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Major Anxiety/Constipation complex. Any ideas for remedies?

Hey all-

I'm 22 and been having trouble with anxiety coupled with constipation since high school.  Organic remedies, such as laxatives, fiber supplements, magnesium are not very effective; however, I have found that magnets placed at acu-points based on traditional Chinese medicine do work occasionally.  If anyone has any helpful hints on how to better control this type of constipation, that is, psychosomatic constipation, I would greatly appreciate it.  I am a Zen student, who cannot practice meditation--in attempt to eradicate my anxiety--when I am 5 days constipated!  Thus, I'm in a frustrating pickle.

Please help me if you can and thanks ahead for your gracious assistance.

12 Responses
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I recently googled psychosomatic constipation, because I have finally diagnosed myself with this. NO ONE understands it.  Everyone has the answer too.  More fiber, probiotics, colon cleanses, fruits, water, vegetables, supplements, prunes, acupressure, exercise, etc. etc.  You name it, I've done it!  I work out 4-5 times per week. Very health oriented anyway so this is just part of my lifestyle anyway, but constipation was really becoming a problem for me in the past few years.  I work early mornings and work is non-stop.  I am a dental hygienist, so people's heads are right next to my abdomen all day.  It doesn't create a relaxing environment.  Even if I am at home, I have 2 kids and it's go go go all day.  I believe my brain trained my rectum to just not poop, because I was too busy. I would not go for days and get excruciating pains right in my rectum up to my ovaries. I almost passed out in Walgreens one day from the pain. And then, I discovered my cure.  I have not met anyone else with this and my friends and family think I am crazy.  I honestly can't explain it hence the psychosomatic part of it.  If I go shopping for clothes or just any non stressful shopping (without my kids especially), with in 1 minute my body had the irresistible urge to go.  So I go shopping for a few minutes after work EVERYDAY! And everyday, it works. T.J. Maxx, Marshall's, Kohl s, Bed Bath and Beyond, Walmart, Sports Authority, Pier 1 imports, the Gap, Home Depot, Anne and Hope Store.  These are just to name a few.  But, I have decided that if this is what works for me, then I will give my body what it needs.  Think of places that you have been or times in your life when you do get the urge to go, and make sure you a lot time for it each day.  Your body will thank you.  Mine has.  I don't care what anyone thinks, I am so grateful to have found the cure for me.
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From what I am reading, I am assuming your not a medication type person or you have tried most of them for relieve?

If you have not yet seen a doctor I would advice you to do so.

Best of luck,

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First, I would like to say your story is very moving and I would really love to hear your story. I bet like anybody else it will be very inspirational. If you don't mind send me a mail here with it. It would be so an honor to read.

Very kindly yours,

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hi ,

i have had the same situation for years, since i was 13 istarted getting constipated  and im not near to 25. i went to many doctors for digestion problem. i used all kinds of laxatives that im sure that u have used to.  i started going for healings , energy healing , different traditional doctors. however , nothing has cured me yet for all the time. i still get desperate sometimes specially when im traveling .
the point that i have got into is this is not because of the food , though good food is better , but this is kind of a mental issue. i dont know exactly , it can be something that has happened to me when i was child or something that has made an anxiety inside me that im not aware of.
its about few months that i am going to a therapist . and i talk about all of my issues, fears, desires, sad things , wishes and anything that make me unsatisfied. dont know this will help , but thats one thing i didnt tried.
i just hope that it will release one day.

by the way i do also medidation , and i understand what u mean , i also dont have concentration sometimes.

its was so unexpectfull that i found someone on the net having exactly same issue as mine. global world.
by the way . eating early at evening also helps. just my experience , i dont eat heavy breakfast. i usually drink only a coffee , or tea with milk at morning and its helps alot for going to toilet. try it if you can
thats it , this is my experience , would be happy to let me know you experiences.

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hi, ive had the same problem for years (appr. 2) and theres definitely a link between anxiety and irregularity. my solution was therapudic massage. it always seemed to provide temporary relief and bloating. i used self massage techniques since regular massage sessions are costly. i even found those massage chairs a big help, just 20 mins and the next day i felt some relief. good luck!
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A child hard 'lesson' camp is not a place for a child that cuts with bi-polar. The most likely outcome is one of the following:

1. Immediately going A-wall and permanently loosing her trust
2. Permanent disfigurement through implemented cutting or burning devices.
3. Suicide or attempted suicide.

I'm not going to pretend I know what you are going through. I do imagine though the slightest possibility of a successful outcome is worth a chance. Please get 2nd and 3rd opinions from professionals that know specifics about your child, People that have either worked at PV or been at PV for similar reason you are considering sending your child, Or had a second hand experience of this camp.

In theory these camps work well for children seeking attention through bullying or behaviour issues but for a child that has a diagnosed mental health issue, cuts and has been in hospital for many years it is not possible to abuse the illness out of them. Often this is a factor into the disease manifesting.
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I did a search for peninsula village and came across your post.  This is not about your constipation problem, I have no insight there.  But was wondering if I could ask you about PV. My daughter suffers from BP and cuts.  She has been in and out of treatment hosptials for several years.  Despite everyone's best efforts (hers, mine, her pdoc, and therapists) she is still not able to live at home...she attends a theraputic private school...at least until last week when she cut and ran away from campus.  Can you tell me about your experience with PV?  about the therapists and pdocs there?

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That sounds like a horrible place! (Although the manual labor reminds me of what's involved in a Zen monastery).  Guess I need to experience it myself in order to understand how it can help some people.  

So imagine your first 11 days of constipation but for 365 days outta the year...frustrating!
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You know what. I think I do know what you are talking about now!  I just remembered something today when I read your last response.

When I was a young 13-year-old, I did not get along with my parents for various reasons.. My mother sent me to a mental hospital... and after three months of being there I was then sent to a place called ''peninsula villiage'' which is were all the staff tries to break you down and build you back up...it is so wrong for some kids but works great for others. It was wrong for me, I did not need to be there, but that is a whole other story! They really make your life hell there, screaming at you, psychologically abusing you, and make you do labor such as cut logs and push wheel-barrows through the woods.  ANYWAY!  OK. When I FIRST got to ''Peninsula Villiage'', I did not have a bowel movement for 11 days!  This was totally not normal for me by the way, and I was eating regular meals and not dehydrated.  I said something to one of the staff, and she told me it was very common (that's all she said, they were short with you there unless they were verbally attacking you).

So, is that like the same thing you are talking about? Sorry for the story! lol

Very interesting.
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Thanks Ms. Lane for your response.  You've never heard of psychosomatic constipation?  Traditional Chinese medicine recognizes that anxiety can cause constipation, but I have found little help from the annals of Western medicine.  There may be one food out there which would really help me, but I have yet to find it.  I have tried prunes specifically, as well as taking psyllium husk supplements (i.e. Metamucil), but neither have worked.  Magnesium is helpful because it draws water into the colon, so my condition does not become as painful as time passes and it is easier to go.  As for jalapenos, my acupuncturist has recommended that I stay away from spicy things and I am certainly willing to comply: I don't like spicy foods too much and besides they irritate my sensitive stomach.  

I may have found a breathing method that works -- concentrating on a particular cakra as indicated in the theory of yoga -- and we will see how that pans out.  

Thanks again for your response.

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I wanted to also add that exercise is also good for treating constipation. It also is good for anxiety/depression! :)
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No one else has answered so I'll give it a try. Hopefully it's not a joke!

I've never heard of this problem, not that I know much though--I am not a doctor. But I would say that your diet is the main factor with consipation anyhow. Have you seen a doctor about this? Maybe there is a medical problem in your digestive system?

What is your diet like? I would change your diet first if you have not done so already.

Eat lots of raw fruits and vegetables. Oranges are great for keeping it all moving along in your gut.  Drink 1 gallon of water a day, really, one gallon. Eat natural foods, stay away from the processed junk.  Nevermind the fiber pills, just eat juicy fruit all through the day and you will not be constipated. I recommend watermelon, ruby red grapefruit, oranges, pineapple, and prunes as some really good ones.  Cut back drastically on meat if you eat it, you can get ample protein from other sources.

If you find jalapenos make you have to go quick (like my husband, ha ha) then use those! lol

Hope this may help.
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