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Nighttime Panic Attacks?

Does anyone suffer from nightime panic attacks? Like, having nightmares and waking up feeling panicky every so often? Or just waking up nervous with your heart racing and body trembling? Some nights this happens multiple times per night, other nights (usually when I take Xanax before bed) it doesn't happen at all. It's very upsetting. I just did not know a person could wake up in the middle of a panic attack, I have enough of them during the day!
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I finally discovered what stops the nocturnal panic attacks for me!  I hope my method can help others as well.  If you want to skip all the intro stuff and find out how I have stopped mine, go to the last paragraph of my post.

I've been having nocturnal panic attacks for about 15 years or so.  I used to get them only every once in a while, maybe 2 or 3 times a year.  But then about 6 years ago they started becoming more frequent.  I went to a psychologist for a while.  But I don't have any unusual anxiety during the day that we could identify.  But that didn't stop her from trying to pick apart every aspect of my psyche.  Ridiculousness.  Anyway, finally, after doing a little research, I convinced her and my PCP that I needed to go on an SSRI.  So I went on Paxil and that worked well.  They totally stopped.  

But then about a year ago I had to go off the Paxil for other reasons and the panic attacks returned with a vengeance and kept getting more and more frequent.  It got to the point that I was having 5, 6, or 7 or more EVERY NIGHT.  It was taking me 2 or 3 hours to fall asleep every night.

The only useful thing the psychologist had recommended to me was to take a video of my panic attack.  We watched them together and she pointed out to me that there are maybe 2 or 3 seconds between when I arouse from "sleep" and when the panic actually starts, and if I could gather my wits about me at that time then maybe I could consciously calm myself and keep the panic at bay.  She suggested I keep some item, like a special ring, by my bed, or post a sign next to my bed with a message saying "Calm down.  You're fine.  It's just a panic attack."  Something like that.  She said these things might help me focus.  Easy for her to say.  I mean, when I wake up like that I'm totally disoriented.  There's no way I'm going to read a sign.

But I was getting desperate and willing to try anything, so I made a voice recording of myself saying "Relax, it's just a panic attack. You're fine.  It will pass.  It's not dangerous.  It's no different from all the other panic attacks you've already survived."  I put it on "repeat play" and listened to it while I fell asleep.  I figured when I aroused, I'd have no choice but to hear it and listen.  It actually did help a lot.  I think it wasn't so much that I was listening and understanding the message, but that it helped me identify that "window of calm" before the storm -- those few seconds between arousal and panic.  I was able to train myself to force myself to be calm during those few seconds.  My heart might be racing and I might feel very panicked for several moments, but I only very rarely progressed to having full-blown attacks, where I would sit up in bed and scream at the top of my lungs for however long it took me to snap out of it.

So this was a vast improvement, but I was still experiencing the panic and it was still taking me 2 or 3 hours to get to sleep at night.  This was especially bad for me because I have high blood pressure and a history of cardiomyopathy (unrelated to the panic attacks).  I'm on medication, but my heart's not the strongest.  I kept searching for an even better way, and I finally found it!  It works for me, and I hope it can help at least some of you, if not all of you.

Anyway, here it is.  As I'm falling asleep, I focus on something and block everything else from my mind.  It could be one word or a short phrase or an image.  It's not easy for me to stay focused like that.  Actually, I hate it.  When I'm in bed, I like to think about what happened that day, and what's going to be the next day.  I like to let my mind wander.  So it's very frustrating and boring and annoying for me.  But it's not as bad as the panic attacks, obviously.  But it is very difficult.  My mind will frequently wander, but I always force myself to refocus on that one thing.  I'm thinking I might resort again to making an voice recording of me saying just one word or short phrase.  But this time, instead of ignoring it until I arouse in a panic, I will force myself to concentrate on it as I'm falling asleep to the exclusion of other thoughts.  I don't know why, but this completely gets rid of the panic for me.  I still have those 5 or 6 arousals every night, but instead of feeling panic, I just feel a vague sense of uneasiness.  My heart doesn't start racing and I don't completely wake up (but I still have to force myself to focus and not let my mind wander, which gets more difficult as I get closer and closer to deeper sleep).  So the arousals occur closer together and I am able to fall asleep quicker.  I am so happy I've finally found relief.  I hope my experience will help some of you.

Good luck, and have a restful sleep.
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I'm not sure they're panic attacks - but I do wake up very often from nightmares in a state of extreme fear. I have very specific, clear dreams. I wake up with my heart racing, adrenaline running through me. It's been occurring for a few years and happens several times a week. I'm rarely able to get back to sleep. It's awful.

It can be pretty debilitating.
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I had a few panic attacks in my 20s. I am 40 now and ever since then I wake up in the middle of the night  with a panic attack about 4 or 5 times a year. I usually walk around the house for about fifteen minutes or so and then go back to sleep. About a month ago I woke up with a severe panick attack that lasted 4 hours. I finally went to the dr and he put me on welbutrin and gave me xanax to take as needed. I tried the welbutrin and it gave me the shakes all day. I really hated it and stoped taking it. I usually take a half of a .25mg xanax before I go to sleep because a whole one gives me a really bad hangover the next day. Lately, even with the half pill I have been waking up in the middle of the night with anxiety (not a full blown panic attack) I usually cannot get back to sleep. I really hope I could learn to get a good night sleep eventually. I seem to worry about waking up with a panic attack which adds to the anxiety. The strange part is that I am fine in the daytime. I have never had a panick attack during the day. Im glad im not alone with this problem.
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I have starting having these as well. At first I thought maybe it was my caffeine intake but I have been watching that. It happens every night at 3 am. I am so scared...... I am glad I am not alone.Panic Attacks are so horrible..... I feel for anyone that has them and my friends do not understand. Once you have them you will understand is what I say.
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Early morning is typically my worst.  I wake up far too early with heart racing, mind racing, and sweating.  It's a horrible feeling.  I get so angry when I wake up at 4am knowing that there's no way I can go back to sleep.  I typically get up and take a Klonopin.  Sometimes I can drift back to sleep, but most of the time it's a lost cause.
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I have been getting these anxiety attacks in the middle of the night. I go to bed at 10:00 or 11:00 and I wake up at 3:00 or 4:00. My mind starts spinning out of control with overwhelming thoughts and can not shut it down. I drink my self to sleep every night but never had a problem with it before. Now I am under a lot of pressure and stress for I may lose my job and then my house in which I have invested $600,000 all of my life’s savings I live in the house which is still under construction. I am sitting at work all day with nothing to do for 3 months now and no one talks to me even when I inquire of the situation I can never get a straight answer. How long can they afford to keep me and how long can I take this anticipation, boredom and stress? Will the anxiety/panic attacks and cold sweat  ever go away?
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