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503727 tn?1210439110

always feel lightheaded and dizzy

Hi I'm 25 female and I have been told by my doctor that i have a panic disorder. I am always lightheaded and feeling dizzy. I feel like I could pass out at any second. This is ruining my life. Im scared to do anything alone. I cant go to a grocery store, mall, nothing. I am too scared that I'm going to pass out and I have tried to overcome it but I cant. As soon as I get into a place I get so dizzy and my vision is all messed up. I get so hot and sweaty and my heart races. I want my life back. I still dont believe that its just anxiety causing all of this. I feel like I have something else wrong that the doctors cant find even though i have had bloodwork, mri, ekg, and they were all normal. I started taking .25mg of xanax once a day. still dont feel any better yet. So if anybody has any help please give it to me. I feel like i have hit rock bottom
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I am getting worse. Always worried i am sick with a disease and i have headaches and stomach pains. Always dizzy and shaking. All tests come back normal and i know it's just fear and anxiety. Hoping there is someone to talk to.
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Hi Tommy, I have the exact same problem. Dizziness, lightheadedness, stomach problems, and even the headaches. Went to the hospital because I was so scared and my tests came back with flying colors. They said I could just have a virus but it's been two weeks, I don't think it's just a virus... And that's where my anxiety starts. I get panicy and start looking up my symptoms and then getting even more panicy because I find something that matches my symptoms that tells me I'm dying. I know it's all in my head and that it's just anxiety but I feel like I can't get out of this bubble I'm in.
You should certainly look into reactive hypoglycemia and hpylori infection. I hope that you are well.
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Youve probably been told that its anxiety and it coulf be. But so often its so hard to just think its that anf nothing else. Just try to be calm and and take things step by step because sometimes it takes a lot longer for things to go away as to what they do for them to come. Ill pray for everybody on here. Gof bless
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Hi Everyone, I just wanted to comment on the medications. I have been in the same boat as all of you ladies and gents...It a terrible disease that is VERY hard to over come. You cannot do it alone! Isolating the problem only makes things worse. Not only for you but for your family, friends, and or loved ones. Be patient, you will find something that WILL help you. I am 95% better than I have ever been. Dont get me wrong I still have my moments, my days, my weeks even. We all do. But just BELIEVE that there is always something NEW to try. Life itself is beautiful struggle. I have been there guys! Ive been to the doctor hundreds of times...screaming of my pain, crying to them telling whats wrong even if it the simplest thing but yet could be the most fatal thing as chest pain....they still say "Well all the tests came back normal".....So do NOT give up. ALL in ALL, My family doctor told me that its okay to be this way, everyone is different and everyone has different lows of a certain kind of substance in your body(sorry at the moment i cannot remember the name) . He said it is a disease, but its okay, because there is medicine out there for it. My doctor finally put my on LEXAPRO. Needless to say it has not only helped me but IMPROVED my outlook on life, my job, my friends, my family....EVERYTHING. Im such a better person to be around and could be too!!!

Lexapro has not only helped ME, personally, but a few of my family members and friends as well. As YOUR doctor about it.

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Sounds like you need to look into CBD. It's controversial, due to it being an element from cannabis, but its a non-psychoactive chemical that helps you relax. It's great for anxiety, nausea, sleep etc. I'm honestly recommend you looking into it!
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I have the same problem, I feel like I am going to pass out sometimes while walking or holding conversations with people. Im fairly certain I have nailed my problem down. I have eustation tube disfunction. My allergies are pretty bad so my eustation tubes have swelled shut and my ears no longer equalize while talking or chewing like normal people. The pressure in my inner ear makes me feel very lightheaded. I found a doctor in San Diego. Dr. Brian Weeks that does a new procedure called ballon dilation of the eustation tubes....check it out. I hope it helps.
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When it happens take note of how you're holding your body. You're probably hunched upon and breathing shallow. That all will cause dizziness, also the expectation.  I try to distract myself. Sit on a bench. Breath deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth.  Make sure you don't go alone until you have this under control.  I can actually go alone now. Not often but it's a start. I also smile widely and greet an imaginary person,  waving into the distance.  Whatever er it takes...
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20803224 tn?1515348238
I have lived with emotional pain most of my 65 years. Dr's offer drugs instead of offering natural solutions. Your mind can be your greatest ally if you just focus on what makes you happy. This will take time but you are worth it. Find a quite place where you can be alone. Sit or lay down. Close your eyes and start to think about a PERSON;PLACE OR THING that made you HAPPY. Allow yourself to do this. Focus on it until you can see it in your mind. Don't expect it to work instantly but BELIEVE IT WILL. You will find that your breathing will start to slow down; then your negative thoughts will start to disappear and then your muscles will start to loosen. KEEP BELIEVING AND FOCUSING ON THAT THOUGHT. Eventually you will see what you thought about and you will relive that time. Joy;Peace and an AMAZING CALMNESS will encircle you. When you finally open your eyes the anxiety will be washed away. This is something you will learn to excell in and then when you have become calm and peaceful then you can see the stress causers and you will be better equipped to tackle them. It took me a lifetime to figure out this out because I didn't have a proper mentor who could guide me on my PATH OF SELF ENLIGHTENMENT. You can go to u-tube and look up Louise Hay 101 Power Thoughts. There are many others and they are all free. You are a special; unique SPIRIT and you are worth loving.  
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Hi..I have been feeling light headed dizzy or swimmy headed for about a year...everyday..and my blood pressure is like 145 over 88...and idk what the problem is even blurred vision..what is my problem..somebody please
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Hey, i have the same thing you guys are talking about its good to know that im not alone in this universe ! I am dying everyday i cant go on like this its a living hell all this heart palpilations amd this dizziness and foggy head everytime i leave the house im even afraid to go to classes i literally stopped my life and it all happened 5 years ago when i smoked some weed for the first time since then these symptoms cant disappear
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As i was reading your post as if i was reading my everyday story. Just like you ive been feeling constantly dizzy for about 7 months now. I got cranial ct scan and had my eye check,i also did all the blood works.they are all normal. But i still feel this heavy feeling in my eyes like im going to squint. Like theres a pressure in my head. I cannot concentrate on something. I cannot go out because i fear there will something happen. And worst i feel like im gonna die soon. I also had panic attacks. And i think i do have health anxiety. I just cant be me. I want to get my life back to normal. I cant even take care of my son and i cant be a wife to my husband. Because of this dizziness and this thinking that i have a serious illness.
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I have this shortness of breath along with panic attacks weird vision dizziness sudden confusion anh extreme heat i have a lot of phobias and concerns i feel like everytime i leave the house something bad is gonna happen like passing out while driving or losing sight in my eyes or something like that i even stopped having intercourse with my husband because i get these panic attacks during sex everything is triggering those symptoms dunno what to do anymore im desperate id rather die and not live like that
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I feel the same for last one year. Every time I see my neurologist she explains that this is anxiety. I fear of scary diseases .My life is becoming abnormal. Please someone help and tell that how can anxiety make u feel constant dizzy. I can't sleep as whenever I lay down and close my eyes I feel dizzy and uneasy in heart and head
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Just like you i also feel my life isnt as normal as it was before. Because of this constant dizziness. I really dont know if this is all about anxiety because i really feel there is somthing wrong as it really freakening my everyday life. Got my ct scan and had my eye check also blood works.all came back normal.i
19948752 tn?1487604687
I have totally been where you are AND I am there today.
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Hi! I struggle with everything youve talked about. I will be fine and then go into a store, mall and my vision becomes blurred and I feel sweaty and like I could pass out. If My body temperature changes quickly my anxiety will kick in. I am currently seeing a homeopathic doctor and found out that I'm highly allergic to gluten. And also have learned that my adrenals are not working as they should so the smallest thing can set my fight or flight switch off. Sounds like this may be something that Is happening to you as well. Try getting off gluten for a month and see if you notice a different. And if you can get a food allergy blood test done get that done. I love my homeopathic doctor bc I feel heard and there is proof that my body isn't as healthy as it should be. Hope this helps!
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You problem need a antidepresent for anxiety and Panic Attacks.
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I might have some information that will be helpful. I went through all of this exactly. All results normal but so dizzy i was left bed ridden. I ended up having what is called Dysautonomia. Look into it. You might be surprised
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Isn't this the most insane crap!!!???? Mine started in 1981 after the birth of my second child! I got this crazy heavy feeling in my shoulders felt like I was being pushed down then the foggy head not dizzy but foggy is the best I can describe...then the panic...heart pounding...breathing blah blah blah...it has been coming and going for 35 years!! Symptoms change randomly....have different ones all the time but the light headed foggyness never changes and the ringing in my ears is insane! I am basically agoraphobic now don't drive or go anywhere by myself I'm afraid of meds part of my panic and anxiety that I will have side effects...ugh..but I did actually have two heart attacks!! So sometimes I don't know if it's anxiety or a real ailment! Really really hate this condition!!! I'm 59 and can't enjoy life!!
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I don't know why those typos are there!!!! Lol part of my strange life I guess
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I wanted to know we're your side effects bad wen taking zoloft? I was also prescribed zoloft but haven't taken any yet . I'm getting anxiety just thinking about taking them. I had a bad reaction to celexa. Within an hour I couldn't breath and then broke out in hives all over my body. Now im terrified to take another pill.  My anxiety is crazy. I have good days then I get those really bad days where I'm dizzy or just scared. I appreciate if you can give me some hope. My email is ***@****
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What more do you want? You already have a diagnosis and a prescription from a doctor? Take the ******* meds!
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hi i am 31 years old from singapore ...: i had this systoms as you guys had for the pass 1 and the half years ... feeling dizzy most time fear to walk and sometimes i will get lightheaded suddenly the feeling jist come when i was walking feeling like i gonna faint and i need to hold on to something ... the feeling is damn scary ... had gone thru full body check up ... blood test poo test urine test heart test heart ct scan inner ear test and mri scan for brain ... my doctor say everything is normal .... mind life is full of excitement before ... and now everyday is a very sad day for me ... when i first wake up in the morning first thing in my mind is asking myself will i get dizzy today will i get lightheaded today ... because of this i have been trying to wakeup early to do exercise like taking a walk for about 30 mins at the park every morning but just dont cure this ... anyone do have solution do post and share here thanks everyone ... hope you guys here will get over this problem soon ...
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Martin im from Singapore too.. i know this post is a year plus ago.. are u still contactable
16426782 tn?1447843358
Glad taking cognitive behavioral therapy is helping you to deal with your anxious thoughts and fears. It is a nice way to fight with the anxiety issues. I am on Zoloft for anxiety and depression, it is working fine for my symptoms. I suggest take proper medication and therapy, its a best way to fight with your anxiety.
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Hello everyone. I have similar issue. I even sometimes get dizzy in my sleep & wake up being unstable followed by fear attack. I also had similar episodes like you guys several times in my life starting at the age of 12!! I just got dizzy half hour ago & came across this post while googling dizziness (which I have done million times). I have been on anti anxiety & anti depressant drugs but the symptoms come back & I get into the viscous cycle of dizziness, anxiety, phobia & depression. Finally I started with cognitive behavioral therapy (still doing it) & now I can manage better. If I feel dizzy I can talk myself out of the anxiety & fear cycle. The fear always tries to get me but I can put myself together, however the process is not very easy & needed practice. It takes time to unwire the deep seated neural connections in our  brain. I learned to be mindful & do relaxation. Now I feel like I have some tools to fight it. I have accepted that due to some reason (all physical & lab tests are normal for me too) I might get dizzy from time to time. The acceptance made the task easier. Hope it helps. I would recommend cognitive behavioral therapy. It's very powerful.
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I have lightheadedness and dizziness as I write this. Panic attacks I've had since I was 33, I am 52 now. I was on Benzodiazepines for 16 years before I got myself off of them. Since i thought I have the attacks under control because I don't run to the emergency room anymore. So i started feeling this about 3 years ago normally after beer or 2 or 3 so i  thought it was because of my liver. I just had blood work up, Echo on my heart, MRI, Pancreas enzymes, Liver, kidneys, with sonogram, and an MRI on my brain. Not only was everything normal, it was all on the real good side of normal. I wish I could be happy that all is normal and I feel like I am dying and am miserable. If i am crazy I wish someone would tell me how to manage it so I can enjoy life again.  
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Did you experience your symptoms after eating lunch?   Could you have reactive hypoglycemia?

Many of the symptoms you and the others describe closely align with low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).  Low blood sugar can occur at any time--even right after meals (called reactive hypoglycemia).

Google the term and do a little research.  Keep in mind that some people can have blood sugar within the low normal range and still experience very dramatic hypoglycemic symptoms.

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how interesting, this is exactly what i have been experiencing and i also do not know why. Just had a nice lunch with supportive work colleagues in a relaxed environment and a massive wave of anxiety came over me for absolutely no reason. Why? VERY VERY frustrating.

Felt as many have mentioned above:

* fighting to avoid fainting
* disorientation - as if someone or something is trying to beam me into another dimension and out of my body
* sweaty palms and nervousness

If i was a nervous person with a problem with such things i would have no problems admitting it. but there is NO prompt there whatsoever! If i was speaking in front of a lot of people in public etc. it would make sense... but i am with good friends - and it still happens, out of the blue.

There is no specific subject matter that prompts it either - which makes it even more frustrating as this would be just a matter of avoiding the subject. But it can happen with a close friend in a quiet café as well OUT OF THE BLUE. Strange, strange, strange, strange, strange.

As i don't drink or smoke, eat well, sleep well (10pm every night until 6.30am) it is not diet. HAve had full physical and blood test and it is not this either. I almost think it's crazy to have an MRI etc. because i have no headaches ever. Struggling desperately to understand why i am getting this (since 1 year now) and what to do. And i refuse to take medication...

I will get to the bottom of this in the end. In meantime am taking lost of vitamins, meditating and doing yoga, exercising (calmly) 4 times a week (As i have done since i was 18... am now 43) and keeping a humble eye on the future. Am an optimistic, happy person in a good relationship with a successful careeer too... so cannot really understand why this is happening to me. Oh wlel, good luck to everyone! And at least i have found a place where i can share my symptoms and not feel like an absolute freak.
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I am 17 years old and have a pretty scary health issue going on but doesn't have a clue of what it is. It all started a little over 3 months ago on March 12, 2015 I was running got really light headed, threw up, my heart started pounding out of my chest and I felt like I was going to pass out but didn't after I laid down everything was fine the rest of that day. But no, that wasnt it... The next morning I woke up light headed, felt out of my head like I wasn't myself at all, really anxious, and like my brian was so cloudy. Well every day since then Ive dealt with this and it's awful, I've had an MRI, Bloodwork, went to a cardiologist, neurologist, etc no one has an answer. No matter what I'm doing, even if its something I loved to do before all of this happened, I still feel completely numb to my surroundings and know im not myself, whats weird is im completely aware that I feel as if I'm drunk every day of my life, I know this isn't normal but I cant make myself snap out of it, I tell people this and they probably think I'm crazy because no one has ever heard of this. Does anyone have a clue of what's wrong with me ?
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The Nerves and the Brain work hand in hand. The Brain sends messages to your body via the nerves. STRESS MESSES UP THE MIND so you can't THINK STRAIGHT. The Nerves get confused;mixed messages which they relay to the Body. The Body believes these messages and reacts and goes into SELF PRESERVATION or FLIGHT OR FIGHT MODE. Confusion;Fear;Anger;and Pain all encompass us until we don't know what to do.The mind reacts to THOUGHTS so We need to change the thought that is confusing us.  I have found that each of us has the POWER to CHANGE those thoughts by Closing our thoughts and Listening to what our body is trying to tell us. Find a quiet place and sit or lay down. THINK about a Person;Place or Object that makes us HAPPY. Now close your eyes and FOCUS on what makes you HAPPY. This will take time but YOU CAN DO IT . BELIEVE you can do it and focus until you can see it in your mind. You will find that your mind will respond and go to that thought and your body will start to RELAX and so will your NERVES. Then when you open your eyes you will be calmer and more at peace. Then you can start your journey of SELF ACCEPTANCE;SELF LOVE and who you are truely meant to be. GOOD LUCK>    

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