I am only 19 years old & i seem to have alot of anxiety and depression. I dont talk about my problems because i feel that they make me weak talking about them. Does anyone know what i could do about this? I am on meds for anxeity but i just dont know what else i should do. cause i will get severe chest pains, gett super shakey.
Also, i stay tired constantly. Do you think this is a symptom?
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Trust me im a very honest person. i didn't start having anxiety attacks until one of my best friends commetted suicide on 01/01/2011. I talked to him 3 days prior to him doing this & he spilled his heart out to me about what he wanted in life & who he wanted in his life. I feel like i should of been there to stop him. that is should of been me not him. & after that seems like everything has went to hell. My boyfriend of 3 years has went to jail, i feel like i have lost anything.! My papa which is my world is dying and not getting any better. it seems like everything is hitting at once and i dont know how to react. am i in therapy no because like i said i feel weak talking about my problems so i just dont talk about them, there is no point in putting me in therapy. I do talk to my best friend now & he will just hold me when i cry or something and it makes everything better so that's normally how i vent. if it wasn't for him i probably would have commetted suicide or went crazy.  yeahh but i can't stand the headaches theyy are horrible... Also a guy that i have known since i was 14 that i was madly in love with was talking to me when me & my boyfriend was having problems gott supper close to me like i basically lived with him and had sex with me, left me & is now getting married after being with a girl for 3 weeks and we was together for over 3 months.
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Hello all I can say is thhat you guys are going through a lot and I can understand why you would have anxiety. I've had health anxiety for about 18 years now. It started after my mom got very sick and died. My anxiety comes and goes and the only thing that helps me is that I know that when I get an episode I have to be very patient. I know it sounds hard but that is the only think you can do. I've been looking for a miracle cure myself and no luck yet. Anxiety makes you feel like your heart is going to stop like you are going crazy like  you want to crawl out of your skin and you feel very worried and scared. That is a lot to deal with. Medication and seeing a therapist is also a good way to go. Some books are helpful too. Good luck to you.
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1773205 tn?1315791954
Thank you for being so honest.Feel free to tell me if you don't want to answer what I ask you...are you getting any help as far as the suicide attempt?Therapy or anything like that?Did you have the anxiety attacks before?I've never had issues like this in my life until last month...I was driving a car at 35 mph and my boyfriend (of 5 yrs) opened his door and jumped out...his head struck the road and he suffered severe head trauma...he died on 8-14...I suffered my first attack 1 week after it happened and now it's a daily struggle to control my symptoms...caffeine makes everything seem even worse for me.I think if you could tough out the first couple days without the caffeine that the headaches would go away...you can suffer withdrawal symptoms from caffeine...and you also need to remember that the anxiety itself can cause headaches.
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They have me on Lexapro & Xanax .25 mg.. Theyy put me on these meds because i tried to kill myself by wrecking my car into a tree. Ended up causing me a bunch of money with no injuries to me but a fractured rib and bruises. But i noticed i get very bad chest pains and it hurts to breathe. I drink alot of caffeine. but see if i dont have caffeine i have a headache all day long because i drink so much aparentlt. i feel veryy jittery and tired all the time. the moment i think about something stressful i can feel an attack comming on. not to mention i get super hot.
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1773205 tn?1315791954
I suffered my first attack back in july and have constantly been struggling since then to manage my symptoms....what meds are you taking?Those could be causing your being tired all the time but so could your anxiety.I know that for myself, when I feel a bad attack coming on I start walking (normal pace) and I keep on walking until it subsides.It also really helps to concentrate on your breathing....inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.I have also found that avoiding caffeine is best for me now.Since Friday I have constantly felt nervous, my heart hurts, and I feel so jittery....also symptoms that many others deal with.There is no shame in talking about your problems....keeping everything in isn't good for you so go to someone you really trust and confide in them about your problems.You're not alone!
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