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Severe Anxiety Gas/Burps/Heartburn

I am having extremely debilitating anxiety right now. Mild chest discomfort but I focus in on it so much that it becomes unbearable. I am always aware of my heartbeat and like above I focus in to it where it just drives me insane. I am expereincing undescribable levels of discomfort and I just dont understand whats wrong with me. My heart rate throughout the day is 90-100 bpm resting, and it shoots up even when I do simple tasks such as walking. Ive been to a cardiologist and they did several tests and said everything was there and in working order but my pictures were "blurry" so that definately just increased my anxiety 10 fold. A long with this, I was told to wear a hear monitor for a month which did nothing except increase it even more, and I did not even wear the monitor in the end. The strangest symptons though are just constant vibrations or movements in my intestinal area, bad heart burn, bad gas, and a feeling like I have to burp but just cant. Im hoping that my heart is fine and the feelings are just from my focusing on it too much, but I just dont know. Can anyone relate to this? Its been 3 months and I cant even sleep anymore.
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7359862 tn?1390320080
after my 5th trip to the er, a CAT scan, echo, heart cath, xrays, I am healthy, but how found out Im suffering from severe panic attacks. Ive always had a touch of anxiety, like when traveling or before a big event. Im a person that holds my stress in and this past novemeber my body had enough. I hit a brick wall. It started with a migraine that was so intense I had to go to the hospital. They put me on a strong dose of naproxn which ate a hole in my stomach then giving me back acid reflux. With all these new medical problems my anxiety started to go up, then one day I could of swore I was gonna die. I thought I was having a heart attack, arms and fingers went numb, my tounge went numb, shortness of break, heart racing, face felt like it was on fire but I was shaking and freezing. Finally at my last ER visit which was JUST last Saturday the doctor told me I am a classic case of panic attack disorder. I paniced even more, NO No NO I dont want a disorder, just fix the problem and make me better. I am currently on Escitalopram which in 4-6 weeks is supposed to prevent any more anxiety, but until I get to that point Im also on Hydroxyzine and for a serious attack  Lorazepam. Im also going to get my hormone levels checked in a couple weeks. I want all this to go away just as fast as it started. I can hardly function. It just consumes my entire life.... aghhhh.
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about 3 weeks now i've been having a kind of shake, vibration, strong beats or uncontrollable movement like beating which quickly shakes down within seconds between  within my chest and diaphram, though this comes about 5 to 8 times on daily basis so it made me uncomfortable but am strong i can do a long walk, i sleep well i can run and i feel healthy but only that problem, so i remembered i have cimetidine tablets which i ususlly use to control my ulcer though i left it for about four months now, i took a a pill of about 400mg, within 30mins i had a good feel of my body and those signs disapeard, i guess the movement could be due to gas in my system which pushes intermitently in my chest or diaphram region, i hope this will help someone...***@****
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I am 47, never had health issues in my life but in Jul 2012 I had a stent placed in my LAD. I really had no issues to even know anything was wrong, I smoked, about 2 packs week or less, and I was a heavy meat eater, I exercised more than not, but not an everyday thing. Prior to the stent, my only tip off was a burning sensation in my left arm. I only felt it during certain types of exertion. The reason I went to the ER was because I felt a very intense weird dry ache in my esophagus at the time, I thought it was my chest. It caught my attention but I ignored it, a week later I started getting more signs of a heart attack...jaw, neck and back pain. Then one day I just felt horrible...like I was going to die at any minute...nausea, lightheaded, fullness in throat and chest. The wife took me to the ER, GERD!!! that's what they said. They recommended I take a stress test. I ignored it, then 2 months later found myself with the same arm pain and shortness of breath this time. I had a second stent added in Nov 2013, I started having other symptom.
Now I have the same exact symptoms as Furface. Except I feel fast sharp needle like pains in my chest, usually the right side, but sometimes on the left side. But your symptoms "I feel as though I want to burp but can't, strange tight sensation across my chest, Not necessarily pain but more like I have stretched the muscles.  My throat also feels as though it has an acidic sensation in it and I get what feels like a lump of concrete situated at the top of my diaphragm", mirror mine almost to a t. I have stopped taking all GERD medication, right after my first stent, I felt great from Aug to Apr, except for a few adjustments. I started to take the GERD medication prescribed to me in Mar and I haven't been the same. I am on Plavix, Aspirin, Atenolol, HCTZ, Crestor. I was on a simvastatin that really messed me up, Crestor is just a bit better. I don't want to say that I am glad I am not the only one, I don't want anyone else to be in the same boat as me, but it is reassuring to know it isn't in my mind

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    I've been experiencing Anxiety like symptoms since October, 2013. I am twenty five years of age and have also been an outgoing guy. Over the course of the last few months, I have had a lot of things happen in my life.
   While sitting at a dinner table with my girlfriend, my head began to tingle and I began to sweat. I then felt a warm feeling and thought I was about to faint. I did not experience any pain and quickly recovered.
   Since then, I have visited my doctor who believes I may be experiencing Anxiety. I have experienced many of the above mentioned symptoms and can relate to many of you. One of the ways which I have found benefical in fighting Anxiety is to find someone who can relate. Not only that, It is important to recognize that you do in fact have Anxiety and are able to accept it. Find someone who you can call, at any time. Find things to do that comfort you. For me, I take a nice hot shower and it helps big time. Eat healthy. It makes you feel better in general.  
   I thank god every day that I am alive. So often, you hear of both young and old who die unexpectitly or face much more challenging health concerns then Anxiety.
   Anxiety is one of the scariest experiences I have yet faced. However, I am determined to conquer it.
   Remember, there are many of us out there. Find a support.
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Im at ease that im not the only one not going through this ********
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I am so thankful I've found this, I've only developed anxiety this bad recently. Sometimes I can talk myself out of it and I'm fine but then other times (like now for example) I feel gassy, and a pain below my ribs and am constantly aware of my heart rate. I'm currently in Vietnam and had one, went to the hospital and had all sorts of tests and I'm fine. Strong healthy heart etc. It's just so frustrating as I find no one else really understands, almost comforting to find out you're not the only one
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