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959034 tn?1253671476


Anyone else scared of meds they need? How do you deal with it?
20 Responses
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959034 tn?1253671476
Thanks guys!!!!! I'm feeling a little better today.
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959034 tn?1253671476
Thanks guys!!!!! I'm feeling a little better today.
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959034 tn?1253671476
Thanks!!!!! I'm feeling a little better today.
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358304 tn?1409709492
When I was first having anxiety really bad, my Dr. gave me Lexapro and some Ativan... I was terrified to take it... I kept asking him questions like "what is this gonna do? what are the side effects? etc. etc."

He took the lexapro out of the box... and wouldnt let me have the "information" sheet. lol. B/c he knew if I read all about it, I probably wouldnt take it.

He's a good Dr.

I ended up finally taking it... and thought "My Dr. knows best"...

And you know what... in about a week or 2... I was feeling BACK TO MY OLD SELF. =)

Now I'm no longer scared of it. Most people with anxiety are scared of taking meds.
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Asthma meds are a known trigger for panic. I have taken them before so I know first hand. See if your doc can prescribe a different med that's not so bad for panic. I know how you feel tho. I have sat and cried because I am so sick of being scared but now that I am on the right meds it hardly ever happens. Just keep telling yourself Ive felt this way 100 times before and I'm still here and ok. Good luck, Steph
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959034 tn?1253671476
I am taking new asthma meds tonight. I'm scared! Yesterday I started new stomach meds. I cried all weekend. I thought I was dying!!!!!
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959034 tn?1253671476
Thank you for support!!!!!
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979428 tn?1253399601
I had trouble finding the right medication.  It can be scary.  But when you get the right balance, it is worth it.  I had to finally accept that I will be on antidepressants/anti anxiety meds for the rest of my life.  Depression, anxiety and ADD run through my family like a dog race.  But if it helps me be ok in my head, I will do it.  Change is scary, and this is a change.  Remember, you have support here.  If our experiences can help you, then I feel all that I have gone through was for good reason.

Blessed be the cracked for they let in the light!
The Otter One (Alyssa)
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Hi I used to be like you and now I will take just about anything that will help (just joking). After the initial first med which took me a few months to get on for the same reasons as you I saw it helped tremendously and after that was fine with it. You just need to find a doctor you trust and if you are that scared DO NOT look at the side affects as every 1 is different. You might just talk yourself into them and most meds take a few weeks to take effect but you are on an awful lot of meds. I only take paxil cr and diazepam for my anxiety. Just find a doc you trust and make sure he knows all the meds you are taking. Good luck and try to relax. Steph
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959034 tn?1253671476
I'm really trying! Thanks for your ideas! I wrote down what my meds are supposed to help. A paper for good effect only. I'm still scared!!!!! If it makes me stop breathing? 6 more new meds! Added to 8 or more! There is going to be interaction. Allergy! Something! I'm scared of meds!
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959034 tn?1253671476
I'm taking prozac and klonopin prn. I also need a ton of other meds for medical problems. I have very little transportation. My anxiety is worse now with all the meds. Thanks for the help guys!!!!!
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959034 tn?1253671476
Ok. I'll try. Sry. Thanks! I'm really freaking out here.
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994817 tn?1249738278
I was just diagnosed with GAD and Panic Disorder. My Dr. recommended that I start taking anti-depressants (or anti-anxiety) medicine. I am terrified to take them because I know of all the harsh side effects/reactions they can produce. I am in complete HELL right now with my anxiety, and I'm to the point where I would do anything to help. But I'm still scared of the medication needed and held off on it till I see a psychiatrist. My best advice would be to see a psychiatrist too, they can tell you all about the medicine and help you deal with your fears. If your new medication gives you bad reactions, tell your Dr. and try and find something that agrees with you more.
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585414 tn?1288941302
I gave you some information about Klonopin because that's the only medication I've taken. Go to the medication websites and get a prescription hand out from your pharmacy and have a conversation with the doctors prescribing the medications. That should seriously be of help. Once you know the facts then they will replace any phobias you have.
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959034 tn?1253671476
I am scared!
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959034 tn?1253671476
I don't understand. I know I'm scared of meds. What can I do? How do you deal with this fear? I've cried about it. Being too scared to take the new meds. I've had bad reactions! It might happen again! I'm scared! Do others have this meds anxiety? Anyone? Thanks for reading!!!!!
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If you're not scared of meds, you're not paying attention.  If you're phobic about meds, that's different.  The question is, have you exhausted all non-medication tools for getting better?  Therapy?  Natural remedies under the care of natural practitioners?  Meditation?  Medication is only necessary when whatever ails you so distorts your life that you can't function well.  When that happens, again, fear of meds if rational, they can be dangerous, but that means you have to educate yourself and make your choices.  And I speak as one who was helped, but certainly not cured, by meds, but was also destroyed by them only because I didn't do my homework and relied on psychiatrists who only know what pharmaceutical companies tell them to know.  But I still use them, because for me, other things didn't work.  That's your question ultimately.
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959034 tn?1253671476
I've had reactions to new meds before. Its not only anxiety meds I'm scared of. All meds!!!!! To deal with this I should read about how the meds can help me? I will try anything. I don't have transportation for a group though. I don't know..... Does anyone else deal with this? I wrote my new meds in my journal. If anyone has anything good or bad to say about my new meds. I don't know..... I'm scared!!!!!
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i get somemonkey i had horrible anxiety and tried everything i didnt want to be all drugged up for the rest of my life...im 19 and my anxiety appeared horribly when i was 18...the thing that really helped me out but was so embarasssed to do was group therapy...it really does help i doubted it soo much but man im so glad i did it...so if u havent tried that i def recommend it...i had another friend with the same issue and he had to go to 3 group therapy session but it eventually worked...im currently off meds and have dem near just in caase but i just focus on not using them
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585414 tn?1288941302
Ask your psychiatrist for more information on the medications, what are the beneficial effects, the side effects and what they are meant to treat. Also look them up on (clinically accurate) sites online. The more you know and understand what they are there for the less you'll be afraid of them.
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