck your eye lashes or eyebrows try going to the bathroom and plucking your pubic hair...(I know that sounds so freaky and gross and weird!) but it helped me a lot. If you have not hit puberty then try plucking your leg hair instead! I honestly do not believe in medication that helps with habits, it may calm you down if you pluck out of nervousness or stress, but if it is just a habit you do when you are bored (like me) then I think just plucking some other body hair (that is not bad to pluck) or looking at yourself in the mirror to show yourself what you are doing then you will stop. My eyelashes usually take a month or 6 weeks to grow back to normal, but in the mean time I get very self conscious and use liquid eye liner heavily. I also keep my personal bubble to 3 feet to avoid people looking straight at me. I am a Christian so I also pray that God help me not be so anxious and to focus on him. Good luck ladies! Do not feel bad about yourself, because once you give into your insecurities they will only get worse!
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3166043 tn?1514260018
Whenever I get anxious or have a panic attack i do crazy things. Pick at my skin, scratch myself, pick my ears, eyelashes, my hair. It seems to calm me down and I hate it. I hope you find a therapist that can help you. I'm scheduled to see mine for the first time in over 5 years.
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I have been off and on picking out my eyelashes since I was 15 and I am now 27. It feels awful when I do it because I know I will have gaps and be mad at myself--and I love eye makeup and mascara so it really kills me when I don't have enough eyelashes .. It is triggered by stress and anxiety, but also, habit for me. The only thing that has helped with the urge is to pop a small dose of Xanax. I wish this urge would go away but I don't know if it will since its been 12 years. I will play with mine and push and pull them back and forth-they become sore and then I have to pull them out. Ugh it's so terrible. Latisse helps with growth in the interim. Anyone found relief from their trich? Thanks! :-/
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im 43 and still trying to stop
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i haved picked my eyelashes for years only do it when im nervous
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Hi, I am a 44 yr old woman who started picking my eyelashes out after I had complications from a major surgery that left me in a coma for a week. I never had this problem before, and it only happened a few times. Since then I have been using Latisse eyelash growth medicine, only to find out my eyelashes started to grow back...but some hairs are really dark, coarse and grow either sideways or straight down towards my lower eyelashes. Now I use tweezers to pull those eyelashes out of neccesity...because they hurt my eyeball itself by scratching it. It seems to be a vicious cycle because I no longer pick out my eyelashes out of nerves and anxiety...but because of dicomfort...which enevitably leads to pulling several eyelashes before I get the actual ones that are causing the discomfort. which usually leaves me with almost no eyelashes on top or bottom I am embarrassed to go out of my house without alot of eyeliner on to sort of distract from my eyelashes (which by the way really does'nt work that well at all)! So the anxiety & panic attacks start all over again..I feel like a prisioner in my own home! I have a 15 yr. old & a husband who are very active...and I used to be very active and now I feel like I am missing out on their lives, not to mention my own. Any suggestions? I don't want to become agoraphobic...but I can't complete a 4, 8, 12, or 16 week cycle of Latisse before the hairs grow back all messed up...then the picking begins again, only to pull too many good ones to get one bad or out of place one out. I want to be back in society as an active participant...help please! Thanks for ANY advice!
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Hi, I too pulled my eyelashes, eyebrows and some hair on my head for many years.  I still pull my eyelashes on occasion.  They always have grown back thank goodness. But have had to get creative with the eyeliner at times.  My eyebrows are now kind of sparse even though I stopped pulling them years ago.  So I have to fill in with eyebrow pencil.  One thing I did that helped me stop was to limit myself to 3 at a time.  So I couldn't go crazy pulling away all night long.  Only 3.  I really think this limit gave me some release and then I could stop it.   Eventually I stopped pulling from my head and eyebrows.  And rarely do I pull from my eyelashes anymore.  If anyone is going through this, please discuss with your doctor.  It hopefully will save you lots of  social embarrassment and regret. Good luck!
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I was curious if the herbal supplement has helped you and what is the name of it.
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I have been picking my eyelashes since I was in second grade. I remember when this became a problem. I was in class and looked down at the floor and saw a pile of my eyelashes laying there. When I went home, my Mom noticed my eyelashes were almost completely gone on one of my eyes. This progressed into eyebrow picking as well. It's so frustrating because I too have not found an effective way to stop doing this. Sometimes, I don't even realize I'm doing it, until I have a new bald spot. I find I do this more when I'm watching movies, studying/reading, or just plain bored. I just saw a chiropractor the other day for something else and happened to mention my plucking issue. He said he treated another patient with this problem with an herbal supplement. I'm going to give this a try. It was embarrassing for me to talk about at first, but now I'm finding it's more common than I originally thought.
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I've been picking my eyelashes out since I was 15 yrs old and I am now 31. I've never been to a Dr. to be treated because I honestly thought I was the only one that did this embarrasing habit. I've never heard of anyone doing this to themselves until I just read your comment. I do it when I'm stressed out and I believe I do to keep me focused on picking rather than dealing with the main issue which happens to be life issues. The longest I've ever went without picking is 2 months. I usually pick til my eyelid bleeds then stop for a while and so on. I hide it with black liquid eyeliner and no one can tell unless there absolutely focused on my eyes or really close to me. I'm sorry I wasn't of any help but you helped me by being able to talk about it.
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1260228 tn?1310125678
i have been picking my eyelashes and eyebrows for ever. i just recently saw the doctor. he said it is obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) he gave me a medication that will help with pulling my eyelashes and eyebrows. i know how you feel its embarrassing. especally when you are still in school. good luck
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Hello. Could you tell me what med they gave you?  I'm 65 and have had this problem since high school.
Seriously, you don't want a medication if your only problem is a tic.  We all have some things we do obsessively.  Unless your life is severely disrupted, truly, you don't want to get into the meds used for mental disorders.  Only when necessary.  They can be especially difficult to start when you get older, as they are when you are very young.  Now, if you truly have OCD, it won't be just one tic.  It will be a mindset where you obsess over things and if you don't do them you get an anxiety attack.  It can be paralyzing.  If you just have this one thing and it bothers you that much after all these years of living your life with it, see a therapist who does CBT and learn to stop doing it, don't drug yourself unless you really have to.  
  If you are pulling eye lashes which often leads to hair pulling and for a woman, that can become debilitating, treating it sometimes with medication absolutely is necessary.  https://www.webmd.com/anxiety-panic/guide/trichotillomania#1  My niece suffers this and it has been very difficult. A support group helps her as well.  My son has general tics and they are worse when he is anxious.  Treating the anxiety improves the tics.  I'd do whatever you can to help you and that may include treatment with medication and therapy.  They attempt to have you learn the triggers to the hair pulling. For my niece, it never was really uncovered.  She'd do it even during the night while out of it in sleep mode.  For some, CBT therapy is enough and definitely a good place to start.  She takes an SSRI and atypical antidepressants are also used.  You've been dealing with this for a very long time.  I feel for you.
Mom, exactly, she's somehow survived all these years with this.  By the way, for you internet hounds who love to look things up, WebMd is a for-profit site that is not authoritative on anything.  If you have a problem, go see a therapist.  If it's bad, your psychologist will tell you to see a psychiatrist for medication.  Medication for neuroses is never always "necessary",though it's often the best we can do and often the only thing we can do.  Medication always comes with other problems, so like any invasive medical procedure, you do it if you need to and you don't if you don't.  I'm always wary when someone says any particular course of action on things we don't understand very well and when we will never meet the person posting first-hand is "necessary."  Time will answer that question but we can't.  Peace, all, and be careful out there.
I can find the same information from Mayo and Cleveland Clinics and know the information based on my family member.  The situation of hair pulling may not be something someone has to live with and treating underlying anxiety can greatly improve it.  Treatment for said anxiety can be through CBT with medication often being instituted as well.  Just because someone has lived with it for a long time doesn't mean they should have to forever.  Of course people need to work with their doctors but should not be afraid to treat psychiatric conditions including tics or hair pulling as there is a spectrum of how badly these things interfere with someone's life.   No one is trying to answer a question for someone as to exactly what they should do but instead, giving them information to help them reach their own conclusion.  Personally, if I had a lifetime of pulling out my eye lashes, I'd look for help.  It's never too late.
I didn't question that, I only questioned the use of the word "necessary."  
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I have been struggling with eye lash picking since I was a teenager, and I am going to be 35 this May. I know it stems from anxiety, but also from letting people take advantage of me and run all over me, and basically me just holding it in and not dealing with it. I have been in and out of counciling and not sure if it is helped. I have identified why I do what I do just don't know how to stop feeling this way. When I am upset or stressed or feel used by friends or guys I don't tell them all of what I want to say. I am tired of never getting what I want in life, and never saying what I want. So I recently made a list of qualities I am looking for in a person, maybe this will help me to weed out the people who use me and find ones that care. See I am a well established person, with a 6 yr old boy, who is my life. His father put me through hell over and over again. He cheated and I took him back twice. I still love him, but can't go through all the crap again. And it is hard to lose your best friend because they cant be faithful. Why do I always have to be the one to sacrafice. I can't do it anymore. So again I know why I pick, just what to do to stop doing it is so hard to figure out!
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i made this account just to let you girls know it is possible to go back to your old self, i havent seen any counsellers or taken any depression medication (or any medication at all..to treat this) . the only ones that know is my mom and my nana, i did it all by myself and it is possible, it has to be because i would pick them out as soon as they grew back in.  see yah xoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxox
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and also, i was told that mine wouldnt grow back either it scared me to death, i couldnt imagine myself looking like this for my whole life you know.
and it took me three months and they came back. im not even lieing.. it is amazing.
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hi stef, my names alex and i suffer from the problem, i do not have any answers myself i have keepin it hidden, by drawing on my eyebrows and wearing liquid eyeliner around my eyes. It has completely transformed my apperance for the worst, not to sound cocky but i used to be pretty but slowly turned into a 'freak'. I havent experienced suicidal thoughts or actions.. though i haave on and off depression (so i think). I just recently read up on some reasoning to these actions this year and cried for hours. I told myself this wont run my life anymore and make me any less of a person i always wanted to be, I grew back my eyebrows this September it took me three months, it was hard im sure you could understand. my eyelashes are almost back tho i have the urge now and then n havent resisted.. from those actions. It sickens me this happened and i wish there were an easier way out. it's up to you an you can do it if i can, i am not eighteen, this has happened since the age 13 (im lucky they grew back). I dropped out of highschool from sheer emberassment, and listened to what people said and considered myself ugly. I believe my trigger to this problem was school and stress of it all because i am a healthy young woman in all honesty. I hope things get better for you cause i know exactly what you are going thru and how hard it can be (L)
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As you can see in my post above, I do this too and have ever since I was 12 and developed Anorexia Nervosa. I am now 25 yrs old and I still can't stop this and I've been on several medicines that were supposed to help me stop but didn't. Unfortunately, I don't know how to stop either since I still do it too. But I wanted you to know you're not alone and that now you know of someone who struggles with you like you do and that does this too.
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What medicine helps speed eyelash growth or even makes it grow back? I'd love to know bc I do this too, pull out my eyelashes. I just did it last night in fact and now I'm so worried that it won't grow back again bc I plucked them with tweezers. Will they ever grow back since I did it this way and since this is one of many many times that I've done this to them and if so how long will it take for them to grow back in? I'm afraid they're gonna be so damaged that they just won't grow back at all again....?
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They have medecine that helps speed eyelash growth while you're getting help! Don't worry, It'll be okay
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What has your therapist said about this? There may be ways for you to channel that urge / compulsion into less harmful things. You can talk to your doctor about wearing a rubber band around your wrist and snapping this every time you feel the urge to pull your eyelashes. Depending on your history, this may or may not be appropriate for you at the moment. A history of cutting usually suggests that you have difficulty expressing your emotional pain - so you turn it into physical pain for relief. How has therapy been going - except for the eyelash plucking? Are you currently on antidepressants? SSRIs (like prozac, paxil, lexapro, zoloft, etc) are usually (but not always) effective in treating compulsive disorders. But you may benefit most from talk therapy and learning other ways to cope with what you are feeling.
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775475 tn?1246540228
I go to a counclier every week have been for 10 months... I've been on depression AND anxiety medicine. Thats why I don't undersand it.. I did cut my self for years. My mom said thats what she though this is what I replaced it with but **** id rather cut then look like a freek!
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